View Full Version : Who Gets Traded?

12-23-2004, 10:23 AM
We have two players at 1B. Who should get the job, Millar or Mientkiewicz? What should we expect in return if one of them gets dealt?

12-23-2004, 10:43 AM
welcome aboard talksox.

this was one has been kicked around here before ages ago, but I am glad you brought it up again becasue I bet it will be at the forefront of things in the ocming weeks.

I get the feeling that dougie will be sent packing.

I think we ciould do better than either of them, but I think they'll keep millar.

12-23-2004, 10:50 AM
Thanks. I actually discovered this website by accident. I'm a life long Red Sox fan and Yankee hater :D

I hope we keep Millar.

12-23-2004, 04:39 PM
I prefer a healthy Mientkiewicz (look at his '03 OBP), but I think he'll be the one sent out. Realistically, it's about who offers the best package for what guy. Mientkiewicz's defense makes him more attractive, but teams could potentially be scared off by the poor offensive year he had this year (but he really is a better hitter than that).

12-27-2004, 07:45 AM
I'd rather have Minky stay, his defense last year as superb, and I felt confident in the team and its defense whenever he was at first. He isnt as good a hitter as Millar, there's no doubt about that, but we have enough offense to stand the loss of a streaky hitter who is annoying as all hell.

Millar may be a clubhouse goofball, but he pisses me off with all his KFC commercials and stupid gimmicks and that goofy smile. It can be fun sometimes, but he needs to tone it down.

12-27-2004, 08:25 AM
I agree with you yeszir, but I believe we have a lot of room for a real upgrade at first.
Dougie strikes me as a potential pain in the ass. One of those guys that whines about playing and then stinks when he plays...He complained about his playing time last year and never really did anything at the plate to even warrant any additional at bats. Millar is a just a baffoon, but he did get his stroke back for the second half of the ywear. This first baseman question is opne of those good problems. I justt hink we can do better than either of theses guys, but if I had to guess they will stay with millar,.

12-27-2004, 08:43 AM
My preference would be Mientkiewicz, but my guess is Millar.

Mientkiewicz isn't as bad with the bat as he looked last year, and he's far superior defensively. I believe he's got good enough bat control to really use the Green Monster to his advantage and get a lot of "wall ball" doubles, maybe even a few extra cheap homers.

12-27-2004, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by yeszir@Dec 27 2004, 07:45 AM
I'd rather have Minky stay, his defense last year as superb, and I felt confident in the team and its defense whenever he was at first. He isnt as good a hitter as Millar, there's no doubt about that, but we have enough offense to stand the loss of a streaky hitter who is annoying as all hell.

Millar may be a clubhouse goofball, but he pisses me off with all his KFC commercials and stupid gimmicks and that goofy smile. It can be fun sometimes, but he needs to tone it down.
Bingo, took the words out of my mouth right there.

12-27-2004, 11:16 AM
id rather keep doug. hes way better at D and he had an off year at the plate. millar is an average hitter with below average feilding.keep minky

12-27-2004, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by stocker323+Dec 27 2004, 08:58 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (stocker323 @ Dec 27 2004, 08:58 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-yeszir@Dec 27 2004, 07:45 AM
I&#39;d rather have Minky stay, his defense last year as superb, and I felt confident in the team and its defense whenever he was at first. He isnt as good a hitter as Millar, there&#39;s no doubt about that, but we have enough offense to stand the loss of a streaky hitter who is annoying as all hell.

Millar may be a clubhouse goofball, but he pisses me off with all his KFC commercials and stupid gimmicks and that goofy smile. It can be fun sometimes, but he needs to tone it down.
Bingo, took the words out of my mouth right there. [/b][/quote]
Copiers... We already have a lot of hitting, and I would rather see better defense than even more offense.

12-27-2004, 01:24 PM
not at first base, we need that bat, and minky has proven nothing.

I dont think this is the position you want to make that sacrifice at.

20 to 30 HRS and 80 to 100 RBI&#39;s is important, and Millar isnt the worst fielder alive, well, not the worst...

The more I found out about minky, the less I think we want him.

Millar or someone new.

12-27-2004, 01:59 PM
Do a 3 team trade something that would get rid of both of them and kim get a good eliever and better 1st basemen back.

12-27-2004, 02:22 PM
as I have said before we would be lucky to get a broken bat, some used towels, and a pack of sunflower seeds to be named later for Kim.

12-27-2004, 09:37 PM
I say we keep Minky because he has that inside out swing very similar to Bill Muellers and could thrive hitting in Fenway. Also I think he had an off year last year in 2003 he hit .300 there&#39;s no reason why he can&#39;t do that again.

Chitalian Stallion
12-29-2004, 10:52 PM
I think we should stick with minky. If we traded him we wouldn&#39;t have anyone from the Nomar trade, basically canceling out our defense that led us to a WS last year. Plus Millar is annoying and Minky has a better bat then we think, especially with the monster.

12-30-2004, 09:32 AM
I woiuld go with minky, but I betcha they get rid of him and stick with Millar...

Unfortunately, minky was unable to hit his way of a water paper bag last season and millar livened up his lumber during the second half...so they will probably opt for the proven lumber.

Chitalian Stallion
12-30-2004, 10:41 PM
I dont understand why we would not keep Minky. We already have the offense and Minky will have a better season at the plate. Pitching and Defense wins games.

12-31-2004, 08:55 AM
I&#39;d go with Minky too but the sox obviously won&#39;t.

He&#39;s proven at the plate AND he is like the sox spokesman. He does all these commercials and he made Cowboy Up and everything. The sox like that. I can&#39;t see him leaving.

12-31-2004, 01:13 PM
Millar&#39;s worn out his welcome in my books. Shots of JD? C&#39;mon now. Even if it&#39;s true, you can&#39;t say that. He&#39;s a liability in the field, and isn&#39;t a great hitter anyway. He&#39;s got some pop, but not enough to be an elite 1B anyway. Meanwhile, Minky may be the best defensive 1B the Sox have ever seen, and we saw last year how important defense is. He&#39;s also hit .300 several times during his career, and I think a full season with Ron Jackson can easily bring him back to that.

01-01-2005, 07:53 AM
well, he did hit 300 in 03 and 306 a few years ago, so maybe your right there is potential..

I think we can do better than either of these guys though..

But I still think Millar is liked by management and given a lot of credit (right or wrong) for motivating and energizing poeple. I would shocked if they unload him and keep dougie.

01-02-2005, 08:45 PM
I have to agree with the posts here that say Minky should stay, but he probably will be the one to be dealt. Millar doesn't play the line very well at first, and while he did make some nice picks at first during the playoffs he did botch that throw to third in WS (a play Big Papi executed to perfection in Game 3).

01-03-2005, 09:14 AM
Here's a thought:

Why not trade them both and play David Ortiz at first?

He's got 2 months, then spring training to work on his defense.

Then shift Manny to DH, resign Dave McCarty as a defensive replacement at first, and either
a) play Payton every day
b) acquire a good OF bat (Magglio?)


01-04-2005, 09:44 AM
I still find it very hard to believe that anyone would want kim to play for their team, maybe to work in a 7-11 or something but hey if they want him and theo can get rid of him, I say dont let the dorr hit you on your way out!

This from benmaller.com

Even with the holidays over, the Rockies are still shopping, exploring the possibility of trading for Red Sox reliever Byung-Hyun Kim and signing veteran Robb Nen to a minor-league contract. The Rockies have reshaped baseball's worst bullpen by adding several hard-throwing, if not unproven arms, but remain empty-handed in their search for a proven closer. Armed with an odd sidearm delivery, Kim, who turns 26 this month, ranked among the National League's best closers from 2000-02, converting 69 saves, before bottoming out last year in Boston.

01-04-2005, 10:09 AM
I just saw this in the globe and frankly am not surpirsed. Minky is dead man walking..

"The Blue Jays, who need a righthanded-hitting first baseman and DH, talked to the Sox about Kevin Millar, but the sides didn't match up, and one FOK (Friend of Kevin's) insists the Sox will move Doug Mientkiewicz, in the interest of clubhouse karma."

01-04-2005, 11:59 AM
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of trading Mientkiewicz. The Red Sox have got another option in Dave McCarty, who can play good defense late in games and would come at far cheaper money wise than Doug.

Anyone who reads my posts knows I'm not high on Kevin Millar. The big mouth, the below average defense, the below average production for a first baseman....

I say ship Kevin to Toronto for prospects (save $3.3 million)
Trade Kim to Colorado for prospects. ($2 mil saved assuming we pay half his 2005 salary)
Trade Mientkiewicz to whoever needs a first baseman for prospects ($2.8 mil saved).

that's $8 million saved that can be spent on the 2005 team. Delgado rejected a $10 million/yr offer from the Mets, so he'd probably cost too much...

01-04-2005, 06:14 PM
Here's a thought:

Why not trade them both and play David Ortiz at first?

He's got 2 months, then spring training to work on his defense.

Then shift Manny to DH, resign Dave McCarty as a defensive replacement at first, and either
a) play Payton every day
b) acquire a good OF bat (Magglio?)


the only thing i like about this is aquring magglio and possibly moving manny (to DH that is). but it wont happen. but i do think the 1 reason ortiz has excelled in boston is because he does not have to worry about defense,all he has to do is hit

01-04-2005, 09:56 PM
It cant happen Manny won't play DH.

01-04-2005, 09:58 PM
Aggloi wil be way too much money but trading both and kim for $$ and spects would be a good idea and get delgado. That would stop that crap RJ talk.

01-10-2005, 10:41 AM
speaking of Kim I just read this in the Herald...

So while there is virtually no chance Kim will ever again pitch for the Red Sox - signing Kim to a two-year, $10 million deal remains Epstein's biggest blunder as Sox GM - the Sox may very well take the pitcher to spring training, at which point the market for Kim could improve depending on injuries and performance in other camps.

I guess the only question now who will be our first baseman..

Myabe we go to spring training with both and make them fight it out.

01-10-2005, 04:50 PM
I kind of think that sounds like not a bad idea. At first I was about to say yeah right until I realized we have Payton who is a great every day player. With Payton at left, Manny at DH, and Papi at first I'd be happy but a little worried with the defense. But Papi at defense at 1st is probably equal to Manny at left. So it's like equal there but your also adding a new player in Payton. But then when you do that. Millar, Minky, Mccarty are all just out of the picture and we'll hafta get rid of them. But that sounds like a good idea right now. And we could trade Millar and/or Minky.

01-10-2005, 05:17 PM
I kind of think that sounds like not a bad idea. At first I was about to say yeah right until I realized we have Payton who is a great every day player. With Payton at left, Manny at DH, and Papi at first I'd be happy but a little worried with the defense. But Papi at defense at 1st is probably equal to Manny at left. So it's like equal there but your also adding a new player in Payton. But then when you do that. Millar, Minky, Mccarty are all just out of the picture and we'll hafta get rid of them. But that sounds like a good idea right now. And we could trade Millar and/or Minky.

One thing about my theory is that McCarty would not complain about a bench role. He would know going in that it's his job, and no trouble is caused. He did it in 2004 just fine.

Minky/Millar have both told the media that they believe they are everyday players. I say trade them both.

01-10-2005, 05:55 PM
If we trade them both we will be questioned for it so much. Especially if we don't get a new first baseman after doing it. Noone has faith in papi at first but I don't understand it because he is probably equal to Manny defensively at left.

Chitalian Stallion
01-10-2005, 06:13 PM
Delgado had 32 HRs and 99 RBIs last year, Ortiz had 41 HRs and 139 RBI's, Manny 43 HRs and 130 RBIs. That would be a NASTY 3-4-5 combination.
Compered to Rolen, Pujols, and Edmonds (122 HRs 358 RBIs) we are just under them with 116 HRs and beat them with 368 RBIs. Plus, Delgado only played 128 games so we'd be the AL Cardinals in terms of offense with better pitching.