View Full Version : Wake up, element1151!!

04-02-2005, 09:46 AM
Is it too early in the morning for you to ban me and delete my messages that speak truth like you've done to others?

You know those people who fill your mailbox with unsolicited (and unlawful) messages concerning stuff you don't really want to buy?

What goes around, comes around.

Elemenet1151 has been spamming other websites with advertisements for this site, asking people to use his name as a referral. Well, we got the message and we're going to use his name as a referral on all our id's an pepper this place with annoyances like he has done to others until he apologizes to the site administrators of the web sites he defaced.

Elemenet1151, you've violated terms and conditions of a number of other sites and made this site look desperate in the process. We will continue to visit your board until you publicly apologize to the administrators of the web sites you defaced.

04-02-2005, 09:49 AM
Whatever website you run, this is certainly not the professional way to handle it. A simple PM to me would have sufficed, but you have chosen to make whatever site you run look stupid.