View Full Version : Well it goes here because it is crap but...

04-09-2005, 09:34 PM
I got this PM from someone who said we were illegally spamming?? Whatever, I know we don't but I haven't been around for awhile as some people can tell and I was wondering what this was about?

"Greetings Sox fan,
Your administrators are unlawfully violating the terms and conditions of other web sites to clutter the world with advertisements.There are better Sox communities at web sites where the administrators are not spamming other sites. By supporting this web site, you are supporting spammers.

I have asked the administrators to promise to stop spamming and they won't oblige.
If you participate and support this site, you're supporting unlawful spamming.

Here are a few other site I would check out:




Please note that I am not affiliated with these sites in any way. I am not making any money or anything if you visit them, I just think they're worthwhile links. That is not the case with the spam coming from here, which is coming from administrators such as 'element1151'. They are aparently in a spam competition as they are asking us to enter in their names as referrals."

It was sent to me from a user named "talkbox."

I mean, giving me that shit about other websites seems like spam anyways...

04-09-2005, 09:41 PM
Well screw them. From what i've heard its a lot of shit. Report any more activity like this to your nearest mod or admin. 1 question though. Elemt is this true?

04-09-2005, 11:09 PM
Look for the "I aplogize" thread in feedback. It was a spam invasion that was taken care of.

All of the accusations are baseless and false, don't worry about it. Over and done with.

04-10-2005, 11:06 PM
Okee dokie.