View Full Version : Sheff on Giambi

02-16-2005, 02:57 PM
from one steroid user to another....

"I am not like Jason Giambi sitting here crying"
-- Steroid User Gary Sheffield

who was that yankee fan that said the yankees have some great chemistry?


02-16-2005, 03:21 PM
He is the biggest asshole in baseball, i can't wait for the day he says the wrong thing to the wrong guy and that guy knocks him flat on his ass.

02-16-2005, 05:17 PM
He is the biggest asshole in baseball, i can't wait for the day he says the wrong thing to the wrong guy and that guy knocks him flat on his ass. The guy in your avatar maybe (oh god I would love to see that).

02-16-2005, 05:28 PM
A great teammate and a great man! :rolleyes:

02-16-2005, 06:44 PM
The Yankee meltdown has begun, everything on schedule as i predicted!

02-16-2005, 07:39 PM
the quote from espn goes like this:

"People are going to put a spin on whatever they're going to put a spin on. ... I'm not like Jason Giambi, I'm not going to sit here and cry about things being unfair or attacks are unfair."

now...personally i think the way its written here changes the meaning somewhat or at least make his words more questionable. in this particular case he could be saying that he's not like jason in that he didnt knowingly use steroids (a story i dont personally believe but bear with me) plus he's not gonna sit around and cry about things being unfair etc... i think it's possible that his words are being twisted...idk which quote s correct but i gotta tell ya, i dont believe ANYTHING that the post has to say. any newspaper being sold for a friggen quarter cannot be all that reputable :lol:

02-16-2005, 07:54 PM
He is the biggest asshole in baseball

nahhh i think there are ppl who are waaaaay bigger assholes (see: barry bonds)

i love sheffield...LOVE HIM
nevertheless, i still wish he hadnt made that comment about the red sox being characters, not winners or w/e the comment was :( :thumbdown

02-16-2005, 08:33 PM
the media twists everything and our boston fan bias makes us think sheffield is a teammate who doesn't care about his teammates.

i don't buy into the bs, they are on the same team and they are working toward the same goals. ny media, just like boston media, sucks balls.


02-27-2005, 05:30 PM
yes, the media, especially the post, is full of shit

02-27-2005, 06:58 PM
Sheffield magically became an asshole as soon as he put on pinstripes.

02-27-2005, 07:05 PM
I hated him as a Brave also.

02-27-2005, 09:33 PM
Sheffield magically became an asshole as soon as he put on pinstripes.

nahh, even though i sorta defended him earlier i really never did like sheff.. disliked him since his days of taking just to be traded.


02-28-2005, 08:03 AM
If I remember correctly sheff has been an asshole since day one....in the bigs....

I believe he has burned bridges and made enemies in milwaukee and san diego and atlanta...

and now with pinstripes on he's a bigger asshole.

02-28-2005, 04:23 PM
Pinstripes don't define the asshole. The Asshole Defines the pinstripes.

02-28-2005, 05:03 PM
and now with pinstripes on he's a bigger asshole.
Thats exactly my point.

02-28-2005, 07:29 PM
'became' makes as assume that you mean that he wasn't one before. And I still think that is what you really ment. If not, you could say 'became a larger' or 'became more of a' asshole.

02-28-2005, 11:45 PM
Became more of. You should at least wait til they say something stupid before thinking now they re more of an asshole.

03-01-2005, 08:59 AM
Became more of. You should at least wait til they say something stupid before thinking now they re more of an asshole.

And Sheffield's walking disaster comment wasn't stupid?

03-01-2005, 10:02 AM
what are we talking about?

sheff's always been an asshole...

now he's a yankee and he's still an asshole.

I wouldnt say he is a bigger asshole..than he was before...

Butt all I know is that he was a member of the 2004 yankees and a large contributor to the biggest choke in baseball history.

yankees suck, so do the knicks clap clap clap...

03-01-2005, 07:05 PM
Became more of. You should at least wait til they say something stupid before thinking now they re more of an asshole.

You were the one arguing he became more of an asshole when he became a Yankee. I argued that he has always been an asshole.

03-01-2005, 08:19 PM
And Sheffield's walking disaster comment wasn't stupid?
He never admitted saying that, and I believe that.

03-01-2005, 08:20 PM
what are we talking about?

sheff's always been an asshole...

now he's a yankee and he's still an asshole.

I wouldnt say he is a bigger asshole..than he was before...

Butt all I know is that he was a member of the 2004 yankees and a large contributor to the biggest choke in baseball history.

yankees suck, so do the knicks clap clap clap...
Thats funny, you just said he was a bigger asshole before. And the knicks have won 3 in a row.

03-01-2005, 08:21 PM
You were the one arguing he became more of an asshole when he became a Yankee. I argued that he has always been an asshole.
A lot of people believe that, I'm arguing he never became a bigger asshole just because he put on pinstripes as sarasoxfan thinks.

03-01-2005, 10:09 PM
And the knicks have won 3 in a row.

Yeah they are doing really well:
Boston (3) 29 28 0.509 0.0 6-4 Won 2
Philadelphia 26 29 0.473 2.0 5-5 Lost 3
New Jersey 25 32 0.439 4.0 5-5 Won 2
Toronto 24 32 0.429 4.5 12-5-5 Won 3
New York 24 33 0.421 5.0 6-4 Won 3

03-03-2005, 09:47 AM
I'll make this simple and easy to understand even for a yankee fan...

Gary sheffield has always been an asshole and now he is on yankmees--he still is an asshole, satyng things and acting like a bigger asshole than he has been in the past.

If I had a lobotomy, got run over by a bus, jumped out of the window, and spent the day at Ricky Williams' house I still couldnt root for that team, what an unappealing bunch of egotistical, whining, babies...other than maybe five guys on that team,I'd say they are disgusting conglomerate of scumbags.

PS: this from the daily news nowt the ny post, and it is a perfect example of why Gaey sheffield leaves a revolting after taste on any team he has been on.

Boss welcomes Sheff sit-down

TAMPA - George Steinbrenner says he would be willing to talk with Gary Sheffield about the right fielder's issues with his contract, but that doesn't mean The Boss is willing to alter the deal.

Sheffield has been upset recently over the fact that he doesn't receive interest on the deferred money in his three-year, $39 million deal (about $4.5 million annually), and Steinbrenner said yesterday that "we'll be working on something there, see if we can get him settled down."

The Yankees aren't interested in changing the deal that Sheffield negotiated himself last winter, but The Boss could sit down with the outfielder if that would help defuse the issue.

"I'm willing to talk with him," Steinbrenner said. "He's a good man."

Sheffield left the clubhouse quickly after yesterday's short workout and won't play in today's Grapefruit League opener. His surgically repaired left shoulder is tender, and Joe Torre said he doesn't expect to put Sheffield in the lineup until Sunday at the earliest.

03-03-2005, 01:24 PM
OK, although I hate to waste time talking about Sheffield........

In Milwaukee AND San Diego he "mentioned" he might drop some balls or just not get to them at all, in Florida no one really noticed, in LA he was a constant jackass, in Atlanta he did better because he shut up & Bobby Cox was there & now in NY he gets his chance to be a jackass again. They have too many other fires to put out to worry about Sheffield. They better get this guy under control quick, or he'll be right back on the downward spiral. and take others with him.