View Full Version : Larry Walker A Cardinal

08-07-2004, 09:22 AM
That lineup is so awesome now, they finally have a RF. I would even dare to say it's better than the Yankees.

08-07-2004, 09:26 AM
They still need pitching and lots of it. They're rotation is not good enough to advance deep into the playoffs.

08-07-2004, 10:02 AM
That rotation might be the most underrated in the game (as evidence by yeszir's post) and they have a deadly bullpen. Don't even get me started on that offense. Three MVP candidates hitting 3-4-5 and then you add Walker and Sanders behind them with Womack and Renteria getting on base in front. That'll make any pitcher faint.

I think the Cardinals can take it all the way this year, but if the rotation has one off series, then they're done.

08-07-2004, 12:08 PM
aight im gonna tell all everybody here whats gonna happen in the palyoffs. Yankees will easily beat the twins and A's in the AL. In the NL the cards will beat the Braves, cubs will beat the dodgers, than the cubs will beat the cards and beat the yankees in the world series*

*if they have prior, wood,zambrano,clement healthy

08-07-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Zenny@Aug 7 2004, 11:02 AM
That rotation might be the most underrated in the game (as evidence by yeszir's post) and they have a deadly bullpen. Don't even get me started on that offense. Three MVP candidates hitting 3-4-5 and then you add Walker and Sanders behind them with Womack and Renteria getting on base in front. That'll make any pitcher faint.

I think the Cardinals can take it all the way this year, but if the rotation has one off series, then they're done.
The Cardinals rotation is this:
Matt Morris
Chris Carpenter
Jason Marquis
W. Williams
Jeff Suppan

I did not say it was horrible. I said it was not good enough to advance deep into the playoffs. Their offense could definitely overcome it, and there are certainly much worse rotations out there. It may be underrated, sure, and I admit I havent seen much of them play. But there really is no standout in the pitching staff and I'd be at a loss to decide who would pitch in the playoffs.

08-07-2004, 02:29 PM
yankees can beat the cards not the cubs