View Full Version : Adios Mendoza

12-08-2004, 07:46 AM
Although all these deadlines and options are confusing to me it appears theo understands them and that's a good thing.

I gather that after last night, the end has finally come for Mendoza, along with leskanic and williamson (among with some others),

I wonder what our bullpen will look like, middle relief is wide open.
Timlin aint no spring chicken, and alan embree who has more fucking lives than morris the cat though I think morris might be a better a pitcher continues to live on.

Williamson I guess is a goner. I think he would have been a great addition especially if he were healthy next year. He'll be a cheap addition to a bullpen, like an Orioles or someone.

I liked leskanic I thought he fit in well, but I guess he's gone too.

Theo loves picking up washed up closers during the year...Like a todd jones, terry adams, leskanic, and myers (who they are negoitaing with).

Anyway, I guess the mendoza era is over. He seemed to be improving, but I guess enough is enough. Good luck Ramiro and thanks for well, nothing!

12-08-2004, 10:59 AM
It's sad to see Williamson go. I really liked him and he would have made the Boston bullpen great had he stayed healthy last year.

Mendoza contributed nothing to the Red Sox for 2 years, so it's not surprising to see him not returning.

Adams, Leskanic are good pitchers who didn't get a lot of action in Boston.

Overall, the Red Sox offered arbritration to every major player:
Varitek, Martinez, Lowe, Cabrera, Reese

and some not so major
Astacio, McCarty

I'd say they pretty much made all the right decisions. Now it's just a matter of seeing where people go.

12-08-2004, 02:59 PM
I believe we haven't heard the last from Scott Williamson. Don't be surprised to see him in a Sox uni in '06.

12-08-2004, 05:06 PM
It's such a shame that Swilly was hurt for so long. He definitely would have made an impact last year (you know, the sox may actually have won the......nevermind), and it's sad to see him go. He was our best reliever besides Foulke, and I think other teams recognize his value, despite his injuries.