View Full Version : David Ortiz in a Nutshell

04-28-2013, 09:09 AM
The old bastard is 14 for 27 with 2 bombs, 9RBI's and a 1.422OPS through 7 games this yr. Just to show how ridiculous his start is, he already has a 0.6WAR for a guy who plays no defense and WAR is based on an entire season. He is ridiculously on fire and I wonder if they gave him some supplements to get his heels and achilles back to normal. Re-signing him thus far has looked like a pretty smart move. For at least the first month, those who destroyed Cherington should be smoking his pole by now

Station 13
04-28-2013, 09:13 AM
His 2012 season would been his top 5 had he not gotten injured.

04-28-2013, 09:41 AM
Even given his 2012 performance, achieved having trimmed down to what looked like his best condition in years, what he is doing this year is IMO, unheard off. As I posted elsewhere there is no category for something like this. Nobody keeps records around taking a few paltry AB's (18 of them) at AAA and coming up to face ML pitching at that point. But what Ortiz is doing is just plain ridiculous as he looks laughably comfortable at the plate regardless of what he says about his comfort level.

User Name?
04-28-2013, 09:49 AM
Yet there were some saying they should get rid of him because he's a "diva". LOL. I'll take a "diva" any day if it swings the stick like this.

04-28-2013, 09:50 AM
I just hope that his resurrection gives him a shot at the hall of fame. He's doing his career numbers a huge favor.

I think "diva" describes Youkilis (and maybe Crawford) way better than Ortiz. Then there was "straight up asshole" which describes Beckett. (And perhaps Lackey/Aceves)

04-28-2013, 10:01 AM
It's still a small sample size. But I never bought into his demise a few years back when many people were say that he was done. The Achilles / heel / foot problems worries me. He has not forgotten how to play baseball. I hope that he keeps the weight off.

04-28-2013, 10:57 AM
Actually he has already put the weight back on. If you look at photos from last year to this, he is much bigger again this year. However we don't want him trying to scream around the bases thinking he is somehow streamlined with that thinner frame. We don't want that at all!

04-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Actually he has already put the weight back on. If you look at photos from last year to this, he is much bigger again this year. However we don't want him trying to scream around the bases thinking he is somehow streamlined with that thinner frame. We don't want that at all!I have noticed that the weight is back. I guess the inactivity from the leg didn't help. The extra weight can't help the leg problems. Hopefully, he goes back on a diet. I thought he lost the weight initially because his blood sugar was up.

Youk Of The Nation
04-28-2013, 04:38 PM
The old bastard is 14 for 27 with 2 bombs, 9RBI's and a 1.422OPS through 7 games this yr. Just to show how ridiculous his start is, he already has a 0.6WAR for a guy who plays no defense and WAR is based on an entire season. He is ridiculously on fire and I wonder if they gave him some supplements to get his heels and achilles back to normal. Re-signing him thus far has looked like a pretty smart move. For at least the first month, those who destroyed Cherington should be smoking his pole by now

I am, as always, impressed with your ability to type coherently through tears of impotent rage.

04-28-2013, 05:34 PM
Ortiz is the most locked in I've seen in a while. He wants one last run into the playoffs before he retires.

04-28-2013, 06:45 PM
Can't knock Papi. It's taken too long, but he has come back with a bang--to the relief of the management, who are paying him a fortune the next 2 years just to swing a bat.

04-28-2013, 06:50 PM
I just hope that his resurrection gives him a shot at the hall of fame. He's doing his career numbers a huge favor.

I think "diva" describes Youkilis (and maybe Crawford) way better than Ortiz. Then there was "straight up asshole" which describes Beckett. (And perhaps Lackey/Aceves)

A lot of guys in that organization dating back to the Championships felt entitled. From the players right up the line. Henry strikes me as a pretty lax guy--not much of an administrator, and the reins loosened considerably the last 4-5 years with predictable consequences.

04-28-2013, 06:54 PM
Used to love him but he's a juicer, so don't want him here anymore

User Name?
04-28-2013, 06:59 PM
Thank God you're not running this franchise then.

04-28-2013, 07:28 PM
A lot of guys in that organization dating back to the Championships felt entitled. From the players right up the line. Henry strikes me as a pretty lax guy--not much of an administrator, and the reins loosened considerably the last 4-5 years with predictable consequences.

Somewhere around 2009 I think the Red Sox heirarchy lost its way with its emphasis on "sexy players", declining TV ratings, and "phantom" sellouts that they knew were bogus. If you notice this year Sox Sport, you haven't heard a peep out of Lucchino, Henry or anyone else high in the organization. They seem to have entrusted the power to Cherington and he seems to have found his form. Some of his moves have been terrific and he now has a manager who can work well with, and one who seems to have the affection and respect of the team. We may have finally found our way back.


04-28-2013, 09:46 PM
The old bastard is 14 for 27 with 2 bombs, 9RBI's and a 1.422OPS through 7 games this yr. Just to show how ridiculous his start is, he already has a 0.6WAR for a guy who plays no defense and WAR is based on an entire season. He is ridiculously on fire and I wonder if they gave him some supplements to get his heels and achilles back to normal. Re-signing him thus far has looked like a pretty smart move. For at least the first month, those who destroyed Cherington should be smoking his pole by now

Yeah...."cherries" is such an idiot.

04-28-2013, 09:58 PM
We are going to be on pins and needles with the heels all year. I hope David does not get into many situations when he feels like he has to push it. Clearly when the heels really go on him it can put him on the shelf for awhile......and then there is the real career ender...the Achilles if that ever really goes.

The issue was never should the Sox sign him. The issues was always could he get two years anywhere else and given the situation with his heels and mostly the Achilles, he probably could not.

We have made some noise here about the Rangers possibly being serious about Ortiz. But they were showing no interest in Napoli for a contract he had any interest in signing. Ya' think they knew something? So just based on how they handled Napoli wrongly or rightly, I doubt they would have jumped on Ortiz. In fact, I think the Ryan turmoil makes it less likely the Rangers would have made a serious bid for Ortiz.

04-29-2013, 09:17 AM
Can't knock Papi. It's taken too long, but he has come back with a bang--to the relief of the management, who are paying him a fortune the next 2 years just to swing a bat.

He's paid similar to Lance Berkman :lol: Compared to top paid players around the league, he actually doesn't make a ton. He makes in 2 seasons what Hamilton, Pujols, and Arod make in 1 and he's probably out produced the 3 of them combined after he missed a month haha Ortiz deal might be one of the most friendly deals around.

04-29-2013, 10:00 AM
Yeah...."cherries" is such an idiot.

dood. his name is ben da boob.

04-29-2013, 10:23 AM
dood. his name is ben da boob.

It's a chance that some may owe Ben an apology after this season.

04-29-2013, 10:56 AM
It's a chance that some may owe Ben an apology after this season.

Just a couple of people.

04-29-2013, 11:08 AM
I'm not sure who would be against Ortiz signing.

On the other hand, The context was that we needed money for another SP since we didn't want to go over the cap or seemed so, and we could use Ortiz money for that arm, thats all.

Hopefully everybody stays healthy/still performing this way and we do not need that extra arm.

04-29-2013, 11:10 AM
It's a chance that some may owe Ben an apology after this season.

It will never happen. That crowd would probably rather cut their beating heart from their chest's then admit Cherries is anything other then a boob in a 3 piece. It will be luck that gets the credit if the team proves to be a good one. You can bank on it.

User Name?
04-29-2013, 11:13 AM

04-29-2013, 11:18 AM
He's paid similar to Lance Berkman :lol: Compared to top paid players around the league, he actually doesn't make a ton. He makes in 2 seasons what Hamilton, Pujols, and Arod make in 1 and he's probably out produced the 3 of them combined after he missed a month haha Ortiz deal might be one of the most friendly deals around.

If that's the case, Lance is overpaid, too. I think he's playing 1B--at least part-time, and it's a 1 year deal. His knees could go at any time.

The Angels are stuck with a declining Pujols. Hamilton will probably untracked. They don't care-they have so much Fox TV money they are looking for ways to spend it--like the Dodgers.

The Yankees--watch them weasel out of ARod's ridiculous contract--as only the Yankees can do.

04-29-2013, 11:20 AM
It will never happen. That crowd would probably rather cut their beating heart from their chest's then admit Cherries is anything other then a boob in a 3 piece. It will be luck that gets the credit if the team proves to be a good one. You can bank on it.

He gets credit for wrecking Bard, too. The real credit goes to Farrell and Nieves, who have turned the pitching around--so far. Farrell will be the next GM.

04-29-2013, 11:28 AM
He gets credit for wrecking Bard, too.

I disagree. Bard's first serious sign of decay happened before Cherington was GM.

My personal opinion is it doesn't matter if Bard was in the rotation or the bullpen in 2012, the damage was done by September of 2011.

04-29-2013, 11:34 AM
But last place and the worst record since 1965 happened on Ben's watch.

04-29-2013, 11:41 AM
But last place and the worst record since 1965 happened on Ben's watch.

Happened in the first year of Ben's watch. A700, you ought to know just as well as I do that the current GM is only barely culpable for what happens in the first year when most of the roster are still guys the last guy picked. and that's when the entire ownership and upper management isn't looming over a rookie GM's shoulder second-guessing every move he makes.

I have no problem whatsoever writing Cherington a mulligan for 2012.

mvp 78
04-29-2013, 11:55 AM
I disagree. Bard's first serious sign of decay happened before Cherington was GM.

My personal opinion is it doesn't matter if Bard was in the rotation or the bullpen in 2012, the damage was done by September of 2011.


04-29-2013, 11:57 AM
When I look at the 2012 season, and why it was awful, my first thought isn't "Ben Cherington"

I'd blame Julio Lugo before Ben Cherington.

04-29-2013, 12:03 PM
Happened in the first year of Ben's watch. A700, you ought to know just as well as I do that the current GM is only barely culpable for what happens in the first year when most of the roster are still guys the last guy picked. and that's when the entire ownership and upper management isn't looming over a rookie GM's shoulder second-guessing every move he makes.

I have no problem whatsoever writing Cherington a mulligan for 2012.It happened on his watch whether he gets mulligans or not.

04-29-2013, 12:03 PM
Happened in the first year of Ben's watch. A700, you ought to know just as well as I do that the current GM is only barely culpable for what happens in the first year when most of the roster are still guys the last guy picked. and that's when the entire ownership and upper management isn't looming over a rookie GM's shoulder second-guessing every move he makes.

I have no problem whatsoever writing Cherington a mulligan for 2012.

Cherries doesn't even need a mulligan. Yes the on field product was bad for '12 but that was the sacrifice to blow it up and get things right for '13 and beyond. Which he has done. If the only thing anyone has to bitch about is Bard being mishandled then he's doing a good job.

mvp 78
04-29-2013, 12:03 PM
AGon's shitty attitude
CC injury
Buch and Lester vomiting all over themselves
Ells' injury
Youk's decline

Clearly these are all Ben's fault!

04-29-2013, 12:07 PM
When I look at the 2012 season, and why it was awful, my first thought isn't "Ben Cherington"

I'd blame Julio Lugo before Ben Cherington.I do like that Ben takes a lot more accountability for 2012 than people here want to give him. A lot of people want to make Epstein Ben's George Bush. Ben is getting his chance to prove his worth this season freed up from Epstein's fiscal strangulation of the team. Either way, someone messed up the team royally. If people don't want to hold Ben accountable, that is fine, but then it had to be Epstein's fault. Someone has to be accountable. Someone made the terrible decisions.

04-29-2013, 12:10 PM
It happened on his watch whether he gets mulligans or not.

This is classic. This coming from the guy that took part in some of the biggest Theo rants in talksox history with his whole argument being Duquette deserved more credit for the '04 championship then Theo :lol:

04-29-2013, 12:11 PM
This is classic. This coming from the guy that took part in some of the biggest Theo rants in talksox history with his whole argument being Duquette deserved more credit for the '04 championship then Theo :lol:Not quite sure what point you are trying to make.

04-29-2013, 12:12 PM
I do like that Ben takes a lot more accountability for 2012 than people here want to give him. A lot of people want to make Epstein Ben's George Bush. Ben is getting his chance to prove his worth this season freed up from Epstein's fiscal strangulation of the team. Either way, someone messed up the team royally. If people don't want to hold Ben accountable, that is fine, but then it had to be Epstein's fault. Someone has to be accountable. Someone made the terrible decisions.

Of course Theo and his company were to blame for most of the roster mess. He gets blame just like he gets some not all the credit for 2004(at least in my eyes, I've always split the credit between Duquette and Theo).

04-29-2013, 12:16 PM
Of course Theo and his company were to blame for most of the roster mess. He gets blame just like he gets some not all the credit for 2004(at least in my eyes, I've always split the credit between Duquette and Theo).Okay, so you hold Epstein responsible for the worst season in almost 50 years and last place in 2012? I'm okay with that. Somebody had to be responsible. It makes sense in light of the team's good start. Ben seemingly has righted the Red Sox ship to a big extent. They look to be going in the right direction, while Theo appears headed for last place and second 100+ loss season with the Cubbies.

04-29-2013, 12:17 PM
Not quite sure what point you are trying to make.

Because with your statement to dojji your implying that because the worst record in a million years for the Sox happened on Ben's watch he deserves some proportion of the blame. When in the same scenario in '04 you were quick to down play the contributions Theo made to that team and claim Duquette deserved most of the credit because the roster for the most part was set when Theo took over. I'm just wondering what's causing the flip flop act?

04-29-2013, 12:20 PM
Okay, so you hold Epstein responsible for the worst season in almost 50 years and last place in 2012? I'm okay with that. Somebody had to be responsible. It makes sense in light of the team's good start. Ben seemingly has righted the Red Sox ship to a big extent. They look to be going in the right direction, while Theo appears headed for last place and second 100+ loss season with the Cubbies.

Yes I put 2012 on Theo and Lucchino FO regime. If Cherries wasn't so handcuffed and made some actual significant moves and they still bombed he would receive a larger slice of the blame pie in my book. Ben's accountability started last August for me personally.

04-29-2013, 12:21 PM
Because with your statement to dojji your implying that because the worst record in a million years for the Sox happened on Ben's watch he deserves some proportion of the blame. When in the same scenario in '04 you were quick to look down play the contributions Theo made to that team and claim Duquette deserved most of the credit because the roster for the most part was set when Theo took over. I'm just wondering what's causing the flip flop act?It did happen on Ben's watch. It is interesting to see how people jump to his defense and hold him faultless while he mans up and takes responsibility without blaming his predecessor. If he is not at fault, I guess Theo takes the hit for 2012. Is that your opinion?

I have flip flopped on nothing.

04-29-2013, 12:22 PM
Still though, Julio Lugo should be taken into a dark alley.

04-29-2013, 12:22 PM
Yes I put 2012 on Theo and Lucchino FO regime. If Cherries wasn't so handcuffed and made some actual significant moves and they still bombed he would receive a larger slice of the blame pie in my book. Ben's accountability started last August for me personally.So the success now is attributed to the Cherrington/Luchhino regime?

04-29-2013, 12:24 PM
Still though, Julio Lugo should be taken into a dark alley.He was very steady in the field for a good portion of 2007 and he had a good post season in my recollection. The rest was a train wreck.

04-29-2013, 12:28 PM
The old bastard is 14 for 27 with 2 bombs, 9RBI's and a 1.422OPS through 7 games this yr. Just to show how ridiculous his start is, he already has a 0.6WAR for a guy who plays no defense and WAR is based on an entire season. He is ridiculously on fire and I wonder if they gave him some supplements to get his heels and achilles back to normal. Re-signing him thus far has looked like a pretty smart move. For at least the first month, those who destroyed Cherington should be smoking his pole by now

A statement like this requires an adjustment to The Chart:

Prospect|Yankees|The player in question is made of 150% pure awesomeness. Fear us.
Prospect|Sox|He could be good, but this is why he won't be.
Signing|Yankees|This is the missing piece. We'll win 160 games, and the umps will screw us out of 2.
Signing|Sox|Risky move, overpaid here, they'll regret this.
Injury|Yankees|They don't get hurt. Hypothetically, if they did, the recovery will be speedy with no impact to ability.
Injury|Sox|Everyone is a ticking time bomb. Once hurt, they'll never heal right. Any recovery will be due to illegal, performance enhancing drugs.

04-29-2013, 12:29 PM
Was it ORS that created the chart? The chart is the greatest post of all time on this site imo.

04-29-2013, 12:57 PM
I do like that Ben takes a lot more accountability for 2012 than people here want to give him. A lot of people want to make Epstein Ben's George Bush. Ben is getting his chance to prove his worth this season freed up from Epstein's fiscal strangulation of the team. Either way, someone messed up the team royally. If people don't want to hold Ben accountable, that is fine, but then it had to be Epstein's fault. Someone has to be accountable. Someone made the terrible decisions.

I think 2012 was very clearly more on Epstein than on Cherrington, although one could very easily point to the fact that Cherrington was very influential in the decisions to trade for and sign Gonzalez, sign Crawford, and extend Beckett.

Then again, if we're going to put partial blame on Cherrington for those moves, we also have to place blame on Mike Hazen for any problems that you want to blame Cherrington for.

04-29-2013, 01:04 PM
I think 2012 was very clearly more on Epstein than on Cherrington, although one could very easily point to the fact that Cherrington was very influential in the decisions to trade for and sign Gonzalez, sign Crawford, and extend Beckett.

Then again, if we're going to put partial blame on Cherrington for those moves, we also have to place blame on Mike Hazen for any problems that you want to blame Cherrington for.I like that Ben stood up and took responsibility. How much he was to blame is debatable. Now, that he is in charge, he is making some savy decisions, but I think we both agree that the Daniel Bard experiment sits at his doorstep.

04-29-2013, 01:09 PM
I like that Ben stood up and took responsibility. How much he was to blame is debatable. Now, that he is in charge, he is making some savy decisions, but I think we both agree that the Daniel Bard experiment sits at his doorstep.

I agree - Bard is on Cherrington and the FO. That was entirely on the new FO, decision had nothing to do with Theo.

On the other hand, I would do it all over again, mainly because the value of a young, cost controlled SP is so insanely high, and Bard had a very high ceiling. If it bombs out, you lose a stellar bullpen arm, but those are fairly easy & cheap to replace (see: Uehara, Tazawa, et all).

04-29-2013, 01:11 PM
I do like that Ben takes a lot more accountability for 2012 than people here want to give him. A lot of people want to make Epstein Ben's George Bush. Ben is getting his chance to prove his worth this season freed up from Epstein's fiscal strangulation of the team. Either way, someone messed up the team royally. If people don't want to hold Ben accountable, that is fine, but then it had to be Epstein's fault. Someone has to be accountable. Someone made the terrible decisions.

Theo is untouchable, remember?, it was Luchino's fault :lol:

04-29-2013, 01:13 PM
Theo is untouchable, remember?, it was Luchino's fault :lol:If any accountability is given to Theo it is as part of the Theo/Luchhino regime. I posted earlier that our current success had to be attributed to the Cherington/Luchinno regime. I am sure that made many posters gag.

04-29-2013, 01:23 PM
If any accountability is given to Theo it is as part of the Theo/Luchhino regime. I posted earlier that our current success had to be attributed to the Cherington/Luchinno regime. I am sure that made many posters gag.

As I said, Theo had a great time in Boston, but the last, say, 4 years of his tenure were horrible, reason why he is no longer here. He left the team in red numbers in the BL (considering only baseball operations) according to Forbes.

mvp 78
04-29-2013, 01:47 PM
2008 was horrible?

User Name?
04-29-2013, 03:55 PM
2008 was horrible?

How does "red numbers in the bl" even mean anyway? They were making money hand over fist, and made the playoffs in 2009. Baseball o.erations doesn't account for tv revenues, and as SoxSport would say: "That's where the money's at".

Also, his "Theo is untouchable" comment borders on the ridiculous. Make sense please.

04-29-2013, 04:56 PM
Yes I put 2012 on Theo and Lucchino FO regime. If Cherries wasn't so handcuffed and made some actual significant moves and they still bombed he would receive a larger slice of the blame pie in my book. Ben's accountability started last August for me personally.

I think you might have hit on something BSN---the part of Ben's accountability starting last August. That was when we unloaded some big contracts and some miserable attitudes, not to mention some underachieving. The question some of us asked was whether Cherington engineered that trade or whether it was done without his imput. It is looking like he more to do with that than previously believed and we can take the off-season and what we've been seeing as proof. We have hardly heard a peep from Lucchino or Henry. Apparently Ben and John are running the show and they seem to have become a good team working together, not to mention the positive vibes emenating from the dugout

I'll tell you this. If this Red Sox comeback continues and the team becomes a power again in the American League, there is going to be a major revision of Ben as a GM. It will also mean that those of us who ripped Cherington will have to backtrack an issue a mea culpa.

04-29-2013, 05:05 PM
I agree - Bard is on Cherrington and the FO. That was entirely on the new FO, decision had nothing to do with Theo.

On the other hand, I would do it all over again, mainly because the value of a young, cost controlled SP is so insanely high, and Bard had a very high ceiling. If it bombs out, you lose a stellar bullpen arm, but those are fairly easy & cheap to replace (see: Uehara, Tazawa, et all).

You know SFF, the more I think about it the less than the full brunt of this failure I place on Cherington. Yes, the Bard fiasco may be on Cherington and the FO , the latter for not anteing up the money for pitching the 2011 off-season, and for Ben's decision to make Bard a starter as a result of the FO's intranigence on the matter of pitching help. However, Bard's collapse was so complete and so devistating that you have to wonder if Daniel had the guts and toughness to see that through and when put back in the pen at least resume a semblance of effectiveness. That he just completely bombed out tells me he should shoulder some of the blame for the ineptness that seems to have possibly destroyed his career. There now seems enough blame to go around.

VA Sox Fan
04-29-2013, 05:16 PM
Just read this tidbit in the Globe. I had no idea:

David Ortiz, as an example, said Sunday that he is getting divorced and asked for privacy for his family. His personal business is just that -- his personal business -- and we should all respect that. The same is true for everybody, no matter what their personal business is.

04-29-2013, 05:36 PM
115 pound Tiffany Ortiz reportedly tired of all the Big Mommy jokes.

VA Sox Fan
04-29-2013, 05:53 PM
115 pound Tiffany Ortiz reportedly tired of all the Big Mommy jokes.
Had you heard they were divorcing? Kinda surprised me but then again it didn't.

04-29-2013, 09:33 PM
None of those higher ups ever gets blamed for anything. The manager takes the fall.

04-29-2013, 09:39 PM
I remember when Varitek was getting divorced while on the Sox. That lasted a while I think.

04-30-2013, 06:04 AM
Unfortunately a lot of Baseball wives like to cash out before their meal ticket retires.

04-30-2013, 06:25 AM
Unfortunately a lot of Baseball wives like to cash out before their meal ticket retires.

Wow. That is a cynical take on baseball wives.

mvp 78
04-30-2013, 07:09 AM
Wow. That is a cynical take on baseball wives.

Cynical, sexist, it's really 6 on one half a dozen on the other.

04-30-2013, 09:01 AM
I think 2012 was very clearly more on Epstein than on Cherrington, although one could very easily point to the fact that Cherrington was very influential in the decisions to trade for and sign Gonzalez, sign Crawford, and extend Beckett.

Then again, if we're going to put partial blame on Cherrington for those moves, we also have to place blame on Mike Hazen for any problems that you want to blame Cherrington for.

The Red Sox FO remains unchanged from the Epstein era. Just the money has been turned off--or closely controlled.Notice Epstein hasn't signed a single expensive FA in Chicago after two seasons--and this is a major TV market, behind NY and LA. Maybe he's learned his lesson--or his owner has.:lol:

Last year, there was no correlation between wins and payroll in MLB. Pure scatter, if you plotted the data. What it suggests is the salary system in MLB sucks. There is no correlation between reward and performance. I suspect the fault is with guaranteed long term contracts. The owners gave away too much to the players. And the money has escalated out of sight due to cable TV--courtesy of you and me and everybody else who watches cable TV. Sports takes about half our cable bill, and rising.

04-30-2013, 09:07 AM
Unfortunately a lot of Baseball wives like to cash out before their meal ticket retires.

It's a good life. Similar to political wives. You just have to look the other way while the groupies, pretty staffers and media girls are gold-digging for your hubby--and hope that the kids will hold the family together.

04-30-2013, 09:28 AM
It's true though, do you see what Jamie McCourt is doing? She's suing because apparently the $131M she got in divorce wasn't enough and that her husband lied about how much the franchise was worth and now that the big TV deal happened she wants more money.

04-30-2013, 09:48 AM
It's a good life. Similar to political wives. You just have to look the other way while the groupies, pretty staffers and media girls are gold-digging for your hubby--and hope that the kids will hold the family together.

Depends what you call a good life I guess.

mvp 78
04-30-2013, 11:34 AM
It's true though, do you see what Jamie McCourt is doing? She's suing because apparently the $131M she got in divorce wasn't enough and that her husband lied about how much the franchise was worth and now that the big TV deal happened she wants more money.

Seeing that she was a part owner (all his $$$ came from her side of the family too), she has the right to gripe about it. McCourt is a buffoon and deserves to be penniless.

04-30-2013, 11:50 AM
Unfortunately a lot of Baseball wives like to cash out before their meal ticket retires.Yikes, that is really cynical. I am admittedly cynical about baseball transactions, but this is some huge cynacism about life and male-female relationships.

Marriages break up for all sorts of reasons. Who the hell knows. I jsut hope it doesn't negatively affect his hitting.

04-30-2013, 12:10 PM
Seeing that she was a part owner (all his $$$ came from her side of the family too), she has the right to gripe about it. McCourt is a buffoon and deserves to be penniless.

I guess my point is while she was part owner, she never really did any of the work. Even when she was an executive, he still did all the planning and financials I read. I forget the exact article but it was on yahoo.

My main point is that under any circumstances $131 million (or whatever the total was) should be enough to live the rest of your life, and if it isn't, then you have some serious problems.

I don't think that laying on your back and taking a couple of loads entitles women to that kind of money. I don't think Frank McCourt (or virtually anybody) deserves that much money either, but I especially don't think she deserves it.

I think there's an Italian politician that got divorced recently and his wife is getting like a million dollars a month in alimony. I hate the world sometimes.

mvp 78
04-30-2013, 12:39 PM
So marriage boils down to just being a lay for the husband? I know it was just a flippant remark, but in the McCourt's case, Frank was dumb enough to pit her name on everything whether she did the work or not. Also, the "financials" of the Dodgers were a laughing stock as money was taken out of the Dodgers and used on their personal expenses. Can't really give him much credit for bilking the team like that.

I also know of plenty of cases where husbands shit on their ex-wives and kids, not pay support and just leave them high and dry.

The world sucks. Marriage is harder than people think. I just can't feel sorry for Frank or some Italian who'll make mord money in a year than I will in my lifetime.

04-30-2013, 12:48 PM
Don't get me wrong, I agree with your remarks on Frank, he deserves every bit of it and doesn't deserve to have that much money either.

The world is a crappy place and divorce tends to suck for both sides. I'm sure for every case of a dead beat dad that doesn't pay child support there's an instance of a woman getting child support money and spending it on herself.

Then again, to be perfectly honest, I don't really like how athletes/actors etc make exorbinant amounts of money compared to police officers/fire fighters/teachers/paramedics/soldiers etc but that's another debate.

My apologies for being on a soap box y'all. I guess I'm the most cynical of cynical asses. :)

04-30-2013, 12:57 PM
So marriage boils down to just being a lay for the husband? I know it was just a flippant remark, but in the McCourt's case, Frank was dumb enough to pit her name on everything whether she did the work or not. Also, the "financials" of the Dodgers were a laughing stock as money was taken out of the Dodgers and used on their personal expenses. Can't really give him much credit for bilking the team like that.

I also know of plenty of cases where husbands shit on their ex-wives and kids, not pay support and just leave them high and dry.

The world sucks. Marriage is harder than people think. I just can't feel sorry for Frank or some Italian who'll make mord money in a year than I will in my lifetime.Keep your political nonsense out of this you slimy turd.

mvp 78
04-30-2013, 12:59 PM
Don't get me wrong, I agree with your remarks on Frank, he deserves every bit of it and doesn't deserve to have that much money either.

The world is a crappy place and divorce tends to suck for both sides. I'm sure for every case of a dead beat dad that doesn't pay child support there's an instance of a woman getting child support money and spending it on herself.

Then again, to be perfectly honest, I don't really like how athletes/actors etc make exorbinant amounts of money compared to police officers/fire fighters/teachers/paramedics/soldiers etc but that's another debate.

My apologies for being on a soap box y'all. I guess I'm the most cynical of cynical asses. :)

There's nothing wrong with a good soapbox!

04-30-2013, 02:52 PM
Yikes, that is really cynical. I am admittedly cynical about baseball transactions, but this is some huge cynacism about life and male-female relationships.

Marriages break up for all sorts of reasons. Who the hell knows. I jsut hope it doesn't negatively affect his hitting.

:lol: I had no idea everyone was going to take me so seriously, it was meant to be a joke. There a couple big tv shows over here about athlete wives(prime time soaps crap), and it's kind of a running joke here about the awful shit they do in the show. I probably should have thought about it an realized a lot of you might not get it haha

VA Sox Fan
04-30-2013, 03:00 PM
:lol: I had no idea everyone was going to take me so seriously, it was meant to be a joke. There a couple big tv shows over here about athlete wives(prime time soaps crap), and it's kind of a running joke here about the awful shit they do in the show. I probably should have thought about it an realized a lot of you might not get it haha

You sexist pig! ;):lol:

04-30-2013, 03:21 PM
You sexist pig! ;):lol:

Get in the kitchen and make me a pie woman! :lol:

04-30-2013, 06:29 PM
Keep your political nonsense out of this you slimy turd.

You know Ted, the guy may actually have a point. Marriage is hard work. The lady you walked down the aisle with 20, 30, 40 years ago is not the same person she was then, and neither are we. We change, they change and we have to grow with them and them with us. I once was laughed at by a friend when I told him the secret of a happy marriage was LUCK. I still believe a lot of that to be true.

In my familes, both my dad and mom had siblings that argued like holy hell as is the case us Dagos. Hell, my brother and I should have both been in divorce court years back, and here we are. My brother and his wife just celebrated their 43rd anniversary while Linda and I will reach that on August 1. Go figure.

As for Papi and his wife we don't really know when their marriage started to unravel. Did he cheat? Did she? Did they simply draw apart? All I can say is that the press and fans should butt out and let Papi and his wife worked out their problems without anyone butting in.

04-30-2013, 06:33 PM
You know Ted, the guy may actually have a point. Marriage is hard work. The lady you walked down the aisle with 20, 30, 40 years ago is not the same person she was then, and neither are we. We change, they change and we have to grow with them and them with us. I once was laughed at by a friend when I told him the secret of a happy marriage was LUCK. I still believe a lot of that to be true.

In my familes, both my dad and mom had siblings that argued like holy hell as is the case us Dagos. Hell, my brother and I should have both been in divorce court years back, and here we are. My brother and his wife just celebrated their 43rd anniversary while Linda and I will reach that on August 1. Go figure.

As for Papi and his wife we don't really know when their marriage started to unravel. Did he cheat? Did she? Did they simply draw apart? All I can say is that the press and fans should butt out and let Papi and his wife worked out their problems without anyone butting in.:lol::lol: Fred, I was jut throwing some of MVP's nonsense back at him. That was the only point of my post.

05-02-2013, 04:23 AM
I am, as always, impressed with your ability to type coherently through tears of impotent rage.

I haven't laughed so hard in years. Hilarious.

05-02-2013, 04:35 AM
I like that Ben stood up and took responsibility. How much he was to blame is debatable. Now, that he is in charge, he is making some savy decisions, but I think we both agree that the Daniel Bard experiment sits at his doorstep.

Now we can't forget Melancon, Padilla, James Loney, Nick Punto, Brent Lillibridge, Aaron Cook, Marlon Byrd, etc.

05-02-2013, 04:35 AM
But back on topic:


05-02-2013, 09:10 AM
But back on topic:


I like your avatar photo and mine ;)