View Full Version : Derek Jeter's Last Game at Fenway

07-16-2014, 09:06 PM
If it turns into a sappy Charles Steinberg/Tom Werner production with unicorns and tickling contests, I'm going to vomit.

Mariano Rivera was a one-off in my opinion, he won us over with his personality.

Jeter doesn't have a personality other than acting smug and posing for the cameras.

I really hope Red Sox fans don't fall for Tom Werner's psych-ops and collectively wet their pants because it's Derek Jeter's "Big Farewell".

Great player, big deal.

All this love-in stuff is way over the top.

He's a Yankee. I hate the Yankees.

Derek Jeter can kiss my ass.

07-16-2014, 09:49 PM
He's a Yankee. I hate the Yankees.

Derek Jeter can kiss my ass.

Well said, well said.

07-17-2014, 08:43 AM
I believe that most fans are sick of the Jetter bag lapping already. What Fox did at the All Star Game was enough to make me turn the channel many times.

Jetter was a great player for the Yankees. I get it.

I'll be glad when this crap is all over.

Station 13
07-17-2014, 08:45 AM
jeter needs to take his shit to south beach. The 'tour' and attention is ridiculous. Pettitte did it best, he announce his retirement near the end, sparing the world from the unwanted attention.

07-17-2014, 08:45 AM
The Wainright thing (grooving one for you know who) made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. He is a $pankee so the whole All-Star thing was a bit much.

07-17-2014, 05:13 PM
Shit!!!!!!! And I thought because I'm much older than almost all of you and lived my first 14 years in New York as an avid, ardent and passionate Yankee hater, I figured I had you all beat by a hair in that regard. Sorry SBF, you apparently aren't even close. As hard as it seems to fathom it looks like you guys hate the Yankees a hell of a lot more than I do---and I despise the living hell out of them. Still, I think Jeter comported himself very well during the game. And think of this.......just compare him to A-Rod as far as character and class are concerned and you have to give Derek a kuddo or two. Just my opinion.

07-17-2014, 07:53 PM
If the Yankees are out of the playoffs, I think we can go all out to give him a good experience. If they are heading to October, we can hold something back and keep it simple.

07-19-2014, 04:36 PM
I think we can go all out to give him a good experience.

Why? If fans want to clap and cheer for Derek Jeter, then they can knock themselves out. I just don't want the brass to bring out a marching band and a bunch of Little Leaguers blowing bubbles into the air while "New York, New York" gets played over the PA system.

07-27-2014, 07:07 PM
It would only be fitting if the Sox eliminated the $panks from the playoffs during that series. Now that would be a great send off.

Northern Star
07-27-2014, 07:15 PM
This is the norm now. Player announces retirement before the season; season becomes all about them. It's so unclassy, I don't give a shit who it is. Hope the fans give Jeter the Bronx cheer, so to speak.

07-29-2014, 07:25 AM
Congratulations to Derek Jeter who passed Yaz to move into 7 th place on the all time hit list. Of course if Yaz slapped at the ball like a girl and was satisfied with opposite field bitch hits, he would easily have had a couple of hundred more hits. ;)

07-29-2014, 07:38 AM
And maybe Yaz's hands wouldn't be devoid of jewelry

07-29-2014, 08:26 AM
And maybe Yaz's hands wouldn't be devoid of jewelryCant argue with that. I wish someone on this team would slap balls like a bitch!

07-29-2014, 08:59 AM
And maybe Yaz's hands wouldn't be devoid of jewelryLOL!! Maybe if Yaz could pitch too. My comment was of course tongue in cheek. I have great respect for Jeter,because he did strap on the gear and play every day even when he was banged up. That's how Yaz was. In that respect they were very similar. I hope Jeter gets a good send off from the Fenway Faithful. It will not be the same watching the Yankees without him.

I have told this story before. I was at Fenway for Yaz Day (his next to last game). As I was buying the tickets from a scalper, I got grabbed around the neck from behind and the guys grabbing me knew my name. I turned around and and it was old friends from High School. They were all Yankee fans and we had had bitter arguments through high school 1975-1977. I said to them. "Can't you leave the guy (Yaz) alone on his day?" They told me that they thought he was a great player and they wanted to be there at the event. I was flabbergasted at their show of good sportsmanship. I also remember that the ceremony for Yaz at Yankee Stadium on his last visit was also very nice. Jeter deserves the same treatment.