View Full Version : Rays fans representing!!

10-09-2008, 11:22 PM
Whats up guys!!! I randomly came across this board and figured I'd sign up for some good trash talking. Rays fan from day one so NO I havent jumped on the wagon. I'm hoping for a good series. Ill be at game 1 tomorrow night and possible game 2. Let the good times roll....:harhar:

10-09-2008, 11:31 PM
Hey Joe...

I'm also new to the forums and have been a Rays fan from before the surge, as well.

I WILL be at Game 1 AND Game 2. Who could pass up an opportunity to see the Rays open a can on Boston?

10-09-2008, 11:34 PM

What do you guys think of cowbells, and 39 year old idiots wearing blue wigs pounding them?

10-09-2008, 11:37 PM
haha, I'll admit the cowbells do get annoying IMO, especially when Grandma is sitting behind you ringing that thing non-stop, the mowhawks and blue wigs are a lot of fun IMO, it gets the fans involved and as we all know... we need ALL the fan support we can get!!!

See Red
10-09-2008, 11:38 PM
Welcome, guys... if you're really Rays fans since day one, then that's very respectable, and you're not among those that the people here take issue with.

10-09-2008, 11:39 PM
The cowbells were there to make up for the lack of crowd noise... now they're just... loud... obnoxious... and the more folks hate them, the more people bring them.

We also own a lot of cows down here.

riverside sluggers
10-09-2008, 11:40 PM
As long as youre not like the Cowbell Kid was on here, you will be a welcome addition to the site for rivalry banter :)

See Red
10-09-2008, 11:41 PM
Well, then we all agree on the cowbells. Where do you stand on the Cowbell Kid?

10-09-2008, 11:41 PM
Welcome, guys... if you're really Rays fans since day one, then that's very respectable, and you're not among those that the people here take issue with.

I understand the issues with bandwagon fans most of the time... but how do you get 'hardcore' fans? How do those fans... develop, I guess? I don't call them bandwagoners until they stop showing up when the team loses.

People that get excited about a team when they're winning aren't the problem until they stop sticking around. At least IMO.

10-09-2008, 11:42 PM
Well, then we all agree on the cowbells. Where do you stand on the Cowbell Kid?

How hilarious... sitting by him tomorrow...

Edit: Same section, I mean.

10-09-2008, 11:44 PM
hahaha the Cowbell Kid is on this board? hahahaha thats to funny... I've sat next to that guy at a few games and he's funny as hell... but I can see why he could rub your guys the wrong way. He can definitely be obnoxious at times.... I'll tell you what.. he wears out any right fielder, I've personally seen multiple RF'ers turn around and give him the finger in the stands....he seriously looks up player Bio's before games and throws out some NASTY comments...

See Red
10-10-2008, 12:13 AM
He was on this board. He created a thread pimping a video of his on YouTube. My stance on Rays fans -- up until July, I live in Ocala, FL, before moving back to Colorado. In the year I lived there -- about an hour from Tampa, as you probably know, there was never a mention of the Rays until this season -- I never saw Rays gear. I went to two Rays/Sox games this year... place was just over half full, and 95% Red Sox fans... if that's an exaggeration, it barely is.

10-10-2008, 12:35 AM
Rays fan, kinda like jumbo shrimp

10-10-2008, 07:25 AM
Well, See Red, let's be fair, being a Rays fan wasn't really a source of all that much pride until this year. It was a dirty secret, sort of like having an obscene fetish.

Now that the Rays are winning, yeah you have some bandwagonneers, but you also have a lot of people who liked them all along finally getting into it because there's soemthing cool to get into.

Color me suspicious that both of these "newcomers" know exactly who Cowbell Kid was. I know their fanbase is smaller than ours, but not that small.

(that said, even if this is CK, he seems to have learned a lesson and is trying a much more acceptable tack, so let it go unless he screws up)

10-10-2008, 08:13 AM
To continue the doctrine of fairness, Cowflop was covered by the local news. And I don't know if you've been to the Trop, but you'd notice him if you sat in the RF bleachers.

What gets me is why anyone would knowingly choose the handle JoeMagrane (unless it's Joe himself)? Guy has to be one of the top-5 dunces in a booth. Hawk is annoying as hell, but he will make a good point from time to time, and he'll be consistent in his determination of fair calls from the ump. In other words, Hawk will call a strike a strike even if it's against the White Sox. Magrane has got to be one of the worst homers I've ever heard. He's 100% on the Rays side of a call / issue. It's like he and Staats are wired with electrodes and they get a shock if they support the opposition from the booth.

rician blast
10-10-2008, 08:29 AM
hahaha the Cowbell Kid is on this board? hahahaha thats to funny... I've sat next to that guy at a few games and he's funny as hell... but I can see why he could rub your guys the wrong way. He can definitely be obnoxious at times.... I'll tell you what.. he wears out any right fielder, I've personally seen multiple RF'ers turn around and give him the finger in the stands....he seriously looks up player Bio's before games and throws out some NASTY comments...

He's funny? While I haven't seen him action, other than his pathetic video blog which he pedalled here, I personally don't find anything funny or imaginative in him. He's an attention whore, plain and simple.

Assuming neither of our newcomers are the poster CBK, who was banned yesterday, do you feel at least the slightest concern that Cowsmell is a poor representative of your team and it's fans? Be honest.

rician blast
10-10-2008, 08:45 AM
Regarding our new "friends" JoeMagrane and ToddKalas, isn't it ironic how they came about at almost the same exact time?

Magrane: Joined 10/10/08 at 12:22 a.m., posted from 12:22 am to 12:44 am
Kalas: Joined 10/10/08 at 12:34 a.m., posted from 12:34 am to 12:42 am

Coincidence? Doubtful.

As I recall, before CBK was banned, I had mentioned to him that had he approached his participation here discussing the series and how it would be hard fought, and had he chose a more congenial tact, he'd be more likely to be accepted. Isn't that the tact these new guys have chosen?

Also, didn't Cowbell Kid enter his user name without spaces, i.e. "CowbellKid," exactly as these two personalities have?

Hate to be overly suspicious but something's obviously rotten in the state of Florida. And that something is the Cowbell Kid.

Mr Crunchy
10-10-2008, 08:57 AM
Florida is last in graduating its kids,1st in mortgage fraud, 1st in foreclosures and yet 1000 people move there every day?
foreclosures up 78% from last september yet property values are up 23%?
i have 10 cousins born and bred in florida
there are 3 left in the state and they'll bail out as soon as they can afford it.
its a haven for northeast deadbeats, felons on the run and gays looking for a place to chug cock in peace.
not to mention every 3rd worlder in the western hemisphere is trying to swim to miami.
2 guys sign up at 1245 on a weeknight, both rays fans?
i didnt think there were 2 rays fans capable of navigating the internet quite frankly.

10-10-2008, 09:07 AM
Heh... no doubt Joe and I know each other... that's not hard to deduce. But we are no cowbell kid.

To be quite honest, I've got 4 extra tickets for tonights game and Joe and I are trying to sell them... in our late night adventure to find someone to buy them, we decided to join a Sox forum to talk some healthy baseball and trash talk.

We also found it funny how many folks complain of 'bandwagon' Rays fans, because right now that's the hot topic -- to find a way to comfort yourselves because just beating the Rays in baseball isn't panning out this year. Got to find something right?

10-10-2008, 09:10 AM
hahaha this is literally classic... I can honestly say I am not the Cowbell Kid. EVERYONE who is a Rays fan knows who he is. Like it was mentioned above, he was covered by the news and radio all over the Tampa Bay area. As for CKB representing our team? Give me a break... yes i think he's good for our team. Trust me there are a ton of Sox fans who have a screw or 2 loose up stairs. As for not finding him funny? Maybe thats b/c he's wearing out your RF'er? Like I mentioned earlier, CBK can be obnoxious at time I'll admit that, but for the most part it's a really good time to sit there in right field and watch him ware out any RF. Trust me if he was a Sox fan I think a lot of your opinions would do a 180. In conclusion, it seems the CBK has definitely gotten under the skin of some of you. Relax guys he's just a loony who enjoys the attention. He's not doing any harm to anyone. GO RAYS!!!

10-10-2008, 09:11 AM
Heh... no doubt Joe and I know each other... that's not hard to deduce.

From the time stamps on the posts it looks like he may be sitting in your lap.

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:13 AM
ALL teams get bandwagon fans when they start playing good. For the longest time, the Yankees were the biggest as they won 4 world series in a span of 5 years. Since then the fan fare has gone down some. Lord knows the Red Sox got a horde of Band wagoners after they broke the 86 year curse

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:15 AM
hahaha this is literally classic... I can honestly say I am not the Cowbell Kid. EVERYONE who is a Rays fan knows who he is. Like it was mentioned above, he was covered by the news and radio all over the Tampa Bay area. As for CKB representing our team? Give me a break... yes i think he's good for our team. Trust me there are a ton of Sox fans who have a screw or 2 loose up stairs. As for not finding him funny? Maybe thats b/c he's wearing out your RF'er? Like I mentioned earlier, CBK can be obnoxious at time I'll admit that, but for the most part it's a really good time to sit there in right field and watch him ware out any RF. Trust me if he was a Sox fan I think a lot of your opinions would do a 180. In conclusion, it seems the CBK has definitely gotten under the skin of some of you. Relax guys he's just a loony who enjoys the attention. He's not doing any harm to anyone. GO RAYS!!!

The only fan respresentative we have is Fitzy. Nesn doesnt highlight fans in right field seats who wear bright colored wigs and shout out at the opposing outfielders

10-10-2008, 09:15 AM
From the time stamps on the posts it looks like he may be sitting in your lap.

jealous??? come over here big boy....you'll get your turn...

10-10-2008, 09:16 AM
Yeah, just like we had trouble with the Angels. The fact is, the Red Sox, by objective measures, are a better baseball team than the Rays, just like they were better than the Angels. You can point to your overall record, and your head to head record, and I'll point to the more predictive measures of team batting line, team pitching line, and run differential. The Sox should win this series, although it should be closer than the LDS against LAA.

10-10-2008, 09:16 AM
From the time stamps on the posts it looks like he may be sitting in your lap.

Don't be jealous!!!!

No.... wait...

We're just in tune... he's actually 25 miles away. Crazy isn't it.

10-10-2008, 09:17 AM
jealous??? come over here big boy....you'll get your turn...

Damnit dude.

10-10-2008, 09:18 AM
...The Sox should win this series, although it should be closer than the LDS against LAA.


Surprise!! I Sox fan thinks the Sox will with this series.... and a Rays fan thinks just the opposite. I wouldn't have guessed it!

rician blast
10-10-2008, 09:19 AM
To be quite honest, I've got 4 extra tickets for tonights game and Joe and I are trying to sell them... in our late night adventure to find someone to buy them, we decided to join a Sox forum to talk some healthy baseball and trash talk.

sure...just happened to join a Sox forum while trying to sell tix at 12:40 a.m. BTW, why would you have 4 extra tix, and have to seek buyers for them...I mean this is supposedly the hottest ticket in town, no? Shit, Cowbell said there's no way one could get tickets to a playoff game there.

We also found it funny how many folks complain of 'bandwagon' Rays fans, because right now that's the hot topic -- to find a way to comfort yourselves because just beating the Rays in baseball isn't panning out this year. Got to find something right?

And it begins....or should I say continues. You're transparency further supports the fact that Florida's public school system consistenly ranks in the bottom 1/4 of average state educational performance.

How does the saying go? You can fool ALL of the people in Tampa All of the time, but you're a cockmuncher.

10-10-2008, 09:19 AM
jealous??? come over here big boy....you'll get your turn...

I knew there was a train running through TB today.

10-10-2008, 09:20 AM
Yeah, just like we had trouble with the Angels. The fact is, the Red Sox, by objective measures, are a better baseball team than the Rays, just like they were better than the Angels. You can point to your overall record, and your head to head record, and I'll point to the more predictive measures of team batting line, team pitching line, and run differential. The Sox should win this series, although it should be closer than the LDS against LAA.

I would hope you guys have a better team on paper/stats with the payroll you have.., but that doesn't always mean you will win. It's a fact we have more heart then your team will ever have.

10-10-2008, 09:21 AM
"Should" not "will". Baseball has too many variables for the better team to win every time, which is why it so often doesn't.

10-10-2008, 09:21 AM
sure...just happened to join a Sox forum while trying to sell tix at 12:40 a.m. BTW, why would you have 4 extra tix, and have to seek buyers for them...I mean this is supposedly the hottest ticket in town, no? Shit, Cowbell said there's no way one could get tickets to a playoff game there.

And it begins....or should I say continues. You're transparency further supports the fact that Florida's public school system consistenly ranks in the bottom 1/4 of average state educational performance.

How does the saying go? You can fool ALL of the people in Tampa All of the time, but you're a cockmuncher.

Yea, that's what I thought about the tickets too... so I bought them through that lottery-style system through the Rays/MLB site. They gave us another chance yesterday to buy, so, of course I snatched up as many as I could thinking I'd sell them in no time.

So far, no good.

10-10-2008, 09:23 AM
I would hope you guys have a better team on paper/stats with the payroll you have.., but that doesn't always mean you will win. It's a fact we have more heart then your team will ever have.
One, heart is an intagible, read immeasurable. Since it can't be measured, there can't be a fact about who has more of it. Put down "Joe Morgan's Baseball Book" and start thinking about this objectively.

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:23 AM
Ill say it to CowbellKid, Ill say it again. The Angels were 8-1 against Boston in the regular season, 8 game winning streak until the ALDS!! And yes while the Rays won the season series, pretty much even at a 10-8 advantage. Rays batters in the season series held just a .233 avg

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:24 AM
I would hope you guys have a better team on paper/stats with the payroll you have.., but that doesn't always mean you will win. It's a fact we have more heart then your team will ever have.

More heart? WTF? This team has won 2 world series since 04, the players have the mental toughness and experience to grind it out into the late & chilly October nights

10-10-2008, 09:25 AM
Ill say it to CowbellKid, Ill say it again. The Angels were 8-1 against Boston in the regular season, 8 game winning streak until the ALDS!! And yes while the Rays won the season series, pretty much even at a 10-8 advantage. Rays batters in the season series held just a .233 avg

so 10-8 is pretty much average? So when we beat you guys in the ALCS 4-3 and you guys are sitting at home watching the WS on the big screen, you'll consider that pretty much even as well...who was it that was talking about Florida's educational system??

10-10-2008, 09:26 AM
Who cares about the Angles though...

I mean I see you're just making a point, but we're comparing completely different teams -- The Rays aren't going to change a thing in this series, as they hadn't in the last series... and we saw how well that ended.

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:28 AM
Who cares about the Angles though...

I mean I see you're just making a point, but we're comparing completely different teams -- The Rays aren't going to change a thing in this series, as they hadn't in the last series... and we saw how well that ended.

The Angels were the favorites over the "banged up" Sox, best record in baseball with 100 wins plus they had homefield advantage

10-10-2008, 09:28 AM
More heart? WTF? This team has won 2 world series since 04, the players have the mental toughness and experience to grind it out into the late & chilly October nights

dude.... yes more heart....your expected to compete for the WS each yr.. why? b/c you have the $$$ to do so....correct? If you weren't there in the end it would be a bust.. correct? We weren't expected to do squat this year except maybe .500 ball...its MUCH easier to win 2 WS rings in 4 years when you have the money...btw.. mental toughness and experience doesnt have anything to do with heart... once again.. Mass. educational system????

10-10-2008, 09:30 AM
why do you guys keep talking about the Angels... living in the past once again??? still talking about your WS's.. sigh....

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:30 AM
so 10-8 is pretty much average? So when we beat you guys in the ALCS 4-3 and you guys are sitting at home watching the WS on the big screen, you'll consider that pretty much even as well...who was it that was talking about Florida's educational system??

Careful to not get too optimistic, or youll find yourself eating crow. Everyone knows it will be a long seres, but there is no clear cut winner

10-10-2008, 09:31 AM
Who's favored to win this series?

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:32 AM
dude.... yes more heart....your expected to compete for the WS each yr.. why? b/c you have the $$$ to do so....correct? If you weren't there in the end it would be a bust.. correct? We weren't expected to do squat this year except maybe .500 ball...its MUCH easier to win 2 WS rings in 4 years when you have the money...btw.. mental toughness and experience doesnt have anything to do with heart... once again.. Mass. educational system????

Bullshit this team has no heart

Papelbon, Lester, Pedroia, Ellsbury, Lowrie, Delcarmen.... those kids are doing it big for Boston on chump change

3 money players-- Manny, Lugo and Schilling arent even with the team ($38 million)

10-10-2008, 09:34 AM
Careful to not get too optimistic, or youll find yourself eating crow. Everyone knows it will be a long seres, but there is no clear cut winner

i know.. and i agree.... thats why i went with 4-3, heh...

10-10-2008, 09:35 AM
$$$$$$$$$$$ = no heart....next.....

10-10-2008, 09:37 AM
why do you guys keep talking about the Angels... living in the past once again??? still talking about your WS's.. sigh....
If the past doesn't matter, why is your 10-8 this year relevant? The 8-1 for the Angels certainly wasn't in their series, which is why they were brought up.

Way to live up to your username.

10-10-2008, 09:38 AM
CK, if you want to keep this up, stick to one account and stop alternating posting within 2-3 minutes of each other, seriously.

You might think we're stupid, but it's really hard to be THAT stupid.

Mr Crunchy
10-10-2008, 09:45 AM
Oct 10 943 RED SOX SERIES -130

this says the sox are favored sonny jim.
didnt vince coleman and willie mcgee knock up joe magranes wife?

10-10-2008, 09:48 AM
didnt vince coleman and willie mcgee knock up joe magranes wife?

I believe so. Wasn't it Sheffield's wife who became her protege?

rician blast
10-10-2008, 09:51 AM
Who's favored to win this series?

IMO, regardless of what the analysts say and what the line is, TB should be favored...I believe that right here and now they look better than the Sox. That can change quickly though.

10-10-2008, 09:51 AM
Just wondering... since "The Angels were the favorites..." was stated earlier.

Obviously can't predict the future, but I don't expect a Sox win this series. But that's no surprise.

On similar note, Dojji, I'm sure neither Joe or I can convince you that we are NOT the CowBell kid... mostly because you think he's the only vocal fan down here, but he WAS just on our local radio station talking about he's been on 3 or 4 Red Sox forums and got kicked off each one. It's actually really funny.

Plus the CK looks way older than I thought... after someone here posted that we might be him or whatever, we looked at his old posts and then got caught up checking out his youtube stuff.

Mr Crunchy
10-10-2008, 09:53 AM
they did that chick flick....The Golden Stream,
another R Kelley product thats making its way around Europe after so much success at the Caans film festival...
I think the Germans are going to add a little twist to the final product before it comes state side.

10-10-2008, 09:54 AM
I don't know what any of the buzz is up there, but where I am, it's the feeling that the Rays team isn't changing anything - they aren't getting worked up because they have to play you all, or trying to figure out how they're going to win... they're just going to play like they have been for the last several months. And open a can a whoopass.

Close games? I think so. Close series? Rays take it in 5.

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:54 AM
If the past doesn't matter, why is your 10-8 this year relevant? The 8-1 for the Angels certainly wasn't in their series, which is why they were brought up.

Way to live up to your username.


I don't know what any of the buzz is up there, but where I am, it's the feeling that the Rays team isn't changing anything - they aren't getting worked up because they have to play you all, or trying to figure out how they're going to win... they're just going to play like they have been for the last several months. And open a can a whoopass.

Close games? I think so. Close series? Rays take it in 5.

Huh, that just so happens to be what CBK said in every post

10-10-2008, 09:55 AM
Hmmm... maybe because it's true?

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 09:57 AM
Hmmm... maybe because it's true?

Hmmm... its only true if its already happened

10-10-2008, 09:59 AM
I'm guessing you're responding to my opinion on the outcome of this series?

Not that the Rays are playing like they have? Like in the White Sox series... that we won. Handily.

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 10:02 AM
I knew the Rays were going to take it easily, the White Sox were the weakest playoff team in the AL

10-10-2008, 10:04 AM
Now comes "the bigger they are the harder they fall".

I'm just glad I get to see it in person :D

10-10-2008, 10:06 AM
Game 5 is in Fenway. Is your prediction changing, Forrest?

10-10-2008, 10:08 AM
I didn't mean see the series end. Going tonight and tomorrow... I guess I'm going to enjoy seeing the beginning of the end. That's a better way to put it.

Hey... good news for you all then, huh? YOU get to see the end!

10-10-2008, 10:21 AM
Nah, I don't think this series ends in Fenway for either team. I think you get your consolation prize at home.

Mr Crunchy
10-10-2008, 10:23 AM
sox outscored tampa by 20 runs in the season series.
we send a 9-0 road warrior down to that shit hole of a stadium tonight and a guy who was 3-0 with an 0.77 era against tampa tomorrow.
as far as money goes
lowrie lester paplebon pedroia kotsay youk crisp masterson all make less than your back up outfielder and son of a great 2nd story thief, Rocco Baldelli.
Rocco has a future in organized crime when his roid rotted body finally gives out and he will be out of baseball by february and back working for the good fellas down in west warwick.
why did the rays leave hinske off the roster?
hes the only guy who has post season experience and i would think that they would like his leadership on the field,did they bring back Gerald""Ice""Williams??

10-10-2008, 10:26 AM
The only fan respresentative we have is Fitzy. Nesn doesnt highlight fans in right field seats who wear bright colored wigs and shout out at the opposing outfielders

Fitzy fucking sucks.

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 10:27 AM
sox outscored tampa by 20 runs in the season series.
we send a 9-0 road warrior down to that shit hole of a stadium tonight and a guy who was 3-0 with an 0.77 era against tampa tomorrow.
as far as money goes
lowrie lester paplebon pedroia kotsay youk crisp masterson all make less than your back up outfielder and son of a great 2nd story thief, Rocco Baldelli.
Rocco has a future in organized crime when his roid rotted body finally gives out and he will be out of baseball by february and back working for the good fellas down in west warwick.
why did the rays leave hinske off the roster?
hes the only guy who has post season experience and i would think that they would like his leadership on the field,did they bring back Gerald""Ice""Williams??

Im also surprised about Hinske not being in the ALCS

10-10-2008, 10:28 AM
More heart? WTF? This team has won 2 world series since 04, the players have the mental toughness and experience to grind it out into the late & chilly October nights

Leave it to riverside to refute stupidity with even more stupidity.

10-10-2008, 10:41 AM
The only fan respresentative we have is Fitzy. Nesn doesnt highlight fans in right field seats who wear bright colored wigs and shout out at the opposing outfielders

Not necessarily true.

rician blast
10-10-2008, 10:43 AM
but he WAS just on our local radio station talking about he's been on 3 or 4 Red Sox forums and got kicked off each one.

Was he honest enough to admit WHY he was banned? It certainly was not because he was a TB fan. It was the content of his posts, the unabashed pedalling of his video blog and his outright trollish behavior.

I'm guessing he said somethign to the contrary.

BTW, what station were you on? I'd like to check into it.

10-10-2008, 10:47 AM
Local sports talk in Tampa is 620 WDAE.

10-10-2008, 10:57 AM
Local sports talk in Tampa is 620 WDAE.

Correct... I only caught a blip of him calling in. I don't know if it was a planned segment or he was just calling in for giggles.

I also don't know why he got banned... I never made it past his first post with the YouTube vid.

VA Sox Fan
10-10-2008, 12:50 PM
Im also surprised about Hinske not being in the ALCS

Me too!

10-10-2008, 01:34 PM
We really don't have a problem with guys posting here who are fans of other teams, as long as they bring intelligent points to the board, not just "BWAAAAAAA RAYS ROOLZ!!!!!! BOSTED RED SUX!!!!!!"

That being said, why is Gom still here?

Coco's Disciples
10-10-2008, 01:52 PM
A) Fitzy does indeed suck. He doesn't "represent" the Red Sox.
B ) "Mental Experience" and "Grinding it out" is bullshit.
C) Sox in 7.

rician blast
10-10-2008, 02:26 PM
Personally I hate when fans try and BECOME the entertainment or event instead of enjoying the event...seems to me they are self-serving and can often diminish the experience for others.

However I will say this in Cowbell's defense:

If I were a fan of a team where home games saw more opposing team's fans than our own I'd be frustrated and pissed off.

We saw this to a lesser extent in Bruins playoff action last year with way too many Habs jerseys in the crowd and Canadian fans booing Chara every time he touched the puck. They coulda used a cowbell dinging in their ear...our shoved up their hairy french asses.

Nananana good bye in our building? Go fuck yourself. In the old Garden there'd have been mayhem.

So I guess I'm starting to understand Mr. Cow a little better...still think he's seeking a bit too much attention, though.

riverside sluggers
10-10-2008, 02:55 PM
A) Fitzy does indeed suck. He doesn't "represent" the Red Sox.
B ) "Mental Experience" and "Grinding it out" is bullshit.
C) Sox in 7.

I was saying Fitzy is a representative becuase he is the only "fan" that is really showcased

It is just my belief that how the Sox players have been tested since 04, that they might have an advantage in a long series. But untested teams (Marlins, twice) have proven otherwise

I agree it will go up to 7 games

10-10-2008, 03:52 PM
However I will say this in Cowbell's defense:

If I were a fan of a team where home games saw more opposing team's fans than our own I'd be frustrated and pissed off.

We saw this to a lesser extent in Bruins playoff action last year with way too many Habs jerseys in the crowd and Canadian fans booing Chara every time he touched the puck. They coulda used a cowbell dinging in their ear...our shoved up their hairy french asses.

Nananana good bye in our building? Go fuck yourself. In the old Garden there'd have been mayhem.

So I guess I'm starting to understand Mr. Cow a little better...still think he's seeking a bit too much attention, though.

Don't be a hypocrite, that's exactly what Red Sox fans do. If you didn't want Habs fans in your building, then you guys should have bought the fucking tickets. If you don't like us booing Chara, then cheer Chara. If you don't want nanana good bye in your building, then win the damn series.

10-10-2008, 07:22 PM
I was saying Fitzy is a representative becuase he is the only "fan" that is really showcased

Fuck you. Fuck your mind boggling stupidity. I can buy a webcam, burp into it, and send it to ESPN. Will that make me a representive of Red Sox Nation?

It is just my belief that how the Sox players have been tested since 04, that they might have an advantage in a long series. But untested teams (Marlins, twice) have proven otherwise

Contradicts himself so easily.

10-10-2008, 07:23 PM

Coco's Disciples
10-10-2008, 07:30 PM
To add to the list: 01 DBacks, 02 Angels, 02 Giants, 05 White Sox, 05 Astros, 06 Tigers, 07 Rockies. What?

10-10-2008, 10:20 PM
Just a random thought... around 2005/2006 (haven't really heard it since), there was some dude at Devil Rays home games who was yelling such stupid things so loud... was that Cowbell Kid?? ;)

Coco's Disciples
10-10-2008, 10:23 PM
Nah, I think he's still there and he sits in the field box. At least he's somewhat creative.

10-10-2008, 10:55 PM
Nah, I think he's still there and he sits in the field box. At least he's somewhat creative.
I haven't heard him in like 2 years though. I used to laugh my ass off at some of the stuff that guy said.

Its good that someone else remembers him. I thought I was the only one who even acknowledged him.

Coco's Disciples
10-10-2008, 11:02 PM
Either way its not the same guy; NESN showed the heckler on TV.

10-10-2008, 11:02 PM
Its good that someone else remembers him. I thought I was the only one who even acknowledged him.

Oh I remember him. When they only had like 10,000 per game you could hear everything he said. It was great.

10-10-2008, 11:09 PM
Oh I remember him. When they only had like 10,000 per game you could hear everything he said. It was great.
Well, you knew he was saying something. I could only figure out exactly what it was about half the time. :D

rician blast
10-11-2008, 12:03 AM
Don't be a hypocrite, that's exactly what Red Sox fans do. If you didn't want Habs fans in your building, then you guys should have bought the fucking tickets. If you don't like us booing Chara, then cheer Chara. If you don't want nanana good bye in your building, then win the damn series.

How exactly am I a hypocrite? First I don't do any of the over-the-top shit when I'm at a Sox game, I enjoy the game, have some brews, etc. If you're referring to my comments regarding the Bruins:

- I was at quite a few games so I DID buy tix
- I did cheer Chara when the Habs fans booed him
- As far as winning the series, how in the fucking name of Toe Blake am I supposed to control that?

Your post is totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand. My point was that I can understand to some extent how Cowbell feels when Sox or Yanks fans inundate the Trop. It's a valid comparison to the Habs fans in Boston.

There's not an ounce of hypocracy in the comments I made, so blow me comma asshole. And I mean that in a friendly Sox fan to Sox fan kind of way.

10-11-2008, 09:25 AM
Where's Todd and Joe? I want recaps of what it was like at the Trop last night.

10-11-2008, 09:39 AM
Have you all seen this lunacy?


What a crock of shit. And this is not some periphery item. It's sold on the official Rays' site. How gay is that?

10-11-2008, 09:41 AM
Now...Here's a graphic I can get behind...


10-11-2008, 11:12 AM
Where's Todd and Joe? I want recaps of what it was like at the Trop last night.

:lol: If everything goes as I expect tonight, we may never hear from Todd and Joe again.

10-11-2008, 11:35 AM
Calm down guys.. here I am..everything will be ok...It was a very late night for myself and Todd, heh. First off I'd like to congratulate the Sox for a solid win. It was one hell of a pitching duel. Dice K was nasty. We had our chances and couldn't capitalize. Secondly, CBK sends his regards... Todd and I sat right next to him. I went up to him and mentioned his banning on this board and he started laughing. He said he'd be back, so beware. Oh btw.. did I mention... neither Todd or I are the CBK, so you all can relax. There will always be a few idiots on here who still think we are, but whatever. How did the game look on TV? The Trop was packed...there were very few Sox fans in our section. It looked like from our vantage point most of them were on the 3rd base side. We had 2 or 3 fights in the section to the right of us, punches thrown etc... everyone was escorted out. Overall it was a GREAT time. We started tailgating at about 4pm. Good times had by all. Lets do it again tonight!!!!

Coco's Disciples
10-11-2008, 11:37 AM
The crowd seemed okay. I mean obviously it was sold out but it didn't seem that loud.

10-11-2008, 11:40 AM
The crowd seemed okay. I mean obviously it was sold out but it didn't seem that loud.

the crowd can only get so excited over a pitching duel... it was VERY loud at times...if we could have gotten some damn runs across the plate we might have blown the roof off the Trop.

Coco's Disciples
10-11-2008, 11:43 AM
Loudest cheer I heard was when you avoided the first playoff no hitter since 1956.

10-11-2008, 11:50 AM
Funny how they talked about there were less Sox fans last night at the Trop than during the regular season. I guess those Flrodia Red Sox "fans" realized they had they're own team finally.

10-11-2008, 11:59 AM
Loudest cheer I heard was when you avoided the first playoff no hitter since 1956.

um thank you captain obvious.... durrrrr

10-11-2008, 12:07 PM
Actually, on TV here, I thought it was loudest in the first inning after the K of Ellsbury. Then it just kind of wimpered out until the first hit. But that place was rockin after Ells struck out.

10-11-2008, 12:11 PM
wait till they come to fenway, its gona be serious here

10-11-2008, 12:12 PM
Wheres Todd??? hope he didn't die of alcohol poisoning...

See Red
10-11-2008, 04:40 PM
It was never really all that loud -- or if it was, you couldn't tell just watching the game on TV.

What was the percentage of Red Sox fans there, if you had to guess? There was a lot of red, it seemed, and it sounded like a good number during the pregame introductions, and all the "YOOOOOUK!" chants sounded fairly loud, especially when he caught that popup in the 9th.

10-11-2008, 06:09 PM
there weren't many Sox fans out in the outfield at all....i saw 2 or 3 in my section, walking around pre game and post game there was the occasional grouping of them... percentage i would guess...5-10% maybe.. idk, hard to tell really....all in all there weren't that many....IMO

10-11-2008, 10:25 PM
Such a Mickey Mouse franchise in a Mickey Mouse park.

10-12-2008, 11:21 AM
I was pretty unimpressed by the Mickey Mouse fans last night, too. I watched Friday at a bar and had no sound, so I didn't get a chance to observe this in game 1. I've never seen a ballpark look so disinterested and quiet when the home team pitcher has two strikes on a guy with runners on in extra innings ..... in the playoffs. Nothing more than a polite golf clap.

Coco's Disciples
10-12-2008, 11:22 AM
They're still a bit confused about this whole winning thing.

10-14-2008, 11:09 PM

Why'd you all get rid of my buddy?

Hope you all get a good days rest. Wait... looks like the fans were doing plenty of that in the stands...

Oh well... take Wednesday to regroup, refocus, and plan on how you'll deal with another embarrassing home game*

Really though - was mighty unimpressed with the defending champs. And in a place that the Rays couldn't buy a win not too long ago. Maybe with the housing market looking so bad, the Rays are trying to capitalize on it. Your house is becoming our vacation-house.

*read: batting practice

10-14-2008, 11:13 PM

Vacation house...I love it! LOL!

10-14-2008, 11:53 PM

Why'd you all get rid of my buddy?

Hope you all get a good days rest. Wait... looks like the fans were doing plenty of that in the stands...

Oh well... take Wednesday to regroup, refocus, and plan on how you'll deal with another embarrassing home game*

Really though - was mighty unimpressed with the defending champs. And in a place that the Rays couldn't buy a win not too long ago. Maybe with the housing market looking so bad, the Rays are trying to capitalize on it. Your house is becoming our vacation-house.

*read: batting practice

Because he was a troll, and readily admitted it. When he started getting a bit more disrespectful, he was axed. What's to miss?

Besides, what can you do but tip the cap? The Rays are quite a talented team. Sometimes that's all you can do...tip the cap, move on. The Rays will be good for years to come with all of that young talent finally having gelled together.

Mr Crunchy
10-15-2008, 11:03 AM
No shame in losing to these guys
they beat us in both series at the end of the season that mattered
backs against the wall and down against the best season pitcher in 2 generations facing a 2-0 deficit going to fenway and they buckled down and beat becks ass.
they beat up lester
they beat up byrd
they beat up wake
they beat up the ushers.

nothing bad to say about this club from tampa and lets hope they can draw more than 8000 a game next year unlike the marlins and give us and ny a run for the next few years before they move to san antonio...
was anyone really born in tampa?

10-15-2008, 11:28 AM
Because he was a troll, and readily admitted it. When he started getting a bit more disrespectful, he was axed. What's to miss?

Besides, what can you do but tip the cap? The Rays are quite a talented team. Sometimes that's all you can do...tip the cap, move on. The Rays will be good for years to come with all of that young talent finally having gelled together.

Until they have to pay for it.

10-15-2008, 12:06 PM
before they move to san antonio...

I hope this happens. It's not finalized yet, but my company is probably going to move me there for a project that completes in 2011. I'll still be able to see the Sox a couple of times a year if they do.

Mr Crunchy
10-15-2008, 01:48 PM
i traveled thru there and its a quiet yet booming town
the river area or whatever the fuck its called is their main attraction but i didnt care for it.
it reminded me of fanuel hall with a texan flair and i pretty much find anything texan despicable,,full of shit and cheesy,i think bush sold that part of texas back to the chicanos in the 90s.
the entire city is either mexican or part mexican which makes it a little more palatable than dallas...ever been to dallas??its full of texans who consider Hee Haw educational and make up for their small penises by driving big trucks.

10-15-2008, 02:35 PM
No, haven't been to Dallas, and from the sound of things, I have no intention to once I move out there. Well, maybe I'll get over there one year for the Texas State Fair which looks like one big party.

10-15-2008, 02:37 PM
Crunch, you still work for Caterpillar? Sales, right?