View Full Version : Victor Martinez = failure at catcher position?

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-15-2010, 03:46 PM
Moderator Warning: This thread is pretty much entirely useless. You've been warned.

Am I only one whose noticed this trend? The man is a horrible defensive catcher and pitchers struggle when he is on the mound. The only guy who is pitching comfortably with him behind the plate is John Lackey

In Lackey's two starts with VMart he is 1-0 with 1 run allowed in 12.2 innings..

In Variteks one start, Royals scored 3 runs, which is great.

In the Rest of V-Marts starts he has allowed: 7, 6, 4, 6, 5, 3 and 8 runs. which is good enough for a 4.8 run ERA.

Is it time to DH VMart, and start Tek?

04-15-2010, 04:02 PM
Yeah, he isn't a great defensive catcher. He's terrible at throwing runners out. I saw the other day that last season pitcher's ERAs were about 1 or 2 higher with V-Mart at catcher, I can't remember the details.

Would be great if you could have Varitek just out there defensively and V-Mart bat for him.

04-15-2010, 04:05 PM

Trade for Suzuki.

04-15-2010, 04:14 PM
But Varitek isn't a failure?

04-15-2010, 05:03 PM
They could always slip V-Mart into the DH slot more often and give Vtek some more games behind the plate. Papi could use less playing time right now. If it were up to me, I'd send Papi down to the minors if he can't figure it out by the end of the month. He needs his at-bats, but we can't keep him in the lineup if he isn't hitting.

04-15-2010, 05:07 PM
Catcher's ERA is overrated. But, he has never been a good defensive catcher and he can't throw out runners to save his life

04-15-2010, 05:14 PM
Well, he was in Cleveland when both Cliff Lee and C.C. Sabathia won Cy Youngs. Sure, he didn't catch a lot of Cliff's, but hey, it still says something.

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-15-2010, 05:17 PM
But Varitek isn't a failure?

Varitek is better game called the V-mart and a better defensive catcher, its not even debatable.

In fact, Varitek has more homers then V-mart this year and Tek has played ONE GAME. Way to go VMART

04-15-2010, 05:19 PM
Varitek is better game called the V-mart and a better defensive catcher, its not even debatable.

In fact, Varitek has more homers then V-mart this year and Tek has played ONE GAME. Way to go VMART

lol, impending shit storm

04-15-2010, 05:20 PM
Varitek is better game called the V-mart and a better defensive catcher, its not even debatable.

In fact, Varitek has more homers then V-mart this year and Tek has played ONE GAME. Way to go VMART


Pass me the ban hammer.

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-15-2010, 05:21 PM

Pass me the ban hammer.

Ban hammer?

Vmart is catching due to his offense and is a huge liability defensively... VMART ISN'T EVEN HITTING RIGHT NOW and is quite possibly worst defensive catcher in MLB, if he doesn't hit hes useless.

04-15-2010, 05:29 PM
Yes, ban hammer.

You are a nobody on talksox and you have done two stupid things in one day.

Being stupid on talksox is a privilege that is earned.

You don't qualify.

04-15-2010, 06:41 PM
I believe he is drunk again and will ask for this to be deleted tomorrow when he wakes up. Oh that sounds like it has happened before....

04-15-2010, 07:20 PM
I thought you were no longer a Red Sox fan?

04-15-2010, 07:21 PM
Okay, so based on the threads created so far this season, JD Drew and Victor Martinez suck and Francona should be fired, wonderful.

04-15-2010, 07:47 PM
Okay, so based on the threads created so far this season, JD Drew and Victor Martinez suck and Francona should be fired, wonderful.


Sounds reasonable to me!:rolleyes:

04-15-2010, 07:52 PM
At first I was going to respond reasonably to the opening poster but then I read the subsequent posts...


04-15-2010, 08:42 PM
At first I was going to respond reasonably to the opening poster but then I read the subsequent posts...


What kind? I personally like banana. Also do you find it a bitch to open the packs?

04-15-2010, 08:47 PM
I just lost a very significant amount of brain cells.

04-15-2010, 09:15 PM
I just lost a very significant amount of brain cells.

Why, have to been drinking like the OP? :D

04-15-2010, 09:29 PM
What kind? I personally like banana. Also do you find it a bitch to open the packs?
I like chocolate, vanilla and tapioca. I like bananas but not in my pudding. Opening the packets isn't that tough for me, keeping it off my hips is.

Coco's Disciples
04-15-2010, 09:30 PM
I had vanilla pudding when I got my teeth pulled and it was so yummy.

04-15-2010, 09:32 PM
I had vanilla pudding when I got my teeth pulled and it was so yummy.
All of 'em?

04-15-2010, 09:32 PM
Haha wimps. Try making it from scratch sometime. Not really that difficult, but if you're making chocolate you have to be careful about the baker's chocolate unless you want an unsweetened lump of yuck in your pudding.

04-15-2010, 09:33 PM
Why are we talking about pudding in a Victor Martinez thread? Did I miss a few leaps?

04-15-2010, 09:33 PM
Why are we talking about pudding in a Victor Martinez thread? Did I miss a few leaps?

Pointless thread is pointless. We're just making that clear.

04-15-2010, 09:33 PM
Why are we talking about pudding in a Victor Martinez thread? Did I miss a few leaps?
I'm thinking you just missed the opening posters posts. Read those and it should explain everything.

04-15-2010, 09:34 PM
Haha wimps. Try making it from scratch sometime. Not really that difficult, but if you're making chocolate you have to be careful about the baker's chocolate unless you want an unsweetened lump of yuck in your pudding.
I've made it from a box - you know added milk. Does that count?

04-15-2010, 09:37 PM
Haha wimps. Try making it from scratch sometime. Not really that difficult, but if you're making chocolate you have to be careful about the baker's chocolate unless you want an unsweetened lump of yuck in your pudding.

This can be overcome by breaking the chunks into smaller pieces and melting them first.

Back to the stupid premises of this thread.:rolleyes:

Coco's Disciples
04-15-2010, 09:37 PM
All of 'em?

All of my teeth? No. All of the pudding? Yes.

04-15-2010, 09:39 PM
All of my teeth? No. All of the pudding? Yes.

Ah... that's better.

04-15-2010, 09:43 PM
I've made it from a box - you know added milk. Does that count?

Only if you consider pouring cereal to be cooking.

Of course, the best thing of all to do with pudding is freeze it, cut it up, pick it up and eat it.

04-15-2010, 09:46 PM
Only if you consider pouring cereal to be cooking.

Of course, the best thing of all to do with pudding is freeze it, cut it up, pick it up and eat it.


This must be a Maine thing.

But it sound like a good idea!

04-15-2010, 09:48 PM
Like a pudding pop, except without the annoying stick.

I prefer pudding from scratch because it avods all the obscurium, nonsensitate, and balonium oxide they try to slip into the powder packet "for our good."

04-15-2010, 09:55 PM
Real pudding is real. And good.

I made hundreds of gallons of it many years ago. So many pies. So little time.

04-15-2010, 10:39 PM
Im on board with trading for Suzuki.

Maybe we could sign and deal V-Mart in a package that gives us a bat. VMart is clearly not the catcher of the future, and he doesnt have much of a future here as a 1B since Youkilis most likely is not far away from no longer being an option at 3B as he ages/continues to ease away from the position.

04-15-2010, 11:45 PM
If Ortiz continues to struggle, I wouldn't mind V-Mart back as the every day DH next year.

04-15-2010, 11:56 PM
Trade for Suzuki.

Im on board with trading for Suzuki.

Yes, please. But only if they get a big bat or two to replace V-Mart's production.

04-16-2010, 06:55 AM
Suzuki is not getting dealt any time soon.

04-16-2010, 07:19 AM
Suzuki is not getting dealt any time soon.

Are you the GM of the Oakland A's?

04-16-2010, 07:56 AM

This must be a Maine thing.

But it sound like a good idea!
Nah! I'm from Maine originally, never heard of it.

04-16-2010, 08:03 AM
Are you the GM of that Oakland A's?

C'mon Dipre, Jacko showed with his shrewd analysis of the Josh Beckett negotiations that MLB GMs like to confide in him.

04-16-2010, 08:42 AM
Are you the GM of the Oakland A's?

Why would Oakland trade Suzuki?

04-16-2010, 08:49 AM
Why would Oakland trade Suzuki?

If they're offered a good package, why wouldn't they?

He's not a franchise player. He's a good defensive catcher who can barely hit worth his weight.


04-16-2010, 09:09 AM
Seriously, does anyone really think Billy Beane would tell inquiring GMs that Kurt effing Suzuki is untouchable?

04-16-2010, 09:10 AM
If they're offered a good package, why wouldn't they?

He's not a franchise player. He's a good defensive catcher who can barely hit worth his weight.


He's a durable above average receiver and above average hitting catcher who is 26 and under team control through 2012. He's the ideal Oakland A's player. Unless they have someone on the farm pushing him, there's no reason for Oakland to want to deal him.

04-16-2010, 09:11 AM
I wonder if their problems with keeping runners from stealing go beyond the catcher. Maybe the pitchers simply aren't keeping the runners honest enough. Could be a policy issue. Whatever, they are just playing lip-service to defense if they don't stop the leak of stolen bases.

As far as VMart's catching is concerned, I don't think that's the problem. Last year, Beckett and Lester both got off to slow starts with Tek catching. Slow starts again this year with VMart catching. Slow starts can sometimes be a sign of a lack of conditioning. You wonder how disciplined this club is under Tito, who strikes me as a guy anyone would want to play for. I remember Dick Williams, an ex-Marine, came to the Red Sox as manager in 1967, whipped their asses into shape in ST on the fundamentals, and won a pennant--with a team that overachieved that year. In contrast, the current club is loaded with talent. Is Tito too nice?

04-16-2010, 09:12 AM
I wonder if their problems with keeping runners from stealing go beyond the catcher. Maybe the pitchers simply aren't keeping the runners honest enough. Could be a policy issue. Whatever, they are just playing lip-service to defense if they don't stop the leak of stolen bases.

As far as VMart's catching is concerned, I don't think that's the problem. Last year, Beckett and Lester both got off to slow starts with Tek catching. Slow starts again this year with VMart catching. Slow starts can sometimes be a sign of a lack of conditioning. You wonder how disciplined this club is under Tito, who strikes me as a guy anyone would want to play for. I remember Dick Williams, an ex-Marine, came to the Red Sox as manager in 1967, whipped their asses into shape in ST on the fundamentals, and won a pennant--with a team that overachieved that year. In contrast, the current club is loaded with talent. Is Tito too nice?

Players are prima donnas. I don't think a tough ass manager would make a difference at all anymore.

04-16-2010, 09:15 AM
I find it funny someone is critizing V-Mart's ability to throw out runners when he wants Tek to start. Tek has to be the worst catcher at throwing out runners ever. His caught stealing % over the last couple of years starting was horrible, and lets not forget his defensive skills declined a lot last year. He isn't that much better than V-Mart at this point. LOL at a one game sample of Tek catching and hitting. There is a reason why Tek can't start anymore, because he can't hit on the regular. Being on the bench means he is fresh, so he should be hitting better, it works out well that way. V-Mart is a top 3 offensive catcher in the game. As for the pitchers ERA, the only I'm worried about is Beckett. Lester sucks every April, Tek can't handle Wake's knuckleball, Lackey is fine, and Buccholz pitches better with V-Mart behind the plate.

04-16-2010, 09:24 AM
Tek can't throw out runners, Tek can't catch the knuckleball, Tek can't hit (see last season for reference). When V-Mart came here last season we saw he couldn't throw out runners, he could catch the knuckleball, he could hit. HUGE IMPROVEMENT. AND Nothing has changed. V-Mart still calls as good a game as Tek, V-Mart can still catch the knuckleball, V-Mart is still a good hitter. Stop using 9 games as a litmus test for what a player is going to do over the course of 162. V-Mart is our full-time catcher and he's a good one and we're lucky to have him. We don't need another catcher.

If we bring in a defense only catcher within two weeks you'll all be pissing and moaning that we don't have a catcher that can hit and start barking about Mauer again.

04-16-2010, 09:49 AM
It's still only April, He is no way a failure... Wait and see when it comes July and he's playing in the All Star game.

04-16-2010, 09:56 AM
I believed I called this. I love it!!!!!!

04-16-2010, 10:06 AM
I believed I called this. I love it!!!!!!

What the fuck are you talking about? It's the middle of April. Last year you were shitting your pants and jerking knees left and right over the Yanks' slow start, so shut your mouth.

04-16-2010, 10:08 AM
What the fuck are you talking about? It's the middle of April. Last year you were shitting your pants and jerking knees left and right over the Yanks' slow start, so shut your mouth.

Well put Dipre.

VA Sox Fan
04-16-2010, 10:15 AM
What the fuck are you talking about? It's the middle of April. Last year you were shitting your pants and jerking knees left and right over the Yanks' slow start, so shut your mouth.


riverside sluggers
04-16-2010, 10:20 AM

Lowest percentage of runners caught stealing in the AL, past 20 years
Jason Varitek, Boston 2009---- 8.5
Mike Stanley, Boston 1996---- 9.6
A.J. Pierzynski, Chicago 2008---- 10.3
John Buck, K.C. 2008---- 10.6

Throwing out runners was never the strongest part of Jason Varitek's game. The organizational philosophy against pitchers using the slide-step always deserved part of the blame. However, in 2009, what had been a problem became a crisis. Varitek caught 924 innings and allowed 108 stolen bases, a rate of 1.05 stolen bases allowed per nine innings. In the past 35 years, only one AL catcher has allowed more steals per nine innings while catching at least 900 innings. Matt Nokes allowed 1.08 steals per nine innings caught with the Yankees in 1992, his last season as a full-time starting catcher. However, Nokes threw out 18.8 percent of runners that season. Varitek nabbed only 8.5 percent, the worst by a regular AL catcher in the past 20 years. All of this occurred while not catching a single pitch from Tim Wakefield, who allowed more stolen bases than any other pitcher in the past decade.

04-16-2010, 10:43 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about scoring a young catcher guys. We have some young guys with good arms in the minors. Wagner's supposedly got a gun, and he could be with us next year, or sooner if the Sox decide to eat Tek's contract. He could be valuable on that basis even if he can't hit at the plate.

And longer term, we have Exposito, Federowicz, and Lavarnway hasn't gone the way of Jon Still just yet

04-16-2010, 10:56 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about scoring a young catcher guys. We have some young guys with good arms in the minors. Wagner's supposedly got a gun, and he could be with us next year, or sooner if the Sox decide to eat Tek's contract. He could be valuable on that basis even if he can't hit at the plate.

And longer term, we have Exposito, Federowicz, and Lavarnway hasn't gone the way of Jon Still just yet

Jacko coming in to shoot down Red Sox catching prospects in 5....4.....3....

04-16-2010, 11:13 AM
What the fuck are you talking about? It's the middle of April. Last year you were shitting your pants and jerking knees left and right over the Yanks' slow start, so shut your mouth.

exactly. I am not surprised by the sox slow start, but I dont expect it to continue. They played 3 series, 1 vs a terrible team which they won, and 2 vs playoff contenders, and they lost them. This isnt even a down spell, it just happens. They win tonight and they go 5-5 to start the yr, which isnt too bad for a team that under the surface has had a lot of issues spring up. Once those settle, they'll be a playoff team

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-16-2010, 11:21 AM
I have not mentioned ANYWHERE in this thread about THROWING OUT RUNNERS.

Seriously, by defense I mean making smart throws, being the leader out there defensively.

Victor Martinez vs the Yankees threw through to 2nd and allowed the runner from 3rd to score, Varitek is much smarter then that.

Or how about Yesterday for example when VMART threw to 2nd and gave the Twins a free run.

IT DOESNT HAVE TO DO WITH THROWING OUT RUNNERS, throwing out runners is part of both the catcher and the pitcher, its obvious the Red Sox really don't care about throwing out runners, if they did they'd be working on it with the PITCHERS.

I also never said V-marts whole season will be like this, I was implying it could due to the high ERA's when he catchers, which is NEVER GOOD.

Stop putting words into my mouths and posting useless stats about throwing out runners that was never even mentioned.

04-16-2010, 11:25 AM
Okay, so based on the threads created so far this season, JD Drew and Victor Martinez suck and Francona should be fired, wonderful.

Ok... First, JD Drew is the most over paid playing in the world. He has not done anything of substantial EVER! Well I am sure you will count his huge homerun in the playoffs, but that was just about it. As a Red Sox, JD has never hit over .280, had more than 24 HR, and 68 RBI in a single season. That is not worth 14m that has been making every year.

Second, V Mart is not pretty behind the plate and I would not mind see the Sox getting someone else and moving him to the DH spot. With that said, I do not think he is an amazing DH, but it all they have at this point.

Finally, I am not a big fan of Francona, but all he has done is win, so everyone needs to relax on calling him out. He does some stupid sh*t sometimes, but he is winning, so he will not be going anywhere anytime soon.

If Ortiz continues to struggle, I wouldn't mind V-Mart back as the every day DH next year.

If the Sox are going to sniff the playoffs, they will need to make a huge trade and ASAP. I am thinking they need to get Adrian Gonzalez before they fall to far back in the standings. I have not been a fan of anything of the offseason moves beside Beltre. Cameron is complete trash and if I remember right, there were better SS out there.

Why would Oakland trade Suzuki?

They probably would not, but if any team has enough to send them to bring Suzuki to Boston; it would be the Red Sox.

04-16-2010, 12:48 PM
You should have read the part where I mentioned that V-Mart is a better defensive catcher because he can still actually catch, something Tek can't do anymore. Look at how many pass balls Tek last season, the guy can't catch on a full time basis anymore. And with the exception of when Beckett is pitching, I'm not worried about the ERA's when V-Mart is behind the dish.

04-16-2010, 01:04 PM
Ok... First, JD Drew is the most over paid playing in the world. He has not done anything of substantial EVER! Well I am sure you will count his huge homerun in the playoffs, but that was just about it. As a Red Sox, JD has never hit over .280, had more than 24 HR, and 68 RBI in a single season. That is not worth 14m that has been making every year.
Homers and RBI's aren't everything, the goal of this game is to get on base and Drew does that very effectively, although Drews highest average was .280, his OBP has been consistently around .400 throughout his career with the Red Sox, a walk isn't as sexy as a hit but its still productive. Drew has also been pretty healthy, especially last year. Its not his fault Francona thinks he cant hit lefties for whatever reason.

Second, V Mart is not pretty behind the plate and I would not mind see the Sox getting someone else and moving him to the DH spot. With that said, I do not think he is an amazing DH, but it all they have at this point.
I was referring to next year, when Lowell and Ortiz contracts expire, I wouldn't mind bringing back Martinez as the every day DH, he is a very productive hitter and his defense wouldn't matter at DH position.

Finally, I am not a big fan of Francona, but all he has done is win, so everyone needs to relax on calling him out. He does some stupid sh*t sometimes, but he is winning, so he will not be going anywhere anytime soon.

I agree.

If the Sox are going to sniff the playoffs, they will need to make a huge trade and ASAP. I am thinking they need to get Adrian Gonzalez before they fall to far back in the standings. I have not been a fan of anything of the offseason moves beside Beltre. Cameron is complete trash and if I remember right, there were better SS out there.
Sox could make playoffs without Gonzalez, right now the pitching is struggling, its April 16th, way to early to tell if this team will contend or not. Lets wait till Lester comes around and some of the slumping guys start producing (Vmart, Drew).

What SS did you want the Sox to get? Alex Gonzalez? Orlando Cabrera? Scutaro is better then those guys. Ill admit, I wasn't happy with Scutaro signing at first but he's a hell of a lot better then Alex Gonzalez, Orlando Cabrera, Tejada, Jack Wilson or any of the other scrub SS's available. Scutaro will likely only hold SS down till Iglesias is ready to take over in a few years or so.

04-16-2010, 01:18 PM
Suzuki is not getting dealt any time soon.

Right, because Billy Beane isn't known for making trades to try to improve his farm system... :rolleyes:

riverside sluggers
04-16-2010, 04:32 PM
Ok... First, JD Drew is the most over paid playing in the world. He has not done anything of substantial EVER! Well I am sure you will count his huge homerun in the playoffs, but that was just about it. As a Red Sox, JD has never hit over .280, had more than 24 HR, and 68 RBI in a single season. That is not worth 14m that has been making every year.

Second, V Mart is not pretty behind the plate and I would not mind see the Sox getting someone else and moving him to the DH spot. With that said, I do not think he is an amazing DH, but it all they have at this point.

Finally, I am not a big fan of Francona, but all he has done is win, so everyone needs to relax on calling him out. He does some stupid sh*t sometimes, but he is winning, so he will not be going anywhere anytime soon.

If the Sox are going to sniff the playoffs, they will need to make a huge trade and ASAP. I am thinking they need to get Adrian Gonzalez before they fall to far back in the standings. I have not been a fan of anything of the offseason moves beside Beltre. Cameron is complete trash and if I remember right, there were better SS out there.

They probably would not, but if any team has enough to send them to bring Suzuki to Boston; it would be the Red Sox.

Id say Alfonso Soriano gets the leg up on most overpaid player

04-16-2010, 05:38 PM
Ok... First, JD Drew is the most over paid playing in the world. He has not done anything of substantial EVER! Well I am sure you will count his huge homerun in the playoffs, but that was just about it. As a Red Sox, JD has never hit over .280, had more than 24 HR, and 68 RBI in a single season. That is not worth 14m that has been making every year.

Home-runs and RBI's. Your argument is based on passion, not knowledge or numbers.

Look the in-depth offensive and defensive numbers up, then try again.

Second, V Mart is not pretty behind the plate and I would not mind see the Sox getting someone else and moving him to the DH spot. With that said, I do not think he is an amazing DH, but it all they have at this point.

Why wouldn't he be an amazing DH? He hits lots of HR's and gets lots of RBI's. Make up your mind.

Finally, I am not a big fan of Francona, but all he has done is win, so everyone needs to relax on calling him out. He does some stupid sh*t sometimes, but he is winning, so he will not be going anywhere anytime soon.

Agree on this.

If the Sox are going to sniff the playoffs, they will need to make a huge trade and ASAP. I am thinking they need to get Adrian Gonzalez before they fall to far back in the standings. I have not been a fan of anything of the offseason moves beside Beltre. Cameron is complete trash and if I remember right, there were better SS out there.

This is the type of thinking that fucks up the future of teams in a hurry. Stop jerking knees.

They probably would not, but if any team has enough to send them to bring Suzuki to Boston; it would be the Red Sox.


04-16-2010, 05:41 PM
Stop putting words into my mouths and posting useless stats about throwing out runners that was never even mentioned.

How many mouths do you have? And you please talk out of only one of them so you can keep the nonsense to a minimum?

Peter Backgammons
04-16-2010, 06:06 PM

How many mouths do you have? And you please talk out of only one of them so you can keep the nonsense to a minimum?

You're kind of an asshole, aren't you

04-16-2010, 06:08 PM
You're kind of an asshole, aren't you

I don't like trolls. If you're a troll, i'll be an asshole to you and your 30 posts. Otherwise, if you want to be a white knight, i suggest this website:


Oh, and that Lol which you so eagerly quoted to make your "point" i wrote because i actually agreed with him. I should have pointed it out, but didn't, so i'll clarify. I'm also not saying RWTP is a troll, even though the other guy clearly is.

Peter Backgammons
04-16-2010, 06:14 PM
Confirmed, thanks.

04-16-2010, 06:18 PM
Should i edit it to "You and your 32 posts" now?

04-16-2010, 06:19 PM
Victor Martinez = failure at catcher position?

Do ya think?

04-16-2010, 06:20 PM
Do ya think?

I like you.

riverside sluggers
04-16-2010, 06:40 PM
Home-runs and RBI's. Your argument is based on passion, not knowledge or numbers.

Look the in-depth offensive and defensive numbers up, then try again.

Why wouldn't he be an amazing DH? He hits lots of HR's and gets lots of RBI's. Make up your mind.

He's good for a .300 avg, 20+ HRs, 100+ RBIs, hard to strike out. Yeah Id take him at DH B)

04-16-2010, 06:49 PM
He's good for a .300 avg, 20+ HRs, 100+ RBIs, hard to strike out. Yeah Id take him at DH B)

He also gets on base and gives you a productive AB most of the time.

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-16-2010, 10:02 PM
They probably would not, but if any team has enough to send them to bring Suzuki to Boston; it would be the Red Sox.

Yeah, well I don't think Celtics or bruins are interested, so good point.

04-16-2010, 10:03 PM
Yeah, well I don't think Celtics or bruins are interested, so good point.

:lol: Actually funny

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-16-2010, 10:04 PM
You're kind of an asshole, aren't you
Yes he is.

How many mouths do you have? And you please talk out of only one of them so you can keep the nonsense to a minimum?

Typo, thanks for correcting it, oh holy one.

I don't like trolls. If you're a troll, i'll be an asshole to you and your 30 posts. Otherwise, if you want to be a white knight, i suggest this website:


Oh, and that Lol which you so eagerly quoted to make your "point" i wrote because i actually agreed with him. I should have pointed it out, but didn't, so i'll clarify. I'm also not saying RWTP is a troll, even though the other guy clearly is.
*Asks him*.

There, he has a right to respond now, genius.

04-16-2010, 10:05 PM
Yes he is.

But i'm not a troll.

Typo, thanks for correcting it, oh holy one.

Learn to spell Migual.

*Asks him*.

There, he has a right to respond now, genius.

Thanks for the heads up there, Nostrafailure.

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-16-2010, 10:06 PM
But i'm not a troll.

Learn to spell Migual.

Thanks for the heads up there, Nostrafailure.

1. How am I troll.

2. thanks for spelling it the way I do.

3. No problem, glad to help the disabled.

04-16-2010, 10:07 PM
What the fuck are you talking about? It's the middle of April. Last year you were shitting your pants and jerking knees left and right over the Yanks' slow start, so shut your mouth.

Nice strawman...but we should be used to this, as you've never made a coherent point.

I said that you guys would get to see how a bad defensive catcher impacts your pitching staff. Martinez's bat for a catcher is phenomenal. His catching is terrible. He will pretty much give away as many runs as he creates. We've been living with this as Yankee fans with Posada behind the plate for years.

Careful what you ask for.

04-16-2010, 10:08 PM
1. How am I troll.

How are you not?

2. thanks for spelling it the way I do.

Short bus is that a-way.

3. No problem, glad to help the disabled.

I can spell but you can't. I don't live in the US, but you do. Who's disabled?

04-16-2010, 10:09 PM
Nice strawman...but we should be used to this, as you've never made a coherent point.

I said that you guys would get to see how a bad defensive catcher impacts your pitching staff. Martinez's bat for a catcher is phenomenal. His catching is terrible. He will pretty much give away as many runs as he creates. We've been living with this as Yankee fans with Posada behind the plate for years.

Careful what you ask for.

"Strawman?" Do you know what a strawman is?

How much "impact" can a "bad catcher" have on a pitching staff in the middle of April?

You may have a point in July, but in the middle of April?

No seriously, shut up.

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-16-2010, 10:11 PM
How are you not?

Short bus is that a-way.

I can spell but you can't. I don't live in the US, but you do. Who's disabled?

1. Explain How I am trolling? It is obvious that VMART is a horrible defensive catcher and when he isn't hitting he's worthless.

2. Of course you would know, you've rode it many times.

3. My first language isn't even english, so excuse my spelling.

You are the troll, stop throwing down opinions just because you think you are some bad ass.

04-16-2010, 10:15 PM
this is retarded

04-16-2010, 10:16 PM
1. Explain How I am trolling? It is obvious that VMART is a horrible defensive catcher and when he isn't hitting he's worthless.

It's a reactionary thread with zero value.

2. Of course you would know, you've rode it many times.

I drive it, you ride it.

3. My first language isn't even english, so excuse my spelling. Excellent excuse.

You are the troll, stop throwing down opinions just because you think you are some bad ass.

Stop making reactionary threads and stupid posts and then you can bitch and moan.

Coco's Disciples
04-16-2010, 10:18 PM
I will now stab myself repeatedly in the eyes with toothpicks.

Someone tell me this is a joke, please.

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-16-2010, 10:19 PM
It's a reactionary thread with zero value.

I drive it, you ride it.

Excellent excuse.

Stop making reactionary threads and stupid posts and then you can bitch and moan.

1. Yet you keep replying and it has 6 pages, zero value huh? Its not reactionary if it continues is it mr. smart ass?

2. You would, driving a bus with special people would give you some extreme pleasure.

3. How is it bitching and moaning, its a valid thread and is actually worth discussing, unlike half the other stupid threads created here of late.

04-16-2010, 10:20 PM
Massive headache. Brain cells dying.

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-16-2010, 10:22 PM
You still haven't answered the question, you are a horrible debater, unless there is mastur in front of it, then you dominate.

04-16-2010, 10:25 PM
You still haven't answered the question, you are a horrible debater, unless there is mastur in front of it, then you dominate.


I've decided to stop FTT.

A debate and a retarded argument are not the same thing.

Good night to you, sir.

Migual Cabrera 2 sox 2009
04-16-2010, 10:28 PM

I've decided to stop FTT.

A debate and a retarded argument are not the same thing.

Good night to you, sir.
How is it retarded, explain how i am trolling, I bring up a valid argument and if it isn't fixed, then it causes a huge problem

But whatever, good night.

04-16-2010, 10:48 PM
"Strawman?" Do you know what a strawman is?

How much "impact" can a "bad catcher" have on a pitching staff in the middle of April?

You may have a point in July, but in the middle of April?

No seriously, shut up.

Pretty every argument you make is a "strawman".

How much impact can a bad catcher have on a pitching staff in the middle of April. Let's see...how about in every game? Last I checked, stats from April count.

Go back to sleep. When your team ERA is closer to 5 than it is to 4 in June, maybe it will dawn on you.

04-16-2010, 10:52 PM
If you have something useful to say, say it here:


Otherwise, please continue to give the mods reason to hand out permabans.