View Full Version : Ryan Dempster will not pitch in 2014

02-16-2014, 10:53 AM
Big news, Dempster seems to want to take the year off. Red Sox will not have to pay his salary.

Now with 13 million bux to play with, what should they do? Adding another starter would be awesome. This also gives plenty of room to resign Stephen Drew.

02-16-2014, 11:05 AM
Unless he has a fatal illness, this guy is a fool. LOL!! This guy may be the biggest fool to wear a Red Sox uniform. LOL!!

02-16-2014, 11:16 AM
This is great news for the team IMO. As for Dempster, I can understand him doing it this way if he's just not up to pitching this year. It's a lot of money to toss away, but it may be the right thing for him to do personally. This way he doesn't get into any disputes with the team.

And I'm pretty sure he's well set financially as it is, having made almost $90 million in his career!

02-16-2014, 11:17 AM
What the.....

02-16-2014, 11:19 AM
This is great news for the team IMO. As for Dempster, I can understand him doing it this way if he's just not up to pitching this year. It's a lot of money to toss away, but it may be the right thing for him to do personally. This way he doesn't get into any disputes with the team.

And I'm pretty sure he's well set financially as it is, having made almost $90 million in his career!Turning your back on $13 million is unbelievably stupid.

02-16-2014, 11:21 AM
He's done a big favor to the team if the neck issues are the main reason behind his decision, and that deserves respect.

Seems like a great opportunity to test some young guns finally.

02-16-2014, 11:25 AM
He's done a big favor to the team if the neck issues are the main reason behind his decision, and that deserves respect.

Seems like a great opportunity to test some young guns finally.I am glad that he walked, but it is an incredibly stupid decision. There is information out there that he and his wife were getting divorced in the fall. If that is true, he is an even bigger jerk. His wife will get half of what he has left from his earning up to this point. Whatever he earns going forward would be 100% his. It's no wonder that his wife is divorcing this jackass.

02-16-2014, 11:25 AM
Turning your back on $13 million is unbelievably stupid.

Not necessarily, when it gives you six months of your life to do other things, and you don't need the money anyway. Depends on your viewpoint I guess.

02-16-2014, 11:31 AM
Not necessarily, when it gives you six months of your life to do other things, and you don't need the money anyway. Depends on your viewpoint I guess.He's a young man. Unless he has been diagnosed with a fatal disease, this is an incredibly stupid decision. His divorce will take a big chunk of what he has earned. A couple of decades will erode more of his holdings and he will still be a young man with no prospects of being a big earner. Idiots like this also tend to invest their money poorly. The guy is a dope. Viewpoint has nothing to do with it.

02-16-2014, 11:33 AM
They shouldn't spend the money they saved. Having this money will give them flexibility at the trade deadline. They don't need a pitcher, they've got plentiful and signing Drew will just prevent our top prospect from playing.

02-16-2014, 11:41 AM
They shouldn't spend the money they saved. Having this money will give them flexibility at the trade deadline. They don't need a pitcher, they've got plentiful and signing Drew will just prevent our top prospect from playing.They will do what owners do-- put the money in their pockets. I don't mind in this case. Dempster quitting is addition by subtraction.

02-16-2014, 11:48 AM
They shouldn't spend the money they saved. Having this money will give them flexibility at the trade deadline. They don't need a pitcher, they've got plentiful and signing Drew will just prevent our top prospect from playing.

I don't think they should spend all of it, but they should add some depth. Try to work out minor league contracts on remaining guys like Ryan Madsen, Johan Santana, maybe even Hanrahan, Frank Francisco or Andres Torres. Stephen Drew is still out there, but more than 1/8 or 2/12 is too much.

02-16-2014, 11:49 AM
That's a great move as a teammate. He has always been a classy guy and it seems crazy to leave that much money on the table but i respect what he is doing a lot.

02-16-2014, 12:49 PM
That's a great move as a teammate. He has always been a classy guy and it seems crazy to leave that much money on the table but i respect what he is doing a lot.How is this a classy move?

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 01:04 PM
How is this a classy move?

His issues (whatever they may be) won't distract the team this season. He's putting the team first.

mvp 78
02-16-2014, 01:20 PM
Hats off to Dempster. Will always remember him pitching bp to friends and family at 2 AM after winning WS. Good for him!

Classy move!

02-16-2014, 01:29 PM
Ha. That's a big jolt to the Yankees. Dempster was the one guy the Red Sox didn't need. They could use his $13M salary and his pitching spot more.

Maybe he saw the handwriting on the wall. He wasn't in their playoff plans last year, and maybe he thought he could do them a favor. He got himself a ring, and has $100M in the bank, so why get greedy. LOL. Good luck to him.

02-16-2014, 01:32 PM
If I'm the Sox FO I hold on to the money, and if you have to pick up a contract during the season you have the money to do it. The Sox still have five pitchers penciled in, and two or three ready at AAA. Dempster was probably the odd man out of the six starters they had heading into spring training. I kind of want to start the season with WMB at 3B and X at SS, so I don't want them to rush to get Drew.

02-16-2014, 01:33 PM
“I don’t feel like I am capable of performing to the ability and standard that I am accustomed to. I feel it’s in the best interest of both the club but most importantly myself to step away from playing baseball at this time," said the 36-year-old (via Twitter links). "The time is right. I’m not saying retirement but I definitely won’t be playing this season." - Ryan Dempster

I agree it was a classy and unselfish move. Gil Meche similarly helped the Royals out in 2010 by walking away from $12 million when he knew he could not longer contribute to the team. These players make millions in their careers and should be able to do the honorable thing when they can't perform at the same skill level.

02-16-2014, 01:41 PM
“I don’t feel like I am capable of performing to the ability and standard that I am accustomed to. I feel it’s in the best interest of both the club but most importantly myself to step away from playing baseball at this time," said the 36-year-old (via Twitter links). "The time is right. I’m not saying retirement but I definitely won’t be playing this season." - Ryan Dempster
I agree it was a classy and unselfish move. Gil Meche similarly helped the Royals out in 2010 by walking away from $12 million when he knew he could not longer contribute to the team. These players make millions in their careers and should be able to do the honorable thing when they can't perform at the same skill level.

To the average Joe that makes nothing compared to the millions these guys make this looks stupid, but if he doesn't need the money and doesn't have the desire to pitch this is a classy move.

mvp 78
02-16-2014, 01:55 PM
Also, this frees up Drew $$$. You can afford to park him on the bench.

02-16-2014, 01:57 PM
“I don’t feel like I am capable of performing to the ability and standard that I am accustomed to. I feel it’s in the best interest of both the club but most importantly myself to step away from playing baseball at this time," said the 36-year-old (via Twitter links). "The time is right. I’m not saying retirement but I definitely won’t be playing this season." - Ryan Dempster

I agree it was a classy and unselfish move. Gil Meche similarly helped the Royals out in 2010 by walking away from $12 million when he knew he could not longer contribute to the team. These players make millions in their careers and should be able to do the honorable thing when they can't perform at the same skill level.If under-performing is the barometer for walking away from money, he owe refunds for his last several seasons. What a jackass! If he couldn't pitch due to injury-- physically unable to perform, i might think that there is some honor in that, but then again, risks to his health were taken into consideration in valuing this guaranteed contract. I am not a union guy, but I think that this guy is a huge sucker. He just compromised his family's financial future for no good reason. As a Red Sox fan, I love that he walked away. If I was his agent, I think that I would blow him up in his car. Playing out his contract and giving the money to reputable charities would be honorable and admirable. Letting the other party to an arm's length contract out of their obligations is not admirable. It's stupid.

02-16-2014, 02:07 PM
If under-performing is the barometer for walking away from money, he owe refunds for his last several seasons. What a jackass! If he couldn't pitch due to injury-- physically unable to perform, i might think that there is some honor in that, but then again, risks to his health were taken into consideration in valuing this guaranteed contract. I am not a union guy, but I think that this guy is a huge sucker. He just compromised his family's financial future for no good reason. As a Red Sox fan, I love that he walked away. If I was his agent, I think that I would blow him up in his car. Playing out his contract and giving the money to reputable charities would be honorable and admirable. Letting the other party to an arm's length contract out of their obligations is not admirable. It's stupid.

You mentioned a divorce earlier. I know nothing of divorces, but if he signed the contract during their marriage, wouldn't she be entitled to half of his previous contract? Maybe he wants to take half a season off, come back midseason when the Red Sox have injuries for 6 million or something, and still make the same amount of money he would because the contract would be signed as a single man.

02-16-2014, 02:09 PM
To the average Joe that makes nothing compared to the millions these guys make this looks stupid, but if he doesn't need the money and doesn't have the desire to pitch this is a classy move.I don't make $12 million/yr., but I do pretty well. Maybe it is my background as any attorney, but this is stupid, because he is giving it back to a profit driven organization, not a charity. If Dempster had discoverd a new pitch and won 20 games last year and had a career year winning the CY Young, the Red Sox would not have given him a penny more than the $13.25 million in 2014 owed him under his contract. There would be nothing dishonorable or classless about that. We would be complimenting the FO on making a good deal for having an undervalued guy on the roster. So, why should he let the Sox off the hook when they would not reciprocate? As for not needing the money, people tend to live up to their means. He is 36 years old and probably has another 30 -40 years left. He may need that money somewhere down the road. All of these guys are looking for cash flow after they are out of the game for a few years. His name is not one that will generate a lot of cash flow.

02-16-2014, 02:20 PM
You mentioned a divorce earlier. I know nothing of divorces, but if he signed the contract during their marriage, wouldn't she be entitled to half of his previous contract? Maybe he wants to take half a season off, come back midseason when the Red Sox have injuries for 6 million or something, and still make the same amount of money he would because the contract would be signed as a single man.I don't know if the spouse would be entitled to amounts earned post divorce if the contract was entered into prior to the divorce. If the contract was valued at the time of the divorce, it would have been taken into account in either the property settlement or the alimony. If it was part of the property settlement, it is a done deal, and his quitting would have no effect. If it was part of the Alimony award, he can petition the court to lower the alimony if he has a change in income. The court might reduce it, but there is no certainty with that. If the court reduces the alimony and then he signs a new contract, the ex could sue to reinstate the original alimony award. Also, good luck to him getting a mid season contract worth $6 million guaranteed. I don't see it.

02-16-2014, 02:21 PM
His name is not one that will generate a lot of cash flow.

He has quite the personality though, and seems pretty chatty. I see no reason why he couldn't end up announcing games, or being an analyst.

02-16-2014, 02:24 PM
He has quite the personality though, and seems pretty chatty. I see no reason why he couldn't end up announcing games, or being an analyst.I could see that as a possibility, but there are lots of former MLB windbags on line in front of him. If he has an offer to announce, I could make sense of this decision. I think Tony Kubek retired from the Yankees in the 1960's because he had an offer from NBC.

02-16-2014, 02:32 PM
I don't make $12 million/yr., but I do pretty well. Maybe it is my background as any attorney, but this is stupid, because he is giving it back to a profit driven organization, not a charity. If Dempster had discoverd a new pitch and won 20 games last year and had a career year winning the CY Young, the Red Sox would not have given him a penny more than the $13.25 million in 2014 owed him under his contract. There would be nothing dishonorable or classless about that. We would be complimenting the FO on making a good deal for having an undervalued guy on the roster. So, why should he let the Sox off the hook when they would not reciprocate? As for not needing the money, people tend to live up to their means. He is 36 years old and probably has another 30 -40 years left. He may need that money somewhere down the road. All of these guys are looking for cash flow after they are out of the game for a few years. His name is not one that will generate a lot of cash flow.

Unless he has been very stupid with his money, he should have a personal net worth of at least 40 million. If the wife gets half that's 20 million. If you can get 2% after-tax return on 18 million of it that's 360K a year without touching the principal.

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 02:45 PM
If under-performing is the barometer for walking away from money, he owe refunds for his last several seasons. What a jackass! If he couldn't pitch due to injury-- physically unable to perform, i might think that there is some honor in that, but then again, risks to his health were taken into consideration in valuing this guaranteed contract. I am not a union guy, but I think that this guy is a huge sucker. He just compromised his family's financial future for no good reason. As a Red Sox fan, I love that he walked away. If I was his agent, I think that I would blow him up in his car. Playing out his contract and giving the money to reputable charities would be honorable and admirable. Letting the other party to an arm's length contract out of their obligations is not admirable. It's stupid.

I don't make $12 million/yr., but I do pretty well. Maybe it is my background as any attorney, but this is stupid, because he is giving it back to a profit driven organization, not a charity. If Dempster had discoverd a new pitch and won 20 games last year and had a career year winning the CY Young, the Red Sox would not have given him a penny more than the $13.25 million in 2014 owed him under his contract. There would be nothing dishonorable or classless about that. We would be complimenting the FO on making a good deal for having an undervalued guy on the roster. So, why should he let the Sox off the hook when they would not reciprocate? As for not needing the money, people tend to live up to their means. He is 36 years old and probably has another 30 -40 years left. He may need that money somewhere down the road. All of these guys are looking for cash flow after they are out of the game for a few years. His name is not one that will generate a lot of cash flow.

None of these things matter. What matters is what is best for the team. Removing himself from the equation, for whatever reason(s), is what he felt is best for him and the team. I applaud him for that.

02-16-2014, 02:46 PM
a700 in normal business sense it's dumb to walk away from 13m. But we all know professional sports is a different animal. It's a classy move to step away. I'd have way more of an issue if he showed up and half ass'd it all season to collect a check.

02-16-2014, 02:46 PM
Unless he has been very stupid with his money, he should have a personal net worth of at least 40 million. If the wife gets half that's 20 million. If you can get 2% after-tax return on 18 million of it that's 360K a year without touching the principal.This doesn't take into account lots of factors. How much did his house cost? What was the upkeep and maintenance. How much did he pay his agent and other representatives? What about vacations? Tuitions? and on and on. We have no idea what his cash flow in and out is. Maybe he has $10 million left, maybe less. That sounds like easy street to most people. A college education at a top university can cost $200,000 + for each kid. Inflation will eat away at the money over decades. He should be fine unless he is a complete idiot or his advisors cheat him or are just plain incompetent, but hey, it has been known to happen. Kareem had to play into his 40's because his agent squandered over $42 million on him. He was stone cold broke. I hate to think what that $42 million is worth in today's dollars.

I am not sure what he is getting out of this quitting unless he or a family member is extremely ill. Other than that, IMO it is stupidity or laziness that he can't suck it up to suit up for 1 more season for $13million.

02-16-2014, 02:47 PM
None of these things matter. What matters is what is best for the team. Removing himself from the equation, for whatever reason(s), is what he felt is best for him and the team. I applaud him for that.I do applaud him for that.

02-16-2014, 02:48 PM
If under-performing is the barometer for walking away from money, he owe refunds for his last several seasons. What a jackass! If he couldn't pitch due to injury-- physically unable to perform, i might think that there is some honor in that, but then again, risks to his health were taken into consideration in valuing this guaranteed contract. I am not a union guy, but I think that this guy is a huge sucker. He just compromised his family's financial future for no good reason. As a Red Sox fan, I love that he walked away. If I was his agent, I think that I would blow him up in his car. Playing out his contract and giving the money to reputable charities would be honorable and admirable. Letting the other party to an arm's length contract out of their obligations is not admirable. It's stupid.

Yeah he really under performed in 2012, 3.38 era, 153 k's and 1.20 whip.

02-16-2014, 02:49 PM
a700 in normal business sense it's dumb to walk away from 13m. But we all know professional sports is a different animal. It's a classy move to step away. I'd have way more of an issue if he showed up and half ass'd it all season to collect a check.It is not like he has a legacy to preserve that could be compromised by a fall off in his performance. He has always been a mediocre pitcher who will be forgotten almost immediately.

02-16-2014, 02:50 PM
Please, Dempster, replace Dell and be the new reporter.

02-16-2014, 02:50 PM
Yeah he really under performed in 2012, 3.38 era, 153 k's and 1.20 whip.He's had a mediocre career.

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 02:51 PM
a700 in normal business sense it's dumb to walk away from 13m. But we all know professional sports is a different animal. It's a classy move to step away. I'd have way more of an issue if he showed up and half ass'd it all season to collect a check.

YES...this ^

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 02:53 PM
One less stupid nickname in the upcoming season. NO MORE "Dumpster" remarks!! YAY and Thank the GODS!

02-16-2014, 02:54 PM
YES...this ^I don't have an issue with him quitting at all. I am happy about that. We can all agree on that being a good thing. I do call into question his mental faculties, and I do disagree that financial foolishness is classy. That's my opinion.

02-16-2014, 02:57 PM
One less stupid nickname in the upcoming season. NO MORE "Dumpster" remarks!! YAY and Thank the GODS!No need to use Dumpster anymore since he will not be pitching for us. It is much more appropriate to refer to him as "Dumbster".

02-16-2014, 03:16 PM
I don't have an issue with him quitting at all. I am happy about that. We can all agree on that being a good thing. I do call into question his mental faculties, and I do disagree that financial foolishness is classy. That's my opinion.

It's not foolish if he feels mentally unable to play baseball. You don't know what his mental state is, or his personal balance sheet either.

And I truly believe I can change your mind on this if I re-phrase my position about 5 more times. :D

02-16-2014, 03:37 PM
Anyway fuck Dempster and his motives. It's 13 million freed up, it's a salary dump the easy way. Let the good times roll.

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 03:39 PM
It's not foolish if he feels mentally unable to play baseball. You don't know what his mental state is, or his personal balance sheet either.

And I truly believe I can change your mind on this if I re-phrase my position about 5 more times. :D

Ha HA HA Ha!!! :D

02-16-2014, 04:21 PM
It's not foolish if he feels mentally unable to play baseball. You don't know what his mental state is, or his personal balance sheet either.

And I truly believe I can change your mind on this if I re-phrase my position about 5 more times. :DThat's right so why do you keep trying? ;) IMO, he is an idiot unless he or a loved one is dying. Period. That's my opinion. I am not the one here trying to change anyone's opinion.

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 04:33 PM
That's right so why do you keep trying? ;) IMO, he is an idiot unless he or a loved one is dying. Period. That's my opinion. I am not the one here trying to change anyone's opinion.

He was clearly joking.

02-16-2014, 04:34 PM
He was clearly joking.I got that...that's why I winked.

02-16-2014, 04:36 PM
I don't know if we have the whole story on this. Perhaps he was going to be cut. Though they wouldn't save any money there.
The ideal was for what he did--quit or retire. Then they don't have to pay him. Maybe he was telling truth--just didn't want to pitch this year, and could afford NOT to pitch. Doubt he'll come back, though, at his age.

You figure the FO has to be tickled about this. It changes a few things for them.

02-16-2014, 04:42 PM
Dempster has cracked my list of dumbest baseball players/coaches. In no special order: Ryan Dempster, Ryan Sandberg, Buck Showalter, and Ricky Henderson (who allegedly framed an uncashed $1 million bonus check).

02-16-2014, 04:44 PM
I don't know if we have the whole story on this. Perhaps he was going to be cut. Though they wouldn't save any money there.
The ideal was for what he did--quit or retire. Then they don't have to pay him. Maybe he was telling truth--just didn't want to pitch this year, and could afford NOT to pitch. Doubt he'll come back, though, at his age.

You figure the FO has to be tickled about this. It changes a few things for them.The FO will no doubt be sharing a nice meal with top shelf liquor and rare vintage wines to celebrate this decision.

02-16-2014, 05:11 PM
It's really not that much different from retiring. Some guys retire even though they know they could hang on another year or two and get paid plenty for it.

02-16-2014, 05:38 PM
I don't think they should spend all of it, but they should add some depth. Try to work out minor league contracts on remaining guys like Ryan Madsen, Johan Santana, maybe even Hanrahan, Frank Francisco or Andres Torres. Stephen Drew is still out there, but more than 1/8 or 2/12 is too much.

I'd be fine with that. Minor League deals aren't going to hurt.

02-16-2014, 05:39 PM
It's really not that much different from retiring. Some guys retire even though they know they could hang on another year or two and get paid plenty for it.Still trying to convince me?;) Not too many walk away during the biggest paying years of their career --- just the jackasses or all time greats that don't want to ruin their legacies. No one is going to confuse Dumbster with an all time great.

win red sox
02-16-2014, 05:40 PM
His daughter has DiGeorge syndrome, which is a chromosome issue. Very serious.

02-16-2014, 05:42 PM
Still trying to convince me?;) Not too many walk away during the biggest paying years of their career --- just the jackasses or all time greats that don't want to ruin their legacies. No one is going to confuse Dumbster with an all time great.

Dammit, I am really coming up with some decent stuff here too. :D

02-16-2014, 05:46 PM
If I'm the Sox FO I hold on to the money, and if you have to pick up a contract during the season you have the money to do it. The Sox still have five pitchers penciled in, and two or three ready at AAA. Dempster was probably the odd man out of the six starters they had heading into spring training. I kind of want to start the season with WMB at 3B and X at SS, so I don't want them to rush to get Drew.

This may be a curse in disguise because it now gives Cherington the chance to sign Drew and screw up the infield going into the season. Please God, no Drew. Save the money for needed starting pitching help this season or sign one of the starters still out there. We don't need Drew and as I've said many times I don't want him. He chose to turn down a very nice QO of $14.1; let the greedy bastard go somewhere else.....and take Boras with him.

02-16-2014, 05:48 PM
Just saw the news online. Thank you Jesus!

02-16-2014, 05:48 PM
His daughter has DiGeorge syndrome, which is a chromosome issue. Very serious.I read about that. The child will need special care and attention her entire life which will probably quite expensive. $12 million could have helped his daughters cause and that of others who suffer from the syndrome.

02-16-2014, 05:52 PM
My problem with Stephen Drew is he wants a multiyear deal. Which means, that it's going to not only clogged up SS this year, but years to come.

02-16-2014, 05:55 PM
Still trying to convince me?;) Not too many walk away during the biggest paying years of their career --- just the jackasses or all time greats that don't want to ruin their legacies. No one is going to confuse Dumbster with an all time great.

Bravo for you my friend......You have a point of view and you stick with it instead of meely mouthing around. Personally, I think he showed some real courage and rumor has it one of his children has some kind of illness that may be serious. Maybe something about this will come out. At any rate, please, no more talk about trading a starter. If anything I would love to sign one of those still out there even though I know it is highly unlikely

02-16-2014, 06:04 PM
My problem with Stephen Drew is he wants a multiyear deal. Which means, that it's going to not only clogged up SS this year, but years to come.I dont think he'll get more than two if he signs here. Not with Cecchini in waiting. To me he would be a good buffer for the transition of the new guys. I get a sense that Farrell and Cherington want new guys but also want them to be around proven players to learn from. In the end though its no big deal, signing or not signing Drew is not going to make or break a season. Unless they sign him for 3 years or more. Then Ill be scratching my head

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 06:24 PM
Still trying to convince me?;) Not too many walk away during the biggest paying years of their career --- just the jackasses or all time greats that don't want to ruin their legacies. No one is going to confuse Dumbster with an all time great.

None of us have any idea what is going on in his life. Not even you. You continually call him dumb and a jackass without knowing anything behind his reasons for opting out this year.

It's just like fred and his anti-Drew rants. You are beating a dead horse. We all get your opinion and most of us don't agree with it.

02-16-2014, 06:38 PM
None of us have any idea what is going on in his life. Not even you. You continually call him dumb and a jackass without knowing anything behind his reasons for opting out this year.

It's just like fred and his anti-Drew rants. You are beating a dead horse. We all get your opinion and most of us don't agree with it.Yeah, I dont see why people call him dumb when hes freeing up money for us. Hes doing us a favor and people call him dumb. To me it sounds pretty darn selfless.

mvp 78
02-16-2014, 06:41 PM
Just a classy move by Dempster.

02-16-2014, 07:48 PM
None of us have any idea what is going on in his life. Not even you. You continually call him dumb and a jackass without knowing anything behind his reasons for opting out this year.

It's just like fred and his anti-Drew rants. You are beating a dead horse. We all get your opinion and most of us don't agree with it.

Hey VA, there's one for you. 700 Hitter is beating a dead horse and I'm with you on that. Now, on that other matter, mine is not so much an anti-Drew rant as an anti-Drew plea to Ben, almost on bended knee.

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 08:03 PM
Hey VA, there's one for you. 700 Hitter is beating a dead horse and I'm with you on that. Now, on that other matter, mine is not so much an anti-Drew rant as an anti-Drew plea to Ben, almost on bended knee.

I hear ya fred but I honestly don't think Ben follows Talksox. If Drew stays, it won't be the end of the world or anything.

Youk Of The Nation
02-16-2014, 08:26 PM
So what I'm getting here is that a700 thinks Dempster is...dumb? I'm not sure, a700, you haven't really established a clear position on this issue. :D

As for me, I have no idea what factor, or confluence of factors (man, I love that word), led to his decision, so I will assume that since he made it, it was what he considers best for him at the moment. Most of us would find it hard to concentrate on work after doing poorly for the entire previous year, going through a divorce, and taking care of an ill child. Dempster is one of the rare few in that situation who is financially able to take time off of work without necessarily impacting his situation negatively. His job also, unlike ours, involves being in the public eye, under constant criticism or adulation. If he chose to take himself off of the team to deal with any of his issues rather than continue to pitch and possibly impact both the Red Sox and his own (and his family's) physical and mental health, I can't fault him for that. I'd rather he chose to sit out now than choose to do it halfway through the season after pitching terribly due to stress and distraction.

02-16-2014, 08:42 PM
So right off the bat Peavey gets an injury and Dempster leaves. Do we now need another starter?

VA Sox Fan
02-16-2014, 09:04 PM
So right off the bat Peavey gets an injury and Dempster leaves. Do we now need another starter?

Peavey's injury sounds pretty minor.

02-16-2014, 09:14 PM
Just a classy move by Dempster.

Agreed. Knows what's best for the team.

mvp 78
02-16-2014, 10:22 PM
So right off the bat Peavey gets an injury and Dempster leaves. Do we now need another starter?


02-16-2014, 10:28 PM
As for me, I have no idea what factor, or confluence of factors (man, I love that word)

Agreed, confluence is a very good word.

02-16-2014, 11:33 PM
I did not see this posted but apparently Dempster has already gone through his divorce. Also, his five-year-old daughter has DiGeorge Syndrome and has had numerous treatments and surgeries. No one has the right to call him a jackass.

02-16-2014, 11:42 PM

Glad I read through all the posts this time before I made the suggestion Workman and was panned as a copy cat. That is what we should do right now, get Workman to start stretching out to be our emergency fifth starter if it comes down to that. I think I'm at least not on quicksand when I say I THINK right now we are deep enough in the bullpen to get Workman into the mindset of a starter.

02-17-2014, 03:23 AM
Easiest $13M he'll never make. Gotta agree that the guy's not too smart, regardless of how much money he has right now, you can never have too much of it. I'd love to have $1,300 right now, $13M to pitch once every 5 games for several months, and if you get injured, you still get your checks... I can't see why you'd ever pass on that. Maybe he really does have some sort of illness, maybe he's going through some kind of "midlife crisis" type of thing, and would rather just not do anything. I could see that, afterall someone said he's getting divorced.

02-17-2014, 07:06 AM
Yes, he's a dumbass, mediocre pitcher who happened to make $90 million in his career. The $90 million came from us baseball fans one way or the other...the joke's on us, really.

02-17-2014, 07:37 AM
Pretty disgusted reading A700's(and others) opinions on this.

Dempster obviously felt he wasn't up to this season. And he obviously feels money isn't the be all and end all. Completely classy thing to do.

Anyone who sees this as stupid, rather than classy, has a pretty shallow mind set imo.

Hearing Red Sox fans label him as stupid - for saving their club a shed load of cash by doing the right thing - is bewildering to be honest.

Class act and I wish him the best. Great for the Red Sox too.

02-17-2014, 08:49 AM
I agree with Hitch. I admire him for doing it this way. Schilling pocketed $8 million and didn't care that he didn't earn it. It's Dempster's money to earn, give away or turn down. It might seem irrational to people like us that will make less in a lifetime than he would have in this one year but to some buying a BMW is irrational when a Dodge Dart will get you from point A to B just as well. I think it helps the team. That is what counts. All the back and forth bickering is tedious. Arguing on the Internet is like being in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded.

mvp 78
02-17-2014, 08:53 AM
Dempster thinks there's more value this year in staying home with his family than playing ball. My hat is off to him. Glad he has his priorities in order. Two years ago, I took 3 months unpaid parental leave to spend time with my son. I don't regret that decision one bit.

02-17-2014, 09:01 AM
Yes, he's a dumbass, mediocre pitcher who happened to make $90 million in his career. The $90 million came from us baseball fans one way or the other...the joke's on us, really.

Seems like the kind of thing that Cubs fans would do, which they did.

02-17-2014, 09:11 AM
I agree with Hitch. I admire him for doing it this way. Schilling pocketed $8 million and didn't care that he didn't earn it.

I don't begrudge Schilling his $8 million either. He more than earned the money we paid him in his time here. And he put his health on the line to help us win it in 2004.

02-17-2014, 09:25 AM
I agree with Hitch. I admire him for doing it this way. Schilling pocketed $8 million and didn't care that he didn't earn it

That's really really REALLY not how it went down. Schilling fully expected to pitch at some point in 2008 and spent the whole first half of the year rehabbing to try to get his problem-child shoulder into condition. His shoulder was just too far gone -- too many miles on it over a long career. by the time everyone realized it would take surgery to put him in a position to pitch again (which Schilling's doctors had been arguing since day 1 but the Red Sox hadn' wanted to hear it), it was too late to rehab from that surgery and get back to the team in 2008.

the man did everything the team's monumentally incompetent medical team asked of him, even against the advice of some of the finest sports physicians outside the Red Sox organization, and when it backfired, fans want to blame Schilling? Please.

02-17-2014, 09:59 AM
None of us have any idea what is going on in his life. Not even you. You continually call him dumb and a jackass without knowing anything behind his reasons for opting out this year.

It's just like fred and his anti-Drew rants. You are beating a dead horse. We all get your opinion and most of us don't agree with it.Hey, it is just my opinion. I am not trying to convince anyone, but many seem very upset that I think the guy is a jackass. We don't know his circumstances, and if one of his loved ones is sick and dying, money can't buy you time. Maybe he has an offer to be a broadcaster or other business opportunity. Almost anything other than those situations can be worked around to fulfill his contract and earn the $12 million. From a business perspective, it is my opinion that this is a stupid move. Caveat emptor. The Red Sox made a bad deal. No one held a gun to their heads. Dempster's agent would have got him a bigger contract for 2013 if the deal was going to be a on year contract. As the years go up, the yearly amount goes down to mitigate factors like under performance due to age and injury. IMO this guy is not a very smart businessman. I am sorry that bothers you, but I stand by that. IMO, he pretty much showed that he wasn't too smart when he took it upon himself to make a pointless point by throwing at ARod last season.

02-17-2014, 10:06 AM
Dempster saves his rep by going out this way. The Globe this morning even used him to take still another rap at ARod. I've long suspected their sports editor is a closet Yankee fan. They never have a bad thing to say about the Yankees--or the MF Jets. Both these teams get constant stroking in the sports media. We'll never hear the end of Tanaka and Jeter.

Anyways, Dempster deserves a lot of credit for letting the Red Sox off the hook for a 2nd year. He knew he wasn't worth $13mil at this point, and he was honest enough to do something about it. That's the way it appears on the surface, anyways. It makes Ben's and Farrell's job a lot easier with who makes the pitching staff.

02-17-2014, 10:10 AM
I don't get what some of you guy's problem is. The guy is doing the Red Sox a huge favor. Would you rather have Dempster go out there, not with his head in the game, and play bad while collecting 13 million? He knows he doesn't have what it takes to play a season, so he is sitting out. I applaud the guy for doing so.

02-17-2014, 10:18 AM
Dempster is one of the rare few in that situation who is financially able to take time off of work without necessarily impacting his situation negatively. His job also, unlike ours, involves being in the public eye, under constant criticism or adulation. As an athlete, he has a very limited window of high earning years. If one of us takes some time off from work, it is no big deal, because we can come back and get a similar job and we will be working to age 65. No one is going to offer Dempster similar money and after a year off, he will find it very difficult at his age to catch on with any team. Professional athletes are different, but people are blinded by the dollars thinking that he has enough for the rest of his life. Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. We don't know how his money has been invested. His ex is going to get a big chunk of what he has earned. Caring for his special needs daughter will be increasingly expensive as time goes on. He is young and could have another failed marriage further depleting his funds. He is squandering the biggest financial asset that he will ever have in his life-- a year of a high earning athletic career. To me that is dumb. That is my opinion. I believe in maximizing assets at all time. This is the opposite of maximizing an asset. He is squandering it. I hope that neither he nor a family member is ill or dying. I hope he is just dumb. :)

02-17-2014, 10:24 AM
I don't get what some of you guy's problem is. The guy is doing the Red Sox a huge favor. Would you rather have Dempster go out there, not with his head in the game, and play bad while collecting 13 million? He knows he doesn't have what it takes to play a season, so he is sitting out. I applaud the guy for doing so.I have no problem with it. I am glad that I don't have to watch him pitch again for the Sox. Just because I am happy that he is gone doesn't lead me to the conclusion that this is not a dumb decision. Good for the Sox. Dumb by Dempster. That's just my opinion.

02-17-2014, 10:43 AM
With the stuff going on his personal life, I suspect Dempster is experiencing depression or something similar. Pretty hard to function properly in that condition.

02-17-2014, 11:10 AM
With the stuff going on his personal life, I suspect Dempster is experiencing depression or something similar. Pretty hard to function properly in that condition.I think you are jumping to some conclusions, but if he is depressed, he may not be thinking clearly. If he couldn't function due to depression, the team would DL him and he would get paid.

02-17-2014, 11:17 AM
I think you are jumping to some conclusions, but if he is depressed, he may not be thinking clearly. If he couldn't function due to depression, the team would DL him and he would get paid.

That could also be very embarrassing to him.

I'm not really jumping to conclusions - I'm suggesting that we're in no position to judge exactly what is motivating him in this decision.

02-17-2014, 11:26 AM
It's ridiculous that Dempster's move away from the game has become an "issue" here on talksox.

No one here knows all of the details surrounding his life away from baseball. Judging him for this move is not appropriate.

I'm glad he left the team and not because it will free up needed money under the cap.

I always liked him last season because he was an intelligent, articulate, and humorous man and from what I have heard a great teammate. For these reasons alone, I will miss him.

However! While he was an effective "innings eater" ( something that we should all see great value in ) it was usually torture to watch him pitch. He either gave the Sox 4 1'3 decent innings or got shelled. Sort of like Wakefield at the end of his career.

On paper the Sox APPEAR to have depth at starting pitching. Enough to cover this "loss", anyway.

I like the fact that Dempster leaving may allow Workman or another minor league talent a chance when needed. It is almost assured that the Sox will need at least one of those guys this season. Buch is a question mark. Peavey no longer has his best stuff, and Felix is not exactly the King at this point.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Relax Fred, the Sox are not likely to sign Drew even with this development.

02-17-2014, 12:21 PM
It's ridiculous that Dempster's move away from the game has become an "issue" here on talksox.

No one here knows all of the details surrounding his life away from baseball. Judging him for this move is not appropriate.

I'm glad he left the team and not because it will free up needed money under the cap.

I always liked him last season because he was an intelligent, articulate, and humorous man and from what I have heard a great teammate. For these reasons alone, I will miss him.

However! While he was an effective "innings eater" ( something that we should all see great value in ) it was usually torture to watch him pitch. He either gave the Sox 4 1'3 decent innings or got shelled. Sort of like Wakefield at the end of his career.

On paper the Sox APPEAR to have depth at starting pitching. Enough to cover this "loss", anyway.

I like the fact that Dempster leaving may allow Workman or another minor league talent a chance when needed. It is almost assured that the Sox will need at least one of those guys this season. Buch is a question mark. Peavey no longer has his best stuff, and Felix is not exactly the King at this point.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Relax Fred, the Sox are not likely to sign Drew even with this development.

Leave it up to the old fart to set everyone straight. ;)

02-17-2014, 12:48 PM
Yes, he's a dumbass, mediocre pitcher who happened to make $90 million in his career. The $90 million came from us baseball fans one way or the other...the joke's on us, really.

Like I said, I'd find it tough to believe there are many good reasons to pass up on making $13M in about half of a calendar year, when most people can't even make that kind of money in 30 years. Especially when you consider he's coming off a terrible season, and with his age, is unlikely to ever make this kind of money in FA ever again. If there is a good reason for it, I can guarantee it's pretty serious, whether it's mental or physical.

02-17-2014, 01:13 PM
That could also be very embarrassing to him.

I'm not really jumping to conclusions - I'm suggesting that we're in no position to judge exactly what is motivating him in this decision.Bells, you are right. I have acknowledged that there are circumstances where this would make sense. Money can't buy you time if you or a loved one is dying. If we don't know enough to call it a dumb decision, we don't know enough to conclude that it isn't stupid. People do make dumb financial decisions every day. Do we know enough to conclude that this isn't foolishness? I don't think so. If it is foolishness, I can't get to the point of calling it classy. Like you said, we don't know enough to come to a conclusion either way.

02-17-2014, 01:20 PM
If Dempster had come to this conclusion earlier would we have signed a high profile free agent? Could Ells have been kept out of NY?

02-17-2014, 01:33 PM
If Dempster had come to this conclusion earlier would we have signed a high profile free agent? Could Ells have been kept out of NY?

That's a good question. If they had that kind of money back in the beginning of the offseason, they vary well could have used that to get Ells back.

02-17-2014, 01:53 PM
If Dempster had come to this conclusion earlier would we have signed a high profile free agent? Could Ells have been kept out of NY?

I don't think so. Ellsbury's contract was 155 million, Dempster gave them back 13 million. Still 142 million to go.

mvp 78
02-17-2014, 01:53 PM
If Dempster had come to this conclusion earlier would we have signed a high profile free agent? Could Ells have been kept out of NY?

No, Ells was a goner because the Sox have a cheaper replacement available.

02-17-2014, 04:54 PM
Dempster thinks there's more value this year in staying home with his family than playing ball. My hat is off to him. Glad he has his priorities in order. Two years ago, I took 3 months unpaid parental leave to spend time with my son. I don't regret that decision one bit.

This is no joke mvp. A boatload of kudos to you for doing that and may I commend you on that. You're showing me a lot of class and it is making me a little uncomfortable.:o:cool::)

02-17-2014, 04:59 PM
It's ridiculous that Dempster's move away from the game has become an "issue" here on talksox.

No one here knows all of the details surrounding his life away from baseball. Judging him for this move is not appropriate.

I'm glad he left the team and not because it will free up needed money under the cap.

I always liked him last season because he was an intelligent, articulate, and humorous man and from what I have heard a great teammate. For these reasons alone, I will miss him.

However! While he was an effective "innings eater" ( something that we should all see great value in ) it was usually torture to watch him pitch. He either gave the Sox 4 1'3 decent innings or got shelled. Sort of like Wakefield at the end of his career.

On paper the Sox APPEAR to have depth at starting pitching. Enough to cover this "loss", anyway.

I like the fact that Dempster leaving may allow Workman or another minor league talent a chance when needed. It is almost assured that the Sox will need at least one of those guys this season. Buch is a question mark. Peavey no longer has his best stuff, and Felix is not exactly the King at this point.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Relax Fred, the Sox are not likely to sign Drew even with this development.

Can I take that one to the bank Spud? Or to the bloodbank?:)

02-17-2014, 05:40 PM
If Dempster had come to this conclusion earlier would we have signed a high profile free agent? Could Ells have been kept out of NY?

Nobody except the Yankees would pay Ellsbury that kind of money. They had to go that high to get him.

The mystery is why they didn't want to overpay for Cano. Perhaps they were intent on pulling another Damon on the Red Sox. If so, the Red Sox didn't blink.
My guess is they changed their tune on spending at some point after losing Cano and signing Ells. They went whole hog.

02-17-2014, 05:44 PM
I had a guy from the Globe tweet me that Dempster was really a good starter for them last year.

Dempster is getting a lot of love at the Globe right now--for the wrong reasons.

02-17-2014, 06:02 PM
If Dempster had come to this conclusion earlier would we have signed a high profile free agent? Could Ells have been kept out of NY?

Fuck no. That contract is insane.

mvp 78
02-17-2014, 06:15 PM
I had a guy from the Globe tweet me that Dempster was really a good starter for them last year.

Dempster is getting a lot of love at the Globe right now--for the wrong reasons.

The wrong reasons: he's a great guy and beloved teammate.

02-17-2014, 06:26 PM
Say whatever you guys might want to say about Dempster, fact is that mvp has it right.......he was liked and respected by his teammates and, what's more, he was the consummate team player. More speed and power to him.

02-17-2014, 10:31 PM
Say whatever you guys might want to say about Dempster, fact is that mvp has it right.......he was liked and respected by his teammates and, what's more, he was the consummate team player. More speed and power to him.

Those are the right reasons. A $13M pitcher for them he was not.

02-17-2014, 10:42 PM
Say whatever you guys might want to say about Dempster, fact is that mvp has it right.......he was liked and respected by his teammates and, what's more, he was the consummate team player. More speed and power to him.

Definitely. The effect that his absence will have on team/clubhouse morale will be greater than the effect of the absence of his performance on the field.

02-17-2014, 11:04 PM
The intangibles are interesting here.

<complete speculation>
Coming into 2013, the rotation was still filled with malcontents. Buchholz -- laptops/golfgate/beergate. Lackey -- beergate/doublefisting in a cast/cancer divorcer. Doubront -- fat. Aceves -- Aceves. Lester has seemed like he was not ready to fill that role of leader, but after his playoff performance last year, he must have earned surefire respect from all of baseball. Lester's press conferences he seemed to have added years of maturity in mere months.

Dempster filled the role of a strong veteran presence -- ever since it was vacated by Wakefield in 2011. Peavy certainly helped as well, but I would not be surprised if Dempster helped stabilize a messy group.
</complete speculation>

02-17-2014, 11:30 PM
The intangibles are interesting here.

<complete speculation>
Coming into 2013, the rotation was still filled with malcontents. Buchholz -- laptops/golfgate/beergate. Lackey -- beergate/doublefisting in a cast/cancer divorcer. Doubront -- fat. Aceves -- Aceves. Lester has seemed like he was not ready to fill that role of leader, but after his playoff performance last year, he must have earned surefire respect from all of baseball. Lester's press conferences he seemed to have added years of maturity in mere months.

Dempster filled the role of a strong veteran presence -- ever since it was vacated by Wakefield in 2011. Peavy certainly helped as well, but I would not be surprised if Dempster helped stabilize a messy group.
</complete speculation>

Boy that was some group we assembled last season. You couldn't have picked a better bunch of guys to unite into a team if you had done it by computer. I just hope I'm not pining for these guys down the road in a few years but can instead celebrate another WS Title or two in the next half decade. That would really mean we are the team that is the standard others judge by.

02-17-2014, 11:33 PM
But in the end is better for the Sox and think that was a part of his decision.

02-18-2014, 06:48 AM
The intangibles are interesting here.

<complete speculation>
Coming into 2013, the rotation was still filled with malcontents. Buchholz -- laptops/golfgate/beergate. Lackey -- beergate/doublefisting in a cast/cancer divorcer. Doubront -- fat. Aceves -- Aceves. Lester has seemed like he was not ready to fill that role of leader, but after his playoff performance last year, he must have earned surefire respect from all of baseball. Lester's press conferences he seemed to have added years of maturity in mere months.

Dempster filled the role of a strong veteran presence -- ever since it was vacated by Wakefield in 2011. Peavy certainly helped as well, but I would not be surprised if Dempster helped stabilize a messy group.
</complete speculation>

Dempster helped with that, no doubt. But I have to think Farrell and Nieves deserve a lot of the credit too, as well as the rededicated Lackey.

It was a confluence (right YOTN?) :)

02-18-2014, 10:11 AM
Having the extra money works for the sox assuming good health in the rotation. Dempster offered you a rubber armed veteran presence who can pitch out of the pen and rotation. That is worth something, although nowhere near $13 mil. Regardless, with him out, you probably have to deal with pulling Workman out of the pen should there be an injury to the rotation. And let's be honest, there will be. The odds that Buchholz makes it through the whole year are next to none. And Workman is far more effective out of the pen.

02-18-2014, 10:50 AM
Having the extra money works for the sox assuming good health in the rotation. Dempster offered you a rubber armed veteran presence who can pitch out of the pen and rotation. That is worth something, although nowhere near $13 mil. Regardless, with him out, you probably have to deal with pulling Workman out of the pen should there be an injury to the rotation. And let's be honest, there will be. The odds that Buchholz makes it through the whole year are next to none. And Workman is far more effective out of the pen.

Try telling that to Cherington and Farrell who still seem to have their love arrows out for one Stephen Money Grubbing Drew!!!!!!!!!

02-18-2014, 02:03 PM
If that was the case they would have signed Drew by now.

02-18-2014, 03:49 PM
Money grubbing?

02-18-2014, 04:51 PM
If that was the case they would have signed Drew by now.

Perhaps RR!!!! Still to say they are still interested in him up to a point sends me the chills. I know I will come in for it if Middlebrooks craters this season but it's a chance I'm willing to take. The guy is a good athlete, improving third baseman, not slow at all and has very good home run power. I just think we could be set on the left side of our infield for years if the front office would simply make it official and tell Drew and Boras to take their snake oil somewhere else.

BTW, today on Hardball Talk there was a blurb about Boras and Drew still asking for $14 million a year and who knows how many years they want along with it. The Mets told them to take it elsewhere. Not here though. Please!!!!!!!!

02-18-2014, 06:02 PM
BTW, today on Hardball Talk there was a blurb about Boras and Drew still asking for $14 million a year and who knows how many years they want along with it. The Mets told them to take it elsewhere. Not here though. Please!!!!!!!!

Rest assured Fred, there is no chance that happens.
Free agents seem to be getting desperate. Ubaldo and Garza were asking 80-100 and ended up with 40-50. Spring Training is starting, and teams don't seem to need Drew.

Ben has all the leverage. They're probably offering him somewhere in the ballpark of 1/8 or 2/15, and at some point he'll need to accept something.

02-18-2014, 07:49 PM
What Ive read, the players want him back but Cher and Farr are ready to move on. I think the pitchers want him because hes a decent fielder. Thats why I like him.

02-18-2014, 07:59 PM
Having the extra money works for the sox assuming good health in the rotation. Dempster offered you a rubber armed veteran presence who can pitch out of the pen and rotation. That is worth something, although nowhere near $13 mil. Regardless, with him out, you probably have to deal with pulling Workman out of the pen should there be an injury to the rotation. And let's be honest, there will be. The odds that Buchholz makes it through the whole year are next to none. And Workman is far more effective out of the pen.I agree and think another starter shouldnt be ruled out.

02-18-2014, 11:25 PM
What Ive read, the players want him back but Cher and Farr are ready to move on. I think the pitchers want him because hes a decent fielder. Thats why I like him.

Spring Training is just getting underway and already we're seeing the makings of a circus out there with will we sign Drew or will we not sign Drew, Farrell wants him, Farrell is ready to move on. There should be no multi-year contract for this guy---one year (reluctantly) as a utility infielder. Make him an offer of one year at $6 million take it or leave it. If he says no, END THE CHARADE AND CIRCUS RIGHT THEN AND THERE!!!!!!! If he's holding out for big money let him wait until June when teams get desperate and don't lose a draft choice to sign him.

02-19-2014, 07:14 AM
I think that ownership is hoping that another team signs him. It seems like his teammates like him and want him back. The Red Sox have publicly said that they would like to have him back, but I have not read about any offer by the Sox other than the QO. In the beginning they said they were waiting to see if they would match his other offers. It seems that he has no reasonable offers on the table. Camps are open. If they truly wanted him they would make him an offer. I think they will be relieved if he signs elsewhere. It will be face-saving to the players and fans if he leaves for a nice contract. If the FO was counting on the Mets being that team, they are sadly mistaken. They spent their budget. In the end Drew's price may come so low that the Yanks will jump in and they will have the starting SS and CFer from our championship team. That would be bizarre.

02-19-2014, 07:54 AM
What Ive read, the players want him back but Cher and Farr are ready to move on. I think the pitchers want him because hes a decent fielder. Thats why I like him.

Cher and Farr...I like it.

02-19-2014, 07:57 AM
I think that ownership is hoping that another team signs him. It seems like his teammates like him and want him back. The Red Sox have publicly said that they would like to have him back, but I have not read about any offer by the Sox other than the QO. In the beginning they said they were waiting to see if they would match his other offers. It seems that he has no reasonable offers on the table. Camps are open. If they truly wanted him they would make him an offer. I think they will be relieved if he signs elsewhere. It will be face-saving to the players and fans if he leaves for a nice contract. If the FO was counting on the Mets being that team, they are sadly mistaken. They spent their budget. In the end Drew's price may come so low that the Yanks will jump in and they will have the starting SS and CFer from our championship team. That would be bizarre.

Yeah, that would be bizarre. Latest on the Yankees is that Hal said the wallet is closed after signing Tanaka.

02-19-2014, 09:40 AM
Try telling that to Cherington and Farrell who still seem to have their love arrows out for one Stephen Money Grubbing Drew!!!!!!!!!

Farrell's lineup on twitter has X at SS and Mbrooks at 3B. :)

Abraham says X really wants to play SS. I say he could be the all-star AL SS off his playoffs form.

02-19-2014, 10:39 AM
Having the extra money works for the sox assuming good health in the rotation. Dempster offered you a rubber armed veteran presence who can pitch out of the pen and rotation. That is worth something, although nowhere near $13 mil. Regardless, with him out, you probably have to deal with pulling Workman out of the pen should there be an injury to the rotation. And let's be honest, there will be. The odds that Buchholz makes it through the whole year are next to none. And Workman is far more effective out of the pen.

The Sox have good depth at SP imo.They could do a lot worse for a #6 than Workman.

mvp 78
02-19-2014, 10:46 AM
The Sox have good depth at SP imo.They could do a lot worse for a #6 than Workman.

With Buch and Peavy, that's bound to be a #4 at some point in the season.

Who is next to come up? Renaudo? RDLR? Webster?

02-19-2014, 11:01 AM
I am not convinced Dempster is done. I fully expect him back midseason.

We all seem to forget that Dempster was worth a top 100 prospect in a midseason trade only 18 months ago. Maybe he has some nagging injuries, but he seems valuable enough that he could take some time to heal, and then help the Red Sox significantly midseason when someone else goes down. Otherwise they may need to trade someone like a Ranaudo or a Betts just to fill in a spot at #5.

02-19-2014, 11:02 AM
Farrell's lineup on twitter has X at SS and Mbrooks at 3B. :)

Abraham says X really wants to play SS. I say he could be the all-star AL SS off his playoffs form.--While visions of Drew boy dance in Farrell's head.

02-19-2014, 11:05 AM
The Sox have good depth at SP imo.They could do a lot worse for a #6 than Workman.

Keep in mind BSN that we have Buchholz in our rotation---talented but brittle as hell, and Peavy has had some arm miseries as well. I still think we are going to need another solid starting pitcher. We've loaded up with relievers and that's terrific but we better not be caught short in the starting department. That's a tough division and tougher league we play in.

02-19-2014, 11:21 AM
--While visions of Drew boy dance in Farrell's head.

Stop worrying about Drew, Fred. He'll be in pinstripes before you know it.

VA Sox Fan
02-19-2014, 11:52 AM
--While visions of Drew boy dance in Farrell's head.

Stop worrying about Drew, Fred. He'll be in pinstripes before you know it.

Yes fred PLEASE. If you mention Stephen Drew one more time, I am going to politely request the Mods to ban you until the Drew ordeal is solved. Thanks!:)

mvp 78
02-19-2014, 12:12 PM
Keep in mind BSN that we have Buchholz in our rotation---talented but brittle as hell, and Peavy has had some arm miseries as well. I still think we are going to need another solid starting pitcher. We've loaded up with relievers and that's terrific but we better not be caught short in the starting department. That's a tough division and tougher league we play in.
Stop stealing my material.

02-19-2014, 12:51 PM
--While visions of Drew boy dance in Farrell's head.

Farrell may have come to grips the FO wants X at SS and MBrooks at 3B.

02-19-2014, 12:53 PM
Keep in mind BSN that we have Buchholz in our rotation---talented but brittle as hell, and Peavy has had some arm miseries as well. I still think we are going to need another solid starting pitcher. We've loaded up with relievers and that's terrific but we better not be caught short in the starting department. That's a tough division and tougher league we play in.

They are talking to Capuano, but I bet they would have to pretty much guarantee him a spot in the rotation to get him.

02-19-2014, 01:05 PM
It all depends on whether or not Capuano is humble enough to put a team before himself. The Dodger's rotation was better than him, and I suspect most of the best teams in the majors will have 5 better starters than him.

02-19-2014, 06:56 PM
Yes fred PLEASE. If you mention Stephen Drew one more time, I am going to politely request the Mods to ban you until the Drew ordeal is solved. Thanks!:)

On that note VA I would probably be banned indefinitely because this Drew show goes on and on. However, as a favor to you I'm going to try and take a page from Archie Bunker's book and stifle myself on that as best I can. Root me on there; it's might be a tough job for me but I will give it a real go.

02-19-2014, 06:58 PM
Stop stealing my material.

OK mvp, it's all yours from here on in with Buch, but do me a favor. Take over the Drew contretemps as well. You and VA are pals and she still just tolerates me now.

02-19-2014, 07:02 PM
Farrell may have come to grips the FO wants X at SS and MBrooks at 3B.

SoxSport, hope you're right. I just promised VA that I would stifle myself until the Drew matter is solve. Now for the coming to grips with X and WMB as you say Farrell has, that would be fine with me. I know if Middlebrooks fails this season I going to have to eat a lot of shit on this board since I have been as vocal for him to play 3B as I was for the Red Sox to resign Napoli. I just believe this is the way to go. Though I wasn't a fan of the Red Sox at the time, I do remember that in 1975 the Sox said to hell with it and placed two rookies, Jim Rice and Fred Lynn into the starting lineup. Seems they went to the WS that year if my memory serves we well. And didn't they have a couple of other rookies on the team as well?

mvp 78
02-19-2014, 07:05 PM
If the Sox signed Drew to wallow on the bench it'd the tune the old cow died of.

02-19-2014, 07:05 PM
Definitely. The effect that his absence will have on team/clubhouse morale will be greater than the effect of the absence of his performance on the field.

BTW, I just off the Cubs message board a half hour ago. I sometimes post there since I have a little affection for them since they like we were once and they play in a classic ballpark. They had nothing but nice things to say about Dempster themselves, and I can confess that I feel like a perfect ass having referred to him as Dumpster a few times early last season.

02-19-2014, 10:26 PM
The way I see it, every good team has to have a few young guys with upside to balance out a few older guys over 30 who may be on the downside. That's the Red Sox right now--with their blend of younger players, middle players in their prime, and older players. You can pretty much fill in the names by age. Those younger guys may make the season if some of the over 30 guys (Vic,Nap, Papi, etc.) get hurt or have off years. The same goes for the pitching. They have a nice blend of age.

You look at the Yankees, and they are the opposite. Very few young players. A lot of old guys with big contracts on the downside. A few retreads signed to fill in holes. Sure, their blank check philosophy and Baseball's lack of a salary cap helps to patch up these shortcomings, but age inevitably catches up during the season.

The stronger teams in baseball will continue to be teams like the Cardinals, Giants, Rays, Pirates, Red Sox and a few others. The Dodgers have done a better job than the Yankees in mixing in young talent, so you expect they will do well, too.

Youk Of The Nation
02-19-2014, 11:39 PM
BTW, I just off the Cubs message board a half hour ago. I sometimes post there since I have a little affection for them since they like we were once and they play in a classic ballpark. They had nothing but nice things to say about Dempster themselves, and I can confess that I feel like a perfect ass having referred to him as Dumpster a few times early last season.

"A few"?!

02-19-2014, 11:46 PM
"A few"?!

Give me your address and I will send you an early Christmas present Mr. Super Moderator.......a nice hair splitting machine.;):o:D OK, maybe I referred to Dempster by that other title a few more than just a few times. I take it all back.

Youk Of The Nation
02-19-2014, 11:52 PM
Give me your address and I will send you an early Christmas present Mr. Super Moderator.......a nice hair splitting machine.;):o:D OK, maybe I referred to Dempster by that other title a few more than just a few times. I take it all back.

Always strive for specificity, it is the soul of debate.

VA Sox Fan
02-20-2014, 01:56 PM
BTW, I just off the Cubs message board a half hour ago. I sometimes post there since I have a little affection for them since they like we were once and they play in a classic ballpark. They had nothing but nice things to say about Dempster themselves, and I can confess that I feel like a perfect ass having referred to him as Dumpster a few times early last season.

You and several others were guilty of that atrocity! Dempster intentionally threw a pitch at A-Rod last season. He is a stand up citizen for that alone!!! :D

02-20-2014, 05:29 PM
You and several others were guilty of that atrocity! Dempster intentionally threw a pitch at A-Rod last season. He is a stand up citizen for that alone!!! :D

Well...he did stink like a dumpster at times, last season. As a person, I love the guy. But, he just wasn't worth the money the Sox payed him.

02-27-2014, 10:42 AM
Well...he did stink like a dumpster at times, last season. As a person, I love the guy. But, he just wasn't worth the money the Sox payed him.

He was not going to make an impact on this team. At the same time, he was going to be useful as A) insurance and B) a trade asset. I think folks seriously undervalued how useful a guy on a 1 year 12 million hitch would have been to trade by the end of spring training. For what he is (a guy with swing and miss stuff who was very durable and had some bad homerun luck) he had some industry value. I'd rather pay Dempster $12M and hope than Ervin Santana $60 million and hope a little less.

03-08-2014, 05:14 PM
The old saying you can never have enough pitching is starting to take shape. First, Dempster shuts it down for 2014. Then Peavy forgets how to use a knife.
If Peavy can't put his hand in his glove to field his position then that might open up the 5th spot for one of the kids.