View Full Version : Good Win-the Season Starts Now

07-23-2004, 05:13 AM
I went to the game last night and I liked what I saw. This weekend's series wuth the yankees is obviously huge. Not so much for the outcome of the games which of course we need to win, but for helping us find an intensity that has been lacking. We need to put all the crap behind us and play ball. I think Francona was a horrible mistake but I dont gather Theo has the balls or brains to seek a solution by firing this wimp so we are stuck with the endless shuffling and the habitually stupid timing in taking pitchers out, not to mention the constantly poor choice of who comes out of the bullpen, that being said when the starter goes 7 or 8 it appears we have a shot. I'd love to see us string something together. A winning streak generally heals any problems in the clubhouse and winning is contagious.

I think it would be wise to find another starter and soon, and another arm for the bullpen, but a journeymen hack a la Leskanic but a bonafide middle guy.

I havent been caught up in this first baseman discussion. Because I feel pitching is our proble, and a set lineup is essential for more consistent hitting,..Meuller should bat second. Bellhorn should be benched. and that would handle that.

We are damn close to turning things around or imploding--I think the pieces are there but these guys need to find a groove. God I wish someone would take charge and and kick some ass.

time to show some heart and kick some mother f-ing Ynakee ass!!!
I am going to scream if they start with its just another team and another game in July crap.."It's a long season and we'll just take one game at a time"
It's time for some urgency and some balls.
Gabe---you're the man!

07-23-2004, 06:26 AM
I can honestly say that I think this team can take 2 of 3 this weekend from the Yankees. With Schilling pictching I am almost positive we should get a W (if the bats aren't asleep). Arroyo actually has a good shot at keeping this team in a game against the Yanks (also if the bats come alive). Lowe V.S. Contreas is going to be a great game. Both can be easily distracted through giving up a big hit, an error etc etc so it could go either way. I think we can turn it around starting today.

Last nights game was really what we needed after the day game. My only concern is the Sox's inability to get runners in from third. Ortiz with two tripples in the game was twice left huffing and puffing till the innings end on third base. If the Sox can capitalize on big hits we will soon see a much more improved team.


07-23-2004, 08:55 AM
Why am I always the negative one? I don't know, but here goes:

Arroyo's much better on the road than at home. Why? Who knows...but keep that in mind. He did have a solid game vs the Yankees last time out though.

Remember also that the Red Sox have been following up solid games with crappy ones, meaning they will probably implode tonight against the Yankees.

I almost half-expect something to happen in the next 24-48 hours on the trade front because this team can't be satisfied with its performance right now.

The good news is that IF the Sox can turn it around, it's not too late to grab the playoff spot. We just have to play as good or better than Oakland,Texas,Chicago.

07-23-2004, 08:58 AM
i definetly think arroyo can stop the yankees, the big question is can the sox provide run support? arroyo seems to always go out and pitch a great game. the biggest problem is that we always blow it for him

07-23-2004, 09:15 AM
Support needs to come from more than just the bats....

Arroyo AND Lowe have been killed by defensive shortcomings....

After the embarrasing sweep of the Yankees last time, this team should be out for BLOOD

07-23-2004, 10:04 AM
Game 1 Edge Red Sox

Who would you rather have Curt Schilling and his dominating 4 hitter against the Angels, or Jon Lieber? Who the fuck is Jon Lieber?

Game 2 Edge Red Sox

Arroyo who is starting to turn into an top of line starter is going against, Tanyon Sturtze. Anybody ever remember when Sturtze pitched a good game as a starter?

Game 3 Edge Red Sox

When has Contreas ever pitched well under pressure? I'll bet Torre will have Vazquez pitch on 3 days rest.

07-23-2004, 11:43 AM
Who the fuck is Jon Lieber?

He is an all-star caliber pitcher who won 20 games in 2002(?). He also has < 10 BBs the entire season. He won&#39;t be a walk in the park...forces a lot of ground ball outs and is a very efficient pitcher. If he gets a lead, he can carry this team into the 7th for Gordon and Rivera.

I&#39;ll bet Torre will have Vazquez pitch on 3 days rest.

This will not happen. The Yankees have no interest in wearing down their lone remaining ace for a game that means nothing to them, especially with Mussina and Brown out until August.

I like the Sox&#39;s chances this weekend. I&#39;m chalking one up for us tonight, and we have a good chance if DLowe and Arroyo pitch decently and our bats wake up.

07-23-2004, 12:00 PM
Lieber, Sturtze, and an old ass Cuban I like our odds but it is 100%certain that we NEED to sweep this one or the AL East is OVER.

07-23-2004, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by trot4mvp@Jul 23 2004, 11:43 AM
[Who the fuck is Jon Lieber?

I&#39;ll bet Torre will have Vazquez pitch on 3 days rest

I know who Jon Lieber is, the point I&#39;m making is Schilling or Lieber?

Don&#39;t be so sure about that remember the 3 game sweep of the Yankees? Vazquez pitched on three days rest.

07-23-2004, 12:09 PM
I dont see him getting pitched on 3 days rest they have a sucky rotation as is they don&#39;t need to screw it up anymore.

07-23-2004, 12:18 PM
I wondering when will Vazquez&#39;s arm fall off with all the inning&#39;s he&#39;s throwing.

07-23-2004, 12:29 PM
Again, it makes me sad to be the ONLY one with negative thoughts, but I just don&#39;t feel as confident as you guys do:

Schilling vs Lieber:
All Lieber has to do is MATCH Curt through 6. The Yankee bullpen is FAR FAR better than ours. I do think we&#39;ll win this game though.

Arroyo vs Sturtz:
This game REALLY could go either way. Again, Arroyo&#39;s struggled at Fenway this year, and Sturtz has been decent for NY this year.

Lowe vs Contreras
Again, I have very little confidence in Lowe right now, and Contreras has been awesome lately. If Lowe can&#39;t shut down Baltimore, how&#39;s he gunna shut down the Yankees?

I think the starting pitchers are the BIG key to this series. If it becomes a war of the bullpens, we haven&#39;t a prayer:

Rivera vs Foulke
Gordon vs Timlin
Quantrill vs Leskanic

With Williamson out of the bullpen, it severely weakens our chances.

I say we SHOULD take 1 out of 3
we CAN take 2 out of 3

We probably won&#39;t take 3 out of 3.

In response to Torre throwing Vazquez on 3 days rest....what&#39;s the point?

The Yankees are 8.5 games ahead of us. Let&#39;s say we sweep (best case senario obviously), then what? 5.5 games up...still a very commanding lead considering the Yankees have NEVER been ahead by 5 games at the break and not won the division. NEVER.

Why disrupt his rotation for a game that means very little to the Yankees?

This series is far more important to us than it is to them. Remember, they&#39;re not the team trying to recover from 3 months playing .500 baseball, we are. They&#39;ve got nothing to prove.

07-23-2004, 03:10 PM
els, i couldnt agree with u more, and ur not negative, ur just bringing everyone back down to earth, and stating the truth. people, lieber beat us last time out...dont forget that. although schilling is good, he can get beat up too, this game is no gimme like it seems to be. sturtze vs arroyo...last time at home against the yankees, arroyo figured in a no-decision, and we won that game. for a young pitcher, if he can just help us get a win tonight, it will be HUGE for him. contreras and lowe, i have NO confidence against the yankees. we need to play our asses off for this win to come, and im not saying its impossible, its just gunna take a lot of work. contreras isnt the contreras we faced in april, the yankees arent the yankees we faced in april. they turned into the best team in baseball (im sorry), but its true. best record in baseball with 8.5 game lead in the division, i think thats a good team.