View Full Version : Who will manage the 2013 Redsox?

08-25-2012, 12:38 AM
Any ideas?

I could see TIto back, but I really want Mike Stanley.

08-25-2012, 12:48 AM
Rich Gedman

08-25-2012, 12:52 AM
John McNamara

08-25-2012, 12:54 AM
I know many are high on John Farrell but the timing may not work out.

Mike Maddux makes a lot of sense to me from a number of perspectives - particularly his background with pitching and the success he has had with the Rangers.

This morning on D&C, Tim Kurkijan mentioned Brad Ausmus as an example of a former player without previous managerial or coaching experience (see Robin Ventura and Mike Matheny).

Whoever it is, it needs to be someone who will hold the players accountable, work well with the FO, manage relationships well, and have either a strong background in and/or strong emphasis on improving the pitching performance.

08-25-2012, 01:07 AM
Mike Stanley......I really want him.

08-25-2012, 01:08 AM
Anyone but Valentine plz

08-25-2012, 01:09 AM
Anyone but Valentine plz

Sure you don't wanna add Grady little to that list?

08-25-2012, 01:16 AM
I'm sure haha

08-25-2012, 01:19 AM
I'm sure haha

Feeling suicidal are we?

08-25-2012, 01:32 AM
Just a tad. I work like a slave and I start college on Monday :lol:

08-25-2012, 01:33 AM
Mike Stanley........do not underestimate my pick.

08-25-2012, 01:35 AM
May I ask why you're so big on Mike Stanley?

08-25-2012, 01:46 AM
May I ask why you're so big on Mike Stanley?

He was a member of the team for a number of years. He served as a bench coach in 2002. He was a major league Catcher and 1B'man. He was a true professional. His approach to hitting is most similar to the glory days here (take pitches, high OB%, high OPS).

He was always a respected member of their clubhouse.

Like John Farrell, when Mike Stanley walks into a clubhouse, his quiet yet direct approach gets peoples attention.

Mike Stanley knows the game.

mvp 78
08-25-2012, 05:58 AM
I like Mike Stanley or Bill Mueller.

It'll be Bobby Valentine.

08-25-2012, 06:05 AM
Bobby Valentine gets another crack at it.

But only if the front office hand him back his balls that they placed in a jar this May.

Truth be told, he probably deserves a fair shot at it this time.

08-25-2012, 06:18 AM
Idiot Cherington might go after Brad Mills. Rumor is that last year, Sox went after John Farrell. He would be nice.

mvp 78
08-25-2012, 06:27 AM
Bobby Valentine gets another crack at it.

But only if the front office hand him back his balls that they placed in a jar this May.

Truth be told, he probably deserves a fair shot at it this time.

Well they've cleared out Beckett, CC and Youk. Those were the 3 offseason issues BV had last year. With the texters leaving, Shop and AGon, it seems the players who didn't like Bobby got the boot.

08-25-2012, 06:30 AM
Well they've cleared out Beckett, CC and Youk. Those were the 3 offseason issues BV had last year. With the texters leaving, Shop and AGon, it seems the players who didn't like Bobby got the boot.

Let's just hope they don't touch Pedroia.

08-25-2012, 06:41 AM
Well they've cleared out Beckett, CC and Youk. Those were the 3 offseason issues BV had last year. With the texters leaving, Shop and AGon, it seems the players who didn't like Bobby got the boot.

My thoughts exactly.

He's got to be prepared to manage the team they way he wants.
Don't get me wrong. He's not my ideal choice. Not by a long shot.

But the pieces are in place now for him to have a fair crack.

08-25-2012, 06:46 AM
I'd rather not have Bobby V back, but he wasn't what caused this wreck of a team. The pitching needs vast improvement, and they already are rid of some monster contracts. If they invest it properly, Bobby V should get a good shot to prove himself as a manager in 2013.

mvp 78
08-25-2012, 06:52 AM
I don't think Pedey is going anywhere. I think his relationship with Bobby is fine. I think he didn't like Bobby at first because he loved Tito so much. The whole picture drama was just Pedey busting balls which he does to everyone. Not a big deal.

08-25-2012, 08:30 AM
Why is everyone so high on Farrell? He was here for a good part of the slow decline after 2007 and he ain't exactly setting the world on fire with the Jays right now is he?

Laser Show
08-25-2012, 08:32 AM
Kevin Millar.

Seriously though, I think Bobby V or Brad Mills will be managing this team next year, in that order of likeliness. I really just don't see Bobby V leaving. He's a good manager, and I think he'd do well with younger kids (Lavarnway, WMB, Iggy, Ciriaco, Kalish, etc). If he can get Pedroia on his side, this could very well be a playoff team.

Gonzo has had a subpar year, CC played 31 games, and Beckett was out of it all year. This trade only improves us. We'll have money and prospects galore to go get those elite arms that we need so badly. Our offense will be good, not 2011-12 good, but still above average.

08-25-2012, 08:43 AM
Why is everyone so high on Farrell? He was here for a good part of the slow decline after 2007 and he ain't exactly setting the world on fire with the Jays right now is he?

He was around in 2010 when the beer and chicken group reportedly first came together. He was also a pretty miserable pitching coach.

08-25-2012, 08:59 AM
He was around in 2010 when the beer and chicken group reportedly first came together. He was also a pretty miserable pitching coach.

Now that's really not fair. Farrell probably isn't a world beating coach, but throwing away everything we accomplished from 2007 because of one month, however bad, really doesn't smack of a particularly strong connection to reality.

And the next manager is probably going to be either Valentine or a low budget AAAA retread.

Youk Of The Nation
08-25-2012, 09:27 AM
Lou Piniella!

08-25-2012, 09:28 AM
Lou Piniella!

Bobby Cox!

Youk Of The Nation
08-25-2012, 09:29 AM
Joe Torre! Don Zimmer! Eric Wedge!

Youk Of The Nation
08-25-2012, 09:30 AM
But seriously, what about Lou Piniella. We all know he wouldn't take crap from anyone.

08-25-2012, 09:37 AM
Now that's really not fair. Farrell probably isn't a world beating coach, but throwing away everything we accomplished from 2007 because of one month, however bad, really doesn't smack of a particularly strong connection to reality.

And the next manager is probably going to be either Valentine or a low budget AAAA retread.

John Farell came to the team in 2007 with a pile of veteran pitching, already ready to go, not to mention Jason Varitek and they won the WS off all the work that had been done before him. He was particularly bad at fixing mechanical flaws in pitchers. Younger pitchers were often afraid to talk to him-- Manny Delcarmen mentioned that in an interview. His personality seriously clashed with Dice-k.

I've never liked him very much.

08-25-2012, 09:38 AM
You're conveniently forgetting the work he did with Lester and Papelbon. To say nothing og Buchholz, who's solid now but needed a lot of help to get there.

08-25-2012, 09:48 AM
But seriously, what about Lou Piniella. We all know he wouldn't take crap from anyone.

In addition to getting respect from the players as well. Yeah we could use him.

08-25-2012, 09:57 AM
BV gets another year, but on a short leash. Based on what is taking place with the trades it looks like they are going to give him a real chance. Whether you like him or not, with all of the injuries and turmoil he was able to keep them a float until August. Didn't have the set lineup one game all season, Lester and Beckett terrible most of the season, and he had to come up with a bullpen after losing his closer in the spring.

08-25-2012, 10:26 AM
BV gets another year, but on a short leash. Based on what is taking place with the trades it looks like they are going to give him a real chance. Whether you like him or not, with all of the injuries and turmoil he was able to keep them a float until August. Didn't have the set lineup one game all season, Lester and Beckett terrible most of the season, and he had to come up with a bullpen after losing his closer in the spring.After pulling off this trade, he is clearly putting his stamp on this team. If the FO is letting him dismantle the team, they will let him rebuild it.

08-25-2012, 12:46 PM
Screw Mike Maddux bring in his brother he only won about another 270 games or something.. Not but really I wouldn't mind Mike Maddux or John Farrell. You know damn well he doesn't want to be in Canada anymore

08-25-2012, 12:51 PM
The new "thin" Rex Ryan? I know it's the wrong sport but I love looking at that guy, he's like a big puffy train wreck.

08-25-2012, 12:53 PM
The new "thin" Rex Ryan? I know it's the wrong sport but I love looking at that guy, he's like a big puffy train wreck.

They'd consider it if he promised foot massages. Big guy with a foot fetish go figure

08-25-2012, 02:40 PM
Hope it's not Valentine. He has outlived his usefulness. They now need a manager experienced with developing younger players. Not what they needed the beginning of this year. The needs have changed.

08-25-2012, 09:21 PM
But seriously, what about Lou Piniella. We all know he wouldn't take crap from anyone.

Why Piniella? Because he wouldn't take any crap? Then hire Mike Tyson if that is what you want. Piniella has shown a lack of passion for baseball in his last seven years in the game. He didn't even finish out his last year with the Cubs. He went home rather than see the season out. His passion had left him.

08-25-2012, 09:29 PM
50/50 it is BV depending on what happens between now and the end of the year.

08-25-2012, 10:49 PM
Torey Lovullo is a possibility. He was in the system before moving to Toronto and seems to be highly thought of. He has been interviewed for several managerial positions.

08-25-2012, 11:11 PM
I would like to see Mike Lowell given a shot at it, like the White Sox did with Ventura. Or maybe Andy VanSlyke. Worked under Leyland and fucking hates Barry Bonds. That is 2 big resume points. Or if you want a veteran how about Ken Macha.

08-26-2012, 01:31 PM
Mike Maddux would be a great choice, in my opinion

08-26-2012, 01:33 PM
After pulling off this trade, he is clearly putting his stamp on this team. If the FO is letting him dismantle the team, they will let him rebuild it.

Are you suggesting Valentine was the architect of the trade?

08-26-2012, 01:37 PM
Are you suggesting Valentine was the architect of the trade?No, my bad. I was referring to BC.

08-26-2012, 01:41 PM
How bout Brad Mills? Can't go on how he did in Houston cause well..It's Houston

08-26-2012, 04:51 PM
I hope not Valentine. He was set up to fail this year--though he did help. My impression is he had no authority at all except maybe to piss. He looks pretty down at this point, and won't want to come back anyways.

They need somebody who is good with young players.

Valentine said today in his press conference he's signed for next year, so he assumes he'll be back. But with the change in direction, I don't know if he's the right guy for the job.

08-26-2012, 06:53 PM
I think Valentine will be the coach for another year. I think the front office will think they didn't give him a fair chance, with all these pre-madonna's and the injuries were just killer this year as well. But, I see him managing out his contract and Farrell will be here in 2014.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Jason Varitek's name thrown around..

08-28-2012, 09:10 PM
I think Valentine will be the coach for another year. I think the front office will think they didn't give him a fair chance, with all these pre-madonna's and the injuries were just killer this year as well. But, I see him managing out his contract and Farrell will be here in 2014.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Jason Varitek's name thrown around..

I'd like to see Tek get a coaching position in the organization- probably in the minor leagues. He's probably too close to many of the players still on the ML roster to be an effective manager now. After a few more years pass and he gains some coaching and managerial experience in the minors, he could eventually get the nod as manager or pitching coach for the major league team.

08-28-2012, 10:40 PM
I think Valentine will be the coach for another year. I think the front office will think they didn't give him a fair chance, with all these pre-madonna's and the injuries were just killer this year as well. But, I see him managing out his contract and Farrell will be here in 2014.

Francona had the same prima donnas and also some injuries, and no one in the front office felt sorry for him. I honestly don't see how Valentine can be brought back.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Jason Varitek's name thrown around..

I would be surprised but happy to see Tek brought in to manage the Sox.

08-28-2012, 10:45 PM
Francona had the same prima donnas and also some injuries, and no one in the front office felt sorry for him. I honestly don't see how Valentine can be brought back.

I would be surprised but happy to see Tek brought in to manage the Sox.

Like one of the users said, he might be too close to some of the current players on the roster. But Schilling was on SC the other day and said Tek would be a great fit in Boston. Said Tek gets so much respect in that clubhouse.

Would love to see Schilling here as a pitching coach.

Tek and Schilling still live in New England, Tek in Acushnet (nearby for me) actually saw him at a Stop and Shop and Schilling I believe in Milton, I've seen him around the softball fields in Somerset.

08-28-2012, 11:12 PM
Like one of the users said, he might be too close to some of the current players on the roster. But Schilling was on SC the other day and said Tek would be a great fit in Boston. Said Tek gets so much respect in that clubhouse.

Would love to see Schilling here as a pitching coach.

Tek and Schilling still live in New England, Tek in Acushnet (nearby for me) actually saw him at a Stop and Shop and Schilling I believe in Milton, I've seen him around the softball fields in Somerset.

I would be happy with Tek. I am not so sure about Schilling.

08-29-2012, 02:10 AM
I honestly don't see how Valentine can be brought back.
Why not? What are the criticisms that fall on him. So much of this year falls on the back of Theo, Tito and the bad clubhouse culture the grew under him, the players, and injury. What are your criticisms of V's coaching? All the idiots on WEEI ever whine about are stigmas about Bobby V from a decade ago that he has clearly matured past.

Would love to see Schilling here as a pitching coach.

Uggh. We've made so much ground this year getting rid of bad attitudes. Why bring IN a whining prima dona like Schwill?

08-29-2012, 08:30 AM
Why not? What are the criticisms that fall on him. So much of this year falls on the back of Theo, Tito and the bad clubhouse culture the grew under him, the players, and injury. What are your criticisms of V's coaching? All the idiots on WEEI ever whine about are stigmas about Bobby V from a decade ago that he has clearly matured past.

Bobby Valentine was brought in for one purpose, to manage the Red Sox into contention. He did not do it. The Red Sox have played very poorly. As the saying goes, you can't fire twenty-five players, but you can fire the manager.

08-29-2012, 08:45 AM
If you look at everything that has happened the last few weeks it looks like they will bring back BV for year two. If you weren't going to do that why not replace him now and allow the new guy to look at some of the players now with 2013 in mind. If you are using the rest of 2012 as a try out for 2013 for some of the kids wouldn't it make sence that your planned 2013 manager be doing the observing. Stewart pitching tonight and probably a lot of young players playing the rest of 2012.

08-29-2012, 08:55 AM
The only way Valentine won't be back is if he decides he has had enough.

08-29-2012, 09:34 AM
I dont see BV really leaving. He will be here next season.

08-29-2012, 09:36 AM
Bobby Valentine was brought in for one purpose, to manage the Red Sox into contention. He did not do it. The Red Sox have played very poorly. As the saying goes, you can't fire twenty-five players, but you can fire the manager.

I disagree completely. He was brought in to change the culture. With the recent moves and the fact that Cherington has finally given support to Valentine, I think he is starting to show that he runs this ship. The sox would be right to keep V for another season. He gets a lot out of the young bucks, and you'll be seeing a lot of them over the next 13 months or so

08-29-2012, 09:42 AM
I disagree completely. He was brought in to change the culture. With the recent moves and the fact that Cherington has finally given support to Valentine, I think he is starting to show that he runs this ship. The sox would be right to keep V for another season. He gets a lot out of the young bucks, and you'll be seeing a lot of them over the next 13 months or so

I agree with you. I thought this was what it was all about going foward anyway, with the younger players starting to take over more. Its like a slow process of the changing of the guard so to speak.

08-29-2012, 11:18 AM
I disagree completely. He was brought in to change the culture. With the recent moves and the fact that Cherington has finally given support to Valentine, I think he is starting to show that he runs this ship.

If the Sox just wanted someone to change the clubhouse culture, they should have hired Dr. Phil. Valentine was hired to make the third highest payrolled team a winning team. Changing the clubhouse culture would have to be just one of his focuses. There is also the business of building a winning culture.

A year ago, with virtually the same players, The Red Sox were 30 games over .500. Valentine may have changed the culture...but not necessarily for the better.

The sox would be right to keep V for another season. He gets a lot out of the young bucks, and you'll be seeing a lot of them over the next 13 months or so

Outside of the trade with the Dodgers (and that was more about the Dodgers' stupidity), the Red Sox have done little right. If they bring back Valentine, it will just be another failure to understand how to build a winning team.

08-29-2012, 11:55 AM
Bobby Valentine was brought in for one purpose, to manage the Red Sox into contention. He did not do it. The Red Sox have played very poorly. As the saying goes, you can't fire twenty-five players, but you can fire the manager.

OK, well enough with the blanket statements. I've never heard that saying. You've compared BV departure against a non reality statement.

People that hate BV just hated him at the beginning of the season and continue to do so with out any evaluation. Just suggesting firing all the players clearly indicates they are to blame.

What are the top 5 reasons this year went down hill? I don't think any can be attributed to BV. Do you think line ups and pitching changes is why we're here now? Is it BV fault ellsbury, bailey, and crawford went down? Is it his fault the players are selfish and deserving.

Just saying he was brought here to win, and he didn't, is backing out of the question. Maybe you'd be better suited as a WEEI caller.

08-29-2012, 12:11 PM
Oh how we quickly forget. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Why would we bring back a guy who lost control of a team? Someone who didn’t know when to take out a pitcher? Don't you remember how we joked about the seven run rule? How we call him Terry Frankcoma?

There is a reason why they brought Bobby Valentine to Boston. They needed a manager who can gain control over bunch of overpaid, overweight athletes. In my opinion, he's done just that. He started by calling out Youkilis. Although, it wasn’t popular, it was the right call. His heart wasn't in the game! He probably should have suspended Pedroia for speaking out against him when he said those things about Youkilis. Just recently he suspended Aviles for being a complete and utter douche bag. They've also made some inroads to turning this team around by getting rid of one of the cancers, Josh Beckett.

There's obviously going to be some fight back from the players. The only way to manage this team is to not break and bring in a softy of a manager. But, to continue on the path they are going. Continue to tell these spoiled brats that they're not going to take it anymore and if you don't like it you can pack your bags. Let's bring the Patriot way to Yawkey Way!

08-29-2012, 01:14 PM
OK, well enough with the blanket statements. I've never heard that saying. You've compared BV departure against a non reality statement.

It is an old saying in baseball. Perhaps you have not been following the game very long.

People that hate BV just hated him at the beginning of the season and continue to do so with out any evaluation. Just suggesting firing all the players clearly indicates they are to blame.

Talk about blanket statements! I did not hate Valentine in the beginning. No one is suggesting anyone fire all the players. It is just an old saying in baseball

What are the top 5 reasons this year went down hill? I don't think any can be attributed to BV. Do you think line ups and pitching changes is why we're here now? Is it BV fault ellsbury, bailey, and crawford went down? Is it his fault the players are selfish and deserving.

Just saying he was brought here to win, and he didn't, is backing out of the question.

I don't know how long you have been following baseball, but baseball is about winning. It is not about building a community club. There are lots of reasons games are won or lost, but the ultimate job of the manager is to create a winner.

Every manager will face problems. Players will get injured. Players will be selfish. It is the managers job to fix those problems the best he can in order to win baseball games.

Grady Little was a very successful manager in Boston in 2002 and 2003. In the 2003, he guided them to the ALCS against the Yankees. The series went to the seventh game and the Sox had Pedro Martinez, the greatest pitcher of our time, on the mound.

The Red Sox had a 5-2 lead in the eighth inning. They were six outs away from the World Series. After recording an out, Pedro gave up four straight hits and a run. Everyone could see Pedro was out of gas. The Sox had a deep bullpen, but Little allowed Pedro to pitch to Jorge Posada. Posada doubled to tie the game, and the Yankees would go onto win in eleven innings. They would go to the World Series, and the Red Sox would go home.

Shortly afterward, Little was out as the Red Sox manager. Why? It was simply because he didn't win when he had to. The lesson is that managers are expected to win.

Maybe you'd be better suited as a WEEI caller.

Dude, you've got four posts! :lol:

08-29-2012, 01:39 PM
managers do very little to actually win or loose games. It's on the players

08-29-2012, 03:32 PM
I like BV but have been very disappointed in him lately. I think he will do well with young players. He talks too damn much.
Managers have not much impact on most games but can effect close games and BV's record in close games this year really sucks. To a certain degree he has not had the bench or bullpen to win those games but he also has not taken advantage of all the resources he has.

08-29-2012, 05:59 PM
Managers that talk too much to try to get some of the media focus on them can be a positive thing. Its when they are throwing their players under the bus where you have problems.

08-29-2012, 05:59 PM
managers do very little to actually win or loose games. It's on the players

That maybe somewhat true but when it comes to pitching, managers need to know when to take one out or not. Of course if you ask any pitcher if they are still ok after giving up 5 runs or so, they will always want to stay in unless they get injured durinig the game. We need managers to "make the call" on them to try to ensure that the team can win games. Im sure there are other areas as well but thats the best one I can sum up.

08-29-2012, 08:00 PM
Managing in today's era is tough because you got guys with 6 and 7 year contracts and making a lot of $$$$$$$ who are doing their own thing, and not the team thing. An on top of that you have the FO telling managers in some cases who to play and who is done at 160 innings on the season. Boston is a tough town to manage in before you factored all that in.

08-29-2012, 09:55 PM
I find BV straight talk with the media refreshing. If he isn't pleased with something he will say it. Lord knows the media does plenty of trolling. BV doesn't run his mouth just to prove his self worth, or cause trouble. I got very tired of Tito's politically correct PR, and 'keep the players happy' strategy. A coach is a leader, if he needs to call out players then so be it.

08-29-2012, 10:43 PM
Sure, the players do the hitting and pitching, but managers really do impact a team's success. Talented players, like the Red Sox have, and a good manager can be the difference between a winning team and a below .500 team.

First of all, there are at least 1,000 signs flashed during a baseball game between the two teams. Most are generated by the managers, if not directly at least by the managers' designs.

The pitchers and catchers sign at least once per pitch and usually more. The pitch strategy has been pre-determined by the manager and staff before the first pitch is even thrown. The manager and his staff have to determine how batters will be pitched to.

Infielders have to know where to be positioned and who will cover the bag on a throw. If the wrong infielder leaves position to cover the bag, he will leave a hole for the batter. It is not always a left or right handed thing. The inside or outside pitch has to be called and the positioning has to be coordinated.

The outfield needs to know where to position themselves, and not just by the batter, but also by the pitches being thrown.

The offense has to be designed around strengths of the individuals. Whitey Herzog was an excellent example of a manager who would take advantage of personel. When he had only Jack Clark with any power, he ran the bases. He made sure Clark got fastballs to pound by sending runners. His offense put pressure on the defense and manufactured runs.

Pitchers and bullpen might be the hardest part of managing. When does the manager replace a pitcher? It can affect several games if the manager gets the relief pitcher up too early. It can lose a game if he waits too long.

The manager has to be a clubhouse leader. A manager can't simply say, "It will be my way." He has to earn that respect and act in a way that inspires athletes who earn millions of dollars.

Managing large egos and knowing the important nuances of baseball are not easy. I hope the Red Sox find the right guy. In my opinion, Bobby Valentine is not the guy.

08-29-2012, 11:08 PM
Talented players, like the red Sox have,

well first you put forth that BV should go because of the sox loosing record. He was brought in to win, and the record shows he didn't, period end of repot. So these talented players that you speak of, please demonstrate them to me in statistics.

Pitchers and bullpen might be the hardest part of managing. When does the manager replace a pitcher? It can affect several games if the manager gets the relief pitcher up too early. It can lose a game if he waits too long.
That was what Tito always fucked up on. So you feel BV has not had a good handle on pitching changes this year? Is it worth it that McClure wasn't even talking to BV after visiting the mound, and in general pouting like a little child?

Infielders have to know where to be positioned and who will cover the bag on a throw. If the wrong infielder leaves position to cover the bag, he will leave a hole for the batter. It is not always a left or right handed thing. The inside or outside pitch has to be called and the positioning has to be coordinated.

The outfield needs to know where to position themselves, and not just by the batter, but also by the pitches being thrown.

Doesn't the manager only position the field players for certain key plays?

The pitchers and catchers sign at least once per pitch and usually more. The pitch strategy has been pre-determined by the manager and staff before the first pitch is even thrown. The manager and his staff have to determine how batters will be pitched to.
It was so fucked that BV was facing a mutiny by his own coaching staff. BV didn't get a fair trial. I think you don't like him from before the season and aren't basing it on anything done this year. But you don't like him, and thats your opinion, so be it. There may be a game plan upfront, but I was always under the impression that catchers called games.

08-30-2012, 12:19 AM
I'd love to see the Red Sox take a page from the Cardinals or White Sox and hire Varitek - if of course he has any interest in managing. He's a guy who the players would respect a lot and listen too. He was also very well respected around the league so I do feel like his coaching staff would stand by him. That said, he doesn't have any experience of managing at all so he would be somewhat of a gamble.

08-30-2012, 12:50 AM
Ya I'm all for getting Tek in the system and get him some experience in the minors. I think he needs that time before he could coach the sox.

09-07-2012, 02:31 PM
Bobby V. vs John Farrell - some one break this down for me, the thought of john farrell coming back to boston sounds good because he did so great with out pitchers, but.... look at where his team is and they dont have much slouches either his team was stacked. Anyone have any good insight to Farrell coming back to boston

09-07-2012, 03:22 PM
Red Sox Eyeing Mike Scioscia

By Ben Nicholson-Smith [September 7 at 1:05pm CST]

The rumors surrounding John Farrell and the Red Sox won’t go away, especially now that Farrell’s Blue Jays are visiting Boston, where he coached until 2010. Farrell is the top choice of Red Sox officials to replace Bobby Valentine as the team’s manager in 2013, but he isn’t the only American League manager the Red Sox are considering. The Red Sox will turn to Angels manager Mike Scioscia if the Angels fire Scioscia and Farrell isn’t available, Bob Nightengale of USA Today reports.

The Red Sox are expected to fire Valentine soon after the regular season ends, Nightengale writes. By that point the availability of Farrell, who’s under contract for 2013, and Scioscia, who’s under contract through 2018, should be more clear. Red Sox president Larry Lucchino told Nightengale the team hasn’t made a decision about Valentine’s future in Boston. "We'll re-evaluate it at the end of the season," Lucchino said.

09-07-2012, 06:49 PM
Farrell has one year on his contract and the Sox would have to give the Jays something to get him next year. I think the Jays are the team that claimed De La Rosa causing the Sox and Dodgers maling him a player to be named later. If the Jays ask for him would they do that?

09-07-2012, 08:37 PM
Farrell has one year on his contract and the Sox would have to give the Jays something to get him next year. I think the Jays are the team that claimed De La Rosa causing the Sox and Dodgers maling him a player to be named later. If the Jays ask for him would they do that?

I believe De La Rosa would have to remain an unknown "player to be named later" until after the World Series if the Jays had claimed him during the waiver period. If he is named at the time of the trade, he isn't a "player to be named later."