View Full Version : People being stupid

07-18-2005, 09:23 PM
i think you're a-hole. by the way, nice language buddy. what are you in 4th grade? I'd rather clean up Boston's garbage at minimum wage any day than ever even associate with the Evil Empire's million dollar players and all its fake minions like you.

nice language? what did I say? have you looked at your signature you mildly retarded fool? and the ridiculous picture? And I'll take an owner willing to do what it takes to win over anything you phonies have. fake, what's fake? I can name off the top of my head everyone who played on the team in the 70's and THAT is when I was in fourth grade shitbird, oops there I go again with the language.

07-18-2005, 09:25 PM
shitbird?? lol oh man what a combo....blarpgh you fuckfrog

07-18-2005, 09:26 PM
hey blarpgh, thats right wins are the most important. and guess what, the sox have played like shit going on three weeks now and the yankers still havent caught them yet. and you guys keep talking like its amazing how the yankees are where they even with the injuries to their pitching staff. schilling has been injured all year jackasses. try losing (arods favorite toy) the big unit all year. the fact is both teams have had injuries and the sox are in first. if the yankees are in first tomarrow so be it. i will still be on here tomarrow posting with my fellow redsoxnation buddys. if the yankees lose you will disappear to the gay bars to join arod and jeter

I swear you tools talk about A-Rod so much you sound like a bunch of jilted lovers. So who is really queer for him? Sounds like all of YOU!!! Couldn't beat lowly TB? Yes, We are coming on strong and you are starting to lose it, hard! Keep talking fools, keep talking.

07-18-2005, 09:28 PM
glad you liked it. feel free to use it if you like. My gift to you. you're welcome.

07-18-2005, 09:34 PM
Okay, Mister "I joined this forum yesterday just so I could take cheap shots at the red sox". there are plenty of yankee fans here that are at least respectful and add a sane controversy to the board but don't swoop in and act like you are the shit from the bronx. keep it down.

07-18-2005, 09:43 PM
glad you liked it. feel free to use it if you like. My gift to you. you're welcome.

I kinda used it....fucked your mother from behind like a frog....then shit a bird on her face....does that count???

and leave JohnnyDug alone...she is hot

07-18-2005, 09:47 PM
you want to fuck a 61 year old lady you dirty scumbag? and how does one "shit a bird" exactly? just curious. you Bosox fans are so intelligent. you all should leave Boston, it's such a great city and all of you just shit it up.

07-18-2005, 09:50 PM
ugh you arent much fun to deal with....

cause your comebacks are weak...you go from fighting with me....to talking about the city of Boston in general....im not even in Boston....stick with me...cause you cant handle the city....and yes i had to fuck your mother.....how do you think you got here??????

by the way are you still living with her????

07-18-2005, 09:51 PM
Stop. If I have to split this thread I'm gonna get pissed, and when I get pissed I start talking in all caps.

07-18-2005, 09:53 PM
ugh you arent much fun to deal with....

cause your comebacks are weak...you go from fighting with me....to talking about the city of Boston in general....im not even in Boston....stick with me...cause you cant handle the city....and yes i had to fuck your mother.....how do you think you got here??????

by the way are you still living with her????

I can't handle the city? what does that mean exactly? another brilliant statement. and YOU started in with me cuz you want to get in good with that JohnnyDug person...and she doesn't look hot, she looks scary. tell me jackass, just how would I be fun to deal with...perhaps if were a big jealous homo like you?

07-18-2005, 09:55 PM
Okay, Mister "I joined this forum yesterday just so I could take cheap shots at the red sox". there are plenty of yankee fans here that are at least respectful and add a sane controversy to the board but don't swoop in and act like you are the shit from the bronx. keep it down.

joined the forum yesterday. yeah, so the fact that you joined a month ago makes you more legit? how so?

07-18-2005, 09:55 PM
Stop. If I have to split this thread I'm gonna get pissed, and when I get pissed I start talking in all caps.

lol not caps...ok im done...i'm claiming victory of the fight....Schilling wins again

07-18-2005, 09:56 PM
lol not caps...ok im done...i'm claiming victory of the fight....Schilling wins again

yeah, this forum is probably the only place he CAN win. hooray! hooray for Boston! you guys really are the best!

07-18-2005, 10:01 PM
yeah, this forum is probably the only place he CAN win. hooray! hooray for Boston! you guys really are the best!
Don't expect to be here much longer.

07-18-2005, 10:02 PM
I can't handle the city? what does that mean exactly? another brilliant statement. and YOU started in with me cuz you want to get in good with that JohnnyDug person...and she doesn't look hot, she looks scary. tell me jackass, just how would I be fun to deal with...perhaps if were a big jealous homo like you?

Fuck you, momma's boy. ..why are you even mentioning me?? everyone's right about you. you're a stupid ass..i said it before..now it's just becoming more apparent.

07-18-2005, 10:04 PM
joined the forum yesterday. yeah, so the fact that you joined a month ago makes you more legit? how so?

one difference. Im a RED SOX FAN asswipe. go back to where you came from.

07-18-2005, 10:05 PM
yay hotty JohnnyDug is basically saying i WON.....

count it

for all those interested....Yanks are losing but Tejada is proving once again why he is the MVP....damn that guy is good

Sox fan in Tex
07-18-2005, 10:12 PM
yeah, this forum is probably the only place he CAN win. hooray! hooray for Boston! you guys really are the best!

Before you're banned I just wanted to say:


07-18-2005, 10:16 PM
You're all on my naughty list.

Sox fan in Tex
07-18-2005, 10:19 PM
Let's put an end to this: Yankees STILL suck, end of story. Now onto the thread.

07-18-2005, 10:43 PM
Stop. If I have to split this thread I'm gonna get pissed, and when I get pissed I start talking in all caps.
You don't want that.

07-18-2005, 10:57 PM
you want to fuck a 61 year old lady you dirty scumbag? and how does one "shit a bird" exactly? just curious. you Bosox fans are so intelligent. you all should leave Boston, it's such a great city and all of you just shit it up.

ROFL!!! That is the sigle funniest quote on this site. Along with the one before it

riverside sluggers
07-18-2005, 11:39 PM
yes please, yeszir, blarph, barf whatever his name is: ever since he came in here has just been all about starting stuff with sox fans, and talkin like hes in a spike lee movie. I petition for him to be banned from talksox

07-18-2005, 11:41 PM
yes please, yeszir, blarph, barf whatever his name is: ever since he came in here has just been all about starting stuff with sox fans, and talkin like hes in a spike lee movie. I petition for him to be banned from talksox

i second this

07-18-2005, 11:51 PM
I bet you feel like a real badass.

Sox fan in Tex
07-18-2005, 11:53 PM
suck it C***!!! like I fucking care what some dumb bitch thinks? how smart can you be? you're a fucking Red Sox Fan for crying out loud!!!! And that picture is nothing more than a picture of your own ignorance and nothing you should be proud of. oooohhh, I bet I'm banned now!! oooooohhh, I'm so fucking worried!! Oh no!! What will I do??!!


"Leviathan 12:1; Quitters never win and winners never quit,
but those who never win and never quit post with the name of blarpgh."

07-18-2005, 11:55 PM

"Leviathan 12:1; Quitters never win and winners never quit,
but those who never win and never quit post with the name of blarpgh."

Real profound. I've never been more blown away in my life. Man, you got me. Got me with your overwhelming intelligence.

07-18-2005, 11:56 PM
Thanks for the "stupidity" pic Tex. this is truer than true

07-18-2005, 11:58 PM
I've been looking around these boards somewhat and i've seen waaaay worse than anything I've said and you'd ban me for that? pathetic, go ahead, like I care. it's just fun ripping on all of you. and it's painfully obvious that sox fans do indeed love being miserable. and you don't like it when people call you out on your own stupidity.

Sox fan in Tex
07-19-2005, 12:03 AM
and it's painfully obvious that sox fans do indeed love being miserable. and you don't like it when people call you out on your own stupidity.

Red Sox fans at talksox realize it's a long season. Feel free to hike up your skirt and run around in circles yelling that you lead the AL East by 1/2 a game though, if that will make you feel better. :lol:

07-19-2005, 12:04 AM

Does anyone have that pic of a retarded kid that says "Arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded."?

07-19-2005, 12:05 AM
I wouldn't be terribly proud of that. anymore than I'd be proud of living in a shithole like Florida. Only criminals and pedophiles live in Florida. which are you?

07-19-2005, 12:08 AM
I've been looking around these boards somewhat and i've seen waaaay worse than anything I've said and you'd ban me for that? pathetic, go ahead, like I care. it's just fun ripping on all of you. and it's painfully obvious that sox fans do indeed love being miserable. and you don't like it when people call you out on your own stupidity.

okay okay...we get it Red Sox hate Yankees and Yankees hate Red Sox...this is obviosuly never gonna change..do you think one day they'll just walk up to eachother, shake hands and swear brotherly love? so, it is expected that we fight eachother and such. You came to a sox forum, you asked for it. I don't aim to get any one in trouble and I would hate to be looked down upon by the others here so it would be unfortunate if I tried to match you in the things you have said. Please quit it. you couldn't be making yourself sound worse.

Sox fan in Tex
07-19-2005, 12:10 AM
I feel stupid for just trying to defend Red Sox fans against this guy. I don't care anymore, blarpgh. That last post you made was the stupidest one so far. I'm done with this thread, I'm sure you'll be banned when I come back.

07-19-2005, 12:11 AM
well that's certainly true but I couldn't wait for a reason to come rip on all of you lovely people. It all started when, on my third visit to the great city of Boston this past May, I took the trolley ride and this complete moron of a driver started talking all this "We finally beat the Evil Empire" shit and really wouldn't shut up about it. I was thinking, what's all this "we" shit, moron? You know why? Because earlier he said he was from Kansas and had only been living there for a couple of years. Well I certainly wish I was on that trolley now. If you happen to see him driving, his name is Nate, and you can punch him in the nuts for me. In actuality, I wanted you fuckers to win when you got in so you might shut the fuck up and stop crying already. it was getting really hard to listen to.

07-19-2005, 12:12 AM
I wouldn't be terribly proud of that. anymore than I'd be proud of living in a shithole like Florida. Only criminals and pedophiles live in Florida. which are you?

HAHAHAHAHA! ooooh. now it's a battle of the states. and now im a child molester. wow you are so cool.

Sox fan in Tex
07-19-2005, 12:14 AM
If you had on any Yankee apparel, I'm sure it was deserved and you should expect it. What, did you think it was going to be a peaceful trip with no comments made towards you?

07-19-2005, 12:15 AM
okay okay...we get it Red Sox hate Yankees and Yankees hate Red Sox...this is obviosuly never gonna change..do you think one day they'll just walk up to eachother, shake hands and swear brotherly love? so, it is expected that we fight eachother and such. You came to a sox forum, you asked for it. I don't aim to get any one in trouble and I would hate to be looked down upon by the others here so it would be unfortunate if I tried to match you in the things you have said. Please quit it. you couldn't be making yourself sound worse.

yeah I know and that's why I took down the last post. It wasn't terribly nice at all but you said some pretty unnecessary things yourself as did the others. I don't hate anybody, it's just a friggin game. but so many of your actions(by that I mean Sox fans) really make you out to be complete idiots unworthy of being allowed in to ANY ballpark. You just don't see that stuff at Yankee Stadium and don't think for a second if it did happen it wouldn't make the news. with the media in NY? please, it would be everywhere.

07-19-2005, 12:17 AM
If you had on any Yankee apparel, I'm sure it was deserved and you should expect it. What, did you think it was going to be a peaceful trip with no comments made towards you?

I'm sorry, you think it's okay to make comments towards a stranger because of the clothes they're wearing? and no I wasn't. I'm not much of a jock sniffer and don't really own any gear of any teams I like. those fuckers make enough money as it is.

07-19-2005, 12:20 AM
yeah I know and that's why I took down the last post. It wasn't terribly nice at all but you said some pretty unnecessary things yourself as did the others. I don't hate anybody, it's just a friggin game. but so many of your actions(by that I mean Sox fans) really make you out to be complete idiots unworthy of being allowed in to ANY ballpark. You just don't see that stuff at Yankee Stadium and don't think for a second if it did happen it wouldn't make the news. with the media in NY? please, it would be everywhere.

can i know when i was ever inappropriate? or if i ever even started this argument..because i didnt..you know what..never mind..dont care..hope you enjoyed your stay here at TalkSox.

07-19-2005, 12:23 AM
yeah it's been great but there's a reason this was put here instead of where it was. don't think I'm getting banned as there are way worse things being said. see you in September, if you're still in it that is.