View Full Version : Why is there so little traffic?

Northern Star
04-24-2010, 02:41 PM
I thought a Red Sox board would be buzzing. :dunno:

04-24-2010, 02:43 PM
It's the weekend

Northern Star
04-24-2010, 03:04 PM
It was the same during the week, though. 5,000 members but hardly any new topics. WE NEED NEW TOPICS!!!! LOL

04-24-2010, 03:07 PM
Would rather focus on the games and plus it is early in the season. Kids focusing on class work.

04-24-2010, 03:35 PM
It was the same during the week, though. 5,000 members but hardly any new topics. WE NEED NEW TOPICS!!!! LOL

Start some if there's something you think would be interesting to discuss :D

New topics don't get created unless people create them.

04-27-2010, 12:52 AM
Everyone's bummed out about me not winning the tee-shirt. It's hurt the morale of the board...

04-27-2010, 01:10 AM
@ the new members on Talksox, there may be about 5000 members. But only about 50-70 post on a regular basis. Don't be alarmed. People come and go.

This is an active board. There is plenty to discuss! There is no shortage of opinions and what you have to say is of value. So speak up and have fun!

Go Sox!

04-28-2010, 11:00 PM
There is very little that is interesting about this team to really talk about it. Theo finally got his wish, he built a team that is completely opposite of the team he had in 2004 since it seems he has been working towards the Yankees quiet "professional" atmosphere.

No more Mannys, no more Pedros, no more Millars, no more Damons, no more Cabreras, no more Schillings.

Pretty soon, no more Papelbons, Ortiz's and Lowells.....you know, the type that is good for a media byte...the type that will criticize the front office for fucking up.

This organization hates flamboyant colorful players that attract attention or openly speak to the media. They hate when players criticize them. That, and they dont like to open their wallet all that much.

04-30-2010, 11:08 AM
SCM, do you honestly believe that or did you get those talking points from the mouth breathers on WEEI like Glen Ordway and Gerry Callahan?

04-30-2010, 11:26 AM
There is very little that is interesting about this team to really talk about it. Theo finally got his wish, he built a team that is completely opposite of the team he had in 2004 since it seems he has been working towards the Yankees quiet "professional" atmosphere.

No more Mannys, no more Pedros, no more Millars, no more Damons, no more Cabreras, no more Schillings.

Pretty soon, no more Papelbons, Ortiz's and Lowells.....you know, the type that is good for a media byte...the type that will criticize the front office for fucking up.

This organization hates flamboyant colorful players that attract attention or openly speak to the media. They hate when players criticize them. That, and they dont like to open their wallet all that much.They extended Beckett and he is good for about 3 or more press conferences where he drops the F-Bomb.

04-30-2010, 01:37 PM
Exactly. they also gave long term deals to Pedroia and if rumors are to be believed they are working on a deal for Papelbon.

it's an unecesary shot at Theo just because the team is struggling. and since when is Lowell a colorful character? he was a walking cliche until he got benched.

I miss Manny too but he wouldn't have been much help last year seeing as he was suspended 50 games and all.

04-30-2010, 03:28 PM
Has there been a big drop-off here in posting from last year? If not then I don't think there's an issue.

I invited a group to post here and one joined but when he was ripped a new one because he has a negative opinion of Nancy Drew, he didn't bother to come back. The other 4 that checked out the place felt it was just like the other boards they were on, too many knee-jerk reactions, so they decided to stay with the evil they know. The average age of the 5 people I invited was also mid-40's to early 50's so that was also an issue, 2 voiced comments about not wanting to feel like grandpa.

I personally think this is a good board, I've posted on a lot worse and I appreciate the quick banning of trouble-makers by the moderators. Most boards leave the trolls because they increase post counts. And while I do feel a little old to be posting here, I still enjoy it.

04-30-2010, 04:40 PM
We have a700 and Spudboy here, they're grandpas too ;)

04-30-2010, 05:35 PM
Oh I know Emmz, every board has its own personality. This one just has a more youthful appearance and some of us old timers are comfortable with that and some aren't. I wasn't really trying to make much of a statement, except I don't think that because a 1000 new people aren't posting their fingers off it means no one is interested in the Sox. There are sooooo many Sox boards out there, I'd have to say this one is smack in the middle of activity.

04-30-2010, 11:06 PM
SCM, do you honestly believe that or did you get those talking points from the mouth breathers on WEEI like Glen Ordway and Gerry Callahan?

Part of what I said was probably out of frustration. I just dont understand the direction the team is heading in. Every year they have a new philosophy. How about they just spend some money on the best available players instead of trying to piece together a team based on the new philosophy.

extended Beckett and he is good for about 3 or more press conferences where he drops the F-Bomb.

Beckett criticizes himself to the media.

and since when is Lowell a colorful character

I believe I heard last season, that he was criticizing the FO behind closed doors (amongst teammates) and they were not happy about it.

there been a big drop-off here in posting from last year? If not then I don't think there's an issue.

I cant speak about game threads, since I am almost always working when they are most active, but in my opinion....there has been a huge drop off this season. I remember a few years back when the board would go down all the time because of the amount of site traffic. Hell, look at the date where the board had the most visitors ever online, (6/8/2008). That was almost two years ago....you would think that since the board has been around for a while that the date would be much more recent. Ive been here almost 5 years now, this is the slowest Ive seen it since the website format was revamped. The opening up of SOSH to the "lurker" option may have taken away some of our traffic, a few years back you couldnt pay your way to be able to post on SOSH.

05-01-2010, 07:15 AM
SOSH sucks. Unless this boards former lurkers had a need to listen to blowhards pontificate and have a circle jerk - no one left to go to SOSH.

05-01-2010, 09:42 PM
Has there been a big drop-off here in posting from last year? If not then I don't think there's an issue.

I invited a group to post here and one joined but when he was ripped a new one because he has a negative opinion of Nancy Drew, he didn't bother to come back. The other 4 that checked out the place felt it was just like the other boards they were on, too many knee-jerk reactions, so they decided to stay with the evil they know. The average age of the 5 people I invited was also mid-40's to early 50's so that was also an issue, 2 voiced comments about not wanting to feel like grandpa.

I personally think this is a good board, I've posted on a lot worse and I appreciate the quick banning of trouble-makers by the moderators. Most boards leave the trolls because they increase post counts. And while I do feel a little old to be posting here, I still enjoy it.

Legendary truth.

05-01-2010, 10:33 PM
Looking at post statistics, we're seeing roughly the same # of posts per day as in both 2009 and 2008. It's concentrated in fewer threads, which is why there's the appearance of inactivity.