View Full Version : Sweet Horror Flicks and other crap

01-26-2006, 08:56 AM

Walrus I watched Cabin Fever last night- It was pretty cool -

Did you watch the rotten fruit thing from the special features- that was an absolute fkn riot!

I also rented a movie called Evil Breed- starring (at least it said on the box starring) Jenna Jameson and Ginger Lynn and Richard Greico-

Man did it suck-

There were a few good scenes of entrails and dismemberment and boooobs, but it took a reaaally long time to get there and the movie was about as interesting as the time I watched a seagull I found behind the buddha for about three hours because I left Alka Seltzer tablets there for it to eat and Dave Cimino told me that if you give one to a bird they explode and it was going to be wicked funny except I realized after about three hours that the bird wasn't sleeping he was dead

Billy, I replied here so we'd have a topic for these deep discussions that come up from time to time.

What happened w/ the rotten fruit thing?
Did they show more of that chics booooooobs?

billy ruane
01-26-2006, 09:01 AM
Dude, it's three episodes of this claymation band called the rotten fruit and they are absolutely fkn hilarious- Eli Roth produced it and its absolutely fkn twisted-

Did you buy the vhs or the dvd- if you bought the dvd it's on the special features menu

No more boooobs but that chick was fkn hot

01-26-2006, 09:03 AM
Dude, it's three episodes of this claymation band called the rotten fruit and they are absolutely fkn hilarious- Eli Roth produced it and its absolutely fkn twisted-

Did you buy the vhs or the dvd- if you bought the dvd it's on the special features menu

No more boooobs but that chick was fkn hot

Billy I bought it (DVD)
I'll check it out tonight

Me & Skinny are supposed to go see that guys new flick sometime - Hostel