View Full Version : Sox add Mujica

12-05-2013, 11:59 AM
The Red Sox have agreed to terms on a two-year, $9.5MM contract with right-hander Edward Mujica, according to Jeff Passan of Yahoo Sports. Mujica, who is represented by Octagon, will take a physical today, according to Passan.

Not bad

mvp 78
12-05-2013, 12:06 PM
What??? Ben the Boob should be signing Napoli, not wasting his time on bullpen pieces!!!

User Name?
12-05-2013, 12:07 PM
I'm not big on Mujica, but he's had some recent success and is death to righties. Considering the money and years some of these setup-types are getting, this looks like fair value. Palodios should be happy.

12-05-2013, 12:18 PM
What??? Ben the Boob should be signing Napoli, not wasting his time on bullpen pieces!!!

You're allowed to negotiate with more than one player at a time

mvp 78
12-05-2013, 12:22 PM
You're allowed to negotiate with more than one player at a time

Stop feeding me your lies!!!

12-05-2013, 12:30 PM
Stop feeding me your lies!!!

Your gonna eat it and like it you lil unruly bastard :p

12-05-2013, 12:41 PM
This is a good signing. He was miscast as a closer, but as a setup guy, he gives you insurance should Tazawa regress

12-05-2013, 01:19 PM
Solid addition. Nice work ben.

12-05-2013, 01:29 PM
After the year Koji and Taz had, I took a hard look at the players with the highest K/BB ratio this offseason. Mujica was on the top of the list. This guy has insane control. Love the pickup.

12-05-2013, 01:46 PM
I'm not big on Mujica, but he's had some recent success and is death to righties. Considering the money and years some of these setup-types are getting, this looks like fair value. Palodios should be happy.

I saw Mujica blow a two run lead to the Angels late last Spring or early summer, so my impression of him is a bit on the bearish side, but as long as he is not our closer, and he isn't, I think he might get the job done for us. You can never have enough good arms in the bullpen, a source of strength for us this past season the way things played out. And User, if we do trade a starter as part of a big deal, Workman might just be ready to go into the rotation. Now for Napoli, right out there mvp?????

12-05-2013, 01:49 PM
This is a good signing. He was miscast as a closer, but as a setup guy, he gives you insurance should Tazawa regress

As I said in an earlier post, as long as he doesn't close. I don't like him there at all but as a set-up man this could be a good signing for us. You can never have too many good arms in the bullpen.

12-05-2013, 02:00 PM
I like this move. A Sox strength ( the pen ) will likely remain so in 2014. I hope they jettison the two high price stiffs they signed in the past two years in Bailey and Hanrahan. Some deals just don't work out.

User Name?
12-05-2013, 02:04 PM
Bailey was non-tendered and Hanrahan is a FA, so you're getting your wish.

12-05-2013, 02:09 PM
Read somewhere that Mujica, Koji, Taz, and Badenhop ranked 1,3,7, and 12 respectively in walk rate among 125 qualified relievers.

Having that in our bullpen is pretty awesome. Love this signing.

12-05-2013, 02:21 PM
Sox loading up on low BB rate guys. Love it.

Bullpen of Uehara, Mujica, Miller, Tazawa, Breslow, Badenhop, Dempster seems very strong, particularly with Britton, Workman, and RDLR waiting in the wings.

7th - 8th - 9th of Breslow/Badenhop - Mujica/Taz/Miller - Uehara is really solid.

12-05-2013, 02:23 PM
Miller, Badenhop, Breslow, Taz, Koji, Mujica, + more...

Damn the bullpen looks even better than last year

12-05-2013, 02:48 PM
Dodgers just agreed to pay Brian Wilson 1yr/$10m+, so there's that...

User Name?
12-05-2013, 02:48 PM
Sox loading up on low BB rate guys. Love it.

Bullpen of Uehara, Mujica, Miller, Tazawa, Breslow, Badenhop, Dempster seems very strong, particularly with Britton, Workman, and RDLR waiting in the wings.

7th - 8th - 9th of Breslow/Badenhop - Mujica/Taz/Miller - Uehara is really solid.

I highly doubt Dempster pitches out of the BP next year.

12-05-2013, 02:52 PM
And as good as the bullpen seems on paper...

You just never know.

12-05-2013, 02:52 PM
I highly doubt Dempster pitches out of the BP next year.

Knowing Farrel, Dempster starts and Doubront is in the pen

12-05-2013, 02:54 PM
And as good as the bullpen seems on paper...

You just never know.

Well of course, I'm sure we all remember last year when it was supposed to be the best bullpen ever and all the early season blown saves and injuries

12-05-2013, 03:09 PM
Well of course, I'm sure we all remember last year when it was supposed to be the best bullpen ever and all the early season blown saves and injuries

In all fairness, it did have the best closer ever :)

12-05-2013, 04:13 PM
The more I think about it, the more I like this deal.

Insane control.
Adding another RH reliever frees up Workman to move to the rotation as the 6th man, making Dempster tradeable.
2/9 is a very good deal, considering what we've seen from the top-tier options get.
He's only 29 years old.
Ben didn't trade Lowrie, or Reddick for him, and no draft pick attached.

12-05-2013, 04:19 PM
In all fairness, it did have the best closer ever :)

Well yeah but that was after the fact, and none of us knew koji would unleash the beast. I knew he was going to be a good piece but not hands down the best closer of 2013.

12-05-2013, 04:21 PM
Going into the season we thought it was going to be Hanrahan in the 9th and that was still a solid option. The current bp on paper looks a good deal better than last year's opening day bp did on paper

User Name?
12-05-2013, 04:49 PM
Well yeah but that was after the fact, and none of us knew koji would unleash the beast. I knew he was going to be a good piece but not hands down the best closer of 2013.

*slowly raises hand*

12-05-2013, 05:15 PM
I highly doubt Dempster pitches out of the BP next year.

Where else does he pitch?? Until he's traded you have to assume he's on the team, and he's certainly not going to be in the rotation. Not sure where else he goes

12-05-2013, 05:19 PM
Where else does he pitch?? Until he's traded you have to assume he's on the team, and he's certainly not going to be in the rotation. Not sure where else he goes
I hope he gets traded. And also i hope the training staff gets Doubrant's ass in shape for this up coming year and he finally because the player the FO thought him to be. They need to get him the same trainer as Lackey had last year.

12-05-2013, 05:24 PM
On one hand, I want to see what Dempster could fetch us on the market and dump him to free up some money.

On the other, I feel like he could still be valuable. Our rotation has two guys that are big injury risks in Buchholz and Peavy. Dempster is pretty durable and would be good insurance in case one of them goes down. The only question is if starting pitching insurance is worth 13 million dollars.

I'm very open to trading Dempster but I'd like it if BC could look at a tommy Hanson or Jerome Williams type just as cheap injury insurance. I doubt either one would be much worse than Dempster and both should cost us a bit less.

12-05-2013, 05:29 PM
On one hand, I want to see what Dempster could fetch us on the market and dump him to free up some money.

On the other, I feel like he could still be valuable. Our rotation has two guys that are big injury risks in Buchholz and Peavy. Dempster is pretty durable and would be good insurance in case one of them goes down. The only question is if starting pitching insurance is worth 13 million dollars.

I'm very open to trading Dempster but I'd like it if BC could look at a tommy Hanson or Jerome Williams type just as cheap injury insurance. I doubt either one would be much worse than Dempster and both should cost us a bit less.
Agreed. I would like to see the FO make that move. Im not a big supporter of a 13million per to be a spot starter of long relief guy when we have Workman right there.

mvp 78
12-05-2013, 05:35 PM
Dempster is not fetching us Kemp.

12-05-2013, 05:57 PM
Dempster is not fetching us Kemp.

Trading a 1/13 contract of a guy who had averaged 3-4 WAR a year in the NL for an injury prone guy on a 6/120 contract whose numbers have been all over the map, but over his career averages roughly 3-4 WAR a year.

One-for-one, no extra cash, I bet the Dodgers do it.

mvp 78
12-05-2013, 06:05 PM
Hahahaja, no way. That's a marklmw steak dinner bet.

Orange Juiced
12-05-2013, 06:25 PM
Mujica is a good signing at that price. Very good pitcher, outstanding walk rates. Quality pitcher. He'll be very helpful. The bullpen is one area where the Sox can really improve, perhaps offsetting some offensive losses.

12-05-2013, 06:56 PM
Pal, what are you smoking?

12-05-2013, 07:13 PM
Yeah sorry Pal no chance on that.

Dodgers going to require WMB in any package I would assume. Maybe WMB and Dempster with a guy like Britton or Workman if the Dodgers are some money

12-05-2013, 07:15 PM
Pal, what are you smoking?

Kemp is damaged goods. His total fWAR over the last two years are 2.8. That's 1.4 per year. I don't care what he was 3-4 years ago, right now he's a 1 WAR player with injury issues. All with a juicy 6/120 contract. He has the same value as Carl Crawford in 2012.... none.

12-05-2013, 08:12 PM
I hope he gets traded. And also i hope the training staff gets Doubrant's ass in shape for this up coming year and he finally because the player the FO thought him to be. They need to get him the same trainer as Lackey had last year.

With the Yankees signing both McCann and you know who, they will be very left handed and that means that Doubrant may be more important to us next season than some of you might think. Besides he has pitched some of his best ball against that team, especially in their backyard. I would like to see him in the rotation if he can come to ST next March not looking like a Baby Huey.

12-05-2013, 08:34 PM
This is a good signing. He was miscast as a closer, but as a setup guy, he gives you insurance should Tazawa regress
Jacko ... have you ever considered coming over to the good side?

12-05-2013, 08:36 PM
Kemp is damaged goods. His total fWAR over the last two years are 2.8. That's 1.4 per year. I don't care what he was 3-4 years ago, right now he's a 1 WAR player with injury issues. All with a juicy 6/120 contract. He has the same value as Carl Crawford in 2012.... none.
^Nice Post ... I wonder what James has him projected at in 2014.

12-05-2013, 08:37 PM
Yeah sorry Pal no chance on that.

Dodgers going to require WMB in any package I would assume. Maybe WMB and Dempster with a guy like Britton or Workman if the Dodgers are some money

Way too early to give up on WMB.

12-05-2013, 08:40 PM
Mujica is a good signing for the Sox. Being here in StL got to see a lot of him last year. Matheny has a tendency to give up on his pitchers some times and gets into patterns where he overworks his bullpen. I think that is what happened last year. Mujica was solid but overworked in the closers role. Much better as a set-up guy.

12-05-2013, 08:43 PM
Hahahaja, no way. That's a marklmw steak dinner bet.

I think that the Dodgers can find another team willing to give more than a Dempster in return for Kemp. There are many teams that are desperate enough to deal for Kemp and his upside potential.

12-05-2013, 10:57 PM
The typical MF media tonite on MLB channel (Stark also on twitter)questioned Mujica's poor September performance and absence in the World Series without mentioning that he had a groin issue in September and tried to play thru it without success.

The Red Sox just signed an all star closer on the cheap. That's two they now have. Ben is 2 for 2 in signings, with AJP. Maybe Choo is next. Then Drew and Nap.

12-05-2013, 11:00 PM
With the Yankees signing both McCann and you know who, they will be very left handed and that means that Doubrant may be more important to us next season than some of you might think. Besides he has pitched some of his best ball against that team, especially in their backyard. I would like to see him in the rotation if he can come to ST next March not looking like a Baby Huey.

Yeah, you got to have good left starters and hitters if you want to beat the Yankees. That's why the Red Sox should sign Choo. They play the MFY 19 times next year, don't they?

12-06-2013, 07:43 AM
Kemp is damaged goods. His total fWAR over the last two years are 2.8. That's 1.4 per year. I don't care what he was 3-4 years ago, right now he's a 1 WAR player with injury issues. All with a juicy 6/120 contract. He has the same value as Carl Crawford in 2012.... none.

He was hurt last year, and he's healthy now. He posted an 8.4 UZR in his last fully healthy season. In 2012, when he missed almost 1/2 of a year with a shoulder injury, he still posted a 3.2 WAR. With a 146 wRC+. Extrapolate that over a 150 game season, and he was on pace for around a 4.7 - 5.0 WAR season.

If you can get a 4.5 - 5.0 WAR player for $15-16mm/year, particularly one who has the upside to post an 8-9 WAR season, that's a good investment IMO. Certainly worth more than Dempster.

12-06-2013, 07:59 AM
Gomes and Nava as a platoon are worth roughly 3 WAR. Kemp is worth 4-5 WAR IF healthy. If you're going to spend lots of money on an injury prone player, shouldn't the Red Sox at least be trying to fill a position of need ?

12-06-2013, 08:06 AM
I don't see trading talent to get back Kemp with his huge paycheck and injuries. Beltran is the better choice -- cheaper, don't have to trade talent, and he is a shorter term commitment. Plus, he is a switch hitter.

12-06-2013, 08:27 AM
Gomes and Nava as a platoon are worth roughly 3 WAR. Kemp is worth 4-5 WAR IF healthy. If you're going to spend lots of money on an injury prone player, shouldn't the Red Sox at least be trying to fill a position of need ?

Gomes/Nava posted a 2.8 WAR together last year.......over 240 games and 902 PA.

They are projected by ZiPS to post a 1.2 combined WAR in 2014. Nava 0.8, Gomes 0.4. Not 3.

Not sure how you can project the Sox to get a WAR of 3 in a LF platoon when they couldn't produce that last year with over 900 PA last year.

Not to mention, Kemp provides 25-30 HR pop with the ability to hit 40. If you're going to have JBJ in CF, you need that extra pop in LF. Kemp can also play CF if JBJ isn't working out or needs development time and you don't have to take Victorino out of RF.

12-06-2013, 08:28 AM
I don't see trading talent to get back Kemp with his huge paycheck and injuries. Beltran is the better choice -- cheaper, don't have to trade talent, and he is a shorter term commitment. Plus, he is a switch hitter.

If you can get his deal down to 6 years, 90mm, that's not a huge paycheck. And you're not giving up a ton of talent. Nothing elite. Some solid talent, yes, but if you get the deal down to a much more managable 15mm/year, then it makes sense.

12-06-2013, 08:36 AM
If you can get his deal down to 6 years, 90mm, that's not a huge paycheck. And you're not giving up a ton of talent. Nothing elite. Some solid talent, yes, but if you get the deal down to a much more managable 15mm/year, then it makes sense.If the Dodgers eat a lot of the contract, they will want good talent. If they eat little or none, tjhey will not expect to get much talent. We are not going to get it both ways, I.e., the Dodgers eat a lot of the contract and accept little talent in return. That is a pipe dream.

12-06-2013, 09:16 AM
Gomes/Nava posted a 2.8 WAR together last year.......over 240 games and 902 PA.

They are projected by ZiPS to post a 1.2 combined WAR in 2014. Nava 0.8, Gomes 0.4. Not 3.

Not sure how you can project the Sox to get a WAR of 3 in a LF platoon when they couldn't produce that last year with over 900 PA last year.

Not to mention, Kemp provides 25-30 HR pop with the ability to hit 40. If you're going to have JBJ in CF, you need that extra pop in LF. Kemp can also play CF if JBJ isn't working out or needs development time and you don't have to take Victorino out of RF.

The Red Sox lost significant value from Nava defensively playing him out of position in right and first, and value from both offensively by platooning them poorly. With another outfielder who can actually play rf/cf the platoon gets around 800 to 850 ops... Not that far off from a magic Christmas land Kemp scenario.

12-06-2013, 09:46 AM
Hitters coming off shoulder surgery often never get their full power back. Look at AdGon. He is getting paid for his Padres' form--before surgery. But he isn't the same hitter. My guess is McCann might never be the same, either, though Yankee stadium certainly helps him. The chances of Ellsbury showing any power there have been lessened by his rib and shoulder injuries.

Even Votto has had a tough time power wise coming back from knee? surgery? His power numbers were off last year--as fantasy players will tell you. The Reds are paying him $20+ mil for 75 RBIs?

12-06-2013, 09:51 AM
If the Dodgers eat a lot of the contract, they will want good talent. If they eat little or none, tjhey will not expect to get much talent. We are not going to get it both ways, I.e., the Dodgers eat a lot of the contract and accept little talent in return. That is a pipe dream.

The Red Sox probably know what it will take to get Kemp or Ethier. They will balance that against Choo. I think they want a right fielder, figuring Vic and Bradley are enough for CF. They want a guy who can defend RF in Fenway. Choo is probably their best bet, but how much will he cost? They surely like him best because of his high OBP--he's a 20-20 type of player who can lead off or bat in the middle of the order. But MF Boras probably wants Ellsbury-Yankee money for him. Pass.

The problem with Beltran is his ability to play RF in Fenway regularly--with his age and bad knees. Plus he wants 3 years, which is a deal breaker for 37 yo.

12-06-2013, 09:58 AM
Gomes/Nava posted a 2.8 WAR together last year.......over 240 games and 902 PA.

Not to mention, Kemp provides 25-30 HR pop with the ability to hit 40. If you're going to have JBJ in CF, you need that extra pop in LF. Kemp can also play CF if JBJ isn't working out or needs development time and you don't have to take Victorino out of RF.

Kemp is a big gamble coming off three surgeries. Doubtful he will ever regain his power after the surgeries he had. Didn't Ethier have a good Aug and Sept? He might be a cheaper, safer bet. I don't know how serious the Dodgers are about shedding their 4th outfielder. I wouldn't be with their revenues.

rician blast
12-06-2013, 10:26 AM
Kemp is a HUGE gamble a this point. Big upside, but his health scares me. Sox are not the Yanks who are comfortable paying now, regretting later.

12-06-2013, 12:19 PM
The Red Sox probably know what it will take to get Kemp or Ethier. They will balance that against Choo. I think they want a right fielder, figuring Vic and Bradley are enough for CF. They want a guy who can defend RF in Fenway. Choo is probably their best bet, but how much will he cost? They surely like him best because of his high OBP--he's a 20-20 type of player who can lead off or bat in the middle of the order. But MF Boras probably wants Ellsbury-Yankee money for him. Pass.

The problem with Beltran is his ability to play RF in Fenway regularly--with his age and bad knees. Plus he wants 3 years, which is a deal breaker for 37 yo.The bad aspect of Choo and Ethier is that they are left handed and struggle against left handed pitching. Beltran can play LF with Bradley and Victorino playing CF and RF.

12-06-2013, 12:40 PM
I want absolutely nothing to do with Ethier. He is Daniel Nava for a far higher price.

12-07-2013, 06:28 PM
If healthy this was a good signing for the Sox. Another reliever that throws a ton of strikes and has had some success in the closer role.

12-10-2013, 04:04 AM
Yankees already signed Beltran. Choo would be the safest bet and is a great leadoff hitter. But he might cost more than we want to spend. If we can move Dempster, plus B+ prospects for Kemp, and they eat some salary, I'd take the risk that he has a bounce back year. He would platoon well with JBJ or move over to left if he doesn't have the legs for CF anymore.


As for Mujica, yup. Sox seem to like have a great bullpen. They hopefully just added another good arm who can throw some high leverage 7th/8th innings. If we can bridge to Uehara, we're golden. ^_^

User Name?
12-10-2013, 09:53 AM
That trade is the definition of a pipe dream.

12-10-2013, 09:59 AM
Gomes/Nava posted a 2.8 WAR together last year.......over 240 games and 902 PA.

They are projected by ZiPS to post a 1.2 combined WAR in 2014. Nava 0.8, Gomes 0.4. Not 3.

Not sure how you can project the Sox to get a WAR of 3 in a LF platoon when they couldn't produce that last year with over 900 PA last year.

Not to mention, Kemp provides 25-30 HR pop with the ability to hit 40. If you're going to have JBJ in CF, you need that extra pop in LF. Kemp can also play CF if JBJ isn't working out or needs development time and you don't have to take Victorino out of RF.

Buy low sell high ... Kemp is a buy low, Price is a sell high.

12-10-2013, 10:34 AM
I would not be surprised if the Yankees jump in and buy Choo and Drew. Boras clients. The Cashman brakes on spending have been removed by the higher ups. They can make more TV money contending in the playoffs than they can lose on the luxury tax. That point has been made somewhere on the tweets or MLB TV.

I see they just announced the Spink award to Roger Angell. Legitimate sports writer and book author. Not one of those TV pundits peddling rumors. Which is what Gammons became after he left the Globe for ESPN.

The guy that won the Spink award last year is a sports columnist in Philly. Forget his name. He told me in '04 just before the World Series the Cardinals would beat the Red Sox in 5 games. I said no way. The Red Sox have much better pitching. There is an element in the media with a snotty attitude about the Red Sox.

12-10-2013, 10:54 AM
I would not be surprised if the Yankees jump in and buy Choo and Drew. Boras clients. The Cashman brakes on spending have been removed by the higher ups. They can make more TV money contending in the playoffs than they can lose on the luxury tax. That point has been made somewhere on the tweets or MLB TV.

I see they just announced the Spink award to Roger Angell. Legitimate sports writer and book author. Not one of those TV pundits peddling rumors. Which is what Gammons became after he left the Globe for ESPN.

The guy that won the Spink award last year is a sports columnist in Philly. Forget his name. He told me in '04 just before the World Series the Cardinals would beat the Red Sox in 5 games. I said no way. The Red Sox have much better pitching. There is an element in the media with a snotty attitude about the Red Sox.

This would not surprise me at all either. The Yankees are hurting in the pitching department that they just may try to win their games by out slugging the competition.

12-10-2013, 04:59 PM
I would not be surprised if the Yankees jump in and buy Choo and Drew. Boras clients. The Cashman brakes on spending have been removed by the higher ups. They can make more TV money contending in the playoffs than they can lose on the luxury tax. That point has been made somewhere on the tweets or MLB TV.

I see they just announced the Spink award to Roger Angell. Legitimate sports writer and book author. Not one of those TV pundits peddling rumors. Which is what Gammons became after he left the Globe for ESPN.

The guy that won the Spink award last year is a sports columnist in Philly. Forget his name. He told me in '04 just before the World Series the Cardinals would beat the Red Sox in 5 games. I said no way. The Red Sox have much better pitching. There is an element in the media with a snotty attitude about the Red Sox. how can Yankees get choo when they already have surplus outfielders. ...

12-10-2013, 05:08 PM
how can Yankees get choo when they already have surplus outfielders. ...

In all likelihood the Yankees will deal Gardner.

12-10-2013, 05:15 PM
how can Yankees get choo when they already have surplus outfielders. ...

Good question. LOL. But it's the Yankees. They keep adding outfielders.

12-10-2013, 08:07 PM
Buy low sell high ... Kemp is a buy low, Price is a sell high.

Please my friends, get off this Kemp kick. He is very badly damaged goods coming off two very sub-par seasons. The Dodgers hoping some sucker will step in so they can fleece them. Ankle surgery (loses speed), shoulder surgery (loses power), hamstrings that have erupted continually on him and putting him on the DL the past two seasons. The Dodgers say they are not actively trying to trade him, yet they have made it clear they will listen to all offers for him. Why are they doing this? He was just about the best player in baseball in 2010, and they don't need the money since they are awash in it, and Ethier isn't supposed to be near the player Kemp is. Why not try and trade Ethier? Because they know that Kemp is on his way down and, besides, I think he is a very bad fit for the Red Sox. He has a irritating tendency to go half speed a lot of the time and when he slumps becomes a very moody player. LA fans enable him; Red Sox fans would roast him if he did those things and we would have another Crawford moaning how tough it is to play in Boston.

Now I could turn out to be very wrong on this. Kemp might come back and put up big MVP numbers while I get egg on my face, but at this time I think we should not take that chance. Once again I say don't worry about Bradley and Middlebrooks. They will perform just fine.

VA Sox Fan
12-10-2013, 09:01 PM
Kemp is a HUGE gamble a this point. Big upside, but his health scares me. Sox are not the Yanks who are comfortable paying now, regretting later.

HOLY CRAP! Just saw your post! Don't be a stranger!!!!!

12-11-2013, 12:57 AM
In all likelihood the Yankees will deal Gardner.

CBS Sports says Yankees intend to keep Gardner, and they're going to try and deal Ichiro instead.

12-11-2013, 12:59 AM
Buy low sell high ... Kemp is a buy low, Price is a sell high.

Kemp is certainly not a buy low. It's going to take prospects and salary to get him. The dodgers aren't going to move someone with MVP potential for some bullshit prospects and eat the salary. He may be buy low as in sure you're not signing the guy for 10yr/150MM but he's going to cost a lot both in prospects and cash.

12-11-2013, 05:55 PM
Kemp is certainly not a buy low. It's going to take prospects and salary to get him. The dodgers aren't going to move someone with MVP potential for some bullshit prospects and eat the salary. He may be buy low as in sure you're not signing the guy for 10yr/150MM but he's going to cost a lot both in prospects and cash.

Fine with me RSNC, just as long as it isn't our team and our prospects.

12-11-2013, 06:40 PM
Kemp is certainly not a buy low. It's going to take prospects and salary to get him. The dodgers aren't going to move someone with MVP potential for some bullshit prospects and eat the salary. He may be buy low as in sure you're not signing the guy for 10yr/150MM but he's going to cost a lot both in prospects and cash.
You could be right or not. Depends how much cash the Dodgers will eat and how well the prospects they get in return for Kemp do. We really have no knowledge of either.

12-14-2013, 08:55 AM
how can Yankees get choo when they already have surplus outfielders. ...

It has not stopped them before. The $pankees are like a college student with their parent's credit card on a shopping spree. If it looks good and is for sale the $pankees will buy it. They reacted the same way after 2007.

04-05-2014, 03:04 PM
I hope that his efforts yesterday will not prove to be the norm. Yikes!

I'm skeptical about him because of the way he ended 2013.

I hope that he does not have a "dead arm" or some lingering injury.

04-05-2014, 09:51 PM
Lots of relievers are struggling early in the season. I believe Mujica pitched 6.1 innings this spring. I am not sure that was enough to prepare for the season.

04-06-2014, 09:55 AM
Lots of relievers are struggling early in the season. I believe Mujica pitched 6.1 innings this spring. I am not sure that was enough to prepare for the season.

I was thinking the same. Buchholz, too. Some of these guys don't appear to be ready yet, and I wonder if the management was a bit too lax with the regulars in ST--playing a lot of minor leaguers too much--especially early. And especially the pitching. Don't the minor leaguers have their own ST games? I don't know how that works, since the media doesn't seem to cover the minor league teams in ST. No reason why the minor leaguers can't have their own ST games--some nearby?, so the management can watch them too.

The team just won a championship, and there is a natural tendency to relax a bit. The Red Sox always seem to start slowly, which maybe is due to their stressing of minor league players in early ST.

Having said that, the team has looked pretty good so far, except for a couple of bad outings by Mujica and Buchholz, which were unexpected. These guys had pitched well in ST--but we know that ST can be a mirage. You got to be pleased with most of the rest of the guys--Sizemore, JBJ, Middlebrooks, X, Nap, Pedey, etc. Lackey and Lester have looked great. Peavy, OK. Doubront holding his own. Koji unhittable again.This still looks like it could be a better team to me than last year.

Station 13
04-06-2014, 10:01 AM
Lots of relievers are struggling early in the season. I believe Mujica pitched 6.1 innings this spring. I am not sure that was enough to prepare for the season.

Overreacting to 1 game meltdown by Mujica?

The bullpen is excellent. Taz/Koji will anchor it. Capuano already look like a win win signing.

04-07-2014, 09:57 AM
Overreacting to 1 game meltdown by Mujica?

The bullpen is excellent. Taz/Koji will anchor it. Capuano already look like a win win signing.

I'm not overreacting at all. I am just explaining why Mujica, an all-star reliever last year, had a bad outing. I do not believe 6 1/3 is a sufficient amount of innings to get ready.

04-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Our bullpen will be a strenght once these guys start piling up innings

04-08-2014, 06:47 PM
If your bullpen is "piling up innings" then you're doing it wrong.

04-09-2014, 10:38 PM
If your bullpen is "piling up innings" then you're doing it wrong.

I guess that depends on your definition of piling up innings.

04-10-2014, 01:51 PM
The Cards got rid of the Chief (as we called him) for a reason...he sucked. Set up man, closer, what's the difference? When a reliever comes in it's the FIRST INNING for him! And after the league got a good look at him he was pounded!

Good luck with him. Especially after mid season.

04-10-2014, 02:08 PM
The Cards got rid of the Chief (as we called him) for a reason...he sucked. Set up man, closer, what's the difference? When a reliever comes in it's the FIRST INNING for him! And after the league got a good look at him he was pounded!

Good luck with him. Especially after mid season.

All it cost was money - relievers are like disposable diapers. The Cards have changed closers like women change shoes and it has not impacted them. Bottom line, if the starters are holding their end up, this is a nonissue.

04-10-2014, 02:17 PM
The Cards got rid of the Chief (as we called him) for a reason...he sucked. Set up man, closer, what's the difference? When a reliever comes in it's the FIRST INNING for him! And after the league got a good look at him he was pounded!

Good luck with him. Especially after mid season.

Hey Carter who is that in your avatar? Bruno San Martino?

04-10-2014, 02:50 PM
Hey Carter who is that in your avatar? Bruno San Martino?Yes. He's my look-alike. (Sammartino)

04-21-2014, 06:10 AM
Our bullpen will be a strenght once these guys start piling up innings

Mujica has looked better the last couple of appearances. Badenhop is a different story. I would rather see Workman. For the most part the bullpen has been really good.

04-21-2014, 09:10 AM
Rosenthal has about 4 or 5 saves this year for the Cards, but he seems to give up a run every time he pitches. It just shows how saves are stats for agents and fantasy. We'll see how long the Cards will tolerate that.

04-21-2014, 10:29 AM
Mujica has looked better the last couple of appearances. Badenhop is a different story. I would rather see Workman. For the most part the bullpen has been really good.

The bullpen has been just fine - no real need to get too fired up about the 5th and 6th inning guys sucking (if they do). Every team's is generally not good - and it is more of an indictment of the starters anyway.

04-22-2014, 07:46 AM
Workman is most likely going to take Buchholz' spot in the rotation should his shit continue

04-22-2014, 09:42 PM
Is Workman in Pawtucket? Are they serious? He's better than most of their bullpen, and they count beans with him.

You have to wonder if the FO has written the season off after winning last year.

User Name?
04-22-2014, 09:45 PM
Are you retarded? The sox' bullpen leads the AL in ERA, and they're keeping Workman in AAA because they're keeping him stretched out for when, not if, he needs to join the rotation. Please stop posting.

04-23-2014, 10:02 AM

We will see Workman soon enough I'm afraid!

And I look forward to seeing him pitch. I'm sick of the inconsistent performances of Buchholtz and Doubrant.

04-23-2014, 10:13 AM
Is Workman in Pawtucket? Are they serious? He's better than most of their bullpen, and they count beans with him.

You have to wonder if the FO has written the season off after winning last year.

You really enjoy using a "bean" reference in every one of your posts.

04-23-2014, 10:15 AM
Workman remains in Pawtucket because the Yankees have an unfair advantage with the giant revenues from their TV contracts!

User Name?
04-23-2014, 11:07 AM
Workman remains in Pawtucket because the Yankees have an unfair advantage with the giant revenues from their TV contracts!

Have i ever told you that i really like you?

04-23-2014, 12:12 PM