View Full Version : Yankees sign David Hernandez

08-15-2019, 10:15 AM

So DD gets Chris Owings but passes on bullpen help?

My only explanation for his performance at this point is my new theory - Dombrowski has already been fired. But the Sox brass are keeping it quiet because ... well, there’s really no reason to, is there?

So I guess Occam’s Razor applies and I’m back to my old theory - Dombrowski is an idiot. And not even one of those good savant ones..

08-15-2019, 10:29 AM
But why not mention that in his last 5.2 innings, he's given up 24 base runners, including 5 home runs?

08-15-2019, 11:13 AM
But why not mention that in his last 5.2 innings, he's given up 24 base runners, including 5 home runs?

So a 5.2 IP sample is enough?

11.2 K/9, 2.65 K/BB, 4.35 FIP.

That’s better across the board than what the Sox are getting from Colten Brewer...

08-15-2019, 11:14 AM
is his nickname El Duque?

08-15-2019, 11:19 AM
is his nickname El Duque?

El Peasanto.

But it’s close..

08-15-2019, 11:45 AM
So a 5.2 IP sample is enough?

11.2 K/9, 2.65 K/BB, 4.35 FIP.

That’s better across the board than what the Sox are getting from Colten Brewer...

5.2 innings is not usually a big enough sample, but those are some truly horrific numbers, they were bad enough to get him jettisoned by the Reds obviously.

Brewer is with the PawSox.

I just can't see this dude as such a slam-dunk that DD is an idiot for not signing him...

08-15-2019, 12:18 PM
5.2 innings is not usually a big enough sample, but those are some truly horrific numbers, they were bad enough to get him jettisoned by the Reds obviously.

Brewer is with the PawSox.

I just can't see this dude as such a slam-dunk that DD is an idiot for not signing him...

No but he is yet another missed opportunity. If DD had done anything for the bullpen besides sign Ryan Weber and trade for Colten Brewer, I’d feel different.

Has Dombrowski added a single reliever yet in 2019 besides one guy who failed as a starter? (Weber and Brewer were both in December, 2018. And it’s sad that I can quantify everything so simply.)

08-15-2019, 01:04 PM
No one could force David Hernandez to sign anywhere. Perhaps the righthander preferred a World Series contender.

08-15-2019, 01:34 PM
Yanks have been signing guys with no chance of playing a big role. What they do is activate them for either a DHer or pen game, then throw them to the wolves and DFA them

08-15-2019, 02:29 PM
No one could force David Hernandez to sign anywhere. Perhaps the righthander preferred a World Series contender.

Or perhaps he would prefer a team where he’d have a better opportunity and therefore a better chance of pitching next season. Picking off table scraps left by Chapman, Britton, Ottavino, Green and Holder might not present him that chance...

08-15-2019, 05:23 PM
Or perhaps he would prefer a team where he’d have a better opportunity and therefore a better chance of pitching next season. Picking off table scraps left by Chapman, Britton, Ottavino, Green and Holder might not present him that chance...
In that case 34-year-old David Hernandez should have signed with the Seattle Mariners.:)

08-15-2019, 07:38 PM

So DD gets Chris Owings but passes on bullpen help?

My only explanation for his performance at this point is my new theory - Dombrowski has already been fired. But the Sox brass are keeping it quiet because ... well, there’s really no reason to, is there?

So I guess Occam’s Razor applies and I’m back to my old theory - Dombrowski is an idiot. And not even one of those good savant ones..

Seriously? What difference does it make that DD didn't sign Hernandez? Or anyone else at this point in the season. He is not an idiot. He can see the handwriting on the wall. The real question is why bother to sign Owings?
Just let the season end as as quickly as possible and start planning for next year.

08-15-2019, 08:10 PM

So DD gets Chris Owings but passes on bullpen help?

My only explanation for his performance at this point is my new theory - Dombrowski has already been fired. But the Sox brass are keeping it quiet because ... well, there’s really no reason to, is there?

So I guess Occam’s Razor applies and I’m back to my old theory - Dombrowski is an idiot. And not even one of those good savant ones..

The SOX already have a D-HERN.

08-15-2019, 08:59 PM
Seriously? What difference does it make that DD didn't sign Hernandez? Or anyone else at this point in the season. He is not an idiot. He can see the handwriting on the wall. The real question is why bother to sign Owings?
Just let the season end as as quickly as possible and start planning for next year.

My overall point has been his inactivity this season. Do you realize the only reliever he acquired in 2019 is Andrew Cashner, a guy who only became one since flopping as a starter?

How many players has Dombrowski made moves on this year with trades, claims and signings? Five? And of those 5, only two have seen MLB - Cashner and Owings? Why was he in on Owings and Cody Asche and Joey Curletta, but none of the dozens of MLB relievers to hit the market?

I think I’m calling him an idiot because at least that gives an excuse for his complete inactivity since the World Series. Because if he isn’t an idiot, then that just leaves that he just doesn’t care...

Donnie Sadler was short
08-15-2019, 09:32 PM
My overall point has been his inactivity this season. Do you realize the only reliever he acquired in 2019 is Andrew Cashner, a guy who only became one since flopping as a starter?

How many players has Dombrowski made moves on this year with trades, claims and signings? Five? And of those 5, only two have seen MLB - Cashner and Owings? Why was he in on Owings and Cody Asche and Joey Curletta, but none of the dozens of MLB relievers to hit the market?

I think I’m calling him an idiot because at least that gives an excuse for his complete inactivity since the World Series. Because if he isn’t an idiot, then that just leaves that he just doesn’t care...

Maybe..its not that he doesnt care, and neither is he an idiot....Maybe ownership is dictating what he could do payroll-wise? I agree its very strange for a team that a good portion of the year was always within striking distance of the playoffs, to not acquire anyone really.

08-15-2019, 10:00 PM
Maybe..its not that he doesnt care, and neither is he an idiot....Maybe ownership is dictating what he could do payroll-wise? I agree its very strange for a team that a good portion of the year was always within striking distance of the playoffs, to not acquire anyone really.

I expected 2-3 Cashner type deals that would keep us under the max line, and hoped 1-2 would worked out well enough to put us over the hump.

It is a mystery that $2-3M was too much to spend.

At this point, I doubt it would have mattered, but it just seems strange we didn't try.

It also makes me wonder about our spending priorities going forward. I'm hoping we look to reset next year in hopes that we can make a strong bid for Betts after 2020. (Maybe we even trade him and sign him back.)

I'm afraid, if we spend big next winter, the hole will just get deeper, and the timeline to our return to glory stretched out by more than just the one year wasted on one last gasp effort with this broken team.

08-16-2019, 07:04 AM
I expected 2-3 Cashner type deals that would keep us under the max line, and hoped 1-2 would worked out well enough to put us over the hump.

It is a mystery that $2-3M was too much to spend.

At this point, I doubt it would have mattered, but it just seems strange we didn't try.

My guess is the front office was totally on the fence about our chances and therefore not very committed to making a meaningful acquisition. I suspect Dombrowski made some inquiries about relievers but the asking price in talent was a little more than he was comfortable with.

Maybe Dave got a little shy about weakening our already bad farm even further. I'm sure he's not unaware of what is said about him in that regard. And if rumors are accurate he may not even know if he's back next year.

08-16-2019, 07:09 AM
I'm afraid, if we spend big next winter, the hole will just get deeper, and the timeline to our return to glory stretched out by more than just the one year wasted on one last gasp effort with this broken team.

'Broken team' might be a bit overstated.

08-16-2019, 07:11 AM
My guess is the front office was totally on the fence about our chances and therefore not very committed to making a meaningful acquisition. I suspect Dombrowski made some inquiries about relievers but the asking price in talent was a little more than he was comfortable with.

Maybe Dave got a little shy about weakening our already bad farm even further. I'm sure he's not unaware of what is said about him in that regard. And if rumors are accurate he may not even know if he's back next year.

But even if he was not allowed to make significant payroll additions, why avoid the waiver claims? And you can’t tell me John Henry said no to players like Anthony Bass, David Hernandez, Trevor Rosenthal, etc, but suddenly gave roaring approval over the decision to sign Chris Owings and Joey Curletta.

I don’t think I’ll mind if he gets fired...

08-16-2019, 07:52 AM
But even if he was not allowed to make significant payroll additions, why avoid the waiver claims? And you can’t tell me John Henry said no to players like Anthony Bass, David Hernandez, Trevor Rosenthal, etc, but suddenly gave roaring approval over the decision to sign Chris Owings and Joey Curletta.

I don’t think I’ll mind if he gets fired...

Good Post.

08-16-2019, 07:58 AM
What I don't understand is Dombrowski, (who I doubt), took JD Martinez off waivers from Houston, but he doesn't take chances with us. Especially for cheap, prove me deals for Pitching. Sometimes you go to another club and different eyes and Coaching MIGHT turn the player around.
Darwinzon went to Pawtucket for a while and he cut down his walk rate.
If it don't work so be it, move on to the next project. The point is you have try by putting in more bullets in the chamber, they might shoot blanks, but some might actually fire.
In Pawtucket they are all blanks and we already know it.

08-16-2019, 07:59 AM
DD should have been fired for signing a backup firstbaseman instead of 2-3 RPers.
that said...JH is going to reset this offseason. DD is going to be let go or moved to a different position in the Org. perhaps he stays as PoBO but JH hires a true GM to make all the necessary trades/moves to get us under the Tax.
Cora will remain (deservedly so) but he will start next season with his heated seat set to "warm".
if we pull off the #20inarow then who knows.......

08-16-2019, 08:13 AM
DD should have been fired for signing a backup firstbaseman instead of 2-3 RPers.
that said...JH is going to reset this offseason. DD is going to be let go or moved to a different position in the Org. perhaps he stays as PoBO but JH hires a true GM to make all the necessary trades/moves to get us under the Tax.
Cora will remain (deservedly so) but he will start next season with his heated seat set to "warm".
if we pull off the #20inarow then who knows.......

I think Fire and Reset is the off-season plan.

The big question is - do you trade Mookie and hope to get him back? Or do you gamble on getting some prospects while hoping giving another team exclusive negotiating time doesn’t burn you?

08-16-2019, 08:14 AM
I have my doubts about Cora, next year, will be a real good evaluation on him. He went from perfect, to just about a 180 turn around, good chance 20 less wins, so not so sure about him anymore. Consistency tells me more, about Managing.

08-16-2019, 08:17 AM
I don't think we will get the Prospects everybody expects for Trading Mookie in Off-Season.
I would work now, to keep him. Look in other areas for Players to move.

08-16-2019, 08:18 AM
I have my doubts about Cora, next year, will be a real good evaluation on him. He went from perfect, to just about a 180 turn around, good chance 20 less wins, so not so sure about him anymore. Consistency tells me more, about Managing.

Any time you get a new GM, you take the chance he (or Kim Ng) will replace the manager.

But even if Cora isn’t replaced immediately, he will definitely be on thin ice...

08-16-2019, 08:25 AM
I keep looking at Vazquez as the best asset we have to move to try to get some very good Prospects or close to Major Leagues, especially for Pitching back.

08-16-2019, 08:28 AM
I think Fire and Reset is the off-season plan.

The big question is - do you trade Mookie and hope to get him back? Or do you gamble on getting some prospects while hoping giving another team exclusive negotiating time doesn’t burn you?

I 100% trade Mookie this offseason for the reset. i am very confident he will go to FA (not sign extension with the team traded to) and we can outbid everyone if we want him back.
the Slasher plan has us trading as much as possible this offseason for the full reset and for maximum Farm stocking. 2021 the game is back on.
2020 will be painful but people will still show up to Fenway because: Fenway. Fans will still watch to see Rafi, Xbo, Sale.

08-16-2019, 08:29 AM
I keep looking at Vazquez as the best asset we have to move to try to get some very good Prospects or close to Major Leagues, especially for Pitching back.

yup. he would be traded by me for maximum prospects.

08-16-2019, 08:32 AM
Rentals that should make close to 24 million next year, who said wants to hit FA, will get you gambles, for Prospects.
I'm GM for other team, I'll just wait it out till he hits FA, and let 3 or 4 other teams join in to raise his price, for this not giving you my best Prospects, especially for Pitching.
Time to move on Mookie is this Off-Season, and that is keep him now, work on extension.

08-16-2019, 08:46 AM
Everybody thinks the Sox can outbid everybody, in 2 years I see at least 3 teams who will have ton of Cap Space, and are big spenders.
This is 2021 at the moment.
This is only 19 players on it.

08-16-2019, 08:53 AM
Can you imagine Mookie with Trout.

08-16-2019, 09:40 AM
I 100% trade Mookie this offseason for the reset. i am very confident he will go to FA (not sign extension with the team traded to) and we can outbid everyone if we want him back.
the Slasher plan has us trading as much as possible this offseason for the full reset and for maximum Farm stocking. 2021 the game is back on.
2020 will be painful but people will still show up to Fenway because: Fenway. Fans will still watch to see Rafi, Xbo, Sale.

The Notin Plan would only trade Betts if I was able to get a package that really dazzled me, assuming I could keep Betts and reset. Sometimes these players you know are going to test the market just don’t. Exhibit A being Xander Bogaerts. And keeping Betts does make the Sox substantially more competitive.

I wouldn’t trade Vazquez. I don’t think his trade value is anywhere near the top of the list on the Sox, despite his vast improvements this year. And trading him opens up a tough hole to fill at catcher.

If I use the trade values at baseballtradevalues.com (granted - not definitive)the Sox best expendable trade piece is probably Barnes, who, unlike Vazquez, is unknown for how he will impact resetting. And what team doesn’t need relievers? I also think Duran is overvalued, but there is no urgency to move him financially.

I think non-tendering Bradley is the right move, despite the horrific outfield depth in the Sox system and the defense he brings. He just hasn’t shown he will be worth $10-12mill in a budget crunch. The Notin Plan would target a defensive CF (Bradley, Lagares, Inciarte). And a fourth OF.

And rebuild that bullpen. Probably need 2 good relievers...

08-16-2019, 09:56 AM
Can you imagine Mookie with Trout.

Add to that duo the kid they have in the minors (Jo Adell), if he lives up to the hype, it can take the Angels to the next level

08-16-2019, 10:52 AM
This is remaining Salaries for the Sox. This is just a guide.


08-16-2019, 10:54 AM
The Notin Plan would only trade Betts if I was able to get a package that really dazzled me, assuming I could keep Betts and reset. Sometimes these players you know are going to test the market just don’t. Exhibit A being Xander Bogaerts. And keeping Betts does make the Sox substantially more competitive.

I wouldn’t trade Vazquez. I don’t think his trade value is anywhere near the top of the list on the Sox, despite his vast improvements this year. And trading him opens up a tough hole to fill at catcher.

If I use the trade values at baseballtradevalues.com (granted - not definitive)the Sox best expendable trade piece is probably Barnes, who, unlike Vazquez, is unknown for how he will impact resetting. And what team doesn’t need relievers? I also think Duran is overvalued, but there is no urgency to move him financially.

I think non-tendering Bradley is the right move, despite the horrific outfield depth in the Sox system and the defense he brings. He just hasn’t shown he will be worth $10-12mill in a budget crunch. The Notin Plan would target a defensive CF (Bradley, Lagares, Inciarte). And a fourth OF.

And rebuild that bullpen. Probably need 2 good relievers...

Have no problem with that. Well thought out.

08-16-2019, 11:22 AM
Have no problem with that. Well thought out.

It’s all in my application form...

08-20-2019, 10:56 AM
And the Yankees have since added Tyler Lyons and Trevor Rosenthal to the bullpen mix.

While nothing is likely to save this season, can Dombrowski please take a gamble on someone other than non-pitchers Cody Asche, Joey Curletta, and the immortal Chris Owings ? Just give me the illusion of concern...

08-20-2019, 11:01 AM
And the Yankees have since added Tyler Lyons and Trevor Rosenthal to the bullpen mix.

While nothing is likely to save this season, can Dombrowski please take a gamble on someone other than non-pitchers Cody Asche, Joey Curletta, and the immortal Chris Owings ? Just give me the illusion of concern...

I agree with you on this.