View Full Version : Despite rumors, sox have not contacted Clemens

12-17-2006, 08:08 AM
Idling Rocket
Are the Red Sox still interested in Roger Clemens? "You should ask them," said Clemens's agent, Randy Hendricks. "We haven't talked in a long time." The Red Sox know if they don't pounce, the Yankees will -- especially with old buddy Andy Pettitte back in New York. "Rocket would be a nice acquisition for us, someone we could plug in around June or July when we could really use him," said Yankees center fielder Johnny Damon. The Sox' payroll seems to be ready to burst, but how can you not pursue Clemens?

Mr Crunchy
12-18-2006, 08:20 AM
after watching roger clemens gag like a 15 year old sophmore sucking her 1st dick every october
the natural response to this question isnt why
but why should we.

he belongs in the bronx with the rest of the 1998 allstar team

12-18-2006, 02:32 PM
Despite rumors, sox have not contacted Clemens

verry good to hear , hope it stays that way

12-18-2006, 03:40 PM
I think absolutely nothing should be read into this.

The Red Sox have bigger fish to fry. Coming into the offseason they had to find a shortstop, right fielder, improve the rotation and bullpen, and sure up the bench. They've made some progress with these, but Clemens is on the back burner.

Why? Because the dude's 44, wants BIG money (otherwise he'd just go back to Houston), and will probably only pitch half a season. The Red Sox WILL make an offer but to expect that this guy will have a sub-3 ERA in the AL like he's had with the Astros is ignorant at best. AND, Roger probably won't sign until April at the earliest.

When it comes to crunch time with Roger, he'll be contacted and offered a contract by the Red Sox. He'll also be offered contracts by the Rangers, Astros, and Yankees (at least).

Why waste time now on Roger when the clock is ticking on Matsuzaka and the other team problems?

Roger is at BEST a #3 in the AL East.

Mr Crunchy
12-18-2006, 04:34 PM
lets see if what we have pans out
everyone can use him thru september

12-18-2006, 05:05 PM
As much as I'd love to have Clem's back in Beantown, it may be too crowded in the rotation by the time he decides to play, and he wants basically 20 mill for half a season. Ifw e ened him by July then go get him, but we're already a good 7 deep.

12-18-2006, 05:37 PM
I say go after him asap. Offer him 21,111,111.11 million and tell him he won't have to pitch unitl the All Star break. Then trade him and cash at the deadline for whatever the team needs. (If it's starting pitching they need, then obvously keep him).

When the season's over give the number 21 to Papelbon or Lester.

12-18-2006, 05:46 PM
I agree. We ought to give this guy a season to reendear himself to Boston and make his lasting image the positive one it should be. Just one adjustment: Do not give away his number. Let him lead us to the playoffs and then retire it.

(repeat process if pedro ever gets healthy)

12-19-2006, 02:44 AM
I'll take Clemens in a heartbeat. Screw that. He knows how to win.

12-19-2006, 07:50 AM
against anyone not named the red sox, at least in a yankee uniform.

12-19-2006, 10:19 AM
As much as I'd love to have Clem's back in Beantown, it may be too crowded in the rotation by the time he decides to play, and he wants basically 20 mill for half a season. Ifw e ened him by July then go get him, but we're already a good 7 deep.

Just curious, who are you considering the Sox' 7 starters?

Schilling, Beckett, Matsuzaka, Papelbon, Wakefield.....

Lester is coming back from Cancer. He's optimistic right now but realistically he needs to come back slowly to ensure he's going to be strong. The Sox NEED to give him some time in AAA just to get himself back used to pitching every 5 days.

Tavarez was good at the end of last season but he's a spot starter at best IMO.

DiNardo hasn't proven anything to me. I used to think of him as a lefthanded Bronson Arroyo, but the more Major League action he gets, the less he impresses me.

Snyder showed flashes of adequate pitching, and I like his strikeout rate (57 in 60 innings) but can he be counted on for reliable performance every 5th day?

I see the Sox rotation in April of 2007 as 5 deep. I also see Schilling and Wakefield as injury risks for obvious reasons. Not to mention the fact that Papelbon has never started a full season in the major leagues (so we don't know what we'll get out of him), Beckett thank goodness didn't have his blisters flair up last year but who knows if they will this year, and Matsuzaka is the biggest unknown of all.

All of these pitchers (except Wakefield) could pitch like aces, but each one of them has a question mark attached to them. While I have mixed feelings on Clemens, I don't necessarily see the Sox rotation as a sure thing by any means, and adding an arm like Clemens where you know what you're going to get (a 4ish ERA from June through October) isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Mr Crunchy
12-19-2006, 11:48 AM
As much as I'd love to have Clem's back in Beantown, it may be too crowded in the rotation by the time he decides to play, and he wants basically 20 mill for half a season. Ifw e ened him by July then go get him, but we're already a good 7 deep.

bite your tongue man
we never ever ever ever have enuff arms

12-20-2006, 07:59 AM

looks like the stros scribes are not expecting a clemens to Houston return.