View Full Version : Mike Puma column: Red Sox have Yankees under their spell

06-01-2005, 12:42 AM
not sure if this is the right forum but it was an interesting article. dont beat me *runs from thread*

Mike Puma column: Red Sox have Yankees under their spell

NEW YORK — As Joe Torre suggested late Sunday night, after his team had gotten stomped again by the Red Sox, the Yankees are a good team that had two bad days. Losing a Memorial Day weekend series to the Red Sox does nothing to dampen the Yankees' outlook on the season, one that resumes today with a two-week road trip.
But subtly, there is a problem for the Yankees: They are chasing the Red Sox.

That statement relates nothing to the AL East standings. It's more about the manner in which the teams match up. The Red Sox still have a spell on the Yankees, seven months after Johnny Damon hit that grand slam against Javier Vazquez and the world as we all knew it began changing.

The Yankees had won 15 of 17 games coming into Friday night at Yankee Stadium and looked ready to finish May with a bang. The Red Sox were down, weary, beaten, after getting swept in Toronto. David Wells had been awful, Curt Schilling invisible, on a bum ankle.

But then you saw what happened in the Bronx.

"We have to turn things around," Mike Mussina said. "We didn't pitch very well these three days, we didn't hit very well these three days. We have to regroup and get after it again."

Randy Johnson, Carl Pavano and Mussina — Torre's perfect alignment if this were a playoff series — started three games in which the Red Sox scored 27 runs on 52 hits. Johnson was shaky Friday night, but still managed a victory with thanks to Robinson Cano and Gary Sheffield. Pavano and Mussina threw batting practice over the ensuing two games.

And as expected, it only took a visit from the Red Sox for the Yankees' third baseman to transform from Alex Rodriguez MVP to Alex Rodriguez MIA.

The MVP candidate will likely begin booming home runs again this week in Kansas City, the same way he tormented those poor Detroit Tigers last week.

He is still not David Ortiz, a player who could probably

hobble to the plate on crutches and take a Mussina fastball into the bleachers using his right crutch as a bat.
Likewise, Luis Tiant could slip into his old Red Sox uniform and silence A-Rod for nine innings.

Damon continues to haunt the Yankees. Edgar Renteria is a new entry. Has any member of the Yankees lineup established himself as a Red Sox killer? The closest thing is Sheffield, but even his bat went silent last October as the Red Sox were making history.

Now it's 2005 and the Red Sox have won five of nine games in the rivalry. They've beaten Mariano Rivera. They've shown no fear against Randy Johnson. They even won 17-1, the most lopsided score in the rivalry's history.

"We've been on a good run," Torre said. "We just had a bad couple of days."

The good times could continue right into late June for the Yankees, with a schedule that includes 16 games against the Royals, Brewers, Pirates, Cubs and Devil Rays. The Twins and Cardinals should provide some resistance in between.

They won't resume their rivalry with the Red Sox until the first series after the All-Star break, when we get four games at Fenway Park. Maybe the Yankees will be running away with the AL East at that point, but smart money says they won't.

Based on what you've seen so far, the Red Sox just have to keep the Yankees close in the standings. Close enough that a three-game series at Fenway to conclude the regular season will mean something.

Because in this new world, which started Oct. 20, 2004, the Red Sox have a spell on the Yankees.

Manny Goes Boom
06-01-2005, 12:55 AM
HAHAHAHAHA I like that article, its a good one, the best part was the Ortiz crutch line, and of COURSE 17-1 HAHAHA

Sox fan in Tex
06-01-2005, 01:03 AM
Pretty good article. Very well written. When he said, "They even won 17-1, the most lopsided score in the rivalry's history" he must have been referring from our side, because I think the Yankees beat us extremely bad 5 or 6 years ago at Fenway.

Other than that, though I just have one comment: I don't know how everyone else feels, but I just hate playing the Yankees at the Stadium because I never really like our shots. They could be playing HORRIBLE, but somehow can find a way to beat us at their place. Luckily that didn't happen this time, and we played really well. Hopefully we can further our lead over them by the time that series right after the All-Star break comes around.

Manny Goes Boom
06-01-2005, 01:16 AM
Well I would have to agree...I dont like playing at the Stadium because (to me) it seems like evertime they are down, it only takes a minute for them to get up (unless of course were up by 16 runs :lol: ) but I think after last year's ALCS we have sorta taken some of their comeback ability from them...maybe it was just nerves, I dunno

Well about that "largest win in the rivalries history" ESPN said it was, so that wasnt the first time I heard it (but them saying it doesnt mean it is 100% truth <_< )

06-02-2005, 12:07 AM
my thing is, whenever the yankees gain even the slightest lead or maybe have a it of momentum the sox fall apart. then they start playing like a bunch of little leaguers. it's ridiculous. it's like the yankees have some sort of psych power ovr them, especially at YS. How sad

Sox fan in Tex
06-02-2005, 01:48 AM
I guess it's just because I'm remembering the years prior to 2004 when playing at Yankee Stadium. I know you could say "blah blah blah, we're the World Series Champions now, things have changed." But part of me still worries when we are there.

06-02-2005, 11:41 AM
I don't worry at all the Yankees are getting beat by us and beat bad and they are starting to realize that we are not mystified by them or thier sucky ass stadium.

06-03-2005, 12:35 AM
not sure if this is the right forum but it was an interesting article. dont beat me *runs from thread*

Mike Puma column: Red Sox have Yankees under their spell

NEW YORK — As Joe Torre suggested late Sunday night, after his team had gotten stomped again by the Red Sox, the Yankees are a good team that had two bad days. Losing a Memorial Day weekend series to the Red Sox does nothing to dampen the Yankees' outlook on the season, one that resumes today with a two-week road trip.
But subtly, there is a problem for the Yankees: They are chasing the Red Sox.

That statement relates nothing to the AL East standings. It's more about the manner in which the teams match up. The Red Sox still have a spell on the Yankees, seven months after Johnny Damon hit that grand slam against Javier Vazquez and the world as we all knew it began changing.

The Yankees had won 15 of 17 games coming into Friday night at Yankee Stadium and looked ready to finish May with a bang. The Red Sox were down, weary, beaten, after getting swept in Toronto. David Wells had been awful, Curt Schilling invisible, on a bum ankle.

But then you saw what happened in the Bronx.

"We have to turn things around," Mike Mussina said. "We didn't pitch very well these three days, we didn't hit very well these three days. We have to regroup and get after it again."

Randy Johnson, Carl Pavano and Mussina — Torre's perfect alignment if this were a playoff series — started three games in which the Red Sox scored 27 runs on 52 hits. Johnson was shaky Friday night, but still managed a victory with thanks to Robinson Cano and Gary Sheffield. Pavano and Mussina threw batting practice over the ensuing two games.

And as expected, it only took a visit from the Red Sox for the Yankees' third baseman to transform from Alex Rodriguez MVP to Alex Rodriguez MIA.

The MVP candidate will likely begin booming home runs again this week in Kansas City, the same way he tormented those poor Detroit Tigers last week.

He is still not David Ortiz, a player who could probably

hobble to the plate on crutches and take a Mussina fastball into the bleachers using his right crutch as a bat.
Likewise, Luis Tiant could slip into his old Red Sox uniform and silence A-Rod for nine innings.

Damon continues to haunt the Yankees. Edgar Renteria is a new entry. Has any member of the Yankees lineup established himself as a Red Sox killer? The closest thing is Sheffield, but even his bat went silent last October as the Red Sox were making history.

Now it's 2005 and the Red Sox have won five of nine games in the rivalry. They've beaten Mariano Rivera. They've shown no fear against Randy Johnson. They even won 17-1, the most lopsided score in the rivalry's history.

"We've been on a good run," Torre said. "We just had a bad couple of days."

The good times could continue right into late June for the Yankees, with a schedule that includes 16 games against the Royals, Brewers, Pirates, Cubs and Devil Rays. The Twins and Cardinals should provide some resistance in between.

They won't resume their rivalry with the Red Sox until the first series after the All-Star break, when we get four games at Fenway Park. Maybe the Yankees will be running away with the AL East at that point, but smart money says they won't.

Based on what you've seen so far, the Red Sox just have to keep the Yankees close in the standings. Close enough that a three-game series at Fenway to conclude the regular season will mean something.

Because in this new world, which started Oct. 20, 2004, the Red Sox have a spell on the Yankees.

Maybe the Curse was Real.....lol

06-03-2005, 09:36 AM
Getting swept by the Royals can't help their confidence either. :)

06-03-2005, 01:42 PM
Yankees suck.

06-03-2005, 01:54 PM
ya getting swept by the royals is never a good thing. how sad.lol. i wouldnt go as far and say they suck, because i'm still scared some of their big bats are going to come alive. but then again if the pitching continues to suck the bats won't matter will they??? oh well we're in 2nd they are in 4th. tahst all that matters. i can see the numba one spot now...

06-03-2005, 07:24 PM
ya getting swept by the royals is never a good thing. how sad.lol. i wouldnt go as far and say they suck,
I would. Look at thier pitching it's just freakin terrible sure they can hit the ball but a baseball team can not win off pure hitting the Red Sox proved that from 1918 to 2004. Also the hitters aren't even that dominant anymore the team is getting older (highest aveage age in baseball) they have no farm system and they are handcuffed by all these big contracts so they can't go out and make deals. The Yankee dynasty is going... going... gone.

06-03-2005, 07:31 PM
Getting swept by the Royals can't help their confidence either. :)
yeah, that's pretty fucking bad

06-05-2005, 11:13 PM
i hear ya sizzlin. it all ames sense. they thought randy would be their ace. too bad he is flunking. i still think his old ass is gonna disinergrate (i know i fucked up the spelling) while he is on the mound then blow away in the wind. their hitting was better last year. alex isnt gonna carry the team. even tho he hasnt hit much lately. i still wouldn't say they totally suck. but then again im a little biased cuz i got a soft spot for the short stop...

Manny Goes Boom
06-08-2005, 12:29 AM
Your a Sox fan and a Jeter fan...??? :wtf:

06-08-2005, 11:28 AM
That's possible I guess if I had to pick one Yankee I actually liked it would be Jeter. Very classy guy.

06-09-2005, 12:34 AM
yes im a sox fan and a jeter fan.lol i mean besides his looks he is a great player and as sizzlin said, a classy guy. of course i probably would have never known about the other things ahd i not noticed his looks, but oh well...lol. i get shit for that all the time tho. and i geta lot of WTF looks. like i'm crazy.lol especialy since when they play the red sox i will cheer for him to get a hit but when he hits the ball i yell for the sox to get him out. i know i'm confused and i have issues.lol.

06-09-2005, 09:16 PM
i know i'm confused and i have issues.lol.That's a nice way to put it.

06-09-2005, 09:42 PM
wow thanx sizzlin..lol how sad