View Full Version : First Game of the season

04-04-2004, 04:31 PM
Well as we all know its almost here. For one, I am scared poopless about this season. I am nervous, excited, scared, and thrilled. I am going to drive my family crazy this year with all my ridiculous rituals and superstitions. I bought a new Red Sox hat last night, but I wanted an "offical" hat like our guys wear and they didn't have my size! That makes me nervous. I wanted to put my Sox bumper sticker (which I have been saving since Christmas) on my truck, but its getting worked on so now I have to put it on my wifes truck! Plus Nomar and Trot are out! I really feel like I'm blowing the whole season here. Damn am I neurotic! Worst of all ESPN classic is showing damn Game 7 of the ALCS. I am flipping out here...so if you know a good physiologist or if someone just wants to make me feel better please...HELP!! HEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!


04-04-2004, 04:37 PM
i must admit i am watch gm. 7 on espn classic but once "the time" comes its coming off.... i am also watch the 2003 season in review.... brings back some good memories..... and once the sox win i must wear the same clothes during every sox game cuz of superstition until they lose..... but i do take showers and wear diff stuff durin the day..... if they win i eat the same thin every day until they lose..... call me pathetic or wateva but its the sox baby!

04-04-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by KnightsWT@Apr 4 2004, 04:31 PM
For one, I am scared poopless about this season. I am nervous, excited, scared, and thrilled.*
Me too... very weird feeling in my stomach as the minutes countdown to Opening Day. Last year is going to be nothing in comparison to 2004.

04-04-2004, 04:49 PM
*on second thought, im not gonna move this topic, like I just posted I was. But in general, if there already is a topic on one game, try posting in that thread. But since its opening day I'll let it slide. :)

04-04-2004, 04:50 PM
I'm supposed to be writing an English paper right now. Instead, I've been pacing around my bedroom. I don't think I've ever been this excited for anything before.

04-04-2004, 05:41 PM
Thanks admin for not moving my post. I understand you don't want a lot of duplicate postings being started, but I never read messages on certain posts that have gone on and on. Mainly, I find you have a few people talking back and forth and after say ten of twelve messages you have one sentence posts and I for one am completely lost in what is going on and expressed. So when I feel I have something to say that is worth sayin and I want people to see it I tend to start my own post. I guess I'm a little egotistical, along with being neurotic, superstitious, fanatical, schizophrenic, and suffering from insomnia....man, I have issues. Thanks again.


04-04-2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Benny9Sox7@Apr 4 2004, 04:37 PM
i am also watch the 2003 season in review.... brings back some good memories.....
The Cowboy Up DVD is SO depressing...I don't see why anyone would buy it. But today is the start of a new season. New lingo, new rituals, new experiences!