View Full Version : Retired numbers in the future...

03-20-2008, 08:45 AM
Havent posted in a while, but I was thinking of an interesting topic which may lead to some good discussion....

Which numbers in the future do you see being retired? I can think of quite a few, some of which you may or may not agree with, nevertheless it should generate some interesting feedback. Here they are:

5 for Nomar, nobody has worn it since.
14 for Jim Rice, nobody has worn it since.
21 for Roger. nobody has worn it since (Beckett actually refused to ask for it)
24 in honor of BOTH Dewey Evans and Manny Ramirez.....
33 in honor of Varitek. If Pudge can get his retired, then so should Vtek.
34 in honor or Papi
42 in RED, rather than the blue that currently resides on the facide in honor of Mo.
47 in honor of Tito. If he brings in another WS title or two, then he deserves it down the road.
49 in honor of Wake, a no brainer in my mind.
58......a reach only 2 years in to his career, but with the way hes started his career, it could eventually be a lock.

What do you guys think? IMO 24, 33 and 49 are locks to be retired.

Numbers 5, 14, 34, red 42, 47 and 58 are debatable.

Had this whole Clemens thing not occured, or had he returned last season, it would also be a lock.

Let the discussion begin.....

03-20-2008, 08:53 AM
14 and 33, fuck Nomaaah and Raajaa.

Papi? I hope so, but you're getting way too far ahead of yourself.

Mr Crunchy
03-20-2008, 08:54 AM
there are certian criteria for retiring a sox #
they removed the ""entrie career in boston"" thing for pudge fisk
they havent removed the hall of fame thing for rice
why would a .270 lite hitting faggot who hated bostons fans be eligible for # retirement when he is a 6 hitter in l.a.?

manny will get retired for sure

03-20-2008, 08:55 AM
Retired numbers are reserved for once in a generation players. I don't know if any of these guys really qualify.

03-20-2008, 09:01 AM
Retired numbers are reserved for once in a generation players. I don't know if any of these guys really qualify.

Neither did Pudge Fisk....and Varitek will eventually become the best hitting Catcher the Sox ever had along with 2 rings and the title of Captain.

03-20-2008, 09:03 AM
there are certian criteria for retiring a sox #
they removed the ""entrie career in boston"" thing for pudge fisk
they havent removed the hall of fame thing for rice
why would a .270 lite hitting faggot who hated bostons fans be eligible for # retirement when he is a 6 hitter in l.a.?

manny will get retired for sure

What about Dewey Evans? They both wore #24

Nomar is a .315 career hitter. He hit .323 in his Redsox career....and some would argue that before injuries, he was better than Tejada, Jeter and Arod (circa 2000).

03-20-2008, 09:03 AM
According to the Red Sox site, the criteria is 10 years and HOF.

Many of what you mentioned are decent choices, but not Nomar. Number one, he's not making the HOF. Number two, he only played 8 1/2 years in Boston (1996 through mid 2004). But most of all, as someone mentioned above, he wasn't really a fan guy. I know a lot of folks loved him for awhile, but I don't think he ever really appreciated that, even when he was playing well.

03-20-2008, 09:06 AM
According to the Red Sox site, the criteria is 10 years and HOF.

Many of what you mentioned are decent choices, but not Nomar. Number one, he's not making the HOF. Number two, he only played 8 1/2 years in Boston (1996 through mid 2004). But most of all, as someone mentioned above, he wasn't really a fan guy. I know a lot of folks loved him for awhile, but I don't think he ever really appreciated that, even when he was playing well.

So according to the website, Tito has no chance at going in as a coach I guess. Like most stuff has since the new regime has taken over....I suspect the retired number policy will change.

03-20-2008, 09:07 AM
According to the Red Sox site, the criteria is 10 years and HOF.

Many of what you mentioned are decent choices, but not Nomar. Number one, he's not making the HOF. Number two, he only played 8 1/2 years in Boston (1996 through mid 2004). But most of all, as someone mentioned above, he wasn't really a fan guy. I know a lot of folks loved him for awhile, but I don't think he ever really appreciated that, even when he was playing well.

Ted Williams was also not a fan or media guy. Not until he embraced the fans well after he retired, but his number is up there.

03-20-2008, 09:47 AM
Number one, he's not making the HOF.

Maybe I should reconsider this...


Here's Garciapara's numbers compared with those of the other HOF shortstops. to tally up, here's where he ranks:


And out of consideration for all our Yankee fan friends, here's Jeter's numbers. Since we know he's going in, I suppose the comparison could be considered.


03-20-2008, 10:03 AM
Maybe I should reconsider this...


Here's Garciapara's numbers compared with those of the other HOF shortstops. to tally up, here's where he ranks:


And out of consideration for all our Yankee fan friends, here's Jeter's numbers. Since we know he's going in, I suppose the comparison could be considered.


Nice work....really shows how good Nomar was, and what could have been minus 1 Al Reyes high and tight fastball...

To be fair though....Yount spent much of his career as a CF, little less than 50%, and Ernie Banks more than 50% as a 1B.......so some of those numbers are skewed. Take out those numbers and Nomar probably ranks even higher!

03-20-2008, 10:20 AM
how do you not mention Pedro's #45?

03-20-2008, 10:23 AM
how do you not mention Pedro's #45?

I apologize, I wiffed on that one....however, if Clemens 21 doesnt get retired, I doubt 45 will either.

You are correct though, #45 had an amazinf career with the Bosox, Ill never forget the 99 allstar game...

03-20-2008, 10:44 AM
both had incredible careers with Boston but considering Pedro had better numbers, won a championship with the team and isn't engulfed in a cloud of controversy, it wouldn't shock me to see #45 retired and #21 not

personally, I think both deserve to be retired along with maybe #24 but besides that, I wouldn't retire anyone else

not to say guys like Varitek, Ortiz, Schilling and Wakefield shouldn't be honored by the team when their careers are done are having a number retired is an even bigger honor than getting into the hall of fame in my book

03-20-2008, 11:04 AM
Nice work....really shows how good Nomar was, and what could have been minus 1 Al Reyes high and tight fastball...

To be fair though....Yount spent much of his career as a CF, little less than 50%, and Ernie Banks more than 50% as a 1B.......so some of those numbers are skewed. Take out those numbers and Nomar probably ranks even higher!

Points taken... I went strictly by baseball-reference.com and their list of who entered the HOF as a SS. There are many on the list who played multiple positions.

03-20-2008, 11:22 AM
If Mannys option years get picked up, #24 I see as a real possibility.

Everyone else is going to fall short in criteria tho.

Petey got a WS, but was not in Boston for 10 yrs. 20%

Clemens, absolutely no chance at all. Especially after recent speculation. And lets not forget, Roger was really good for the Sox for awhile, but his last 3 or 4 seasons in Boston where very unspectacular. Alot of why Clemens was thought of as such a great pitcher, was for after he left Boston. 0%

Nomar, no chance. 0%

Tek will be a fan favorite and beloved by all of RSN forever but I'd say 15% chance of getting retired.

Schilling, not enough time in Boston, 5%

Wak, interesting dilema here. Waks been in Boston for awhile, although hes no HOF and never had huge season, hes always been there and usually given alot of quality. Hes always been a team 1st guy and a modle citizen. 30% chance.

Ortiz. This is really tough, and of all the above mentioned Papi is the one player the the rules might be completely bent or broken for. If Ortiz stays with the Sox for the rest of his career he has a shot. 2 WS titles helps, but there something different about Papi. He might not be a HOF, but you could argue he might be the biggest clutch hitter ever. Because of these clutch hits, he has become a super star of the game and a living legend in New England, and all other parts of RSN. Big Papi like Williams,Yaz, and Peskey will forever be linked to the Sox. 50% chance.

03-20-2008, 11:59 AM
there are certian criteria for retiring a sox #
they removed the ""entrie career in boston"" thing for pudge fisk
they havent removed the hall of fame thing for rice
why would a .270 lite hitting faggot who hated bostons fans be eligible for # retirement when he is a 6 hitter in l.a.?

manny will get retired for sure

Hey, watch the F-word.

But I agree. I like that the Red Sox are strict with retiring numbers. I think probably only one player from these two championship teams will end up retired and I think it will be Manny. He'll come close to the ten consecutive years requirement and he'll probably retire a sox, and definitely go to the hall a sox.

03-20-2008, 12:04 PM
Pedro was the best pitcher of all time (IMO) during the first 5 yrs of his campaign. In a juiced player era, Pedro was amazing. If he doesnt get his # retired by the sox when he will go into the HOF as a Red Sock, then its ridiculous.

03-20-2008, 12:09 PM
Pedro was the best pitcher of all time (IMO) during the first 5 yrs of his campaign. In a juiced player era, Pedro was amazing. If he doesnt get his # retired by the sox when he will go into the HOF as a Red Sock, then its ridiculous.

agreed, bosoxnation07 argued above that he shouldn't have the number retired cause he was with the Sox less than 10 years but even then, he was here for 7 and my god, when you have the most dominating 7 year run a pitcher has ever had with a team, you gotta give him the honor anyway

Coco's Disciples
03-20-2008, 02:27 PM
If Mannys option years get picked up, #24 I see as a real possibility.

Everyone else is going to fall short in criteria tho.

Petey got a WS, but was not in Boston for 10 yrs. 20%

Clemens, absolutely no chance at all. Especially after recent speculation. And lets not forget, Roger was really good for the Sox for awhile, but his last 3 or 4 seasons in Boston where very unspectacular. Alot of why Clemens was thought of as such a great pitcher, was for after he left Boston. 0%

Nomar, no chance. 0%

Tek will be a fan favorite and beloved by all of RSN forever but I'd say 15% chance of getting retired.

Schilling, not enough time in Boston, 5%

Wak, interesting dilema here. Waks been in Boston for awhile, although hes no HOF and never had huge season, hes always been there and usually given alot of quality. Hes always been a team 1st guy and a modle citizen. 30% chance.

Ortiz. This is really tough, and of all the above mentioned Papi is the one player the the rules might be completely bent or broken for. If Ortiz stays with the Sox for the rest of his career he has a shot. 2 WS titles helps, but there something different about Papi. He might not be a HOF, but you could argue he might be the biggest clutch hitter ever. Because of these clutch hits, he has become a super star of the game and a living legend in New England, and all other parts of RSN. Big Papi like Williams,Yaz, and Peskey will forever be linked to the Sox. 50% chance.
Agree 100%

03-20-2008, 05:33 PM
Pedro was the best pitcher of all time (IMO) during the first 5 yrs of his campaign. In a juiced player era, Pedro was amazing. If he doesnt get his # retired by the sox when he will go into the HOF as a Red Sock, then its ridiculous.

I aslo said there was a possibility he could get his # retired.

Ending your career with the Sox I think will count for something. Petey chased the money and left town of a down note. This might count against him. The Sox have had alot of great players, but not alot of retired numbers. So you almost have to have a perfect resume for it to happen. While Petey's is a great resume, and Probably enter the HOF as a Sox, there are some blemishes on his resume.

I think Manny, even Papi will have there #'s retired before Pedro.

And also to clerify, Pedro is one of my all time favorites, I'm not trying to crap on him or anything like that. I'm just seperating the my emotions from the discussion and when I do, I don't see his # getting retired. It will be like Clemens #, no one will wear it for awhile.

Also I would like to state that I believe Buchholz should be offered #21. It's time for someone else to wear the number. Clemens has been gone for like what 14 yrs?

Clemens would have had better odds if he came back last season and won a championship(yes I realize things might have been different with him, but this id kinda a what if so I'm running with it). But he went back to the Yanks further seperating himself from the Red Sox.

03-20-2008, 06:53 PM
I can think of three.

#34 - just for what he's meant to this franchise.

Outside shots:

03-20-2008, 11:24 PM
Ortiz. This is really tough, and of all the above mentioned Papi is the one player the the rules might be completely bent or broken for. If Ortiz stays with the Sox for the rest of his career he has a shot. 2 WS titles helps, but there something different about Papi. He might not be a HOF, but you could argue he might be the biggest clutch hitter ever. Because of these clutch hits, he has become a super star of the game and a living legend in New England, and all other parts of RSN. Big Papi like Williams,Yaz, and Peskey will forever be linked to the Sox. 50% chance.

When you have a franchise as historic as the Red Sox go for 86 years without a title, that one particular title is magnified by a million. Without Ortiz, there is no question that title never happens. If the Sox had won a couple titles inbetween 1918 and 2004, I don't think he's in, but he was so clutch in the 2004 playoffs... I'm probably not the best to comment on it, but I've never seen anything like it and I still haven't. Every time he came to bat, I expected it from him. It was the most impressive stretch of clutch hitting I know of. I say he's in, a no brainer. Hell, he can be traded to the yankees tomorrow and he will still be in based solely on what he did in 2004, and the importance of that World Series title.

Aside from that, my heart goes with number 49. I hope he turns out to be another Pesky. I'd love to see Wake hang around the organization long after he retires (although by knuckleballer terms, I say he has a couple good years left in him!).

03-24-2008, 11:37 AM
Wade Boggs #26?

rician blast
03-24-2008, 12:24 PM
Wade Boggs #26?

Fk him and the horse he rode around Yankee Stadium on.

rician blast
03-24-2008, 12:25 PM
Without Ortiz, there is no question that title never happens.

Does this mean Dave Roberts gets in too?

Mr Crunchy
03-25-2008, 02:42 PM
Pedro was the best pitcher of all time (IMO) during the first 5 yrs of his campaign. In a juiced player era, Pedro was amazing. If he doesnt get his # retired by the sox when he will go into the HOF as a Red Sock, then its ridiculous.

but we do have criteria and we do have rules.
jim ed rice's # isnt retired yet
dewey spent 20+ years here playing the best right field i ever saw and they gave his# up to manny...
if wakefield was a celtic his # would be retired without a doubt
in boston redsox nation it wont happen but it should
due to time served and his overall attitude on and off the field wakefield is a hero to me.

03-25-2008, 06:05 PM
I don't like that the Redsox have "requirements" that must be filled to get a number retired. Why can't they just decide based on the impact the player had on the franchise? And I'd be pretty pissed if they didn't retire #24 for Ramirez. He's pretty much a lock for the hall of fame, especially in 10 homers from now, and if they pick up his two option years that will be 10 years with the Sox.

03-25-2008, 07:52 PM
Does this mean Dave Roberts gets in too?

He had two pinch runner situations in the ALCS, and I'm not disputing his importance, but Ortiz had a clutch performance that's rarely seen in MLB.

03-26-2008, 09:09 AM
I don't like that the Redsox have "requirements" that must be filled to get a number retired. Why can't they just decide based on the impact the player had on the franchise? And I'd be pretty pissed if they didn't retire #24 for Ramirez. He's pretty much a lock for the hall of fame, especially in 10 homers from now, and if they pick up his two option years that will be 10 years with the Sox.

I agree.....hell the Yankees are gunna have to start issuing triple digit numbers with all the numbers theyve retired. The Sox, for such a storied franchise, which is one of the original franchises in baseball history, sure dont have very many players they consider good enough to retire......think about that, kinda ridiculous huh?

03-26-2008, 09:11 AM
Manny will get #24 retired, thats a lock.....love him or hate him, hes been a major piece of Redsox history for 8 years now.

Pedro, I really dont know. I would like to think so......but there is a little doubt in my mind, and no reason is justifiable.......just a feeling I get about it, and the more years that pass since his departure, and the fact we won another WS without him, I think take away what he did.

03-26-2008, 09:39 AM
considering Pedro is the most dominant pitcher of all-time who had his peak years in Boston, he should be a lock. the fact that he was a big part of the team that broke the 86 year curse is the exclamation point. maybe I'm biased cause he is the reason I became a Red Sox fan but its about as clear as day to me that 45 should be retired

03-27-2008, 11:20 PM
I think its hard not to be in favor of the bending or just all out breaking of the requirements for the sake of retiring some of the numbers of guys who made big contributions to the championship teams. You might even be able to argue that those requirements are in place because we didn't have those kinds of heroes before. In an 86 year championship drought a fanbase doesn't attach itself to anything but the all-time greats. Williams, Yaz, Pudge etc. etc. But with a world series brings a lot of fond memories and some performances worthy of enshrinement. If it were up to me, 34, 24, 45, and 38 would be retired.

03-28-2008, 04:26 PM
I think its hard not to be in favor of the bending or just all out breaking of the requirements for the sake of retiring some of the numbers of guys who made big contributions to the championship teams. You might even be able to argue that those requirements are in place because we didn't have those kinds of heroes before. In an 86 year championship drought a fanbase doesn't attach itself to anything but the all-time greats. Williams, Yaz, Pudge etc. etc. But with a world series brings a lot of fond memories and some performances worthy of enshrinement. If it were up to me, 34, 24, 45, and 38 would be retired.

I still think Franconas number will be retired. When he leaves, he has the chance to be the best manger in Sox history and 2 (hopefully more) titles under his belt.

I think Schilling doesnt stand a chance. If he never throws another pitch, he will have 53 total RedSox wins.......if he goes in and Wake doesnt, it doesnt seem entirely fair.

03-28-2008, 04:53 PM
The reason I think 38 should go up is because he came here and said his goal was to win a world series and he won two. No one has ever done that for Boston. He is definitely one of the greatest Red Sox in my mind.

Mr Crunchy
03-28-2008, 09:54 PM
im on record here bashing schillings mouth and points of view but he did a ford commercial before the 04 season stating HE WAS GOING TO BOSTON TO END AN 86 YEAR OLD CURSE and the mother fucker did it with a legitimate career threatening injury..

aura and mystique?are they exotic dancers...nothin better than shutting up 56000 peopleif he gets retired i wont bitch

Youk Of The Nation
03-29-2008, 06:32 AM
Future Headline:

In respect to what his postseason performance has meant to the Red Sox over the last decade, New York Yankees' third baseman Alex Rodriguezs' number was retired by Boston today.

03-29-2008, 09:24 AM
Future Headline:

In respect to what his postseason performance has meant to the Red Sox over the last decade, New York Yankees' third baseman Alex Rodriguezs' number was retired by Boston today.


03-30-2008, 09:22 PM
manny: most likely
papi: most likely
schilling: maybe

its a little early to tell for anyone else on the current team.

03-30-2008, 10:17 PM
In order for Papi to get it, the Sox would have to bend some rules.

03-30-2008, 11:41 PM
Let's put this all in perspective here, a retired number is the biggest honor a club can give to a player. Also, I feel a retired number should be for the face of the franchise kind of player, preferabley home grown, a HOF, and one that has eld teh franchise to great success, as well as having many memorable moments in his career.
I stand behind the Red Sox having strict limits on who's number they retire, otherwise the honor would get watered down, etc. The only player I would bend the rules for is Pedro, he was a flat out amazing pitcher for the Sox, 7 years or not, he was one of the best in franchise history, and his peak years will be held in high regard for many years to come.
That said, that is why Manny is also high on my list. While he's not homegrown, he is the most surefire HOF we have on the team currently, he has led us to 2 WS, and at his peak was the best hitter in the game IMO. His getting into the 500 club (and 600 if he contineus his career 6 years as he's said he wants to) and him finishing his career a Sox is crucial for this to happen though.

03-31-2008, 08:20 AM
To be honest with you, when you win a couple of championships, rules should be bent. Hell, I am on the bandwagon for O'Neill, Williams, Cone etc to be retired for NYY. Why shouldnt Manny, Schill, Pedro and Papi be retired for the sox?

The sox have a bunch of numbers retired for players who were great but never won a damn thing. These guys were the core of 2 world series championships and if they win this yr, they can be considered a dynasty. When you have a dynasty in baseball, which is exceedingly rare, then rules need to be bent to honor those players.

Also, I dont think many people would bitch if your captain had his # retired.

03-31-2008, 11:00 AM
In order for Papi to get it, the Sox would have to bend some rules.

You are a little inconsistent here.

You said 38 was a lock, but they have to bend rules for Papi. Out of the those two, Papi has had a more significant Sox career. Had Papi not put together such a significant season prior to Schill, Schill may not have come here since it was obvious they were 1 or 2 arms away from a title the season before with their potent lineup thanks in huge part to the emergence of Papi.

03-31-2008, 02:32 PM
You are a little inconsistent here.

You said 38 was a lock, but they have to bend rules for Papi. Out of the those two, Papi has had a more significant Sox career. Had Papi not put together such a significant season prior to Schill, Schill may not have come here since it was obvious they were 1 or 2 arms away from a title the season before with their potent lineup thanks in huge part to the emergence of Papi.

No sir. Read all of a post before you jump on it. What I was saying was that I was in favor of the sox bending the rules or throwing them out the window altogether. And then I went on to say "If it were up to me... 24, 34, 38 blah blah blah".

Mr Crunchy
04-01-2008, 08:04 AM
agreed with k-sushi here
the 04 run and into this year has changed the price of poker
history will be fair with these guys and i suspect the new owners wont have issue with new rules for retired #s

01-08-2010, 02:33 AM
Bumped from a while back (and edited today based on recent events since the original post) and its something I like to discuss:

5 for Nomar
14 for Jim Rice, nobody has worn it since. EDIT: Retired this past year.
21 for Roger. nobody has worn it since. (Unlikely, but he was the face of the franchise)
24 in honor of BOTH D. Evans and Manny (Manny has zero chance now, Dewey a possibility since the current FO honors him every chance they get)
26 in honor of Wade Boggs (His Yankee days may hurt him)
33 in honor of Varitek. (Not sure with the way his career is winding down)
34 in honor or Papi (Once a possible lock, now not so sure)
42 in RED, rather than the blue Jackie Robinson 42 that currently resides on the facide in honor of the Hit Dog
45 in honor of Pedro Martinez (I think he has a chance, the bitterness has worn off)
47 in honor of Tito. If he brings in another WS title or two, then he deserves it down the road.
49 in honor of Wake, a no brainer in my mind.
58 in years to come for Paps (If he sticks around)

Im not suggesting all of them, or none of them...simply throwing out names who have contributed over 5+ seasons who might be worth considering.

Let the discussion begin.....

01-08-2010, 02:36 AM
5 for Nomar, nobody has worn it since

Baldelli wore #5 last year.

01-08-2010, 02:38 AM
Baldelli wore #5 last year.

Sorry, forgot to take that out. Original thread was from a while back.

01-08-2010, 03:02 AM
5 for Nomar

I have my doubts, but you never know.

21 for Roger. nobody has worn it since. (Unlikely, but he was the face of the franchise)

With the way he went out in Boston, not a chance.

24 in honor of BOTH D. Evans and Manny (Manny has zero chance now, Dewey a possibility since the current FO honors him every chance they get)

It's a shame Manny ended things like he did. Decent chance for Evans I'd say.

26 in honor of Wade Boggs (His Yankee days may hurt him)

Can't see it.

33 in honor of Varitek. (Not sure with the way his career is winding down)

Yes. I think this is a no brainer. His last couple years have been tough, but that doesn't change the tremendous impact he has had on this franchise.

34 in honor or Papi (Once a possible lock, now not so sure)

I know the PEDs thing is still out there, but I'd be pretty shocked if this one doesn't happen.

42 in RED, rather than the blue Jackie Robinson 42 that currently resides on the facide in honor of the Hit Dog

Good call. Would be a nice touch.

45 in honor of Pedro Martinez (I think he has a chance, the bitterness has worn off)

Absolutely. Of all the ones we're debating, this is the one I feel most sure about. Pedro has always been on record as saying Boston will always be his home, never will forget the fans, etc.

47 in honor of Tito. If he brings in another WS title or two, then he deserves it down the road

Worth a mention, but it will likely be quite a few years before we know the answer.

49 in honor of Wake, a no brainer in my mind

Don't know if this one happens or not. I would say I doubt it.

58 in years to come for Paps (If he sticks around)

If he is with the Sox long term I don't see why it wouldn't happen. Huge if though.

01-08-2010, 03:27 AM
Tek, Papi, Pedro, yes, unless he were to sign with the Yankees or something like that. Evans, dunno, but definitely not Manny. I think Mo Vaughn's 42 would be a good one, but I'm not so sure. I doubt Pap stays with the team. He was supposed to be a starting pitcher, but he's gotten used to the closer role, and that's probably about where he stays. A dominant closer. However, we have Bard waiting, and once Pap gets expensive, I don't see him remaining with the team.

However, I really would like to see Papelbon remain with the team... He's one of my favorite currents.

01-08-2010, 03:30 AM
Oh, and Roger absolutely not. Cheating assrod scumbag human being, who threw his own wife, and friends under the bus in an attempt to save his own ass. Not to mention a traitor, who wishes to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame (Something he's not going to be doing, ever, anymore) as a Yankee. Yeah, his 21 is probably going to be saved for the next big Sox pitcher, who'll take it as sort of a backhand to Clemens.

I'd lose a few respect points for the franchise if they did it for Clemens, but they surely won't.

01-08-2010, 04:13 AM
Dwight Evans' number should have been retired a long time ago. It might be a bitter pill to swallow for some fans, but I'd retire Boggs' number as well. One of the best hitters of all time.

01-08-2010, 08:29 AM
Boggs should be retired. He spent 10 yrs in Boston and was a HOFer.

01-08-2010, 03:26 PM
Havent posted in a while, but I was thinking of an interesting topic which may lead to some good discussion....

Which numbers in the future do you see being retired? I can think of quite a few, some of which you may or may not agree with, nevertheless it should generate some interesting feedback. Here they are:

5 for Nomar, nobody has worn it since.
14 for Jim Rice, nobody has worn it since.
21 for Roger. nobody has worn it since (Beckett actually refused to ask for it)
24 in honor of BOTH Dewey Evans and Manny Ramirez.....
33 in honor of Varitek. If Pudge can get his retired, then so should Vtek.
34 in honor or Papi
42 in RED, rather than the blue that currently resides on the facide in honor of Mo.
47 in honor of Tito. If he brings in another WS title or two, then he deserves it down the road.
49 in honor of Wake, a no brainer in my mind.
58......a reach only 2 years in to his career, but with the way hes started his career, it could eventually be a lock.

What do you guys think? IMO 24, 33 and 49 are locks to be retired.

Numbers 5, 14, 34, red 42, 47 and 58 are debatable.

Had this whole Clemens thing not occured, or had he returned last season, it would also be a lock.

Let the discussion begin.....

We aren't the Yankees, we don't retired everybody's number, it is a select list that should get their number's retired. Even Rice's number 14, despite the fact that he made the Hall, is a number I'm iffy on the Sox decideing to retire. Tim Wakefield shouldn't have his number retired, you don't reward 15 years of mediocrity. As much as I love Mo Vaughn, you can't retire his number, he didn't have a long enough career in a Sox uniform. Nomar, hell no. Pedro will probably get it retired someday. Manny, no b/c Evans should have the number 24 retired if anyone. Varitek? No. Ortiz? No. Boggs, I don't see it happening. Clemens? Stats say yes, but the character says no. So, I think only Pedro and Dwight Evans should have a shot.

01-08-2010, 03:32 PM
Only ones who really should have their numbers retired in my opinion is Pedro and Ortiz if he comes back and performs like he once did, for a few more years. I don't know about all those old players like Evans, that was before my time and I did not witness what they did so I have no opinion on it. Varitek I don't see having his number retired. To be honest, he's one of the most overrated players I've seen on this team. It irks the hell out of me.

01-08-2010, 04:22 PM
Boggs and Pedro. Pedro is the only other sure HOFer.Maybe one of the top 5 pitchers ever in his prime.

Of the active players, I think Pedroia has a real shot at the HOF if he can stay consistent. Looks like one of the best ever at 2B.

01-08-2010, 04:47 PM
Bumped from a while back (and edited today based on recent events since the original post) and its something I like to discuss:

5 for Nomar
14 for Jim Rice, nobody has worn it since. EDIT: Retired this past year.
21 for Roger. nobody has worn it since. (Unlikely, but he was the face of the franchise)
24 in honor of BOTH D. Evans and Manny (Manny has zero chance now, Dewey a possibility since the current FO honors him every chance they get)
26 in honor of Wade Boggs (His Yankee days may hurt him)
33 in honor of Varitek. (Not sure with the way his career is winding down)
34 in honor or Papi (Once a possible lock, now not so sure)
42 in RED, rather than the blue Jackie Robinson 42 that currently resides on the facide in honor of the Hit Dog
45 in honor of Pedro Martinez (I think he has a chance, the bitterness has worn off)
47 in honor of Tito. If he brings in another WS title or two, then he deserves it down the road.
49 in honor of Wake, a no brainer in my mind.
58 in years to come for Paps (If he sticks around)

Im not suggesting all of them, or none of them...simply throwing out names who have contributed over 5+ seasons who might be worth considering.

Let the discussion begin.....

is this for real?

riverside sluggers
01-08-2010, 06:46 PM
Chin, Papelbon is not sticking around here beyond 2011 IMO

01-08-2010, 08:24 PM
24 probably, 45 possibly. Wouldn't retire any of them beyond that.

01-08-2010, 08:29 PM
Just have to do Pedro though. The greatest pitcher of all time in his prime.

01-08-2010, 11:57 PM
We aren't the Yankees, we don't retired everybody's number, it is a select list that should get their number's retired.
I didnt suggest they retire all of them, only the most notable players of the last few decades.

Even Rice's number 14, despite the fact that he made the Hall, is a number I'm iffy on the Sox decideing to retire. Tim Wakefield shouldn't have his number retired, you don't reward 15 years of mediocrity.I think Wakefield gets his number retired, it is the least he could ask for after all we've asked from him. He has done everything asked of him in the most professional manner possible, including signing a lifetime 4 million dollar deal a few years back. Any time a player signs that type of deal, it tells you what the organization thinks about him.

As much as I love Mo Vaughn, you can't retire his number, he didn't have a long enough career in a Sox uniform.The current ownership has changed many former club policies including this one, dont put it completely past them.

is this for real?No your having a wet dream, are you for real? Why cant I talk about notable RedSox players and moving forwards in terms of retiring numbers? I am not suggesting any of them get retired, just the possible likelihood some of the most significant players of recent history get retired.

Pump the brakes little guy.

01-09-2010, 12:25 AM
I actually agree on Wakefield. He's got to be a pretty classy guy. I think Varitek should as well, he's been the Captain for a while. He's a great leader, and that's all I really care about to be honest.

Pedro and Ortiz should be locks, though.

01-09-2010, 12:28 AM
Oh, and btw, the Yankees get more Jerseys retired, basically because they've had a shit ton of legends go through there. They have always had murderers row lineups pretty much. Maybe they retire too many numbers, and before you know it, all of their numbers will be taken, but still, I don't think they literally retire every decent player they've ever had's number.

01-09-2010, 01:17 AM
Oh, and btw, the Yankees get more Jerseys retired, basically because they've had a shit ton of legends go through there. They have always had murderers row lineups pretty much. Maybe they retire too many numbers, and before you know it, all of their numbers will be taken, but still, I don't think they literally retire every decent player they've ever had's number.

And they bent the rules way back when, and threw the most money at, and signed all of the best college players during the 1920's and 1930's (Major League Baseball's first amateur draft was held in June 1965) before the baseball draft and Free Agency came to significance. That tends to get you the best players with numbers to retire :harhar:.

01-09-2010, 01:22 AM
That's basically my point, that they had more numbers to retire, it's not that they just retire a bunch of guys because they have no honor, but rather that they have, since the beginning of their empire, been able to get the best of the best. It's nothing new, I was just responding to someone who said that the Red Sox don't just retire everyone's number, like the Yankees do.

01-09-2010, 11:04 AM
oh , so wait a sec, we should retire Wakefield's number because he's a classy guy and does what he's told ?

01-09-2010, 11:08 AM
oh and SCM..... telling to pump up the breaks?

this comming from your facebook :

Marco Scutaro, Adrian Beltre, Mike Cameron, great to see the Redsox improving their bench for this year!!!! OHHHHHH Wait a second, they are all in the starting lineup this season? Looks like I wont be going to any Sox games this year, since they raise the price of tickets every year and sign bullcrap players

I have a response for this

GOOD , less losers at the ballpark and more room for real fans

01-09-2010, 01:48 PM
oh and SCM..... telling to pump up the breaks?

this comming from your facebook :

I have a response for this

GOOD , less losers at the ballpark and more room for real fans

The fact that you know who I am on facebook is kind of scary. Scarier that you take the time to copy and paste something from facebook to here.

01-09-2010, 01:49 PM
So about those retired numbers.......I'd sure love it if they retired Wakefield's as homage to his tenure, but that's just me.

01-09-2010, 01:51 PM
The fact that you know who I am on facebook is kind of scary. Scarier that you take the time to copy and paste something from facebook to here.

obviously I know you're on facebook because you're the one who added my as a friend LOL


01-09-2010, 01:52 PM
So about those retired numbers.......I'd sure love it if they retired Wakefield's as homage to his tenure, but that's just me.

that's cool

I just prefer someone who has dominated the game

01-09-2010, 01:52 PM
still dont know who u are, u steve?

01-09-2010, 01:56 PM
still dont know who u are, u steve?


01-09-2010, 02:13 PM
that's cool

I just prefer someone who has dominated the game

Most teams like to retire their long-tenured guys, who display leadership, a retired number.

01-18-2010, 11:38 AM
...clemens went to The Dark Side...in my opinion that disqualifies him in the retired # category......if 24 is retired it should be for Dewey........and i agree..45 should be retired.......I also think they should retire 25 for Tony C....he practically gave his life for the game.... I think retired numbers should be for fan faves and not just for h.o.f/10yrs..........but what they meant to the city and the team