View Full Version : Moss Admits To Marijuana Use.....

08-18-2005, 09:38 PM
.....while in the NFL


not surprised though

08-18-2005, 10:05 PM
It's only Marijuana. No big deal.

08-18-2005, 11:30 PM
You're kidding, right? NFL has a policy against that. Doesn't Ricky Williams have to serve a four game suspension for his violation. Yeah, there's a whole lot of technialities involved, but it is what it is. Athletes think they can skate around the law, be it in sports, or just in general.

Where's that duct tape? <_<

08-18-2005, 11:41 PM
People make pot out to be this HUGEEEE deal, it's really not that bad of you can control yourself (and yes I know what I'mtalking about I did a 15 page research paper on it).

08-18-2005, 11:44 PM
I sat in driver's ed, and there's talk of how they're going to have a cheek swab, like sobriety field testing, for marijuana. Now you can only umm, not that I would KNOW any of this firsthand, but you can guess from a person's tongue. And for frequent smokers, like three times a week...they've actually found CRUST on the outer layer of the brain, autopsies in CA shows. Yuck.

Law is law.

The statement Moss' agent or PR person released, is such bologna. His client stuck his foot in his mouth, end of story. :lol:

08-19-2005, 12:12 AM
I know its not the worst thing in the world. If you are a pro athlete though, I don't think you should mention that. Kids have these guys as role models, and to make it seem ok to do those things is a bad example to be setting.

08-19-2005, 12:45 AM
"for frequent smokers, like three times a week...they've actually found CRUST on the outer layer of the brain, autopsies in CA shows. Yuck."

You wouldn't believe the crap they've found in the bodies of frequent eaters, like three times a week, of MEAT, FRIED CHICKEN, WHITE BREAD, and POTATO CHIPS.

:p :p :p

08-19-2005, 12:57 AM
Meh, i don't have a problem with marijuana at all. Now if he was sitting around in the locker room or whatever taking hits then that would be wrong. As long as he does it home i guess its ok.

At least he's not doing crack in the locker room or shooting heriod during half time :lol:

08-19-2005, 04:59 AM
Yeah, I am with BigPapiEnFugo on this one. I dont really think its that big of a deal, especially since its only "once in a blue moon". But its still against the rules in the NFL so I dont know.

08-19-2005, 08:54 AM
This is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. What the hell is Randy Moss thinking?? What does he gain by coming out and talking like this. Maybe he just wants the spotlight back on him and not Terrell Owens. Marijuana is illegal and you probably shouldn't go and tell everyone publically you do illegal drugs. I don't care if everyone does it I'm fully aware....but I'm not gonna go public and say "Hey I smoke marijuana"...its like me going out publically and saying "I download tons of illegally shared music"....just asking for trouble....actually I'm going out of my way to be in trouble. I think the marijuana numbed his senses cause this makes no sense to me. Friggin stupid Randy just shut the hell up and play football.

riverside sluggers
08-19-2005, 09:03 AM
He's just mad cuz he was the "Terrell Owens" end of last season, hes an asshole and wants teh 24/7 media coverage on him--Im hoping for our secondary to be hitting him hard and intercepting his would be catches come opening day

08-19-2005, 12:03 PM
When, oh when will agents learn to NOT let their clients speak? Moss either doesn't care, or is one of the stupidest men alive. I'm betting on the latter. Puff puff pass Randy!

08-19-2005, 01:00 PM
Or maybe he's just being honset. Anyone think of that? I agree it was stupid but if he was asked and said he didn't and then tested posotive for a drug test and got suspended everyone would be screaming that he's just another spoliled lying athlete. He was asked a question and, as stupid as he was, answered honestly, it has nothing to do with "wanting to be in the spot light".

08-19-2005, 11:38 PM
Well, why can't we get athletes to answer questions honestly in front of CONGRESS? :rolleyes: He could decline to comment; it's not like he was forced to say something or commit perjury.

yankthis: Yes, there most likely is some nasty stuff found in dead people's bodies. :lol: You can have a high BAC if you, "accidentally swallowed a lot mouthwash". Is it a likely explanation? Probably not, unless you couldn't pay for the real thing, and used that as an alcohol substitute. Simiarly, I don't think most users use marijuana for "medicinal purposes", and THC has effects that isn't found in other substances.