View Full Version : Replacing Lost WAR in 2014.

11-29-2013, 08:21 PM
Boston can go one of two ways in 2014.
Option A.: They can be patient and wait one year to see how many of their top players on the farm come around, pick up a lot of compensation picks to restock and plan on 2015 and on. As they say we are playing with house money now.
Option B: They can sign a FA or two which includes any of the 4 FA's that played on the 2013 Championship Team (I love saying that)
and try to repeat in 2014.

If you selected Option B then we might have a problem replacing the total lost WAR of 15.9 of the 2013 team, see below:

Drew - 3.1
Ell's - 5.8
Napoli - 4.1
Salty - 2.9

Now lets look at replacements

Bogaerts for Drew - Even
Napoli for Napoli - Even
Hanigan for Salty - Even
JBJ for Ell's - Minus 4

Here lies the problem: Beginning the 2014 season knowing you potentially 4 less wins.
I made an argument of signing Cano away from the Yankees for a 200M/8 year deal.

Does this make Ellsbury at 108/6 more appealing?
I think signing Ellsbury would be a nice bridge into the future and covering Options A & B.

Comments always welcome.

11-29-2013, 08:27 PM
Salty and Ells are going to be the two areas that hurt the most.

That said, I think we may be losing WAR in a couple other areas. For example, it's unlikely that victorino repeats the career year he had here. And we don't have Napoli in fold yet.

User Name?
11-29-2013, 08:40 PM
The Red Sox put up total WAR figures of:

21.7 from pitchers.

36.6 WAR from position players.

The Sox are likely to lose from as little as 2 to as much as 6 offensive wins depending on how the rest of their off-season goes. However, those losses could be greatly off-set if they can get a good defensive catcher, bump Dempster from the rotation and Koji can hold up for the entire season. All doable in my opinion.

This is under the assumption that Doubront finally takes that step forward we've all been waiting for so long.

11-29-2013, 09:41 PM
Middlebrooks producing respectable numbers could be a big boost and so could a healthy pedroia. With a reliable closer, th sox won't lose wins at the end of games like we saw with Hanrahan and Bailey early. The rotation is much deeper.

They need a first baseman and a catcher but we knew that. Losing ellsbury, and a top notch backup middle infielder are the only pieces that hurts.

mvp 78
11-29-2013, 10:29 PM
Just don't see how Ells and Cano have anything to do with each other.

Cano isn't coming here. End of story.

Pick up WAR by not having blown saves from Bailey and Hanrahan.

11-30-2013, 02:49 AM
Third base, back end of the rotation, bullpen. Middlebrooks was worth 0.3 WAR last year, Steamer projects him to be worth 2.5 next year. In the first half Webster and Aceves made a combined 13 starts and were worth -.7 WAR. Peavy's projected to be worth 3 WAR next year. And it took us a while to sort our bullpen out, we blew the fifth most saves in baseball and Koji only blew three.

11-30-2013, 08:26 AM
Just don't see how Ells and Cano have anything to do with each other.

Cano isn't coming here. End of story.

Pick up WAR by not having blown saves from Bailey and Hanrahan.

The relationship between Ell's & Cano is that they are considered the 2 top FA's this year and they have similar WAR's. I think it is great that everyone is optimistic and we are going to make up wins for one reason or another but signing Ell's will help with the transition as he is as good as gold to give us a 5+ WAR. If the Yankees are willing to pay Cano 24M per for 7 years which we know will become 8 should not the Sox at least consider giving Ellsbury 18M per for 6 years? That is what one has to do with the other. Think man Think!

11-30-2013, 08:30 AM
Middlebrooks producing respectable numbers could be a big boost and so could a healthy pedroia. With a reliable closer, th sox won't lose wins at the end of games like we saw with Hanrahan and Bailey early. The rotation is much deeper.

They need a first baseman and a catcher but we knew that. Losing ellsbury, and a top notch backup middle infielder are the only pieces that hurts.

If we do not sign Nap's it will make the case for signing Ell's. Hart would become a must have even on a 1 year contract and the Sox should have no issue overpaying him if necessary. Hanigan is a need to help the pitching staff improve their collective WAR.

User Name?
11-30-2013, 08:31 AM
In his 7-year career, Ellsbury has provided the Red Sox with 5+ WAR exactly twice, with one year being clearly a fluke, and the second being a contract drive. How is he as good as gold to provide a 5+ WAR, especially with his recurrent health issues?

11-30-2013, 08:32 AM
In his 7-year career, Ellsbury has provided the Red Sox with 5+ WAR exactly twice, with one year being clearly a fluke, and the second being a contract drive. How is he as good as gold to provide a 5+ WAR, especially with his recurrent health issues?
^ Steak Dinner UN? Ellsbury did not even get in 150 games in 2013... WAR rewards games played.

11-30-2013, 08:37 AM
In his 7-year career, Ellsbury has provided the Red Sox with 5+ WAR exactly twice, with one year being clearly a fluke, and the second being a contract drive. How is he as good as gold to provide a 5+ WAR, especially with his recurrent health issues?

This is something that's been overlooked a bit - this was a classic contract-motivated season for Ellsbury - he even played hurt some at the end of the year - which was kind of unprecedented.

11-30-2013, 08:39 AM
So UN ... I was at a poker game last night in Connecticut. Were I live half the people are Sox fans while the other half are Yankee fans ... there are a few lost Met's fans here and there. There were 10 guys around the table when I asked everyone what they thought of the Cano signing. One guy jumped out of his chair saying that he had not heard anything about Cano signing. I said, yeah it was just announced he signed an 8 Year -200M contract with the Red Sox. He agreed to move to 1B. The room went nuts. Someone said no f...ing way ... I kept it straight and said, yeah I heard it on the radio on the way here ... Peter Gammons broke the story. The Sox fans were out of their seats, jumping around and giving high five's ... the Yankee fans were distressed ... they were looking at one another with sad faces. It was incredible. I eventually told everyone that I made it up but it was priceless let me tell you.

11-30-2013, 08:41 AM
You're quite the merry prankster mark.

11-30-2013, 08:41 AM
This is something that's been overlooked a bit - this was a classic contract-motivated season for Ellsbury - he even played hurt some at the end of the year - which was kind of unprecedented.

Teams always pay for ceilings. Yes Ell's played through a lot this past season being a contract year. How about next year that he is injury free ... I am feeling a WAR of 7.

11-30-2013, 08:43 AM
You're quite the merry prankster mark.
I wish I had it on film .. capturing every persons reaction. My kid brother ... age 48 was as happy as anyone.

11-30-2013, 08:44 AM
Salty and Ells are going to be the two areas that hurt the most.

That said, I think we may be losing WAR in a couple other areas. For example, it's unlikely that victorino repeats the career year he had here. And we don't have Napoli in fold yet.


11-30-2013, 08:46 AM
I wish I had it on film .. capturing every persons reaction. My kid brother ... age 48 was as happy as anyone.

Man if I did something like that with some of my avid baseball fan friends, a few would be calling me a complete asshole when they found out it was BS.

11-30-2013, 08:50 AM
Man if I did something like that with some of my avid baseball fan friends, a few would be calling me a complete asshole when they found out it was BS.

Come on man ... baseball is entertainment not life and death. Have you not learned anything from the movie 'Fever Pitch' No one called me an asshole ... everyone had a good time and every Sox fan in the room loved the idea of snagging the Yankees top player away from them. The Yankee fans were shaking their heads while watching the Sox fans celebrating. They were very happy to learn that the story was not true. Oh yeah, I told them I heard it on the WFAN which is a NY Sports Radio station the we pick up here.

User Name?
11-30-2013, 09:00 AM
^ Steak Dinner UN? Ellsbury did not even get in 150 games in 2013... WAR rewards games played.

Which is exactly why he's not a lock to have back-to-back 5-WAR seasons.

11-30-2013, 09:18 AM
Which is exactly why he's not a lock to have back-to-back 5-WAR seasons.
I got a feeling UN ... Ellsbury is going to have a monster 2014 season ... He is going to be healthy the entire year and exceed his 2013 overall numbers ... sans SB's

User Name?
11-30-2013, 10:14 AM
I got a feeling UN ... Ellsbury is going to have a monster 2014 season ... He is going to be healthy the entire year and exceed his 2013 overall numbers ... sans SB's

I get a feeling he gets an ouchie and misses twenty games.

11-30-2013, 10:55 AM
I get a feeling he gets an ouchie and misses twenty games.
Do you know how much weighting SB's add to a players WAR? Mike Trout seems to be the player created to deliver the optimum WAR. What say you?

User Name?
11-30-2013, 10:57 AM
Do you know how much weighting SB's add to a players WAR? Mike Trout seems to be the player created to deliver the optimum WAR. What say you?

Yeah because he gets on base, hits for power and plays great D at center and Left. SB's aren't that important to the totality of the formula.

11-30-2013, 11:02 AM
Does anyone subscribe to espn insider: If so can you access this article?


VA Sox Fan
11-30-2013, 11:03 AM
You're quite the merry prankster mark.

Man if I did something like that with some of my avid baseball fan friends, a few would be calling me a complete asshole when they found out it was BS.

More like the merry douche bag. Just like the "Napoli signs with the Rockies" thread. Complete asshole is right.

No way that you'd do anything like that bellhorn, you are cool.

11-30-2013, 11:04 AM
Yeah because he gets on base, hits for power and plays great D at center and Left. SB's aren't that important to the totality of the formula.

Trout's D numbers were not so great in 2013 ... if I remember correctly. So if Ellsbury on grabs a mere 35 bags in 2014 it will not affect is WAR number all that much?

11-30-2013, 11:06 AM
Go Sox

11-30-2013, 11:16 AM
Yeah because he gets on base, hits for power and plays great D at center and Left. SB's aren't that important to the totality of the formula.

Cabrera out performed Trout in most of the important offensive categories except SB's. Trout had a dWAR of -.8 while Cabrera's dWAR was -1.4. Trout still clobbered Miggy for total WAR. Educate me please.

User Name?
11-30-2013, 11:41 AM
Cabrera out performed Trout in most of the important offensive categories except SB's. Trout had a dWAR of -.8 while Cabrera's dWAR was -1.4. Trout still clobbered Miggy for total WAR. Educate me please.

The BSR component used by FG doesn't pertain only to SB's, but rather to baserunning efficiency in general. You only asked about stolen bases, and i gave you the correct answer. Also, Trout had a 3.3 overall FG DWAR while Cabrera had a -14.8 mark, so i don't know where you got that -.8.

I don't know if you're using BB-Ref's formula, for which the BSR component is a bit more SB-reliant, but still, the main reasons Trout had such a big WAR advantage are clearly both defense and baserunning.

11-30-2013, 11:43 AM
More bullshit from VA Fan. How about I rip off your head and piss all over you. LOL

This is way over the line man.

User Name?
11-30-2013, 11:44 AM
This is way over the line man.


11-30-2013, 12:05 PM
More bullshit from VA Fan. How about I rip off your head and piss all over you. LOL

Uncalled for. No one talks to VA like that around here.

11-30-2013, 12:56 PM
The BSR component used by FG doesn't pertain only to SB's, but rather to baserunning efficiency in general. You only asked about stolen bases, and i gave you the correct answer. Also, Trout had a 3.3 overall FG DWAR while Cabrera had a -14.8 mark, so i don't know where you got that -.8.

I don't know if you're using BB-Ref's formula, for which the BSR component is a bit more SB-reliant, but still, the main reasons Trout had such a big WAR advantage are clearly both defense and baserunning.
Got ya

11-30-2013, 12:57 PM
This is way over the line man.

Keep out of it Bellhorn ... what VA starts VA can finish.

11-30-2013, 01:00 PM
Uncalled for. No one talks to VA like that around here.

Just as I said to Bellhorn ... what VA Starts VA can finish. And make no mistake about it .. VA started this. Respect yields respect and this is all about respect and nothing more.

11-30-2013, 05:47 PM
Fuck off Mark, you dipshit.

mvp 78
11-30-2013, 06:57 PM

11-30-2013, 07:02 PM
More bullshit from VA Fan. How about I rip off your head and piss all over you. LOL

Yeah, I don't think this forum's for me...

11-30-2013, 07:49 PM
Keep out of it Bellhorn ... what VA starts VA can finish.

Mark, with all due respect that was out of line what you said to VA. I've had some differences with here the past few years but she is a good fan and decent person. I would suggest you apologize and move on. She deserves a lot better than what you said.

On another point this WAR stuff is important but we miss the psychological part of the game when we take about Ellsbury. The guy just screws with the minds of pitchers and infield alignments every time he gets on base. You cannot put a WAR or any other baseball marker on that. We would lose a valuable weapon if we let him get away. Yes, there is a risk of his getting hurt again but, face it, he did play hurt the last part of this past season. For a free agent big contract? Perhaps, but we know with the security of a new contract he wouldn't necessarily be worrying about staying on the bench because of hangnail. I think we have to consider this very seriously before we allow him to walk.

11-30-2013, 10:08 PM
Fuck off Mark, you dipshit.

Who started this? Answer that.

11-30-2013, 10:11 PM
Mark, with all due respect that was out of line what you said to VA. I've had some differences with here the past few years but she is a good fan and decent person. I would suggest you apologize and move on. She deserves a lot better than what you said.

On another point this WAR stuff is important but we miss the psychological part of the game when we take about Ellsbury. The guy just screws with the minds of pitchers and infield alignments every time he gets on base. You cannot put a WAR or any other baseball marker on that. We would lose a valuable weapon if we let him get away. Yes, there is a risk of his getting hurt again but, face it, he did play hurt the last part of this past season. For a free agent big contract? Perhaps, but we know with the security of a new contract he wouldn't necessarily be worrying about staying on the bench because of hangnail. I think we have to consider this very seriously before we allow him to walk.

Fred ... you too huh ... as I said before what VA starts VA can finish. When I get her apology she will get mine. To be honest I am surprised to learn that a female started this rubbish. If I knew it was a female who started this I would have ignored her. I thought it was just another guy saying guy stuff.

mvp 78
11-30-2013, 10:38 PM
Fred ... you too huh ... as I said before what VA starts VA can finish. When I get her apology she will get mine. To be honest I am surprised to learn that a female started this rubbish. If I knew it was a female who started this I would have ignored her. I thought it was just another guy saying guy stuff.
You seem like a pretty horrible person, or someone who at the very least needs a nap.

11-30-2013, 10:47 PM
You seem like a pretty horrible person, or someone who at the very least needs a nap.

OK MVP ... jump on in. VA called me a douche bag for playing around with Fred with the Napoli to Colorado rumor ... as I said if I had known she was a female I would have ignored her ... I thought it was a guy because women I know do not speak this way ... so I was just giving it back ... you know guy to guy ... if that is horrible then you probably never played on a sports team which is probably the case. Time for my nap. Adios.

11-30-2013, 10:51 PM
Fred ... you too huh ... as I said before what VA starts VA can finish. When I get her apology she will get mine. To be honest I am surprised to learn that a female started this rubbish. If I knew it was a female who started this I would have ignored her. I thought it was just another guy saying guy stuff.

I didn't say you had to do it Mark; that's up to you. I SUGGESTED you do it. You make to make that call, but I can tell you this. I feel a helluva lot better when I can talk baseball on this board and not get into pissing contests with some of my colleagues here. Hell, I'm pretty emotional and have an Italian temper but I n ever feel good when I get into arguments and get into personal attacks with people. It bothers me no end. You think it over. I only sent you a missive because I like and respect you and also that despite what one or two people on this board may think, I want friendship and unity around here. Anyway, we'll get back to baseball now.

User Name?
11-30-2013, 11:50 PM
I think you mean "besides of what most of the board may think" and otherwise, what you say makes sense.

Back to the topic at hand:

The Red Sox were 23rd in baseball in WAR at 3B with a 0.0 (replacement level, ewwww) mark. If WMB can reach the projected 2.5 mark he has for 2014, a healthy season from Dustin Pedroia may be all the Red Sox need to recover most of the offensive WAR lost from the departures of Drew and Ellsbury, assuming Napoli comes back.

12-01-2013, 12:08 AM
I think you mean "besides of what most of the board may think" and otherwise, what you say makes sense.

Back to the topic at hand:

The Red Sox were 23rd in baseball in WAR at 3B with a 0.0 (replacement level, ewwww) mark. If WMB can reach the projected 2.5 mark he has for 2014, a healthy season from Dustin Pedroia may be all the Red Sox need to recover most of the offensive WAR lost from the departures of Drew and Ellsbury, assuming Napoli comes back.

UN ... I can see a lot of area's where we can pick up some WAR ... It just seems that if we keep Ellsbury that he can be good insurance and along with Pedey and Lester he can help with our overall transition from an older to younger club.

12-01-2013, 12:12 AM

User Name?
12-01-2013, 12:14 AM
We disagree on the idea that Ellsbury can replicate his 2011/2013 seasons. I think a WAR in the mid-4 is the most you can expect out of him, and with full playing time JBJ should approach/surpass the 3 mark based on plate discipline and defense alone.

12-01-2013, 02:20 AM
Who started this? Answer that.

Edit: epic burn deleted due to not seeing apology before posting of said epic burn.

12-01-2013, 03:02 AM
The Sox will be fine. If they lose a few more games and, gulp, miss the postseason, it's probably just because they came down to earth a little bit. They should just stay the course they were on and build the farm for sustained success, and stay away from big name free agents.

User Name?
12-01-2013, 03:14 AM
So you're saying you think signing Cano to an 8-year, 225-million deal would be a bad idea? I am shocked and appalled. Shocked and appalled, i tell you!

12-01-2013, 03:36 AM
The Sox will be fine. If they lose a few more games and, gulp, miss the postseason, it's probably just because they came down to earth a little bit. They should just stay the course they were on and build the farm for sustained success, and stay away from big name free agents.

Agreed. Stay the course and don't do anything stupid.

12-01-2013, 11:30 AM
So you're saying you think signing Cano to an 8-year, 225-million deal would be a bad idea? I am shocked and appalled. Shocked and appalled, i tell you!

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that if there's a 30+ year old power hitter, you should definitely sign him until he's 40 to make 30M/yr.

User Name?
12-01-2013, 11:52 AM
No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that if there's a 30+ year old power hitter, you should definitely sign him until he's 40 to make 30M/yr.

That's more like it. You know what it takes to succeed in MLB.

12-01-2013, 07:11 PM
A note to VA before a turn in for the night. I am sorry for saying the things I said to you. I had no idea that you were a woman and I was just giving you crap because I thought you were a guy. I am sorry for that. I hope that you will accept my apology.

Glad you did that Mark. It will bring more harmony to this board. Notice even User thought I made sense even with that little dig he threw in there. Still, we don't need flamage and hard feelings here. We'll get some of that when we agree or disagree on who we should have ( like my boy Napoli), but we need to keep personalities out of it. Besides, things are going to heat up on the front burner pretty soon and that should keep all of us very busy weighing the pros and cons of each move. Good for you Mark.

User Name?
12-01-2013, 07:15 PM
I'm sorry. I can't help myself.

12-01-2013, 07:37 PM
Glad you did that Mark. It will bring more harmony to this board. Notice even User thought I made sense even with that little dig he threw in there. Still, we don't need flamage and hard feelings here. We'll get some of that when we agree or disagree on who we should have ( like my boy Napoli), but we need to keep personalities out of it. Besides, things are going to heat up on the front burner pretty soon and that should keep all of busy very busy weighing the pros and cons of each move. Good for you Mark.

Thanks for saying so Fred ... the whole Napoli rumor I posted was directed towards you to begin with. I guess at the end of the day most all players are expendable. don't worry about UN ... he is a good guy and he makes a lot of sense most of the time.

12-02-2013, 09:36 PM
The Sox will be fine. If they lose a few more games and, gulp, miss the postseason, it's probably just because they came down to earth a little bit. They should just stay the course they were on and build the farm for sustained success, and stay away from big name free agents.

agreed. Except I'd like to see Nap back.

Orange Juiced
12-03-2013, 09:45 AM
Salty (2.9) --> Pierzynski (1.6) = -1.3
Napoli (4.1) --> Hart (2.0 in 2012) = -2.1
Ellsbury (5.8) --> Bradley Jr. (too few plate appearances to gauge) = a net loss, one way or another
Drew (3.1) --> Bogaerts (too few plate appearances to gauge) = a probable net loss for 2014, but a big gain eventually
Victorino (6.2) = almost certainly will go down
Ortiz (4.4) = probably will go down
Uehara (2.4) = probably will go down (he can't have a second consecutive historically great season, can he?)

However, some places to improve:

- 3b, with Middlebrooks playing the entire season
- 2b, as Pedroia plays healthy
- maybe the rotation, if Buchholz stays healthy

On the whole, I see the Sox losing about 6 WAR. They should still be good enough to be competitive in the AL East and in the playoff hunt, while still being set up for a long run of greatness starting in 2015.

I'm ok with this.

12-03-2013, 10:13 AM
Salty (2.9) --> Pierzynski (1.6) = -1.3
Napoli (4.1) --> Hart (2.0 in 2012) = -2.1
Ellsbury (5.8) --> Bradley Jr. (too few plate appearances to gauge) = a net loss, one way or another
Drew (3.1) --> Bogaerts (too few plate appearances to gauge) = a probable net loss for 2014, but a big gain eventually
Victorino (6.2) = almost certainly will go down
Ortiz (4.4) = probably will go down
Uehara (2.4) = probably will go down (he can't have a second consecutive historically great season, can he?)

However, some places to improve:

- 3b, with Middlebrooks playing the entire season
- 2b, as Pedroia plays healthy
- maybe the rotation, if Buchholz stays healthy

On the whole, I see the Sox losing about 6 WAR. They should still be good enough to be competitive in the AL East and in the playoff hunt, while still being set up for a long run of greatness starting in 2015.

I'm ok with this.

Hart if healthy can match or exceed Napoli's numbers. Bogaerts will exceed Drews WAR.

Orange Juiced
12-03-2013, 10:47 AM
Hart if healthy can match or exceed Napoli's numbers. Bogaerts will exceed Drews WAR.

I don't know that I'd have that much confidence that X can match Drew's WAR in 2014, but obviously he has tremendous talent and will be a great SS for many years to come. And it's possible he matches or exceed's Drew's WAR in 2014. I just can't put it down in the + category yet.

Much of Napoli's WAR came from his exceptional defense, something Hart cannot match.

12-03-2013, 11:09 AM
I don't know that I'd have that much confidence that X can match Drew's WAR in 2014, but obviously he has tremendous talent and will be a great SS for many years to come. And it's possible he matches or exceed's Drew's WAR in 2014. I just can't put it down in the + category yet.

Much of Napoli's WAR came from his exceptional defense, something Hart cannot match.

Nap's DWAR was .4 in 2013.

User Name?
12-03-2013, 11:11 AM
Nap's DWAR was .4 in 2013.

That's because of the formula's positional adjustment. He had an exceptional 9.7 UZR, so defense certainly helped his WAR.

12-03-2013, 11:14 AM
That's because of the formula's positional adjustment. He had an exceptional 9.7 UZR, so defense certainly helped his WAR.

ok ... either way I think everyone would like to see us sign Nap's ... the other options out there are not as convincing are they?

User Name?
12-03-2013, 11:15 AM
Good defense is not a bad thing. It's a prime component of the Red Sox' 2013 championship formula.

12-03-2013, 11:20 AM
Pedroia, Ortiz and Lester will lead the 2014 club to the playoffs in 2014. Boegarts, WMB, JBJ, Nava, Victorino, Buchholz, Koji, will provide solid years. It will be interesting one way or another. Now if I can only convince UN to sign Ellsbury.

12-03-2013, 01:48 PM
Good defense is not a bad thing. It's a prime component of the Red Sox' 2013 championship formula.

It's rightly adjusted per position because as much as it's nice to have a good defensive first basemen, it's not as essential as it is up the middle or at third

12-03-2013, 03:48 PM
I don't know that I'd have that much confidence that X can match Drew's WAR in 2014, but obviously he has tremendous talent and will be a great SS for many years to come. And it's possible he matches or exceed's Drew's WAR in 2014. I just can't put it down in the + category yet.

Much of Napoli's WAR came from his exceptional defense, something Hart cannot match.
I bet a steak dinner that Bogaert's 2014 WAR > Drew's 2013 WAR

12-03-2013, 03:53 PM
With all these bets your bound to win a few

User Name?
12-03-2013, 03:59 PM
It's rightly adjusted per position because as much as it's nice to have a good defensive first basemen, it's not as essential as it is up the middle or at third

I know. That's what i stated in the first post.

12-03-2013, 04:33 PM
With all these bets your bound to win a few

This is true but I have yet to have a taker.

12-03-2013, 06:38 PM
Just sign Napoli!!!!!!! You know how this is really bugging me. What's the holdup.

User Name?
12-03-2013, 06:46 PM
The fact that it's a contractual agreement. It happens between two interested parties. The Sox can't just wave a magic wand that'll force him to sign a contract they feel comfortable with.

12-04-2013, 02:59 PM
The fact that it's a contractual agreement. It happens between two interested parties. The Sox can't just wave a magic wand that'll force him to sign a contract they feel comfortable with.

Hey UN ... I would like to know what you think what the next moves for the Sox should be?

12-04-2013, 03:11 PM
Hey UN ... I would like to know what you think what the next moves for the Sox should be?

Sign Cano and play him at catcher.

12-04-2013, 03:12 PM
WARs change every year depending on a lot of factors, so predictions don't have much significance.

12-04-2013, 03:13 PM
Sign Cano and play him at catcher.

No, that's what Marklmw would do

12-04-2013, 03:52 PM
Hey UN ... I would like to know what you think what the next moves for the Sox should be?

My guess is, their next move will be signing a utility infielder actually. And they'll address the big issues the same way they did last year, by picking up the guys the feeding frenzy passed over.

I expect them to take their time this offseason. They're in a position where they really don't have to get bent over, so they won't.

I wouldn't be too shocked to hear the Sox were inquiring about Joe Mauer, by the way. That move to first base has to be the last thing the Twins wanted to do, and they're going nowhere at the moment, with that monster contract to eat. If they can score some kind of return in areas of need and unload that contract, they might just have to consider it.

Mauer doesn't have top end power the way Nap does, but he's pretty much exactly the kind of offensive player this front office loves -- with his discipline and contact ability, playing in a park that favors exactly his kind of offensive style, and without a catcher's wear and tear, he could be a Youklike 1B for us, and that would be very exciting.

12-04-2013, 04:44 PM
no, that's what marklmw would do


User Name?
12-04-2013, 04:48 PM
Hey UN ... I would like to know what you think what the next moves for the Sox should be?


User Name?
12-04-2013, 04:52 PM
WARs change every year depending on a lot of factors, so predictions don't have much significance.

You clearly don't know how WAR works. Please stop spouting nonsense and misconceptions.

12-04-2013, 10:40 PM
No, that's what Marklmw would do
Hey ... RSR ... that's a low blow.

12-07-2013, 03:19 PM
If there's one thing I haven't got my head around in this sport yet, it's WAR.

Youk Of The Nation
12-07-2013, 03:37 PM
If there's one thing I haven't got my head around in this sport yet, it's WAR.

I don't get WAR either. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

12-07-2013, 04:24 PM
I don't get WAR either. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.Written by Tolstoy?

12-07-2013, 05:06 PM