View Full Version : NFL Picks Winners Week -7

Sox Fan on Cape
10-24-2006, 12:03 AM
Wow, what a week. First let me recognize RedRuffing for having a very good week. He was first in the Straight Category and second in the Spread Category. But he was playing for fun. In the prize categories, here are the results.

Monday Night Football Total Points Scored : 36-22 NYG = 58 points

Spread Category :

The Winner is SFOC ......... 8-4-1

User Name ................ Record .......... MNF Pts.

SFOC .............................. 8-4-1 ............ 51

RedRuffing15 ................... 8-4-1 ............ 17*
CrespoBlows .................... 6-6-1 ............ 42
No Pepper ....................... 6-6-1 ............. 40

* Playing for fun.

Straight Category :

The best record went to RedRuffing15........ 8-5 ( 17 pts.) *

The prize winner is SFOC on the tie breaker..... 7-6 ( 51 pts )

User Name ................ Record .......... MNF Pts.

RedRuffing15 ................... 8-5-1 .............17 *
SFOC .............................. 7-6-1 ............. 51

Schillingouttheks .............. 7-6-1 ............. 47
No Pepper ....................... 7-6-1 ............. 40
Riverside Sluggers ........... 7-6-1 ............. 33

* Playing for fun.

Monday Night Football Total Points Scored :

There was no winner.

SFOC, got screwed by a cheap gimme TD.
One Red Seat lost by one too many FGs.

10-24-2006, 01:08 PM
lol..I pick better when theres nothing on the line:D

But yea, good job everyone, and if its no issue, I'd keep playing for fun, unless its too much of a hassel to work around

Sox Fan on Cape
10-24-2006, 01:21 PM
lol..I pick better when theres nothing on the line:D

But yea, good job everyone, and if its no issue, I'd keep playing for fun, unless its too much of a hassel to work around

No problem at all. The idea is to keep it fun. I'll try and post week 8 shortly.