View Full Version : AL Schedule Makes should be fired

04-06-2019, 03:07 PM
They stuck it to the Xox---but good! I don't know about you, butI think there was an attempt to "even things up".

I hope the wives and kids will know these fells when they finally get home.

04-06-2019, 03:20 PM
The schedule is made in September, so they had no knowledge that we would be World Series champions. Stop whining

04-06-2019, 03:20 PM
This really is one of the most ridiculous starts to a season I’ve ever seen schedule wise. Red Sox will be last team in mlb to play a home game and IIRC they’ll play 11 straight west coast game, with no days off to start season...

04-06-2019, 03:22 PM
The Cubs' home opener is Monday. They are the second to last team to have their home opener, but their start in Texas, Atlanta, and Milwaukee is far better

04-06-2019, 03:55 PM
I love our schedule.

We got the tough part done first. We avoided cold Fenway for a couple weeks.

It only gets easier...

04-06-2019, 04:13 PM
I love our schedule.

We got the tough part done first. We avoided cold Fenway for a couple weeks.

It only gets easier...

Yeah I don't mind it either, since no matter when during the year we seem to go out west, it always is a struggle. Not 2-7 bad, but it almost always kills us

04-06-2019, 04:20 PM
They stuck it to the Xox---but good! I don't know about you, butI think there was an attempt to "even things up".

I hope the wives and kids will know these fells when they finally get home.

This is the handicap that is being given to the rest of baseball.

The Sox are that good!

04-06-2019, 04:25 PM
This really is one of the most ridiculous starts to a season I’ve ever seen schedule wise. Red Sox will be last team in mlb to play a home game and IIRC they’ll play 11 straight west coast game, with no days off to start season...

It is unusual for teams to play that many games in a row without an off day to open the season.

Also, something that one of the announcers pointed out that I'd forgotten about is that the Sox played their last 2 spring training games against the Cubs in Arizona. If I'm not mistaken, they left to go west on Sunday, March 24th. So they have been on the road a long time. Brutal.

04-06-2019, 04:25 PM
I love our schedule.

We got the tough part done first. We avoided cold Fenway for a couple weeks.

It only gets easier...

That is the good thing about it.

04-06-2019, 05:35 PM
Right. MLB is out to screw the RedSox, just as the NBA has it in for the Lakers and Golden State and the NFL is trying to make sure Boston and, say, the Cowboys fail. How else do you explain the RS having to play HALF their games away from Fenway Park????

Northern Star
04-06-2019, 05:38 PM
How do you fire a computer? I think the teams still have to sign off on the schedule, though not sure how much say they have for making changes.

04-06-2019, 06:03 PM
In September? We knew what was going to happem by the 4th of July!

Northern Star
04-06-2019, 06:13 PM
Can you pitch, bosoxmal? Grab some cleats and get to Fenway....

04-06-2019, 06:36 PM
Right. MLB is out to screw the RedSox, just as the NBA has it in for the Lakers and Golden State and the NFL is trying to make sure Boston and, say, the Cowboys fail. How else do you explain the RS having to play HALF their games away from Fenway Park????

We have to play 81 games away from Fenway. The Yankees, meanwhile, get to play 81 at home. How are we supposed to beat them under conditions like this?!?!?!?!

04-06-2019, 06:58 PM
We have to play 81 games away from Fenway. The Yankees, meanwhile, get to play 81 at home. How are we supposed to beat them under conditions like this?!?!?!?!


04-06-2019, 08:20 PM
It is unusual for teams to play that many games in a row without an off day to open the season.

Also, something that one of the announcers pointed out that I'd forgotten about is that the Sox played their last 2 spring training games against the Cubs in Arizona. If I'm not mistaken, they left to go west on Sunday, March 24th. So they have been on the road a long time. Brutal.

I know, it's really hard for those guys to stay in those 5 star accommodations on the road......

04-06-2019, 08:23 PM
Right. MLB is out to screw the RedSox, just as the NBA has it in for the Lakers and Golden State and the NFL is trying to make sure Boston and, say, the Cowboys fail. How else do you explain the RS having to play HALF their games away from Fenway Park????


04-06-2019, 08:25 PM
Can you pitch, bosoxmal? Grab some cleats and get to Fenway....


Much like moonslob, he can barely post.........

04-06-2019, 08:41 PM
In terms of NE weather over the last 9 days, the Sox are better off on the road, win or lose. It's been much colder than the stated temps on account of the ceaseless high wind conditions--way too bitter for baseball. We even got 2" of snow last night.

There's only a single gripe about the schedule and that is that we should have had a rest day, something that even the weather out west has kept from us.

04-06-2019, 08:55 PM

Much like moonslob, he can barely post.........

He’s in his 90’s and is a WWII veteran. Go fuck yourself babe.

04-06-2019, 09:06 PM
Sad little jersey girl......

04-07-2019, 05:35 AM
Stop blaming the schedule. If Cora would stop babying his players and let them play more during spring training they would of been more game ready and would have a better record right now

04-07-2019, 06:20 AM
Way too much being made of the schedule. Enough excuses. This team is playing like absolute dog$hit. It wouldn't matter where/who they were playing. Good teams win. This team just isn't good right now.

04-07-2019, 07:37 AM
Sad little jersey girl......

Good. At least if your going to troll and pick on someone, at least with me it is someone that can punch you in the mouth. Lay off the 90+ year old Red Sox fans. They don’t deserve your shit....
And yes, go fuck yourself asshole

04-07-2019, 09:04 AM
I know, it's really hard for those guys to stay in those 5 star accommodations on the road......

It's not about the accommodations or the means of traveling. Traveling to different time zones and being on the road takes a toll. Once again, you are only kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

I'm not making excuses for my team. They have played terribly and probably would have regardless of the schedule. They simply were not ready coming out of spring training.
I'm just pointing out that it is an uncommon and brutal schedule to open up a season

04-07-2019, 09:05 AM
Right. MLB is out to screw the RedSox, just as the NBA has it in for the Lakers and Golden State and the NFL is trying to make sure Boston and, say, the Cowboys fail. How else do you explain the RS having to play HALF their games away from Fenway Park????

OTOH, the Red Sox do have to play 2 of their 'home' games against the Yankees in London.

04-07-2019, 09:07 AM
And a decade ago, we had home games in Japan to start the year. It all balances out

04-07-2019, 09:09 AM

Much like moonslob, he can barely post.........

I'm with Slasher on this one.

You attacked both Moonslav and Mal, totally unprovoked and completely unnecessary.

You know your baseball. Stick to that.

04-07-2019, 09:11 AM
I'm with Slasher on this one.

You attacked both Moonslav and Mal, totally unprovoked and completely unnecessary.

You know your baseball. Stick to that.

He's banned again, Kimmi. It was only a matter of time.

04-07-2019, 09:15 AM
It's not about the accommodations or the means of traveling. Traveling to different time zones and being on the road takes a toll. Once again, you are only kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

I'm not making excuses for my team. They have played terribly and probably would have regardless of the schedule. They simply were not ready coming out of spring training.
I'm just pointing out that it is an uncommon and brutal schedule to open up a season

Kimmi, all due respect, but the move west--which is the easiest direction to travel (I know) in terms of sleep cycle--was done gradually by playing those to Cactus League games before going on to Seattle. It's coming east that's hard. But even then it's still baseball in beautiful ball parks and with great travel and hotel accommodations. This is The Show. You know, white baseballs for batting practice.

04-07-2019, 09:27 AM
He’s in his 90’s and is a WWII veteran. Go fuck yourself babe.

He’s aware of this as both posted on BDC. So it’s not like he can claim ignorance...

04-07-2019, 09:43 AM
He's banned again, Kimmi. It was only a matter of time.

Yeah, I saw that after I posted this.

No worries, he'll be back. :)

04-07-2019, 09:47 AM
Kimmi, all due respect, but the move west--which is the easiest direction to travel (I know) in terms of sleep cycle--was done gradually by playing those to Cactus League games before going on to Seattle. It's coming east that's hard. But even then it's still baseball in beautiful ball parks and with great travel and hotel accommodations. This is The Show. You know, white baseballs for batting practice.

I get that. Regardless, traveling is physically and mentally exhausting. It just is. I have a hard time believing that it doesn't impact how the players play.

Again, I'm not saying that's the reason the team is playing so poorly. It's not. At the same time, it certainly didn't help any.

Put it this way, I would be more concerned if the team started with a 2-8 record on a home stand. Wouldn't you?

04-07-2019, 09:54 AM
To be entirely honest, though, these guys don’t live in boston in the offseason and they haven’t been to boston yet, so this is more a continuation of their spring

04-07-2019, 11:48 AM
I get that. Regardless, traveling is physically and mentally exhausting. It just is. I have a hard time believing that it doesn't impact how the players play.

Again, I'm not saying that's the reason the team is playing so poorly. It's not. At the same time, it certainly didn't help any.

Put it this way, I would be more concerned if the team started with a 2-8 record on a home stand. Wouldn't you?

Actually, no. Here's why. In the past 5 seasons the Sox have won 21 more home games than away games. That's against 405 total home games and 405 total away games.

The west coast trip is simply a convenient excuse for the vast under-performance--granted, a very small sample size--from easily the biggest payroll in MLB.

Alex Cora's spring vacation (vice training) is the most likely culprit.

04-08-2019, 05:07 PM
Actually, no. Here's why. In the past 5 seasons the Sox have won 21 more home games than away games. That's against 405 total home games and 405 total away games.

The west coast trip is simply a convenient excuse for the vast under-performance--granted, a very small sample size--from easily the biggest payroll in MLB.

Alex Cora's spring vacation (vice training) is the most likely culprit.

Over the last 5 seasons, our home winning % is .565. Our road winning % is .528. Most teams perform better, on the whole, at home than they do on the road.

Also, I wonder what the record is in west coast parks versus being at Fenway. (I'm too lazy to figure it out.)

At any rate, I have said more than once that the reason for our slow start is that team was not ready coming out of spring training.

That said, do I think the west coast trip contributed to the poor play? Absolutely.