View Full Version : State fighting

Sox fan in Tex
04-25-2005, 11:56 PM
There ya go again shooting your mouth off again without getting your facts straight, I'm fro Jersey not New York. Boy, your dumb. You have no right to critizize my team on winning a series, because you just lost the series to the friggin devil rays. They beat your best pitcher. and that punk ass bronson needs to learn how to throw his pitches without hitting people.

I understand now....your from Jersey, the TOXIC FUMES ARE GETTING TO YOUR HEAD.

Your backyard:

"Compared to other states, a disproportionate number of New Jersey people are on public assistance. Why should tax dollars be used to support all of these ne'er-do-wells? Also, even though Jersey girls like to pretend they are fair maidens, they lead the nation in the percentage of women who are infected with HIV. Many Jersey guys are on unemployment, disability, rehab, electronic monitoring, or just plain incarcerated." -A complete guide to New Jersey

P.S. The GARBAGE STATE. *snicker*

04-26-2005, 10:01 AM
I understand now....your from Jersey, the TOXIC FUMES ARE GETTING TO YOUR HEAD.

Your backyard:

"Compared to other states, a disproportionate number of New Jersey people are on public assistance. Why should tax dollars be used to support all of these ne'er-do-wells? Also, even though Jersey girls like to pretend they are fair maidens, they lead the nation in the percentage of women who are infected with HIV. Many Jersey guys are on unemployment, disability, rehab, electronic monitoring, or just plain incarcerated." -A complete guide to New Jersey

P.S. The GARBAGE STATE. *snicker*

Wow that's clever did you come up with that all by yourself? Good job! yeah i know Jersey is the Armpit of America, but ya know what were proud of it. jackass!!

04-26-2005, 01:29 PM
I thought we were past this state bashing. I'm in a good mood now, and splitting threads would put me in a bad one. So stop.

04-26-2005, 08:03 PM
Yeszir I will concede because I'm better than that and I admit it was getting way out of control. But, damn my northern yankee stubborness. I just got more and more agitated. I apologize to Tex, but most importantly I apologize to you and all the other posters, be them Yankee fans or Sox fans on here. i enjoy mixing it up on here and getting into heated debates with all you Sox fans, but I admit it went on a little to long. Sorry.

04-27-2005, 05:09 PM
Yeszir I will concede because I'm better than that and I admit it was getting way out of control. But, damn my northern yankee stubborness. I just got more and more agitated. I apologize to Tex, but most importantly I apologize to you and all the other posters, be them Yankee fans or Sox fans on here. i enjoy mixing it up on here and getting into heated debates with all you Sox fans, but I admit it went on a little to long. Sorry.
SUCCCKKK UPPPPPP!!!!!! (he he he he he nuthin' like pourin gas on the flames.)

04-27-2005, 05:31 PM
Yeszir I will concede because I'm better than that and I admit it was getting way out of control. But, damn my northern yankee stubborness. I just got more and more agitated. I apologize to Tex, but most importantly I apologize to you and all the other posters, be them Yankee fans or Sox fans on here. i enjoy mixing it up on here and getting into heated debates with all you Sox fans, but I admit it went on a little to long. Sorry.
Hey, don't get me wrong, I have gripes with certain states as well. We have a seperate forum for this stupid fighting though, I'm sure you're aware of it.

04-27-2005, 09:04 PM
SUCCCKKK UPPPPPP!!!!!! (he he he he he nuthin' like pourin gas on the flames.)

Nope not sucking up just being the better man.

Sox fan in Tex
04-27-2005, 09:19 PM
^ That sure sounds familiar. That's the furthest from the truth, though. Talking smack about each others states is pretty cheap, but when you said New Jersey I just had to say something.

P.S. "the bigger man" ?

Just the response I thought you would put you little bitch. Hey your from texas why don't ya go across the hall and fuck your mom your sister you imbred redneck. make sure you brush the three teeth you do have first.

Don't kid yourself. You make personal comments towards me and my family...your no where NEAR the bigger man. Just stop posting here...pussies like you belong on the YES board.

04-27-2005, 09:39 PM
Well would ya look at that? I split the thread. Even after two warnings.

Now that its here though, continue at will. No one will stop you.

04-28-2005, 05:03 PM

04-28-2005, 10:08 PM
So I guess I'm the only person that hates Delaware...

04-28-2005, 10:11 PM
So I guess I'm the only person that hates Delaware...
It was a non-issue. As far as I'm concerned Delaware doesn't even exist. I wouldn't have even been able to spell it without copying and pasting it from your post...

04-28-2005, 10:21 PM
Ah. Same as Idaho and Montana...

04-30-2005, 11:55 PM
It was a non-issue. As far as I'm concerned Delaware doesn't even exist. I wouldn't have even been able to spell it without copying and pasting it from your post...
Honestly, I had to look it up myself. I wasn't sure if it was Deleware or the real way. Stupid ass state. If I ever meet anyone from Delaware, I'm going to kick their ass on general principle.

05-07-2005, 07:34 AM
That huge ass font, made me laugh very hard. You got to give Delaware some props though, they were the first state, but since 1787 they haven't done much.

05-07-2005, 07:55 AM
Wyoming is pretty random too...

05-07-2005, 11:52 AM
Connecticut really blows too.

Sox fan in Tex
05-07-2005, 08:51 PM
"Whether you're visiting or just passing through, there's nothing like a nice, relaxing trip down the scenic New Jersey Turnpike. You'll enjoy a pleasant view of miles of our country's finest oil refineries and industrial production plants. Just make sure not to open your windows, since you wouldn't want to die of the.. er.. clean, fresh air which is accentuated by the billowing smokestacks! Ahh, smell those Meadowlands. You'll be so busy enjoying the scenery (and trying to breathe) that you won't even notice the obscene toll costs we charge everywhere you turn! Or perhaps you'll prefer to take a trip down our Garden State Parkway. You'll love the ease and convenience of several hour delays caused by New Jersey drivers being unable to pass through the tollbooths we station along the road every few miles. Yes, in New Jersey we're proud of our high standard of living- or at least our high COST of living."