View Full Version : MLB creating an integraded medical player info system

03-01-2010, 10:33 AM

For years, Conte and other members of the Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society (PBATS) lobbied for a system that would make that job more efficient. After all, waiting 2-3 days for medical records following a trade or having too many hurdles trying to keep tabs on the hundreds of players in their own organizations was so ... Y2K.

In the span of a little more than a year, their wish was granted. Starting this Spring Training, baseball's trainers and doctors have a new tool at their disposal that eventually will provide an encyclopedia of knowledge on every professional player. It's much like one being used in the National Hockey League the last three seasons, and like the NHL one designed by SuttonMed Systems, but customized to fit baseball's specific injury dynamic.

With discussions beginning in 2007 and the project starting in earnest following what Conte described as a turning point at the 2008 Winter Meetings, Major League Baseball's labor relations department made the system a high priority.

"It obviously doesn't appear out of nowhere. It's something that's been discussed for a number of years, and any project of this magnitude takes time," said Dan Halem, senior vice president for labor relations for Major League Baseball. "But we got there."

... I'm still not sure exactly what this is, much less what it means. Thought it might be worth a discussion though.

03-01-2010, 10:47 AM
It just gives the doctors access to any tests ordered by teams so that the doctor has a real time look at what has already been done and what diagnoses the patient carries. Its essentially an electronic record, something that most physicians have access to and all hospitals will need by the end of 2011 to be in compliance with an Obama law.