View Full Version : Fantasy League #1 - Week 1 Game Comments

04-06-2006, 04:45 PM
I feel there is a need for a thread regarding the goings-on of each manager's players as they play during the week. A thread for each game/moment would be a bit of a waste, but one for the entire week (each week) is probably justifiable. So, to start it off I have to say.....

FUCK BRIAN JORDAN! Runner on first, one-out, the Giants try a hit and run against the Braves (with my pitcher Jorge Sosa on the bump), and Vizquel hot shots it to first. Jordan boots the line-drive which would have ended the inning since he was right next to the bag and would have gotten Winn for not tagging up. It wasn't ruled an error, but the ball hit him in the glove. Now 3 runs have crossed, and there is still only 1-out. Piss off Brian!

EDIT: Make that 6 runs now in 2.1 IP, instead of 0 runs in 3 IP.