View Full Version : Change baseball rules?

05-02-2005, 01:10 AM
If the baseball fairy (no, I don't mean Alex Rodriguez :)) came down from the skies and tapped you on the head with a magic wand, and assigned you with the task of changing or adding three rules to major league baseball, what would you do?

Here's my 3:

1) Any pitch thrown behind a batter or between the legs of a batter would award first base to the batter, as this is no better or different than hitting him.

2) No more wussy intentional walks. Four consecutive balls thrown by a pitcher will award second base to the batter, even if there is already one or two strikes in the count. Four non-consecutive ball counts will result in the standard award of first base for the batter.

3) Extra innnings will be played in two-inning increments. If a game is tied in the ninth, play will resume through 11 innings. If tied in the 11th, play through 13, etc. etc.

05-02-2005, 10:22 AM
#3 is an interesting idea. Right now its like an NFL overtime where basically whoever scores wins. It would be nice to have it a little bit longer, like college football playoffs or soemthing. Bad comparison on my part, but cool idea.

I'd force pitchers to bat.

05-02-2005, 03:13 PM
Id mane it mandatory to have 50 feet of foul room all around force people to get a legitimate hit.

05-02-2005, 05:10 PM
That is fan unfriendly though. Behind the plate seats would have to go down in price.

05-02-2005, 05:57 PM
Interesting. Let me think about this...

Rule 1: Something having to do with payrolls... I have no idea, but maybe equalling out teams payrolls or at least making A-Rod not be paid more than the whole D-Rays team.

Rule 2: Umps can review things like in football. Managers get maybe 2 a game and it CAN be used on balls and strikes.

Rule 3: Red Sox automaticaly win.