View Full Version : So much for the Chris Sale come back. Ouch!

Deja Doh
07-17-2022, 04:15 PM
That pinky looks mangled.

That will take another couple of months to heal.

07-17-2022, 04:21 PM
Just a terrible break for him and us.

07-17-2022, 06:22 PM
Horrible. Just horrible.

07-18-2022, 02:29 PM
I feel terrible for the team, but I feel even worse for him personally. He worked so hard to get back and he was looking pretty good. You know this is killing him.

I liked how he kept it in perspective, though, and said that someone was having a worse day than he was.

07-18-2022, 04:56 PM
I feel terrible for the team, but I feel even worse for him personally. He worked so hard to get back and he was looking pretty good. You know this is killing him.

I liked how he kept it in perspective, though, and said that someone was having a worse day than he was.

He seems like he has a firm grip on what's important in life.

I wish him the best.

07-18-2022, 06:22 PM
Frankly sale has been a nightmare. The guy can’t stay on the field and he sucks whe he pitches.

07-18-2022, 07:25 PM
Frankly sale has been a nightmare. The guy can’t stay on the field and he sucks whe he pitches.

Half right.

07-18-2022, 07:28 PM
Half right.


07-18-2022, 08:11 PM
Half right.

Which part? I am guessing the second part.

07-18-2022, 09:56 PM
I feel terrible for the team, but I feel even worse for him personally. He worked so hard to get back and he was looking pretty good. You know this is killing him.

I liked how he kept it in perspective, though, and said that someone was having a worse day than he was.

Someone? How about most of the country?
What a vacuous thing to say by someone who is making hundreds of millions of dollars. I substituted 'making' for 'earning.'
I know his injuries aren't his fault, but the fact remains he's still receiving his full salary and not Workers' Comp.

07-18-2022, 10:25 PM
Sale doesn't suck when he's able to pitch; just accept that Sale will not be the ACE he once was.

07-19-2022, 06:14 AM
He had surgery yesterday. Won’t be able to pick up a ball for 6 weeks. Could return in September as a pen option

07-19-2022, 10:29 AM
Someone? How about most of the country?
What a vacuous thing to say by someone who is making hundreds of millions of dollars. I substituted 'making' for 'earning.'
I know his injuries aren't his fault, but the fact remains he's still receiving his full salary and not Workers' Comp.

I get that. He's still making millions regardless. I didn't take the statement as being vacuous. I think he understands that as bad as his luck has been, he doesn't really have reason to complain compared to what others are going through.

07-19-2022, 10:58 AM
I get that. He's still making millions regardless. I didn't take the statement as being vacuous. I think he understands that as bad as his luck has been, he doesn't really have reason to complain compared to what others are going through.

Exactly. It is possible some rich people have empathy for others.

08-09-2022, 09:44 AM
Apparently Sale broke his wrist in a biking accident and is officially done for the season.

Old Red
08-09-2022, 09:46 AM
Apparently Sale broke his wrist in a biking accident and is officially done for the season.

I would say unbelievable, but anything is possible when it comes to Chris FRAIL.

A Red Sox fan named Hugh
08-09-2022, 09:52 AM
Well, I suppose it's a good thing we didn't empty the farm to compete for a 2nd wildcard spot this year.

08-09-2022, 10:18 AM
I heard from someone who wasn't there because he doesn't exist that Sale wiped out when a big screen TV suddenly ran across his bike path.

Old Red
08-09-2022, 10:23 AM
Well, I suppose it's a good thing we didn't empty the farm to compete for a 2nd wildcard spot this year.

Over exaggerated 101. Who said anything about emptying out the farm?

08-09-2022, 10:23 AM
It was his right wrist - thankfully, said the eternal optimist.

08-09-2022, 10:35 AM
48 innings pitched in 3 years on that new contract. Talk about good value.

That was probably DD worst signing. Even worse than Price. He signed him that extension knowing of his arm problems.

08-09-2022, 10:38 AM
You can’t make it up.

08-09-2022, 10:38 AM

Old Red
08-09-2022, 10:49 AM
48 innings pitched in 3 years on that new contract. Talk about good value.

That was probably DD worst signing. Even worse than Price. He signed him that extension knowing of his arm problems.

DD deserves all the bashing in the world, and then some for the Sale ext. Enough said.

08-09-2022, 10:59 AM
I heard that someone tweeted, “Sale made a deal with the Devil for the WS title and then his bones turned into pretzels.” LOL!

08-09-2022, 11:00 AM
I googled the odds of snakebite. This was the first hit: "Even using the highest estimate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of 8,000 annual snakebites per year, the odds of you being bitten are 40,965 to one."

Rounded off, that's 41 thousand to one... #41 -- Chris Sale's number.

08-09-2022, 11:04 AM
He needs to be stored in bubble wrap until Spring Training.

08-09-2022, 11:45 AM
maybe he needs a bone density scan to evaluate just how prone Sale will be to ongoing bone breaks. Even when the 78 year old President fell off his bicycle, he didn't break anything.

Sale now becomes the most likely dead money contract over the next 2 years to clog up the spending budget.. What a loser !

08-09-2022, 12:09 PM
This guy is likely to break something every time he sneezes

08-09-2022, 12:45 PM
maybe he needs a bone density scan to evaluate just how prone Sale will be to ongoing bone breaks. Even when the 78 year old President fell off his bicycle, he didn't break anything.

Sale now becomes the most likely dead money contract over the next 2 years to clog up the spending budget.. What a loser !

And yet I can almost see the story from next February now:

"Sale says he's 100% healthy and ready to put injury bad luck behind him, excited for 2023 season".

08-09-2022, 12:56 PM
And yet I can almost see the story from next February now:

"Sale says he's 100% healthy and ready to put injury bad luck behind him, excited for 2023 season".

The real problem is that he’s so fragile but also so important…

08-09-2022, 12:58 PM
DD deserves all the bashing in the world, and then some for the Sale ext. Enough said.

I’d feel different if Sale was healthy and then signed and THEN got hurt. I don’t fault GMs for injuries (unless the player in question has a significant history that shouldn’t be ignored)…

Old Red
08-09-2022, 01:50 PM
I’d feel different if Sale was healthy and then signed and THEN got hurt. I don’t fault GMs for injuries (unless the player in question has a significant history that shouldn’t be ignored)…

The point is that Sale was not healthy, and TJ was pretty much predicted. Of course all the accumulated injuries after has added to the misery.

Old Red
08-09-2022, 01:51 PM
And yet I can almost see the story from next February now:

"Sale says he's 100% healthy and ready to put injury bad luck behind him, excited for 2023 season".

NOBODY should ever count on him again.

08-09-2022, 02:15 PM
The point is that Sale was not healthy, and TJ was pretty much predicted. Of course all the accumulated injuries after has added to the misery.

Well... to try to keep this in perspective, yes, the TJ was predictable. Even the most semi-casual fan could see that Sale's motion almost screamed "TJ IS COMING!". But we can't lose sight of the fact that he did what he was hired to do - he helped the Sox win a WSC.

I'm going to admit that things haven't panned out the way we wanted them to after 2018 but 1) THE FLAG probably wouldn't be flying without him and 2) I'm not the one paying him (beyond my subscription to NESN).

So on balance I'm good with it.

Old Red
08-09-2022, 02:24 PM
Well... to try to keep this in perspective, yes, the TJ was predictable. Even the most semi-casual fan could see that Sale's motion almost screamed "TJ IS COMING!". But we can't lose sight of the fact that he did what he was hired to do - he helped the Sox win a WSC.

I'm going to admit that things haven't panned out the way we wanted them to after 2018 but 1) THE FLAG probably wouldn't be flying without him and 2) I'm not the one paying him (beyond my subscription to NESN).

So on balance I'm good with it.

The 2018 flag had nothing to do with Chris Sale contract ext. Sale still had 2019 to go on his old contract.

08-09-2022, 02:29 PM
Gee what a nightmare. This contract didn't pan out well.

08-09-2022, 02:36 PM
48 innings pitched in 3 years on that new contract. Talk about good value.

That was probably DD worst signing. Even worse than Price. He signed him that extension knowing of his arm problems.

I don't think there's any probably about it any longer. It's fast catching up with Pablo Sandoval's contract in the overall bad contract league.

08-09-2022, 02:44 PM
Sale was not even pitching regular season games when they did the extension? I seem to remember feeling like that came out of Left Field because the season had not even started when they did the extension. It was before the season started, some time in March with another year before the contract he was on was due and questions arising about Sales durability over the course of a full season.

That extension set a whole lot of other shit in motion, none of it good.

Old Red
08-09-2022, 02:47 PM
Sale was not even pitching regular season games when they did the extension? I seem to remember feeling like that came out of Left Field because the season had not even started when they did the extension. It was before the season started, some time in March with another year before the contract he was on was due and questions arising about Sales durability over the course of a full season.

That extension set a whole lot of other shit in motion, none of it good.
You nailed it.

08-09-2022, 04:32 PM
Now is the time to re-extend him, while his value is low

08-09-2022, 04:41 PM
So the reporting is that Sale took a header on his bike going downhill into Cleveland Circle. The only downhill I remember (and its been awhile) is coming down from Comm Av into Cleveland Circle or coming the other way directly across and into the Circle from that direction. The Circle itself is dead flat. No brakes Chris? No effort to brake Chris?

What the hell are ya' doing? You are a string bean with no noticeable natural padding barreling downhill into Cleveland Circle?? This guy has never seemed to me to be playing with a full deck.

The reporting is that he was going to pick up lunch in Cleveland Circle. Do you guys know how jammed Cleveland Circle is at lunch? Does anybody that has spent any time in Boston not know how jammed the Circle is at lunch time? Nobody saw this header? Nobody recognized that was Chris Sale flying through the air?

08-09-2022, 05:04 PM
They need to wrap Sale in bubble wrap and have him work out in a padded room with no sharp or heavy objects.

08-09-2022, 05:05 PM
This is too much.

Maybe it’s time to just realize Ol’ Chris Sale is just suffering too much and needs to be put to sleep…

08-09-2022, 05:06 PM
They need to wrap Sale in bubble wrap and have him work out in a padded room with no sharp or heavy objects.

His previous injury came from a baseball struck by a bat. Sort of tough to protect him from those occupational hazards..,

08-09-2022, 05:09 PM
They need to wrap Sale in bubble wrap and have him work out in a padded room with no sharp or heavy objects.

They need to build him a little Nerf World to live in.

08-09-2022, 08:35 PM
Gee what a nightmare. This contract didn't pan out well.

That's to put it mildly. Two years left, but it's looked like one of the worst performing player contracts in Red Sox history.

08-10-2022, 03:31 AM
Unlucky. But I wasn't counting on Sale to save the team either.

Looks like we're missing the playoffs. I just hope there are consequences for failure. Getting tired of seeing the Red Sox lose.

08-10-2022, 06:05 AM
So the reporting is that Sale took a header on his bike going downhill into Cleveland Circle. The only downhill I remember (and its been awhile) is coming down from Comm Av into Cleveland Circle or coming the other way directly across and into the Circle from that direction. The Circle itself is dead flat. No brakes Chris? No effort to brake Chris?

What the hell are ya' doing? You are a string bean with no noticeable natural padding barreling downhill into Cleveland Circle?? This guy has never seemed to me to be playing with a full deck.

The reporting is that he was going to pick up lunch in Cleveland Circle. Do you guys know how jammed Cleveland Circle is at lunch? Does anybody that has spent any time in Boston not know how jammed the Circle is at lunch time? Nobody saw this header? Nobody recognized that was Chris Sale flying through the air?

I suspected the location was Heartbreak Hill on the Marathon route. But you make a good point; that time of day there had to be entire Big Foot families roaming the streets taking cellphone vids. Plus, at least one or two UFOs would've posted surveillance tapes of the mid-day ride of Chris Severe on social media by now.

08-10-2022, 07:53 AM
Gee what a nightmare. This contract didn't pan out well.

chris frail is making carl pavano look like an iron man!

08-10-2022, 07:55 AM
Well, I suppose it's a good thing we didn't empty the farm to compete for a 2nd wildcard spot this year.

chris frail's health had very little to do with that decision.

Anyone in their right mind knew that when he broke his pinky that he would have little to no impact on the rest of the season.

08-10-2022, 10:14 AM
That's to put it mildly. Two years left, but it's looked like one of the worst performing player contracts in Red Sox history.

Even Carl Crawford was tradable…

08-10-2022, 10:45 AM
Even Carl Crawford was tradable…
With Sale, it isn't the salary it is the medical bills and insurance premiums that will kill you!

Northern Star
08-11-2022, 06:29 PM
Release him and be done with it, because we sure as shit aren't getting anything useful from him on the final two years at this rate.

Northern Star
08-11-2022, 06:41 PM
48 innings pitched in 3 years on that new contract. Talk about good value.

That was probably DD worst signing. Even worse than Price. He signed him that extension knowing of his arm problems.

$8 million per game.

08-11-2022, 08:43 PM
One wag said the Red Sox are putting in a water softener in the locker room so Sale won't get a concussion showering in hard water.