View Full Version : San Diego Padres

11-30-2004, 12:21 PM
Padres updated block:

The following players can be had for prosects:
The numbers after the overall star rating are the following ratings:
Contact-Gap-Power-Eye-Avoid K's-Speed-Stealing-Defense
OF Marty Cordova. 2.0 overall, 6-7-7-5-5-2-1-5
OF Jeffrey Hammonds. 2.0 overall, 6-6-4-6-5-6-2-2-3
OF Mike Sweeney. 2.0 overall, 7-7-5-8-6-3-2-6
SS Jason Alfaro. 1.0 overall, 5-4-3-3-5-5-4-4
SS Deivi Cruz. 1.5 overall, 6-7-4-1-8-3-3-7
SS Erick Almonte. 1.5 overall, 5-6-2-4-4-5-1-4

The following players are more valuable, and I'd like to trade them for someone who can play shortstop and a young catcher.

The numbers after the overall star rating are the following ratings:
Contact-Gap-Power-Eye-Avoid K's-Speed-Stealing-Defense
C Paul Lo Duca. 2.0 overall,7-7-5-4-8-2-1-10
OF/1B Daryle Ward, 2.0 overall, 7-7-7-6-7-2-2-2-7

I also have some pitchers who can be available:
Name, Age, Rating, Stuff,Movement,Control,Velocity,Endurance,Groundba ll%,Hold
If the star rating is overall, the numbers are his overall ratings.
If the star rating is prospect, the numbers are his talent ratings.

SP Kyle Lohse, 25, 2.0 overall, 7,6,7,89-92,8,68,2
He's mooooving on up! He was a 1.5 before the last sim.

SP Kurt Ainsworth, 25, 2.0 overall, 6,7,4,87-90,8,65,3
Same as with Lohse.

SP Jim Serrano, 27, 1.5 overall, 6,6,6,91-93,7,37,3
RP Troy Brohan, 31, 2.0 overall, 5,7,5,89-92,1,50,3
RP Travis Harper, 27, 2.0 overall, 5,6,6,91-94,4,58,4
RP Luke Hudson,26,1.0 overall,5,7,5,91-94,3,42,3
RP Mike Johnston,25,2.0 prospect,6,6,8,87-90,5,62,3
RP CJ Nitkowski,31,2.0 overall,6,6,7,89-92,4,47,4
RP Ben Weber, 34, 2.5 overall, 5,9,6,91-94,3,65,4
RP Rudy Seanez,35,2.0 overall, 7,8,6,93-96,2,55,4

The following prospects may also be available:
All Ratings are prospect ratings.
SP Branden Claussen (4.0)
SP Ben Howard (4.0)
SP Ryan Snare (4.0)
2B Chris Burke (4.0)
SP Grant Johnson (4.0)
SP Jon Rauch (3.5)
SP Matt Belisle (3.5)
SP Sean Burnett (3.5) <-- The guy who was a 5.0 before the last sim.
SP Matt Riley (3.0)

What I want:
A starting SS better than Juan Uribe
A starting 2B better than Brian Roberts
A catching prospect
A few good relievers

Please contact me with your offers. PM is really the best way unless you see me on AIM.

If there&#39;s someone you want who ISN&#39;T on this list.... IM or PM me and ask about them&#33;

11-30-2004, 02:14 PM
I&#39;m interested in Branden Claussen. Look though the Mariners, if you think of a deal PM me, thanks.

12-01-2004, 11:13 AM
I made some trades yesterday, and have updated the original list. Look at the top for the newest list.

12-01-2004, 03:17 PM
padres i have a good catching procpect. landen powell. ill trade him for a sp like marquis.

12-02-2004, 10:01 AM
Bumping this to the top. Read the first post.

12-03-2004, 12:30 AM
updated. Don&#39;t you hate me because I keep doing this? (look at the top)

12-06-2004, 12:37 PM

12-07-2004, 05:03 PM