View Full Version : The yankees do have limits after all

01-10-2005, 06:39 PM
Seems like they passed on Beltran because of the luxury tax:

Here's the juicy parts:

Early Saturday evening, agent Scott Boras reached out to Yankee officials and said his client preferred their team and would accept a contract for $16.6 million a season over six years, a total of $99.6 million, according to sources familiar with the negotiations. The Yanks, as they had throughout this process, told Boras their payroll simply could not afford another expensive, long-term deal. The Yanks noted that under the current collective bargaining agreement, they would pay approximately $40 million extra in taxes on top of Beltran's contract, and the organization simply did not want to do that, even if given a chance to pay roughly $19 million less than the Mets for Beltran. The Yankees, in fact, never made an offer.

01-10-2005, 06:58 PM
I think its a bunch of bullshit. I think its just a cover up to show they can still get whatever they want. We all know deep down George wanted him.

01-10-2005, 07:26 PM
George wants everybody.

Chitalian Stallion
01-10-2005, 07:28 PM
I think its a bunch of bullshit. I think its just a cover up to show they can still get whatever they want. We all know deep down George wanted him.
but why cover up now? They have Bernie in CF now and traded Lofton probably expecting to land Beltran

Sox fan in Tex
01-10-2005, 10:38 PM
They didn't bring him in because they have brains, (or atleast some) who wants to spend that kind of money for a fielder that isn't as great as he is hyped up to be. Don't get me wrong....Beltran is an outstanding player but no way he deserves a 7-yr contract for $119M. (I saw him play down here, I know what I'm talking about)

This move will hurt the Mets in the long run...but I guess their not worried about success in the long run, they just want success soon. If I was the Mets I'd be tired of being second-tier to the Yankees also.

01-11-2005, 01:50 PM
BINGO, beltran is overrated and overpaid. the yankees are smart and will make a move for andruw jones


01-11-2005, 02:15 PM
BINGO, beltran is overrated and overpaid. the yankees are smart and will make a move for andruw jones


Who is also overpaid and overrated. Many people have said Jones isn't the same fielder he used to be (although still very good), and isn't exactly a dominant force with the bat over in Atlanta.

I'd say Jones is slightly above average

01-11-2005, 03:00 PM
the yankees are smart, come on...how can you even say that...

the yankees are full of shit, have any of you ever considered that beltran might not have wanted to play for that cocksucker george stienbrenner.

the yankees are just trying to salvage some pride out of this, after being one upped by the mets.
Not everyone is as greedy as pedro and the unit-less one.

Mayeb just maybe beltran wanted to play in new york, but not with yankees.

The yankees are better with bernie than beltran, please...

01-11-2005, 09:45 PM
if that cocksucker threw 20 mill a year at beltran, hell, even 17.1 or 17.5 he would have changed teams.

mets or yankees? it's a no brainer


01-12-2005, 12:27 AM
the yankees are smart, come on...how can you even say that...

the yankees are full of shit, have any of you ever considered that beltran might not have wanted to play for that cocksucker george stienbrenner.

the yankees are just trying to salvage some pride out of this, after being one upped by the mets.
Not everyone is as greedy as pedro and the unit-less one.

Mayeb just maybe beltran wanted to play in new york, but not with yankees.

The yankees are better with bernie than beltran, please...

01-12-2005, 12:30 AM
Nope as usual you have got it wrong. Scott Boras called the Yankees no less than 16 times on Saturday to get a deal done. Cashman on the Mike and The Maddog radio show said Boras offered 116.6 million for 6 years so Beltran could play for the Yankees. The Yankees said no and didn't counter-offer. They did not want a nother player they had to pay more than 16 million a year for. They really didn't need him and I think they made the right play. They have a good center-feilder and they have a outstanding back-up in Bubba Crosby.

01-12-2005, 09:04 AM
did you ever think the yankees might be putting spin onthe situation???

Boras called the yankees 16 times huh...did he leave a message everytime he called, did he use fake voices so they wouldnt know it was him, did he hang up when they answered so he didnt think he was being over anxious..

Bubba Crosby and brittle bernie...bring that combo on---that's rich...

01-12-2005, 01:06 PM
Nope they didn't put the spin on it. They wanted pitching and they got pitching. He didi call them a lot on Saturday trying to get the deal done. The Yankees didin't want him. They don't need him anyways. The only thing Cashman said they screwed up on was for John Leiber. Why don't you worry about what the Red Sox are doing and stop worrying about the Yankees. You must be nervous about the Yankees. If not you would not be commenting on something you think sliped through their fingers. You must not be happy with the offseason the Red Sox are having. I think they did have a good one and I'm a Yankees fan.

01-12-2005, 01:50 PM
the redsox had a fine off season, and the yankees did too.

The proof will be in the season.

speaking of worrying about what the other team is doing. Um, dude, you're on a FRIGGIN SOX TALK SITE.

maybe..I for one wouldnt be so quick to attack the yankees if their fans would leave us alone.

You guys will be good, you've bought yourself another fantatsic team of overpaid spoiled assholes, now go back to new york and leave us alone.

Who the fuck is Randy Johnsons's dentist-he certainly isnt spending his money on dental hygiene!

see you next october--now go away.

01-12-2005, 03:29 PM
The only reason I come here is for the conversation. I think its healthy for rival fans to discuss and sometimes(ok w/ thease 2 teams argue) about the teams. I just ask this who on the Yankees is a asshole. Who comes across on that team is a dickhead to fans or the media. As far as that Randy thing went he was sorry and it was a spur of the moment breakdown that could have happen to anyone of us. If ya wanna talk about some assholes lets talk about manny, or pedro and Nomar when they were there. Hell Curt Schilling is the biggest asshole of any ball player on both teams he's nothing but a media whore he's in it for himself deep down he says he's a team player, but he's only in it for himself. its funny how A-Rod is a asshole, when only a couple of months before he signed he was boston's savior. with Pavano you guys where so sure he was a Red Sox and he signed with NY and now he sucks as a pitcher. You should look at your team first before you criticize our players. I will give credit where credit is due. I hate the Sox but i respect the players. Damon is a great ball player, he's fun to watch. Varitek is a great leader and that was the best move of the offseason for the Sox.

01-12-2005, 04:56 PM
the yankees are smart, come on...how can you even say that...

the yankees are full of shit, have any of you ever considered that beltran might not have wanted to play for that cocksucker george stienbrenner.

the yankees are just trying to salvage some pride out of this, after being one upped by the mets.
Not everyone is as greedy as pedro and the unit-less one.

Mayeb just maybe beltran wanted to play in new york, but not with yankees.

The yankees are better with bernie than beltran, please...
1. Yes, beltran did say earlier in the year he wanted to play for the yankees, saying bernie was his role model dince they were both from PR.

2. They never made a bid on him, so it's not exactly that haRd to one up a bid that doesn't exist.

01-12-2005, 04:59 PM
the redsox had a fine off season, and the yankees did too.

The proof will be in the season.

speaking of worrying about what the other team is doing. Um, dude, you're on a FRIGGIN SOX TALK SITE.

maybe..I for one wouldnt be so quick to attack the yankees if their fans would leave us alone.

You guys will be good, you've bought yourself another fantatsic team of overpaid spoiled assholes, now go back to new york and leave us alone.

Who the fuck is Randy Johnsons's dentist-he certainly isnt spending his money on dental hygiene!
You are a poster child for the stereotype of boston fans being angry, bitter fans, that take the game personally.
see you next october--now go away.
You are a posterchild for the stereotype that boston fans are angry, bitter fans that take the game personally.

01-12-2005, 05:14 PM
You are a posterchild for the stereotype that boston fans are angry, bitter fans that take the game personally.
It's not a stereotype. It's true.

01-12-2005, 06:19 PM
the yankees are smart, come on...how can you even say that...

the yankees are full of shit, have any of you ever considered that beltran might not have wanted to play for that cocksucker george stienbrenner.

the yankees are just trying to salvage some pride out of this, after being one upped by the mets.
Not everyone is as greedy as pedro and the unit-less one.

Mayeb just maybe beltran wanted to play in new york, but not with yankees.

The yankees are better with bernie than beltran, please...
hahahah You give red sox fans a bad name :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-13-2005, 08:22 PM
It's not a stereotype. It's true.
LOL, you're making this too easy.

01-13-2005, 09:24 PM
The only reason I come here is for the conversation. I think its healthy for rival fans to discuss and sometimes(ok w/ thease 2 teams argue) about the teams. I just ask this who on the Yankees is a asshole. Who comes across on that team is a dickhead to fans or the media. As far as that Randy thing went he was sorry and it was a spur of the moment breakdown that could have happen to anyone of us. If ya wanna talk about some assholes lets talk about manny, or pedro and Nomar when they were there. Hell Curt Schilling is the biggest asshole of any ball player on both teams he's nothing but a media whore he's in it for himself deep down he says he's a team player, but he's only in it for himself. its funny how A-Rod is a asshole, when only a couple of months before he signed he was boston's savior. with Pavano you guys where so sure he was a Red Sox and he signed with NY and now he sucks as a pitcher. You should look at your team first before you criticize our players. I will give credit where credit is due. I hate the Sox but i respect the players. Damon is a great ball player, he's fun to watch. Varitek is a great leader and that was the best move of the offseason for the Sox.

well put


01-14-2005, 07:31 AM
well put, my ass.

I am sick of hearing from yankees fans, nothing they say interests me, and they do not contribute to this site.

Randy Johnson siad he was sorry. Come on, we all know the guy is an asshole. It was his first day and he got pissed over nothing. I hope it coninues though, and that he is miserable.

What is going to make him and the yankees miserable is that we kick their asses again.

Well put?

Take this and put it up your ass!

01-14-2005, 12:53 PM
well put, my ass.

I am sick of hearing from yankees fans, nothing they say interests me, and they do not contribute to this site.

Randy Johnson siad he was sorry. Come on, we all know the guy is an asshole. It was his first day and he got pissed over nothing. I hope it coninues though, and that he is miserable.

What is going to make him and the yankees miserable is that we kick their asses again.

Well put?

Take this and put it up your ass!

01-14-2005, 12:57 PM
That's why we Yankee fans love Red Sox fans like you. I'll qoute a line from a good movie O'Brother Where Art Thou? from John Turturro's Charachter "That don't make no sense!" If ya wanna know something I think your a bigger asshole than Schilling and that's saying a lot. Your just scared of what our team will become. I never predict things but the year 1998 keeps floating around in my head.

01-14-2005, 05:53 PM
well put, my ass.

I am sick of hearing from yankees fans, nothing they say interests me, and they do not contribute to this site.

Randy Johnson siad he was sorry. Come on, we all know the guy is an asshole. It was his first day and he got pissed over nothing. I hope it coninues though, and that he is miserable.

What is going to make him and the yankees miserable is that we kick their asses again.

Well put?

Take this and put it up your ass!

what the hell is your problem, every time you speak you sound more and more like a complete jackass. you have beef with me? every time i speak you have something negative to say.

you want to know what i'm sick of? i'm sick of people who think they fucking know everyone. stop being so god damn ignorant. you don't know randy johnson, you have never met him, all you see are things from the media. you have been manipulated to believe johnson is bad and schilling is good. simple as that. if you lived in NY it would be the other way around.

i love how you quickly jump to the conclusion that randy johnson, a person whom you cheered for when he was pitching against the yankees, is a complete asshole. why? because he pushed a camera out of his face. shit, if people were like that to me i would probably break heads, let alone push a camera. so if johnny damon pushes a camera he's the biggest asshole ever? even if he apologized? bullshit, you would immediately back damon, saying how you know him and how he's a great person. get the bias out of your system.

actually, for you, i would probably have to ask you to get the bias out of your ass, seeing that you think everyone puts things up their asses.

i'm sick of sox fans that don't contribute to this site, i don't expect yankee fans to contribute, this is a sox forum. i do however expect sox fans to contribute, not just bitch about yankee fans all day and step on the tails of other sox fans.


01-15-2005, 03:10 AM
well put, my ass.

I am sick of hearing from yankees fans, nothing they say interests me, and they do not contribute to this site.

Randy Johnson siad he was sorry. Come on, we all know the guy is an asshole. It was his first day and he got pissed over nothing. I hope it coninues though, and that he is miserable.

What is going to make him and the yankees miserable is that we kick their asses again.

Well put?

Take this and put it up your ass!
You deffinetly have something up your ass every time you post. Are you ever not calling someone an asshole?

01-15-2005, 04:09 PM
johnny damon I would forgive-immediately, but of course, he doesnt do stuff like that...

I am bias towards everything that has to do with the redsox, and bias against everything yankee-so sue me.
as for whether you think some one is conrtibuting--who cares?

What I am sick of is hearing what people like you are sick of...again who cares.
The only thing I care about as far as all this BS is concerned is that the sox win, as for your opinions there are often amusing and somtimes interesting to read and that's it. But just because you say things it doesnt mean you're right and lately I have taken it upon myslef to call that out...again, if you disagree -I dont really care. Your polticcs are awesome though.

you comments about knowing a player is ridiculous. I dont care if Randy Johnson cures the common cold or gives money to the mayo clinic-all admirable. I'm sure he's a sweet lovable guy but now he's a yankee and he sucks becasue iof it.
Once they put on the pinstripes I hate 'em, what's wrong with that.
I rooted pedro when he was a redsox and now he's not-so screw him. Schilling I root for now all the time , the fact that he was for BUsh, aside, he is on the redsox and that's all I care about.
Get off your high horse, and stop whining...the yankees and their fans suck..the redsox are the champs, and it's as simple as that.

If you are so sick, see a doctor, I hope he's a redsox fan they make better doctors.

01-15-2005, 07:47 PM
The only reason I come here is for the conversation. I think its healthy for rival fans to discuss and sometimes(ok w/ thease 2 teams argue) about the teams. I just ask this who on the Yankees is a asshole. Who comes across on that team is a dickhead to fans or the media. As far as that Randy thing went he was sorry and it was a spur of the moment breakdown that could have happen to anyone of us. If ya wanna talk about some assholes lets talk about manny, or pedro and Nomar when they were there. Hell Curt Schilling is the biggest asshole of any ball player on both teams he's nothing but a media whore he's in it for himself deep down he says he's a team player, but he's only in it for himself. its funny how A-Rod is a asshole, when only a couple of months before he signed he was boston's savior. with Pavano you guys where so sure he was a Red Sox and he signed with NY and now he sucks as a pitcher. You should look at your team first before you criticize our players. I will give credit where credit is due. I hate the Sox but i respect the players. Damon is a great ball player, he's fun to watch. Varitek is a great leader and that was the best move of the offseason for the Sox.

CURT SCHILLING IS AN ASSHOLE?!!!! Anyone who donates money, and espically time to cure a deadly disease is a good guy to me.

01-15-2005, 09:39 PM
johnny damon I would forgive-immediately, but of course, he doesnt do stuff like that...

I am bias towards everything that has to do with the redsox, and bias against everything yankee-so sue me.
as for whether you think some one is conrtibuting--who cares?

What I am sick of is hearing what people like you are sick of...again who cares.
The only thing I care about as far as all this BS is concerned is that the sox win, as for your opinions there are often amusing and somtimes interesting to read and that's it. But just because you say things it doesnt mean you're right and lately I have taken it upon myslef to call that out...again, if you disagree -I dont really care. Your polticcs are awesome though.

you comments about knowing a player is ridiculous. I dont care if Randy Johnson cures the common cold or gives money to the mayo clinic-all admirable. I'm sure he's a sweet lovable guy but now he's a yankee and he sucks becasue iof it.
Once they put on the pinstripes I hate 'em, what's wrong with that.
I rooted pedro when he was a redsox and now he's not-so screw him. Schilling I root for now all the time , the fact that he was for BUsh, aside, he is on the redsox and that's all I care about.
Get off your high horse, and stop whining...the yankees and their fans suck..the redsox are the champs, and it's as simple as that.

If you are so sick, see a doctor, I hope he's a redsox fan they make better doctors.

wait a minute, i tell you to stop whining and your comeback is to tell me to stop whining? that about sums it up right there buddy.

for someone to honestly say and believe that they hate people because they are a yankee fan is absolutely stupid. i have plenty of friends who are yankee fans, they are not losers, they do not suck, they enjoy rooting for a different team.

hating a yankee fan doesn't make you more of a sox fan than anyone. knowing more about the sox makes you more of a sox fan.


01-15-2005, 09:44 PM
Hey ahhchon did we agree on a $10 dollar bet yet?

01-15-2005, 10:03 PM
johnny damon I would forgive-immediately, but of course, he doesnt do stuff like that...

I am bias towards everything that has to do with the redsox, and bias against everything yankee-so sue me.
as for whether you think some one is conrtibuting--who cares?

What I am sick of is hearing what people like you are sick of...again who cares.
The only thing I care about as far as all this BS is concerned is that the sox win, as for your opinions there are often amusing and somtimes interesting to read and that's it. But just because you say things it doesnt mean you're right and lately I have taken it upon myslef to call that out...again, if you disagree -I dont really care. Your polticcs are awesome though.

you comments about knowing a player is ridiculous. I dont care if Randy Johnson cures the common cold or gives money to the mayo clinic-all admirable. I'm sure he's a sweet lovable guy but now he's a yankee and he sucks becasue iof it.
Once they put on the pinstripes I hate 'em, what's wrong with that.
I rooted pedro when he was a redsox and now he's not-so screw him. Schilling I root for now all the time , the fact that he was for BUsh, aside, he is on the redsox and that's all I care about.
Get off your high horse, and stop whining...the yankees and their fans suck..the redsox are the champs, and it's as simple as that.

If you are so sick, see a doctor, I hope he's a redsox fan they make better doctors.
You are extremely close minded. He's a yankee fan? Oh he's an asshole. You don't even give anybody a chance.

01-15-2005, 11:51 PM
Hey ahhchon did we agree on a $10 dollar bet yet?

i bumped it to 20 but you didn't respond.


01-16-2005, 06:13 PM
"hating a yankee fan doesn't make you more of a sox fan than anyone. knowing more about the sox makes you more of a sox fan."

I am more of sox fan than you are..nyah..nyah....that's what you sound like... You cant honestly believe the stuff you write..can you?..I hope not for your sake.

No wonder all your friends are yankee fans.

01-16-2005, 07:48 PM
"hating a yankee fan doesn't make you more of a sox fan than anyone. knowing more about the sox makes you more of a sox fan."

I am more of sox fan than you are..nyah..nyah....that's what you sound like... You cant honestly believe the stuff you write..can you?..I hope not for your sake.

No wonder all your friends are yankee fans.

when you make assumptions you just make an ass out of yourself. i was born and raised in boston mass, you think all my friends are yankee fans? i said that i have yankee friends.

your arguements make no sense, they are lame, they are pathetic last ditch attemps.


01-16-2005, 08:29 PM


I'm not even arguing with you...so frankly, I dont know what you're talking about, but that happens so often with you I am not even going t o bother trying to figure out your point..you keep pissin and dissin, it seems to be something you're particularly good at...