View Full Version : yankee fan perspective

04-18-2004, 03:03 AM
i've been a yankee fan since i was old enough to know what baseball was..as red sox fans are with their team...obviously the red sox have a reason to be bitter..if i was in their shoes, which i'm not, i would be upset also..but anyways..why do you hate yankees..is it because of bucky, babe, or boone..3 moments out of years of baseball history where you revolve yourselves around....or is it because of the last 8 years...when i was younger growing up in the 80s ..the yankees "sucked"..lol..they didnt get into the playoffs until 1995 when they lost...and in 96 they were the underdog and came back after 2-0 to beat the braves..but even when they did suck I still rooted for them even when they finished in last place..and yes our team has the highest payroll now..and yes steinbrenner does anything within his power for this team..but we dont always win...look at last year..we lost to the marlins..the year before to the angels..not even close to the payroll of the yankees..money isnt a guarantee...there isnt any reason to insult the yankees for having the highest payroll when the sox have the 2nd highest.

..i think red sox fans need to stop the bitterness..just have faith in their players and stop whining all the time..let the sox just go out and play....sometimes it irritates me when they whine like little girls ..." Its not fair!!...boo hoooo...just play the game..what can the whining truly do?..does it make you feel better when you realize that they havent won a world series in over 80 years...the cubs havent won wince 1908 i think...no one whines like a red sox fan...

04-18-2004, 08:38 AM
There are a few reasons that we hate the Yankees. First of all, Boston and New York have a traditional rivalry in professional sports, such as the Sox and Yankees, Celtics and Knicks, and Pats and Jets. Also, some of the reasons that you mentioned are true. Obviously, Red Sox nation is sore about the Bambino, as many of us fondly (or maybe not) believe in the Curse of the Bambino. Bucky freakin Dent and Aaron bleepin Boone just add fuel to the fire. Finally, your comments border on hypocrytical, considering the amount of hatred displayed by Yankees fans towards Sox fans.

04-18-2004, 09:32 AM
Lol, you didnt use one period in that entire post. :D Just kidding. Anyway, I hate the yankees beacuse of the money (even if it is new), the heartbreak, the proximity of New York (I'm sure if NY wasnt 200 miles away the rivalry would not be intense), and because the mfy and the sox are in the same division.

04-18-2004, 10:05 AM
Welcome to the site btw, even if you are a yankee fan :P

04-18-2004, 10:13 AM
Well I hate the Yankees for the heartbreak they've caused me, George Steinbrenner and his wallet, their front-runner fans (most of them), and their constant winning ways.

04-18-2004, 12:05 PM
to be completely honest i never truly disliked the red sox until game 4 i think of the alcs..when i saw pedro throw don zimmer to the ground, that did it for me right there. Don Zimmer was embarrassed and apologized for his actions..Pedro didnt say anything...and manny for overacting on clemens fastball that was up a little, yet not even close to him..just looking for an excuse..that just really heated me up..but i like alot of the red sox players and some i dislike...some are really good guys..like damon and millar..from my perspective everyone on the yankees are good guys..nobody truly starts things..maybe jeff nelson anf karim garcia for having a little brawl in the bullpen..lol..but there gone now..so..besides the heat in game 4 started because pedro threw at karim garcia..then he told posada that he would hit him in the head..cmon..im sorry pedro is a female..he may be the best pitcher in baseball..but hes a female.., but not everyone is like that..

another thing i love when sox fans compare jeter and "nomahh"..first stop comparing one of the only positions where you have an argument..and even it is weak...jeters job is simple get on base for everyone else..that what he does..hell steal you a base if you need him to..hell lay a bunt..plays good D..nomar is a number 3 hitter his job is to get doubles singles..and some rbis...there are some aspects of the game where someone would say that nomar is better and some would say jeter is better....but they are different..

I shouldnt have a reason to hate the sox, because the yanks always win..if it was the other way around i could see the argument..

to yagmaster: even though some yankee fans show hatred toward sox fans..i guarantee it is only because of recent developments. Besides why should we hate you. we havent faced you in many playoff games..and i wouldnt talk, because red sox fans are not the most polite fans. I heard watching the yankee game on saturday..that while arod was eating dinner in boston(like seating near a window where everyone can see hm).at least 10 people came by and flipped him the bird..so i dont think yankee fans would do that to red sox players..unless they are really angry ..lol..

04-19-2004, 09:06 AM
Quick question...Dom Zimmer charged at Pedro, what was he to do? Pedro shouldn't have to apologize for defending himself. Whats he supposed to say, "I'm truly sorry I defended myself from a 70 year old man who charged at me for no reason, when it should've been one his players charging at me. He was way out of line, so for that I AM SORRY."

I'm confused, maybe you could clear this up for me.

04-19-2004, 02:35 PM
nomar is a better shortstop than jeter

defensivley and offensivley

i cant believe you think jeter is better :)

04-19-2004, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by yankeesrepresentbaseball@Apr 18 2004, 01:05 PM
I heard watching the yankee game on saturday..that while arod was eating dinner in boston(like seating near a window where everyone can see hm).at least 10 people came by and flipped him the bird..so i dont think yankee fans would do that to red sox players..unless they are really angry ..lol..
just goes to show that we have diehard sox fans who actually follow the team and knows whats going on, an actually HATE the yankees....we are not just a bunch of bandwaggon riding homos

04-19-2004, 02:42 PM
pedro's a female eh? hes got the whole yankee team scared of him, as well as many other major league baseball players....

the only female we have here is your owner...can't win championships, you have to buy them :)

next time you post come with some legit information that we havent heard from every other goddamn yankee fan...i swear, you think that sox fans would be this way....come up with something new please...instead of the same bs we here from each and everyone of you.

04-19-2004, 07:57 PM
we are not just a bunch of bandwaggon riding homos
That's the funniest damn thing I've read in a long time. :D

04-22-2004, 10:28 PM
The fighting had to start eventually. :D. But did the entire topic have to be moved?

04-22-2004, 10:38 PM
Eh, I dont think the whole thing needed to be moved, but it was DDM's call. Anyway, this doesnt necessarily have to be JUST for fights. But fight away if you wish. :blink:

04-23-2004, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by yeszir@Apr 22 2004, 10:38 PM
Eh, I dont think the whole thing needed to be moved, but it was DDM's call. Anyway, this doesnt necessarily have to be JUST for fights. But fight away if you wish. :blink:
When somebody says "bandwagoning homos", it's not really a pleasant arguement anymore. I know it's all in good nature, but this thread seemed more like a "fight" to me.

04-24-2004, 06:14 PM
There are many reasons for a Red Sox fan to hate the Yankees. Partly, it's because of bitterness at our own history, but there is also an arrogance and level of expectation that you see in Yankee fans that you don't see in other fans. We're bitter after not winning the World Series in over 80 years, while Yankees fans are bitter at not winning the World Series since 2000 -- Yankees fans seem to have this sense of entitlement to the mantle of World Champions. Also, it is most definitely fair for anyone (even Red Sox fans) to criticise the absurdity of the Yankees payroll. I don't think it's any accident that the Red Sox have the second highest payroll -- we are in the same division as the Yankees, and have to spend to compete. The fact that there is such a big gap between the Yankees' payroll and next highest spending team just highlights how rediculous the Yankee spending is.....and I for one would love to see all of Georgie's dollars wasted.

04-25-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Tek04@Apr 19 2004, 02:42 PM
the only female we have here is your owner...can't win championships, you have to buy them :)
And you can't get championships period :D

04-26-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by AusBoSoxFan@Apr 24 2004, 07:14 PM
There are many reasons for a Red Sox fan to hate the Yankees. Partly, it's because of bitterness at our own history, but there is also an arrogance and level of expectation that you see in Yankee fans that you don't see in other fans. We're bitter after not winning the World Series in over 80 years, while Yankees fans are bitter at not winning the World Series since 2000 -- Yankees fans seem to have this sense of entitlement to the mantle of World Champions. Also, it is most definitely fair for anyone (even Red Sox fans) to criticise the absurdity of the Yankees payroll. I don't think it's any accident that the Red Sox have the second highest payroll -- we are in the same division as the Yankees, and have to spend to compete. The fact that there is such a big gap between the Yankees' payroll and next highest spending team just highlights how rediculous the Yankee spending is.....and I for one would love to see all of Georgie's dollars wasted.
I completely agree. Yankee fans are arrogant as all hell. Ok, we get it, 26 1918 yadayadayada. Now shut up!

04-27-2004, 09:02 PM
I know a bunch of kids who couldn't tell you the difference between Babe Ruth and Don Zimmer. They couldn't name anyone on the Yankees if the roster was right in front of their faces. And you'd think they wouldn't be into baseball at all, except one of them is always following me around going "RED SOX SUCK!!! YANKEEES R TEH BESTZ!!!!111one11!~!!! 19181918191819181918 LOLZ!!!!!!!"

And that is why I hate the Yankees.

04-27-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by skaddam@Apr 27 2004, 10:02 PM
I know a bunch of kids who couldn't tell you the difference between Babe Ruth and Don Zimmer. They couldn't name anyone on the Yankees if the roster was right in front of their faces. And you'd think they wouldn't be into baseball at all, except one of them is always following me around going "RED SOX SUCK!!! YANKEEES R TEH BESTZ!!!!111one11!~!!! 19181918191819181918 LOLZ!!!!!!!"

And that is why I hate the Yankees.
Too true, too true. Welcome to the boards, glad you decided to post. :D

04-28-2004, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by ARod2212+Apr 25 2004, 06:12 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ARod2212 @ Apr 25 2004, 06:12 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Tek04@Apr 19 2004, 02:42 PM
the only female we have here is your owner...can&#39;t win championships, you have to buy them :)
And you can&#39;t get championships period :D [/b][/quote]
another a-rod bandwaggon fan...hes on the yankees now he is awesome... :rolleyes:

he gets all the media attention and i always see him on tv, thats why he is my favorite :rolleyes:

can we please get some real yankee fans in here...those who know enough about the yankees to put up a legit argument.

05-02-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Tek04@Apr 28 2004, 07:45 PM
can we please get some real yankee fans in here...those who know enough about the yankees to put up a legit argument.
Amen. Good, sensible yankee fans are sometimes fun to argue with. People who know there stuff. Unfortunately, the vast majority of yankee fans are half retarded and can&#39;t tell the difference between Tino Martinez and Ken Griffey Junior.

05-02-2004, 07:39 PM
to satan&#39;s advocate who thinks that pedro should have apologized for demolishing gerbil man in game 4.
WHY SHOULD HE HAVE APOLOGIZED? that would be like the USA apologizing to the soviets for defending ourselves in the Cuban missle crisis. It just wouldn&#39;t be right. gerbil man decided to attack our player and recieved the penalty for it. He is not getting an apology becuase he was the cause of his own pain. Next time, stay in the dugout and let the men who are 50 years younger than you do the brawling.

P.S. Yankees suck

05-02-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by rsoxfan1489@May 2 2004, 08:39 PM
to satan&#39;s advocate who thinks that pedro should have apologized for demolishing gerbil man in game 4.
WHY SHOULD HE HAVE APOLOGIZED? that would be like the USA apologizing to the soviets for defending ourselves in the Cuban missle crisis. It just wouldn&#39;t be right. gerbil man decided to attack our player and recieved the penalty for it. He is not getting an apology becuase he was the cause of his own pain. Next time, stay in the dugout and let the men who are 50 years younger than you do the brawling.

P.S. Yankees suck
Uh-oh, lets not get back into this one again. :rolleyes:

But yea, he got what he had coming. Ask any Red Sox fan, they&#39;ll tell ya&#33;

05-03-2004, 01:10 AM
my mistake, I misread one of hte pages, thinking it was one of hte latest post, now here is my updated post,

Dear god, why must the Yanks get A-rod? I mean it is poetic justice that Boone destroys his knee, but why must they take a man who was going to be our savior? oh well, maybe the players union will crash and burn (god willing) and they&#39;ll think for themselves for once.

P.S. Yankees suck

P.P.S A-Rod sucks

05-05-2004, 06:56 PM
Why do the Red Sox hate the yankees? Is this guy the stupidest sumbitch in the world?

05-05-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by roary+May 2 2004, 04:14 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (roary @ May 2 2004, 04:14 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Tek04@Apr 28 2004, 07:45 PM
can we please get some real yankee fans in here...those who know enough about the yankees to put up a legit argument.
Amen. Good, sensible yankee fans are sometimes fun to argue with. People who know there stuff. Unfortunately, the vast majority of yankee fans are half retarded and can&#39;t tell the difference between Tino Martinez and Ken Griffey Junior. [/b][/quote]
Hell yea

I have a friend in school, and his dad who also works there, they are diehard yankee fans, and they always put up good arguments, because they actually follow the yankees and know what is going on.

Im sick of bandwaggon fans

08-06-2004, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by yankeesrepresentbaseball@Apr 18 2004, 12:05 PM
to be completely honest i never truly disliked the red sox until game 4 i think of the alcs..when i saw pedro throw don zimmer to the ground, that did it for me right there. Don Zimmer was embarrassed and apologized for his actions..Pedro didnt say anything...and manny for overacting on clemens fastball that was up a little, yet not even close to him..just looking for an excuse..that just really heated me up..but i like alot of the red sox players and some i dislike...some are really good guys..like damon and millar..from my perspective everyone on the yankees are good guys..nobody truly starts things..maybe jeff nelson anf karim garcia for having a little brawl in the bullpen..lol..but there gone now..so..besides the heat in game 4 started because pedro threw at karim garcia..then he told posada that he would hit him in the head..cmon..im sorry pedro is a female..he may be the best pitcher in baseball..but hes a female.., but not everyone is like that..

another thing i love when sox fans compare jeter and "nomahh"..first stop comparing one of the only positions where you have an argument..and even it is weak...jeters job is simple get on base for everyone else..that what he does..hell steal you a base if you need him to..hell lay a bunt..plays good D..nomar is a number 3 hitter his job is to get doubles singles..and some rbis...there are some aspects of the game where someone would say that nomar is better and some would say jeter is better....but they are different..

I shouldnt have a reason to hate the sox, because the yanks always win..if it was the other way around i could see the argument..

to yagmaster: even though some yankee fans show hatred toward sox fans..i guarantee it is only because of recent developments. Besides why should we hate you. we havent faced you in many playoff games..and i wouldnt talk, because red sox fans are not the most polite fans. I heard watching the yankee game on saturday..that while arod was eating dinner in boston(like seating near a window where everyone can see hm).at least 10 people came by and flipped him the bird..so i dont think yankee fans would do that to red sox players..unless they are really angry ..lol..
This is almost 4 months later but it was Game 3 not Game 4

08-07-2004, 06:11 PM
predro should have got ejected from that game.

08-07-2004, 09:39 PM
They don&#39;t throw stars out, that&#39;s the "unwritten" rule.

08-07-2004, 10:01 PM
they didnt have any problem throwing out A rod and yes he is a star lol

08-08-2004, 01:20 AM
I cant beleive you dumbass yankee fans who think it was Pedro&#39;s fault for throwing zim to the ground, he came charging after pedro you retards :rolleyes:

08-08-2004, 01:49 PM
Thats not what im talking about. He should of got thrown out for throwing at garcia. he started everything, just like arroyo should of got thrown out for throwing at A rod.

08-08-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by empirestrikesback26@Aug 8 2004, 02:49 PM
Thats not what im talking about. He should of got thrown out for throwing at garcia. he started everything, just like arroyo should of got thrown out for throwing at A rod.
Umm... Arroyo leads the league in hit batters, it&#39;s not like he was throwing at him. A-Rod&#39;s just a big old pussy.

08-08-2004, 02:41 PM
OK heres the question of the day Zenny, did you have a lot of crack or just a little crack this morning? He was throwing at him because A rod hit the game winning single the night before.

08-08-2004, 03:35 PM
That wasn&#39;t a fastball he was throwing at A Rod, if he was trying to hit him he would of done it early in the game.

08-08-2004, 03:39 PM
Umm, let&#39;s see, A-Rod came up in the first, correct? Why didn&#39;t he do it then? And if he was going to do it intentionally, why did he do it on a slider and not a fastball? Retard.

08-08-2004, 03:47 PM
I believe Martinez threw at Garcia, because of an unessacary slide into 2nd by Garcia at Todd Walker. That&#39;s the impression I get. If you read Don Zimmer&#39;s new book "Zen of Zim" he even says it in there that he was trying to hit Pedro, and accepted responsibilty for what happened to him.

08-08-2004, 03:58 PM
he was trying to hit pedro and pedro did what needed to be done, thats not why he should of been thrown out, i thought he threw at garcia first and then garcia did the hard slide into walker?

08-08-2004, 04:00 PM
there were probaby people on base, thats why he didnt throw at A rod in the first. HE threw a curveball cause arroyo was scared that if he threw a fasdtball A rod would have charged the mound.

08-08-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by empirestrikesback26@Aug 8 2004, 05:00 PM
there were probaby people on base, thats why he didnt throw at A rod in the first. HE threw a curveball cause arroyo was scared that if he threw a fasdtball A rod would have charged the mound.
You&#39;re absolutely kidding me, right? You can&#39;t possibly be serious. That is the stupidest rationalization I&#39;ve ever heard. Arroyo plunked him with a slider because he didn&#39;t have the proper grip on it and it flew into A-Rod, just like he&#39;s done 15 other times this season. There was nothing behind that. Varitek did the standard escort that every catcher does to every hitter after being plunked. A-Rod started to act like a little bitch, screaming at Varitek and Tek shut his mouth forcefully.

08-08-2004, 04:20 PM
admit he hit the game winning single and that could possibly have had something to do with it. varitek started that fight obvioulsly by getting in A rods way, watch it again.

08-08-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by empirestrikesback26@Aug 8 2004, 05:20 PM
admit he hit the game winning single and that could possibly have had something to do with it. varitek started that fight obvioulsly by getting in A rods way, watch it again.
If it had anything to do with the previous night&#39;s game winning hit, it would&#39;ve been done in his first AB, not his second. You really aren&#39;t backing this up well.

Varitek did not get in A-Rod&#39;s way. If you meant "get in his way of charging the mound", then that&#39;s Varitek&#39;s job as a catcher. If you meant, "get in his way of first base", then I suggest that you watch it again as he could have just been a man, put his head down and taken the base. The guy&#39;s a pussy.

08-08-2004, 05:05 PM
arroyo could have just been a man and thrown a fastball right at his head but he had to throw a curve at his back to get his point across. THere were people on in the first i think that why he didnt throw at him then.

08-08-2004, 05:10 PM
talk about being a man, varitek throwing the first punch at A rod in full catchers gear i mean come on.

08-08-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by empirestrikesback26@Aug 8 2004, 05:05 PM
arroyo could have just been a man and thrown a fastball right at his head but he had to throw a curve at his back to get his point across. THere were people on in the first i think that why he didnt throw at him then.
What point? Ever throw a slider? I hit a kid in the back on accident throwing one. If you don&#39;t throw it correctly it either hangs or goes of line.

08-08-2004, 06:07 PM
you see the first pitch? up and in but missed so he tried again and he hit him.